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Pattaya: Ladyboy in caustic soda attack on American who refused sexual services


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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

So what now, these revolting vermin are walking around with dangerous acids in they purses? about time the authorities will put an end to this blight on humanity...

what first i have heard of prostitution in thailand , but the question remains why was the american on soi 6 or should i say soi sex ?

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22 minutes ago, tukadadoll said:

I am in no way defending this despicable attack, but having lived here for many years it seems there is probably more to this story? That said if it is a random act of violence, they system should "through the book" at the alleged perpetrator.


of course it could be just be a very aggressive ladyboy that can't take anymore rejection.

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28 minutes ago, tukadadoll said:

I am in no way defending this despicable attack, but having lived here for many years it seems there is probably more to this story? That said if it is a random act of violence, they system should "through the book" at the alleged perpetrator.

Not nessesarily. The only time that I have had an altracation with a ladyboy was walking through Raja carpark in Nana.


Ladyboy bar witha terrible reputation. I deliberately walked on the other side of the road and looked straight ahead ignoring the catcalls. Suddenly I was wipped around the head by a large studded belt. Zero provocation.


I turned round with the full intention of smashing my assailant in the face but he was already running back to his mates who were also advancing towards me. Being suited and booted and on a promise, descretion got the better part of valour.


I have to say that I have spent evenings playing pool and having the craic with ladyboys and usually find them good fun. Nasty agressive ladyboys are an exception to the rule.



Edited by DannyCarlton
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37 minutes ago, tukadadoll said:

I am in no way defending this despicable attack, but having lived here for many years it seems there is probably more to this story? That said if it is a random act of violence, they system should "through the book" at the alleged perpetrator.

I've had a few incidents where my lack of appreciation was very much unappreciated and they quickly got aggressive.  I'm not the type to tell people to eff-off.  One incident was on Soi 6 when one reached to grab my hand and I dodged it.  Really p_ssed him off.  I quick-stepped away, if he wasn't wearing heels he would have caught up with me and it would have been ugly.  Messed up my trip to Soi 6, the <deleted>.



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8 minutes ago, alfalfa19 said:

that seems an imbecilic thing to say.  what , pray tell, did he do to deserve a chemical burn??   i have had these scumsuckers become very aggressive when i turn down their "services"

An abusive tirade deserves a chemical burn or two. You will not sustain any injuries if you just tell the ladyboys in a calm voice, "no thank you". Judging by the imbecilic, aggressive nature of your reply, you may be at risk of injury. Be careful or wear a chemical suit.

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18 minutes ago, tropo said:

An abusive tirade deserves a chemical burn or two. You will not sustain any injuries if you just tell the ladyboys in a calm voice, "no thank you". Judging by the imbecilic, aggressive nature of your reply, you may be at risk of injury. Be careful or wear a chemical suit.

so, you were there, and know the details of this incident, is that what you're saying?


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1 hour ago, tropo said:

He did a lot more than just say "no" to the ladyboy's advances. He might have deserved it.


Many homophobic males can become extremely offensive and abusive when approached by shemales.

I don't consider myself as homophobic, but I find it unacceptable to get sexual advances from an other man. If a LB keeps pressing after my first polite, good humoured, refusal I feel entitled to get more abrupt. I understand the risk and hence move away from Nana.

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A woman's emotions and male hormones don't go well together. There's a reason, in his wisdom, God decided to separate the sexes. Anyway, these fake ladyboys do little to forward the cause, should you be thataway inclined. I'm guessing it's mostly a money thing, like, it's an easy life. Especially for Thais, who can fake the woman thing at the drop of a hat. 

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For me, as a homosexual, the young man looks - as far as one can tell from the photo - quite handsome. Makes me wonder why he would want to dress up as a ridiculous pseudo-woman. He could make much more money by just being himself!


He could perhaps even be happy by just being himself ... but perhaps he thought he was, and looking ridiculous as he tottered along with a wig and high heels was his God-given destiny. Poor fool.

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35 minutes ago, alfalfa19 said:

so, you were there, and know the details of this incident, is that what you're saying?


Probably only two people know what happened, neither did the reporting to ThaVisa. Ladyboys get politely rejected all the time so why would one LB get so upset as to throw kitchen cleaner on a guy? 

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Just now, Pedrogaz said:

What on earth is a type 2 woman? 

Maybe a little bit like a brother from another mother ?  ????


Type 2 women = Ladyboy  AKA a transexual but in this case he seems to be a transvestite.

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Insanity! Throwing this kind of stuff at people that have nothing to do with you on the public roads? 
Those LB's are always a problem in Soi 6 but this is another level, why was this even carried and ready to throw at someone? Psycho alert!

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