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PM Prayut concerned about campus flash mobs


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sure it is an expression of dissatisfaction caused by the dissolution of the opposition party. this is a critical point at which to let the people know both sides of the story so that they can make up their own mind. the problem will be more severe if there is an "outsider' hand in these protests.

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Comon people he is genuinely worried that hes going to have to sweep something else HUGE under the carpets if these protests continue and the army has to intervene for re-education whilst looking down the barrel of a gun perhaps, but these pesky public and reporters just dont understand!

Lets hope this pm sees hes the problem with thailand and moves on.

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17 hours ago, dcnx said:

I’m sure he is concerned. What’s he gonna to go, arrest or shoot them? 

whatever it is that he decides to do, the first issue will be to disseminate full and fair information to explain the whole background situation concerning the dissolution of the opposition party. 

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11 hours ago, monkfish said:

There are reports of plain clothes police amongst the students and today police arrested online gun dealers.
This starts to smell like 2010 and the past!

history likely to repeat itself. it is a good step to control the gun trade at least.

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9 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

I would anticipate that the same thing as usually happens would occur. Some "civilians" would "take it upon themselves" to fight the good cause on their behalf out of the "goodness of their hearts".

On the official side, uncle crooner will appeal to the oldies to guilt trip their grandchildren into backing down, which unfortunately given the engrained deference to their elders, plenty of them will fall for.

That doesn't work, there's a trump card that gets rolled out, also with the intention of leveraging those deeply held traditions that get forced into people from about four years old. Though only time will tell if it has the same effect as it has in the past.

it will take more than FFP and the kids to change this government as long as they have the backing of the Religious leaders.  i also suspect Facebook's day's in Thailand are numbered as well as all other social media.

Edited by malibukid
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Yes, Prayut is concerned about the mob?!?!

As he never opened the country to go into a democracy, the result must be the protest of the people and it's not a mob! The mob is the government! Still ruling the country like a junta. Nothing has changed.  Step all back!!!

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

that he is concerned that they might be misled by one-sided information and might be used as a tool as part of political agenda.

He only wants them to see his side, listen to him only, all other opinions are false, fake or inciting people, all of these events are deemed to be "mobs"

PM be warned the young population are getting tired of the old regime and the old ways of doing things.

Dissolution of the FFP took away their only legal voice, now you will hear them from the only other source they have left, via protest and mass gatherings!

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17 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Bit tricky to deal hundreds of screaming kids without coming off as a bully.Remember Pratuth these are Thailand's future.

He can deal with political opponents, deal with opposition parties, threaten and cajole other members.. but he doesn't know how to deal with thousands of students who have just had their voice taken away..

He can't jail them, send them to court for spreading fake news, take on one he will have thousands follow.

He can only spout veiled threats. I hope the FFP let the students know they have a voice and it should be heard loud & clear all around the country. Time for a student up-rising!

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The obvious reult of banning the only party that really opposes his military government. You cant mereley ban opposition. These students are the future, they were never allowed to vote before, the older generation have come to accept the military rule, but, as with every other country, the future government are the student youth. They wont accept this.

he needs to look at Hong Kong, same thing there. He might stay in power for this term, but if he allows another election in five or six years, the opposition party, 2hoever thay may be, will win far more votes as there will be far more young people willing to stand up. Its inevitable. 

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PM need stop all other non important work, no need. and do only new normal human model immigration law and end all old stupid immigration law, today thailand immigration law have apnormal ,stupid,non human law, somebody true monkey has made this. PM have only one important work this world. end thailand immigration law and make new normal human system law. not again monkey stupid law.

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19 hours ago, webfact said:

saying that he didn’t want a repeat of the coloured political divide and eventual political unrest. 

That was something he was suppose fix.  That is why he led a coup.   He failed to do anything other than retain power.   Flash mobs are just a result of his and the elite's failings. 

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In general the fall of a government is presaged by thai university and HS students coming out in the streets en-masse regularly, and with a consistent message. It rarely, if ever, is a controllable happening for the powers that be. And most often those attempts to control it, make it worse.

The PM doesn’t seem to be a student of history, because other wise he might recognise the symptoms of his time in control ticking down. Dissolving FF was one of those bell-weather foolish moments of hubris than is typical of ‘dictators in mufti’ grasping at maintaining control when the people are indicating they are fed-up. So few ‘leaders’ recognise themselves as victims of the old adage “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” 

What is it in the national psyche that has caused so many coups and failed governments both democratic and dictatorial? Yes a very young country, but there are other young countries with much more stable records of governance. It is baffling.

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18 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

They know exactly who he is, what he is, and what he and his regime do. Who is he trying to Fool? I do not know of one of my kids friends and their friends who are Pro this clown and his cronies. Actually even me for all my Thai Friends from BKK to CM. Never heard A good word said. Quite the opposite. 

Well my family was all for him for a year or two after he ousted Yingluck. Now they realise he is just like all the rest. Him and his pet Watchdog.

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