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Is thailand wanting to stay in medieval times ?


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I am pretty sure you will get many blank stares if you start talking about anything medieval....they just won't get it.   That being said I would imagine many a Thai who shuts his eyes whilst in the hammock slung under the sala at the rice farm were he dreams of old Siam and the simple life of 100 or 200 years ago.  Not so different to me when I lay dozing in the banana lounge and think of how Australia was 50 years ago......

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1 minute ago, genericptr said:

If I'm to be completely honest wouldn't it better if some country that the Thais respect, like Japan or Korea, were to take over the police and actually enforce the laws? I'm sorry but after living here on and off for 15 years the Thais simply are not fit to govern law enforcement. I've been waiting and waiting but they have never even come close to rising to the task. I like to think some other country could clean up Thailand if the Thais were to submit to their rule.

Your comment  encapsulates the  very core of  the  debate.

" I like to think some other country could clean up Thailand if the Thais were to submit to their rule."

To  which other  country  should they  submit? Which  country can  demonstrate such a  right  without  military imposition given no cause?

"To save the people" ? From what? Compliance  to self rule and rejection of colonialism? Enforced intervention on a populace that has not yet demonstrated  a need  or desire for?

Would that  not be a repeat of the attempted and  failed inflictions on neighbouring countries decided  by  outside  political/philosophical objections? The annihilation of  2 million people  by  blanket  bombing  such as in Laos? Vietnam? Cambodia?

Oh yes,  such impositions  did  wonders...not !

Historically social/cultural change that occurs due to popular desire occurs  from within a state, not  by imposition. Imposed regimes  primarily are for extraction of  resources, not  for the  betterment of the population.


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22 minutes ago, Yinn said:

Hmmm, the farang colonise Burma (only democratic last 5 year), Vietnam (communist) Laos (communist) and Cambodia. You make Malaysia and Singapore “undeveloped” 144 years.


Thailand better. 


And England bomb Bangkok. Kill the people.


Anyway, you not colonise thailand. Because can not.

The British or the French could have colonised Thailand very easily, Thailand was the buffer to keep these two apart. They both realised this.

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1 hour ago, DaRoadrunner said:

Malaysians told me it was better under the British than it is now under the Chinese. While Singapore is screwed down tight under regulations imposed by their Chinese leader, rather like Thailand is being screwed down too.


Yinn would do better to do some research and think before she writes. If there are things wrong with Thailand today the Thais have only themselves to blame as no one else ever colonized Thailand..... Except maybe their Chinese masters who grabbed all the money for themselves. Wanna find a real Thai? He is driving a taxi or planting rice, or she is shaking her ass in a gogo bar or selling noodles.

Where did you get the idea that Malaysia was under the Chinese? The ethnic Malays have always been in charge. No ethnic Chinese has ever become the prime minister of Malaysia. The ethnic Chinese in Malaysia have been systematically discriminated for decades.

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2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Plenty of hookers in both places. Seems like you need to go to Saudi or Iran to escape them. 


Hey how would this topic go on an Iran Board? Is Iran Still in Medieval Times? Bet even the BritDude couldnt find a hooker in Tehran! You would be safe from Sexthoughtcrime!

Ha Ha Ha you jest my man and i'm from the principality of Dudley

Worked in iran its alright!!

mind blowingly good food and similar girls........


Unfortunately and seriously for thailand  the thai education system keeps most of the populace  bouncing along the retard level ...Medival is therefore not surprising.. anyone who lives in the countryside cannot disagree with me


Edited by poohy
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40 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

The Thais would have distracted the British with gogo bars and free soapy massage until they left exhausted, but happy.


Actually, the British could not colonise because they had no Visa or TM30.


Seriously Yinn, the Chinese have already colonized and control pretty much everything of value here.

The richest countries in Southeast Asia have the most ethnic Chinese in percentage terms:

1. Singapore (76% Chinese)
2. Malaysia (25% Chinese)
3. Thailand (14% Chinese)

Myanmar used to be the richest country in Southeast Asia. After the British left, many ethnic Chinese business people were forced to leave by the stupid Myanmar military government which seized power and Myanmar then became one of the poorest country in the world.

Myanmar will be able to dig itself out from its self-inflicted poverty if they agree to more Chinese investments but too bad many Myanmar people easily fell for Western propaganda about China's "debt-trap" diplomacy. As if they have been rendered irreversibly stupid by their own poverty-trap for far too long.

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The question put by the OP is actually irrelevant IMO  to the aspirations  of Thai.

It  can  not be denied  that from the perspective of those  who live or have  lived  in Thailand that from their comparative  perspective there is  so much "wrong".

Yet  IMO I look  back at my  origins  and experiences  of that  "assumed" superior  social, cultural, political, etc times and in contemplation of the erosion of a simpler existence by way of  ever increasing  incremental regulations and incursions  into daily  life and  general existence I find some satisfaction in the  "wrong" that exists in Thailand. Not all of it  because some aspects of it can never fit into  my basic instilled comprehension of several aspects such as equitable dispensation and enforcement of law and  justice.

I have to admit that that may be compromised  by  my appreciation of the generalized freedom to ignore  compliance to some petty  beaurocratic stipulations.

Perhaps  my personal philosophy of " Do what  you  want so long as you do  no  harm" fits somewhere  between in recognition of the fact that I need to accept personal responsibility if  by my choices makes me liable.

