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U.S. Senate rejects Democratic bid for documents in Trump impeachment trial


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5 hours ago, heybruce said:

Crooked Pam Bondi?  The Florida Attorney General who agreed not to join a lawsuit against Trump University in exchange for a $25,000 donation from Trump to her re-election campaign?  Not a person to trust.






Funny that some people thought Trump would "drain the swamp".


36 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Pam Bondi - I'd have her on my team any time, but I believe she's a bit above my pay grade:



As indicated, Trump bought her services for $25 grand.  Less than a porn star.

Edited by heybruce
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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I watched the woman on Trump's defense team spend her entire time pointing out facts about the Bidens in Ukraine. If anyone actually believes Hunter wasn't there for some reason other than his expertise in the gas industry I can only wonder in amazement.

People are selected to sit on a board for a variety of reasons.   Expertise is not always one of them.   Experts are hired to work for the company.  Many people on a board are there for name recognition and for contacts that might be of help to the company.   

I have served on several different boards and it was always for something that I could offer and it wasn't for my expertise in the business per se.   


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41 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

Are you disputing ANY of her argument before the United States Senate in this impeachment trial? NO you are not. You are here to attack her character as if she were a witness, which she isn't. If you can't take on her argument just hit the road jack. The topic here is impeachment and its getting old the constant deflection. Hunter Biden remember the name!

Too ludicrous to be true. You rant about deflection and then you invoke Hunter Biden. It is to laugh.

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3 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

Well the House managers brought him and Burisma up over 400 times, and it was the topic of Pam Bondi, but it seems ludicrous to you I would bring up his name? The only thing ludicrous is your comment.


The Bidens , both of them, are at the very heart of this, as this entire impeachment trial has shown.


I can give that someone takes a side, but to not understand fully both sides of the argument to the point of incredulous gasps at the mention of Hunter Biden is a bit beyond silly at this point. It pretty much comes down to was it reasonable to wonder what the guy was doing for all that money?

for the sake of it, because you keep bringing it up, please enlighten us and explain what does Hunter Biden has to do with POTUS obstruction of congress and abuse of power

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1 hour ago, WalkingOrders said:

Are you disputing ANY of her argument before the United States Senate in this impeachment trial? NO you are not. You are here to attack her character as if she were a witness, which she isn't. If you can't take on her argument just hit the road jack. The topic here is impeachment and its getting old the constant deflection. Hunter Biden remember the name!

I bring up Pam Bondi's past dealings with Trump as an illustration of his lack of character.  Trump buys off politicians and hires swamp creatures for his administration and legal team.  He made it clear he'd accept illegal information from a foreign power on an opponent without notifying the FBI.  https://www.newsweek.com/trump-says-he-would-want-hear-information-political-opponents-if-contacted-foreign-power-1443719


Trump is so thoroughly immersed in corruption he assumes that's the way the world works.  In his mind the phone call probably was perfect.


Congratulations Trump fans; you've elected the ultimate swamp creature to drain the swamp.  It isn't working.


2 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

Well the House managers brought him and Burisma up over 400 times, and it was the topic of Pam Bondi, but it seems ludicrous to you I would bring up his name? The only thing ludicrous is your comment.


The Bidens , both of them, are at the very heart of this, as this entire impeachment trial has shown.


I can give that someone takes a side, but to not understand fully both sides of the argument to the point of incredulous gasps at the mention of Hunter Biden is a bit beyond silly at this point. It pretty much comes down to was it reasonable to wonder what the guy was doing for all that money?

So Pam Bondi brought up the Hunter Biden/Burisma deflection 400 times.  You think that is a good thing?  Burisma's hiring practices are of no pertinence in this trial. 

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5 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

Well, how bout that Jay Sekulow?Can we give him and the entire team a hand for a job well done!!


Certainly his denial of the original intent of the Founding Fathers in regard to what constitutes an impeachable offense is remarkable!

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4 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

No I will not. If you do not understand the President's defense at this stage of the game, dont have the literal ability argue both sides right off the top of your head, or don't know how to find such information in ten minutes or less, it shows that you really do not have any idea what is going on.


Obviously you have not watched either side make their case. If you would have you would understand the case regardless of what side you take.

not long ago I was the proud owner of a race horse, the poor animal had a problem focusing on the race, had to wear eye blinders all the time  555

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