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DId you pay sinsord and how much?


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2 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Yes, of course. That´s why most inventors in the history of the world is guys.

Most guys not invent anything.


2 hours ago, Matzzon said:


Most of the successful business owners in the world is guys.


Most guys not have successful business.


2 hours ago, Matzzon said:


Not to forget the most prominent investors and stock market experts are also guys.

Most not.


2 hours ago, Matzzon said:


Not to talk about highly recommended chefs, lawyers and bank managers.

Most not again.



If you want to argue with me, please think. 


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1 hour ago, tomauasia said:

Correct another Thai scam originated from selling there daughters for sex services. I give to the family small amounts from time to time. If you want to be scammed pay. They can pay me for saving there daughter which they failed to do. Good luck to these Thais.

How you “saving there daughter”? 

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5 hours ago, Yinn said:

Nice place. I have friend there.

Close to beach, close to Khok kloi town, (5 minute) but still in nature. 

Close to Phuket for hospital. (40 minute)

Maybe you know the answer...

my friend built the house pretty much in the area you mentioned. It’s a village near the river where both the Buddhists and Muslims live together, they have a mosque and a crematorium not too far. Do the Muslim pay sinsod?

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You guys with uni girl investments sure get me thinking.   Maybe I should reconsider  my plans and retire in Thailand.     Can anyone  give a cost estimate on this?   And how it works.  Is it a short 4 year  term then you find a new one? I've been told there are waiting  lists available for a sponsor.    

Edited by Elkski
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It's an antiquated notion. It depends on stature of the girl. Never pay for a girl previously married, has kids and no University. If she is a 22 year old virgin with a PhD then maybe. Or if you are crazy rich and don't care, pay. Otherwise, don't he a fool. Sorry, just being honest. Sounds like your being scammed if they are asking for a condo 

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51 minutes ago, Yinn said:

Most guys not invent anything.


Most guys not have successful business.


Most not.


Most not again.



If you want to argue with me, please think. 


Yes, that answer was what I was waiting for. Have been thinking all along. You just confirmed that most guy not do this,and therefore they must be stupid.

A fact is that an even smaller amount of the female population on earth does anything of what I mentioned.

Then that must mean that they are more stupid, right? 

You see how easy you dig yourself in a hole, without having a clue about it. ????????????


51 minutes ago, Yinn said:

How you “saving there daughter”? 

As of you always provide perfect sentences and perfect english. You shouldn´t throw stones when sitting in a house of glass. ????????????

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2 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

You can define Sinsod between two schools of thought when Sinsod comes up in discussions by farangs.


Camp 1: Those farang's that have a ton of money/income and gladly pay. (In the west they would pay for a full blown traditional wedding)


Of course they would else she wouldn't marry him. 


Camp 2: Those farang's that have little money, pay nothing, think Sinsod is Thai tradition only and 100 other crazy excuses not to pay. (In the west they would go to the courthouse and have the marriage paper signed versus paying for a full blown wedding).


Most  don’t need to. Their wife wasn't a money-monger and was happy to marry for reasons other than money. Some genuine ladies have different priorities. 


Even though some farangs understand the game, they don't pay anything because most don't have anything to pay with.


We have read all the post about how many farangs live on 30K a month, you can pretty much bet they are not coming up with 300K Sinsod no matter what, Camp 2.

Why would they need to if they have met a genuine lady who wasn’t a money monger and had parents who wanted to pimp her out for an extortionate bar fine. 


I think if one did a serious study on divorce, you would find a lot more people in Camp 2 have been divorced than in Camp 1?


Of course you would say that because it suits your higher than thou attitude to anyone you consider beneath you. On the contrary I would say that it is likely the divorce rate would be higher in Camp 1 as the relationship is clearly driven by greed and money from day one, if not by her then her parents. It’s all about face, nothing genuine about these kind of people or the weddings. In fact it’s not really a wedding more of a Xmas Pantomime. Do you honestly think she would marry them if it wasn't for the money?
 Those marriage which are built on genuine principles where money isn’t the prime motivation have far more chance of success imo. 

