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Gunman opens fire in central Bangkok


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4 hours ago, mrwinner said:

Are you serious? How am I bashing Thailand? Now two gunmen shooting indiscriminately at locals in the past week. This country has never had to deal with this sort of Western influenced behaviour before now. 

Get a sense of humour mrwhiner, it was a joke.


You should learn how to internet better.

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

you miss the reassuring sounds of police sirens every couple of minutes? And the distant pop-pop of a 9 mm

Dunno...never lived in a place where I had either. You must be from Detroit....??

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5 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

That happens in all stupid countries where are no restrictions to buy a gun. ????

Right because they have no restrictions on buying guns here in Thailand at all right LMAO ????

Edited by EricS
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Just all the millions of gunmen in Thailand seem to be out and shoot as much as they can. And the government has no control of these gunman as everywhere you can get firearms to protect: but what? Mania delusion and inferiority complexes!

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5 hours ago, mrwinner said:

Are you serious? How am I bashing Thailand? Now two gunmen shooting indiscriminately at locals in the past week. This country has never had to deal with this sort of Western influenced behaviour before now. 

Western influenced behavior? You think people are just shooting other people indiscriminately every day in the west? People that kill other people are deranged, mentally ill, it’s not a “behavior”.

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29 minutes ago, Cereal said:

The pressures and stresses of Thailand are starting to show and the cracks in society are starting to manifest themselves in these shootings. People are losing their minds because they see no way out. A great deal of these problems stem from the cultural norms: face being a major part of it, plus the dominance of the elite and their attitudes of superiority and their blatant taking advantage of those they consider their lessors, cops who are nothing more than Al Capone clones with badges, ineffective leadership who care more about CYA than the people..........


This is only getting started folks. 


Who is the most dangerous man alive?


The man with nothing to lose, because the man with nothing to lose is all too often willing to take his own life, and a man who is willing to take his own life is all too often willing to ensure he isn't going alone. When you're backed that deep into a corner you don't care how you get out and you don't care who's in the way. 


Social media. Everyone's a star. Privacy is a thing of the past and will never be returned.


It isn't right, but it is what it is and it's gonna get worse until people start walking the walk instead of simply talking the talk. That will never happen.


I am regularly disgusted by the hypocrisy I see on a daily basis here, there and everywhere. People going to temple/church and praying to their gods and then stomping all over their considered inferiors the rest of the week/month/year......


I am so very delighted I'm a whole lot closer to the end than the beginning. This world sucks.

I am not a pessimist , but I am a pragmatist. and I agree with you, The pressure will manifest is and will manifest itself in progressively worse ways. 

  Automation, will continue to take away jobs, and one cant expect people to sit there content, and make art, while their lives slip away . watching the rich drive buy in their Mercedes Benz.

  Some of them will make war, It is inevitable.

And since there is no plan to address these inequalities, It will get worse before it get better. 

For the first time yesterday, wife mentioned  selling our house in Thailand.  


Edited by sirineou
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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I notice the story doesn't mention any casualties, so I am hoping for the best here. It seems the cops know who he is, so hopefully they will have him in custody soon before anyone gets hurt.

See the 11.28am update

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5 hours ago, mrwinner said:

Are you serious? How am I bashing Thailand? Now two gunmen shooting indiscriminately at locals in the past week. This country has never had to deal with this sort of Western influenced behaviour before now. 

face obsessed people with little education, easy access to guns and lax law enforcement make a heady cocktail

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5 hours ago, mrwinner said:

Are you serious? How am I bashing Thailand? Now two gunmen shooting indiscriminately at locals in the past week. This country has never had to deal with this sort of Western influenced behaviour before now. 

How is that 'Western influenced behaviour'?  Can you elaborate on this hypothesis?  I am inclined to believe it is a human trait evident across all races of the Homo Sapien.  It is just that firearms give an 'extended' arm and ease to inflict violence upon others.  We cannot blame all woes upon the West, although it is easy to.

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3 hours ago, Mavideol said:

TAT must start to worry, all these news stunts of virus spread and shooting rampage will not bring ANY type of tourists back...light at the end of the tunnel getting further and further

An old joke ...

The light at the end of the tunnel is the light of an incoming train ????    ????

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6 hours ago, mrwinner said:

Are you serious? How am I bashing Thailand? Now two gunmen shooting indiscriminately at locals in the past week. This country has never had to deal with this sort of Western influenced behaviour before now. 

Yes it has.

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A bad year for Thailand, bad like never before.



Free fall in economy and in reputation. Every shooting scares away additional  tourists. 



It starts smelling to me like public unrest around the corner...

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