That  may seem irrelevant  to the  question put  by the OP  but I would put it that if it  as said that Thailand exists as a  medieval society then the accused  is always  deemed guilty by  virtue of the  accusation and the only defence is to deny vocally or  by silence. And  yet in terms  of modern western  legal process that is standard  advice. So where is Thailand  wrong? In the denial of  the adoption  and adaptation to a different philosophy?  What in essence is  actually so different to the suggested  compliance to  some superior  ideological structure? Equality in the  application of  justice  regardless  of  social  standing, political affiliation, race, colour, religion, etc?

I know of  no such !

Thailand  has no more  nor less than any  other in it's  own way.

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5 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Very true. Very few Thai men indulge in anal, oral or even French kissing. I am indeed educating the masses. #metoo

As the Western population decreases and the Thai/Asian population increases , one must wonder why you are  trying them all to convert to bumsex ?

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4 hours ago, genericptr said:

All things being equal I think it's fair to say the average Thai and elites are indifferent to us and maybe even think it would simply be easier if we weren't here. That being said you're probably just projecting the feeling of alienation you get from living as a minority in a foreign country for a long period of time.

It could be that


simply, reading to much Thai Visa.


The Thais uphold visa law, adjust income requirements, arrest overstayers..

just like any other country would/does..


yet people read the BS here and are then convinced Thais hate farang and are

"trying to push whitey out"


Especially funny, considering the policys and visa requirements of those same peoples countries,

stuff like parents arrested and children seperated at borders, 

wanting to build a wall to keep the mexicans out etc etc

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2 hours ago, Selatan said:

Myanmar will be able to dig itself out from its self-inflicted poverty if they agree to more Chinese investments but too bad many Myanmar people easily fell for Western propaganda about China's "debt-trap" diplomacy. As if they have been rendered irreversibly stupid by their own poverty-trap for far too long.

What part of China are you from?

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7 hours ago, CGW said:

I get what you are saying & have thought along similar lines, but non of it makes any sense at this time! unless they intend closing the country off - too late for that, or introduce more draconian measures to stay in power, for sure they are watching and listening! ever noticed just how well established the wifi internet system is here, huge investment that is never talked about.

Please enlighten me. What has "wifi" got to do with it?

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5 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Err no. There was nothing in Singapore before we arrived. Beautiful place and a democratic government. Who built the Raffles Hotel?

My father worked in Malaya in the late 50's the country was desperately poor and any 

wealth was dug out of the ground, shipped back home to keep the empire ticking over.


Singapore was a place for expats to go for a blow out, similar I guess to the early days

of Pattaya, my old man, a humble accountant in a tin mine up in the jungle, wasn't

considered the kind of person suitable for Raffles and only got in after he retired and

it wasn't the exclusive crusty old colonial gentleman's club.


There is absolutely no doubt that the fortunes of Malaya and Singapore improved 

dramatically after the fall of the empire.

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5 hours ago, Yinn said:

Hmmm, the farang colonise Burma (only democratic last 5 year), Vietnam (communist) Laos (communist) and Cambodia. You make Malaysia and Singapore “undeveloped” 144 years.


Thailand better. 


And England bomb Bangkok. Kill the people.


Anyway, you not colonise thailand. Because can not.

The Vietnamese, Lao and Cambodians sure can make nice bread!



Edited by PatOngo
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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

There will no sleep loss if tomorrow all the foreigners in Thailand will pack up and leave, infect, there will a collective sigh of relief to see the backside of them, so in answer to your question, Thailand is very happy where it was until us came for pushed those poor lot to go think and act 20th century... 

We'll take our inventions with us too!

That might cause a revolution;  no internet no phones and NO FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!

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4 hours ago, poohy said:

Ha Ha Ha you jest my man and i'm from the principality of Dudley

Worked in iran its alright!!

mind blowingly good food and similar girls........


Unfortunately and seriously for thailand  the thai education system keeps most of the populace  bouncing along the retard level ...Medival is therefore not surprising.. anyone who lives in the countryside cannot disagree with me


You have to laugh at someone criticising the Thai educational system, calling them retards,

and then oddly types the word Medival, which sounds like some kind of insurance policy,

I'm guessing the brummie* meant medieval.




*Yes, I know......


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2 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

We'll take our inventions with us too!

That might cause a revolution;  no internet no phones and NO FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!

Imposible!! the internet is too heavy to put in a plane, and how do you propose we sneak it out past immigration? 

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6 hours ago, Yinn said:

life is better in thailand. IMO. 

Of course it is, when you have those two upstanding pillars of society, Prayut and Prawit, the champions of the poor leading the way. Onward and upward! Power to the people!

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25 minutes ago, shy coconut said:

You have to laugh at someone criticising the Thai educational system, calling them retards,

and then oddly types the word Medival, which sounds like some kind of insurance policy,

I'm guessing the brummie* meant medieval.




*Yes, I know......


Yeh it's perfect, top 10 world class universities too.

Churning out academics and critical thinking students on a daily basis....NOT


Stop apologising profusely for Thailand, the country needs a complete overhaul.

You must be benefiting from the status quo to post such drivel


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5 hours ago, shy coconut said:

You have to laugh at someone criticising the Thai educational system, calling them retards,

and then oddly types the word Medival, which sounds like some kind of insurance policy,

I'm guessing the brummie* meant medieval.




*Yes, I know......


* you obviously have been instructed or learnt the hard way not to call black country folk Brummies and are aware  If you went to Dudley and called them/ us  Brummies you would be corrected firmly, and  depending where you uttered this heretical remark possibly dead old pal, 

Re spelling spell check didn't pick it up but i thought it looked wrong


But Hey Ho life goes on 

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14 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Please let them stay in medievil times. Thailand wouldn't be the same if I couldn't take a walk down to the inn and have those comley serving wenches attend to my every need.

Well yes, Quasimodo...........????



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