Sinsod is very important in Isaan.

Rubbish. It was important to your wife and her family. Most genuine ladies from Isaan and their families are hard working, genuine and humble people and not on the lookout for attention and the opportunity to be a “King for a day” at some phoney face saving soap opera. 

......of course your wife’s probably different ????





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I find it very hard to understand how you guy’s can even think about paying sin sod,if she is a virgin there “ MAY “ be a point of acceptance until you consider that the family will SELL you a 49% share in a plot of land upon which you as the farang buffalo will build a house, one that is far better than anything the Thai family could ever aspire to and to which you will only ever get a 30 year lease and which will have to be renegotiated if you are young enough or lucky enough to live that long.

what ever happens they the family are in a win win situation and you the farang is expected to to give the family the 4 numbers that denote your ATM access.

So why when you give them the large amount of money they demand for the land that you can not own and the house that again you can only own 49% of, but may have to move out of after 30 years do you even consider paying sinsod? You will give them all a standard of living that they could never normally achieve so why pay Sinsod? Virgin or used!!


I am far from a cheap Charlie but I find it beyond belief that anyone can work hard all one’s life only to give it away to people who consider you to be through ignorance, the RICH FARANG and who set out to strip you of your dignity and do it with a smile whilst showing you no respect. They expect you to give everything to them and do not consider the life trials that you have had to go through to achieve Any semblance of wealth.


whilst one accepts that they are not all like this, it has to be said that the majority are, irrespective of what the girl says and wants you to believe.


So wake up you guys and kick sinsods into the long grass, believe me you will over time give them your fortune and expertise and one hell of a lot more besides.

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On 1/29/2020 at 8:23 PM, BritManToo said:

I'm producing one of those as well, but in Chiang Mai.


Just one year to go, speaks perfect English, slim, attractive, weighs 50Kg, no previous boyfriends, a bit dusky. 

I'm asking 5MBht if anyone's interested. No warranty, no refunds.


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And this, gents, is why you should look for the older slapper you can find. She'll be happy for less volume shagging, and you can tell all your friends about your virgin university student wife.

Who's with me? First large chang bottle on beach road us on me! Plenty of sinsotless "ladies" down there.

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13 hours ago, Gene1960 said:

Maybe you know the answer...

my friend built the house pretty much in the area you mentioned. It’s a village near the river where both the Buddhists and Muslims live together, they have a mosque and a crematorium not too far. Do the Muslim pay sinsod?

Thai Muslim pay sinsod. 

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In the west, the wife arrived with dowry in form of cutlery, bed linen - the works! Long gone these days. 

Likewise women are not for sale hence make it crystal clear that there is no Sinsod. If she (or rather her in-laws) insist on it then you might want to reconsider. It is not only the money (which they would never make and will be burnt faster than you can think) but the attitude. She marries a non-Thai, it's her part of cultural adaption. 

I never paid for weddings of my kids as hundreds of people nobody ever met before would show up. I coughed up a fantastic honeymoon for the young couple with some pocket money which will outlast any memory of a hangover wedding among people you dont know or dont like - me thinks! 

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On 1/30/2020 at 9:23 AM, soistalker said:

I would much rather just pay them to leave.

That's because your smart and not codependent seeking constant validation, some guys have vaginas for genitals and are proud to be on a leash.

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22 hours ago, Kadilo said:





You sir are an obvious Camp 2 type.


You cannot offer what you do not have to offer. Simple.


You don't understand the importance on Sinsod in Isaan is extremely clear.


Has nothing to do with a woman being a money-monger.


Do you think weddings and marriage are free in the west? Or are you a Camp 2 type, let's go to the courthouse because we don't have US$10k+ for a wedding and reception?


Are all these people throughout the west money-mongers because they paid for extravagant weddings and receptions? Paying Sinsod is the same thing.


Given your wife the choice of Sinsod or not, she would want Sinsod. 


