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Sovereignty comes first: Britain lays out tough stance for EU trade talks


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18 minutes ago, englishoak said:


Hubris comes before the fall lad and boy do you look particularly stupid losing to the silly & uneducated if that be true. :sorry:


Did you enjoy clipping words to suit ? Thank you dear boy, I just love being underestimated, makes your saltiness all the more enjoyable.... The EU rules are designed to constrain members and trade, unable to make deals alone, now thats no longer a barrier but it is for the EU..  plus we are a services based economy not trade. We shall see just how little the EU are bothered about the billions more we buy next to the % of trade we are increasingly going to diverse to other global markets and players. Tbh it was never about the money for the vast majority and never will be but make it a success we shall, I have zero doubts about that. 


This is the biggest change in Geo politics in Europe since the fall of the Berlin wall mark my words and the only country who can capitalise on this wonderful opportunity is the UK and there is no other option, so we shall, .. stay mad oh salty one.  :passifier:





The UK has released the bird in its hand, there is no guarantee that the UK will catch a bird in the bush.


What Brexiteers have won is yet to be seen, they many promises to deliver on.

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8 minutes ago, Logosone said:

"sovereignty trumps the economy."


It has to for Britain. In the past 30 years, the UK's manufacturing sector has shrunk by two-thirds.




Britain is one of the world's most indebted countries, per capita GDP. Huge trade deficit with the EU.


Eighty percent of its economy is now services, it hardly makes any goods worth trading with, but is a nation of servants desperately trying to sell its services.


Italy now produces more than the UK. So does India.




Why would Boris care about what can't be helped, the eventual economic decline of Britain, when he can dance and fiddle on the Titanic of sovereign greatness with the ghosts of visions past?


You have to feel sorry for the UK. Watch how they desperately cling to the straw of an ailing car manufacturer like Nissan. Toyota have said nothing of the kind, have they? In fact BMW and Toyota have made clear that if the UK fails to secure a good deal with the EU they're out.




But that's the pathetic state Britain is in now. With two thirds of its manufacturing output irretrievably lost the British have to depend on stronger economies like Japan, German and the US building plants in the UK to feed the UK population. It's sad really. 

The decline of British manufacturing has nothing whatsoever to do with the EU.

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4 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Indeed it appears that the economy does not come into Boris Johnson's considerations. If you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. ????

Chomper usually condemns cheap remarks, but you found it funny and that's all that matters.

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6 minutes ago, englishoak said:

You will never understand by measuring things in terms of simply monetary gain. We have won the right to self determination and continued direct rule answerable fully and ONLY to the British people, for the vast majority of this GREAT, yes i said GREAT nation that is priceless.. 



I was answering the counter factual points being made about the decline of British manufacturing.


Please accept my apologies if that evaded you.

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23 minutes ago, englishoak said:

You will never understand by measuring things in terms of simply monetary gain. We have won the right to self determination and continued direct rule answerable fully and ONLY to the British people, for the vast majority of this GREAT, yes i said GREAT nation that is priceless.. 



Yes, you're such a great nation that you desperately hope and pray that Nissan, Toyota and BMW keep building plants in the UK to feed your countrymen, lol.


I call that dependence on stronger economies.


Let's suppose that sovereignty argument was true, it's a nonsense of course, since the UK had no real issues to govern itself and EU law encroachment was barely significant, what would you have gained? The sovereignty to be in the driving seat of nation whose economy is now 80 per cent services, a nation of servants. A nation that has a serious debt problem, and no longer pays its own way, that needs debt like crack? Do you think free access to the EU market would have helped you to sell UK services? Possibly yes, non? Lol.


You're not 'Great'. And you never were. Without the exclusive access to the countries you stole from and tyrannised for centuries you can't even compete! You just gave up! You don't make things anymore, even Italy and India produce more than the UK. All you are is Greatly INDEBTED.


And you will continue to be so for generations. You will have to go to the capital markets to finance the benefits you pay out to the elderly and unemployed. Did you know that Moody's downgraded the UK?


"Moody’s, which stripped the country of its AAA rating in 2013, well before the 2016 Brexit referendum, and downgraded it again in 2017, said on Friday it was affirming its Aa2 rating on Britain’s sovereign debt."




Great, lol.



Edited by Logosone
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14 minutes ago, englishoak said:

What has Brexit got to do with Manufacturing ?  id say little to nothing. 


Quite a bit. When the UK lost two thirds of its manufacturing output that went hand in hand in more Brits becoming unemployed.


They lost those secure 'for life' jobs at big industrial powerhouses, as the UK lost those big industrial names one by one.


The population thus became disillusioned, many went on benefits, and of course when they saw the influx of Poles and Romanians they feared for their slice of the benefits pie.

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1 minute ago, Logosone said:


Quite a bit. When the UK lost two thirds of its manufacturing output that went hand in hand in more Brits becoming unemployed.


They lost those secure 'for life' jobs at big industrial powerhouses, as the UK lost those big industrial names one by one.


The population thus became disillusioned, many went on benefits, and of course when they saw the influx of Poles and Romanians they feared for their slice of the benefits pie.

In that way you may well have a point and by the same token being in the the EU made it much worse so.... We were right to leave.

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5 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Send the EU citizens home first; then negotiate trade deals. No compromise with EU as long as the 5th column is inside the UK.

So should the EU send all the sick old UK retirees in the EU back to the UK (inc ME!) and overwhelm the NHS too?


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Who else is the U.K. going to trade with ... the Commonwealth, the Chinese or Americans? The EU is the largest UK trading partner.  Also, can you expect the EU to extend generous trading terms to the U.K.?  That would be a signal to all EU members that leaving the EU brings more advantage than remaining. It is comforting and to hear politicians talking tough, it plays well in the press. I am not sure if it’s hubris or just to please voters but it’s u realistic.

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6 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

you seem to be well informed

in which bars do you get all your int.?

could perhaps do with a stool  and so drinks there to become more infored


satire is wasted on the uninformed and uneducated - look elsewhere

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