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COVID-19: Half a million people visited Thailand from severely affected countries


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15 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Just read about an hospital in Italy where 70% of that staff got the virus also. Not sure if some face-masks and hand soap are going to improve the situation.



Well that's all we have got right now....

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4 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Chinese are way more rebellious than Thais. 


In China, there are regular, often violent, protests, here and there, which the government does its best to smother. 


Meanwhile, Thais are among the most compliant and docile people in the world. 


All wearing uniforms, they respect hierarchy and wouldn't dare oppose its diktats. 


Thais love to gossip, but more about the latest lottery winner than about serious issues. 


Have you seen Thais coming against official declarations that there is no prostitution in Pattaya? 


They don't care, it's not a "sanuk" issue. 


Finally, it all boils down to testing... no or little testing translates into no or little cases... 

The Thai Doctors report what they find in their data bases which probably goes to central Gov via their Managers. 

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I read a news report (that can't link) that talked about the Lancet Medical Journal doing a piece about governments have a choice between saving their people or saving their economies as can't do both. I think it's easy to see which countries have chosen which option. As for the Chinese, it's all gone very quiet on info now even if the media attention has shifted to the US and Europe. I think quite a few are choosing to suppress news and sweep it under the carpet so their economies might start moving back to normal. Ironic that the numbers of "pneumonia" cases have oddly gone up unexpectedly ...hmmm.

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43 minutes ago, Derek B said:

January's immigration figures of visitors from China would be good to know as travel from China was not restricted as severely as in Feb


Of course it is a very high figure.      

Jan 25 2020 was Chinese Lunar New Year.  Really high number of Chinese tourists traveled to everywhere in SouthEast Asia during Jan 20-Jan 31 2020 period.  Most of these trips have been pre-booked in Dec 2019 or prior.   


If it was indeed as bad as the media, particularly the hyper-critical Western media had projected,  there would have been a very horribly high COVID-19  figures and death throughout Thailand,  Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia by the end of February and of course all noticed now.     

So go figure.     










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4 hours ago, mngmn said:

Current infection stats from John Hopkins webs site:

- Singapore 138

- Malaysia 93

- Thailand 50


International arrivals:

- Thailand 38 million

- Malaysia 25 million

- Singapore 14 million


So if imported cases dominate in hot climates we would still expect Thailand to have more cases than Singapore and Malaysia.  So why is the opposite the case?


With a puny 8.5 million visitors and a climate hotter than Thailand's why does Australia have 76 cases?


Perhaps more important - why be an apologist for the obvious lying of dysfunctional Government?

I am not being an apologist, did i say that Thailand's numbers were perfect? I try and break things down as logically as possible. If neighboring countries with similar climates were reporting massive explosions in cases like Italy, Iran and Sth Korea in the 1000's and Thailand was still claiming they only had 50. Sure i would be screaming foul. But the fact that the total across SE Asia arnt grossly different and low compared to countries with low temps. There are more than likely cases being missed or not diagnosed but i highly doubt its in the 1000's like other members here are stating. If that were the case you would see similar reports from Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

Also for Australia, the majority of cases have not been local with some local spread in a nursing home and some other random local transmissions. Your claim that Australia's climate is hotter than Thailand is only true for mid summer months. Coming from Sydney myself if you look at the temps the last couple of weeks its been in the low 20's and colder at night and is only going to get colder going forward.  Australia is coming into our flu season so things are probably only going to get worse. But dont be alarmed aussies have armed themselves with enough toilet paper to survive the next ice age ????

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I hope Thailand can learn from this and build other sectors of its economy so it does not have to rely so heavily on tourism. We keep seeing that the country has to control so much so that tourism stays high - the baht is too strong so the government changes course to weaken the baht, tourists numbers are down so the government takes steps to allow citizens of various countries visa free access, the coronavirus is spreading, but the government wants to continue to allow Chinese in, no matter the livelihood of its people, and so on. I really hope the Thai government can learn from this, but I just don't see it happening with a military government - these type of governments can never see beyond hard power, but hopefully, things will improve for the better

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2 hours ago, Dutyfirst said:

I am not being an apologist, did i say that Thailand's numbers were perfect? I try and break things down as logically as possible. If neighboring countries with similar climates were reporting massive explosions in cases like Italy, Iran and Sth Korea in the 1000's and Thailand was still claiming they only had 50. Sure i would be screaming foul. But the fact that the total across SE Asia arnt grossly different and low compared to countries with low temps. There are more than likely cases being missed or not diagnosed but i highly doubt its in the 1000's like other members here are stating. If that were the case you would see similar reports from Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

Also for Australia, the majority of cases have not been local with some local spread in a nursing home and some other random local transmissions. Your claim that Australia's climate is hotter than Thailand is only true for mid summer months. Coming from Sydney myself if you look at the temps the last couple of weeks its been in the low 20's and colder at night and is only going to get colder going forward.  Australia is coming into our flu season so things are probably only going to get worse. But dont be alarmed aussies have armed themselves with enough toilet paper to survive the next ice age ????