She would want a large party in her village to have self-worth and feel important for the day.


Every woman in the world dreams of being a princess on her wedding day and respecting their own culture.


It's too bad in Thailand some women feel like having a roof over there head and food, is more important than their own happiness.


Probably not a lot of women envying your wife are there?


Instead of coming up will all kinds of crazy ideas about money-mongering, it is best just to state you cannot afford it.


Plenty of people stay married for ever that never had a large wedding or reception in countries all over the world.


You, however, spend an hour answering a post instead of simply owning up the fact that you could not afford it.






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3 hours ago, mike787 said:

That's because your smart and not codependent seeking constant validation, some guys have vaginas for genitals and are proud to be on a leash.

......and happy to buy their wife for a down payment as they can’t find a lady by other means. 

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29 minutes ago, patongphil said:

I paid and insisted they kept it.


Was working a contract in Africa at the time and due to finish up. When the topic came up I said to the missus that I would do another extra swing (4 weeks) and this would be for her folks.

Anyway we gave them the lot and 10 years later still never asked for another cent. 


I felt at the time, and still do, that 1 month of my time could change their lives forever and it certainly has - mine too by the way, for the better.

Good on you.



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On 1/30/2020 at 7:30 PM, tomauasia said:

I didnt pay and if you do you married the wrong woman. 


I also married a 25 year old, never married, no kids.....paid zero, showed zero, no pretentious wedding rubbish....just into Amphur, just her and me, signed and walked out married.


7 years later and 2 kids and everything is hunky dory.


I did buy her parents as washing machine 4 years ago!


She was lucky to get me...end of.





Edited by falang1969
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On 2/1/2020 at 5:19 AM, falang1969 said:


I also married a 25 year old, never married, no kids.....paid zero, showed zero, no pretentious wedding rubbish....just into Amphur, just her and me, signed and walked out married.


7 years later and 2 kids and everything is hunky dory.


I did buy her parents as washing machine 4 years ago!


She was lucky to get me...end of.





Dam, your a unicorn to us men.  I congratulate you, and admire your life.  Most men on TVF have shovelled out everything they had and if they had access to more they would have given everything. 

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On 1/30/2020 at 2:33 AM, RobbyXNorway said:

This is part of the reason I'm going to the Philippines to find a young lady for a serious relationship. And then bring her here to Thailand to live with me.


Thai focus on money and monetary wealth is disgusting.

Sorry, but you are so wrong :( Philippines focus 10 times more on money than Thai people. Trust me, I have had my share of Filipinas :( 

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On 1/31/2020 at 4:32 AM, Sydebolle said:

In the west, the wife arrived with dowry in form of cutlery, bed linen - the works! Long gone these days. 

Likewise women are not for sale hence make it crystal clear that there is no Sinsod. If she (or rather her in-laws) insist on it then you might want to reconsider. It is not only the money (which they would never make and will be burnt faster than you can think) but the attitude. She marries a non-Thai, it's her part of cultural adaption. 

I never paid for weddings of my kids as hundreds of people nobody ever met before would show up. I coughed up a fantastic honeymoon for the young couple with some pocket money which will outlast any memory of a hangover wedding among people you dont know or dont like - me thinks! 

Maybe you couldn't afford to pay for all those weddings for your kids?


A wedding day is the most important day in a woman's life and she will remember it forever.


No Honeymoon memory will ever outlast a wedding. People travel all the time, a honeymoon is no different unless you are too poor to travel.


We had 200 invitations sent out and an 300 extra people show up for our wedding in Isaan. Made for one hell of a party and no one went hungry or thirsty.


Most important thing I have ever done for my wife and to this day she is thankful for her special day!



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On 2/2/2020 at 5:54 PM, mike787 said:

Dam, your a unicorn to us men.  I congratulate you, and admire your life.  Most men on TVF have shovelled out everything they had and if they had access to more they would have given everything. 

If you don't want to give your wife everything, why are you getting married?

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