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Has Thailand had enough of Western tourists and their ‘entitlement’?


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I was in Phuket the other weekend. At the airport, hotel, beach resorts and out drinking around Bangla were easily 80% or more white tourists. I was very surprised at seeing so many. 


They seem to be keeping the tourism industry single - handedly going right now.  

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2 hours ago, zydeco said:

Looked at the original Pattaya blog, and his complaint, when you boil it down, is that people from the UK, US, and Australia seem to expect what they paid for. And they don't like getting cheated. This, he complains, makes them unpopular. He seems to think that visiting Western tourists should just suck it up and be happy with the double pricing, the overcharges, the taxi mafias, etc. We need to be more compliant and servile like the Indians and Chinese and just turn over our wallet and shut up.


I think the blogger is stupid. If he thinks Westerners complain about low quality, poor service and being cheated wait till he meets a few Indians! Nearly all the fights with Jet Ski mafias I can remember reading about involved Indian tourists reacting to attempted scams.


And virtually every Thai I know isn't well disposed to anyone from the Indian sub-continent.

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I can remember ( and it was not so many Years ago ) , when the Hotels in Pattaya would not allow Clients from Countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh

The people were branded as dirty,smelly and unhygienic, and the Hotels would rather leave rooms empty than book these people.

How times have changed for these Hoteliers, and I hope the Indians Etc remeber the way they were treated, and tell the Thais to sit on it and swivel.

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Was in a hotel last year with around 50 Israeli backpackers who'd just finished their national service.

They were a really nice and friendly bunch, the girls had very small bikinis, the guys were really buff and had loads of weed, and they were happily including me (the only old guy in the place) in their pass the joint sessions.

If you are considering conversion, bear in mind you will have to be circumsized.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Compiled by an American living in Pattaya, those reasons were gleaned from “many talks with people from many different backgrounds and cultures

Well there is your answer.  Hes an American.  Response bias ????????????????

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The reader has to realize this article is just ones opinion and not certainly a valid poll. (and getting opinions from Thais in Pattaya ( the party resort) makes the article more opinionated. I am a Westerner that has lived in five countries around the world which makes me aware of the difference of cultures  and mannerisms. Also, when I first went overseas over 35 years ago I certainly was a “rookie” that thought anything not Western ( such as squat toilets, rolls of toilet paper placed on tables to be used as paper towels, bathroom shower splashing next to the toilet without  a shower divider or various ethnic foods as “strange” or “ crazy” -But a seasoned traveler will understand the differences of infrastructure, mannerisms, or items used in a visiting  country that he/ she is not accustomed to back home. 

Good customer service is the frustrating one found in many countries such as Thailand. For a country that caters to Western tourists you would think the service industry would do a better job in training their employees- but just think, most of the locals have not seen in their daily life what “ customer service” is like in a Western county ( or places such as Japan or Singapore). Lack of good training and/ or good mentors are required for successful employees in the hospitality industry. True, the lack of “face” certainly hinders an establishment or person to better themselves.  I personally think all nationalities are the same when it comes to good customer service.  No one wants to have a  plate of rice on their table then wait another 20 minutes for  their main dish to be delivered or wait at a hotel cashier desk for 20 minutes while the floor maid checks to see the bathroom towels or remote isn’t missing. True, if a traveler is staying in  4-5 star  hotel paying big baht he/ she  expects good service; whereas a more locally run hotel the expectations should be lowered. 

I have lived in Thailand for 15 years and I hear from the “old timers” in the tourist industry ( taxi drivers, hotel staff, travel agents) how they miss the Western traveler because we’re easier to communicate with and give good tips - ha ha. Each nationality has its own mannerism which can contribute to a “stereotype”. Maybe the opinion of this young writer’s article is doing the same.

Edited by toenail
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Thais got use to the high season, low season thing and it's spoiled them. There hasn't been a real high season in probably 20 years. The Thais go use to jacking prices up for high season and now it's the norm. There is no high season. It has been and always will be fleece the tourist...regardless of where you are from. The Thais job is to extract every possible baht from your wallet and do so with a smile on their face. Our job as foreigners is to mitigate that loss as much as possible and all while having a smile on our faces.


If every westerner and like company were to fold up their respective tents and leave tomorrow, the day after Thailand would be right back where it was 70 years ago. We'd be gone, the Thais would be happy.

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2 hours ago, BobbyL said:

I was in Phuket the other weekend. At the airport, hotel, beach resorts and out drinking around Bangla were easily 80% or more white tourists. I was very surprised at seeing so many. 


They seem to be keeping the   tourism   Sex industry single - handedly going right now.  

Yes the Indians/Chinese wont overpay or fall in love quite so easy ..........:coffee1:


Maybe you were more respected a few years or so back-----who fault is that? In Thailand who has the most Non Thai Beggars? Your see them with their signs asking Thai's to contribute to their fare home. Remember Mr Big Leg laying on the pavement he even had a go fund me page that many Thais sent small amounts to---until he was banned from Thailand.


When a non Thai is arrested for selling drugs-----would that be a Indian or a Chinese?



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8 minutes ago, toenail said:

 The reader has to realize this article is just ones opinion and not certainly a valid poll. I am a Westerner that has lived in five countries around the world which makes me aware of the difference of cultures  and mannerisms. Also, when I first went overseas over 35 years ago I certainly was a “rookie” that thought anything not Western ( such as squat toilets, rolls of toilet paper placed on tables to be used as paper towels, bathroom shower splashing next to the toilet with a shower divider or various ethnic foods as “strange” or “ crazy” -But a seasoned traveler will understand the differences of infrastructure, mannerisms, or items used in a visiting  country that he/ she is not accustomed to back home. 

Good customer service is the frustrating one found in many countries such as Thailand. For a country that caters to Western tourists you would think the service industry would do a better job in training their employees- but just think, most of the locals have not seen in their daily life what “ customer service” is like in a Western county ( or places such as Japan or Singapore). Lack of good training and/ or good mentors are required for successful employees in the hospitality industry. True, the lack of “face” certainly hinders an establishment or person to better themselves.  I personally think all nationalities are the same when it comes to good customer service.  No one wants to have a  plate of rice on their table then wait another 20 minutes for  their main dish to be delivered or wait at a hotel desk for 20 minutes while the floor maid checks to see the bathroom towels or remote isn’t missing. 

You should try customer service in Australia, it's an imposition to interrupt whatever they are doing on their mobile phones. They act like they are doing you a huge favor.

I very rarely get poor customer service in Thailand. I go back to the places where I have had good service, and never go back to the ones where I haven't.



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