I wish I could buy some loo paper

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Thailand might very well be a superspreader country of the virus, without even knowing it.

The reason why Kuweit and other countries restricted entry from thailand is because

they discovered infected cases among people returning from thailand.

according to latest reports, the virus can survive hot weather and even like it.


Sources in Lombardy, northern Italy, said on Sunday that the Corona virus death toll had risen to 257 from 154 in one day. This is a leap of 103 deaths in the province, which is considered the focus of the virus outbreak in Italy.

Meanwhile, Italy's chief of staff, Salvatore Perina, was reported to be infected with the Corona virus. It was also reported to be in isolation at his home.

Italy is the country with the highest number of infections in Europe, Its second biggest outbreak of disease, according to official data from the boot country, has seen over 6,000 people infected with the Corona virus so far.

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16 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

Agree. Strange that a country like Australia with no land borders with other countries and stopped flights from China and Sth K etc has far more cases that Thailand. One state NSW with a population of under 8mill has 38 cases presently.

Guess Tai figures of confirmed cases proves they are doing an extraordinary job or more likely unbelievable job.

There is one theory that the virus is not as easily spread in a hot humid climate

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if the statistics are correct, then there is seriously something to be concerned about as many carriers could have come even though they did not exhibit symptoms at the time of arrival. temperature in itself is no assurance that the person is not a carrier.with contact tracing possible now, best that can be done is to pray.

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16 minutes ago, sahibji said:

looks like pretty serious in italy. i am surprised there are no possible explanations for such  a big number.

Italy has 20% elderly population. China and South Korea has half that much. They are also prioritizing testing those with severe symptoms due to lack of test kit thus increasing the ratio of confirmed/fatality. 

Edited by Tayaout
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13 hours ago, Traubert said:

The UK Minister for Health has a history degree,


You think Anutin is unqualified?

All politicians are unqualified or did you ever hear of a school where you can get a degree as politician?

So why we let these unqualified penguins run our countries?

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20 hours ago, dougiemac52 said:

Half a million people in 29 days. Thats incredible. So lets say 300 people in a plane. Thats about 60 planes a day ????????. What a load of <deleted>. I arrived on the 22nd and Suvarnabhumi was empty more or less, same when I left on the 1st

Your math seems ok, and your statement "seemed deserted" would be a good description on your numbers. But whats your point? Thail reports arrivals each year in excess of 30 million for Swampy. That's 2 to 3 million a month on average. Surely any airport of similar capacity is going to look deserted running under quarter normal capacity.

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17 hours ago, Dutyfirst said:

You really think its 50,000 in a country where facebook is the most used in the world and how much Thai's love to gossip and people arnt out and about talking about how their family members have symptoms and not getting tested ect? 


results are pending for 1,763 PUI. 



And yes I have started hearing those rumors from nearby already.

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On 3/7/2020 at 8:09 PM, ukrules said:

Wow, amazing.


I guess this is why immigration are so paranoid - they think we're all doing the same as they (Thais) do all around the world.

I'm afraid that you're right. A friend of mine who just came back from the US goes through a hard time.


First, he's harassed at the airport many times to undergo a temperature check, then the obligatory alcohol on his hands, while all Asians walked through unchecked. And that four times from check in to the gate!


His kids just got sent home from school because some parents of other children fear that he's got the virus. The truth is that some kids at the school might have the virus.


Some of our students at a high school have the virus which was confirmed this morning by one of the security guys.


And they should be aware what's going on. 


When is too much really too much?


How can you stay calm when you go through so much bs?

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17 hours ago, mngmn said:

Current infection stats from John Hopkins webs site:

- Singapore 138

- Malaysia 93

- Thailand 50


International arrivals:

- Thailand 38 million

- Malaysia 25 million

- Singapore 14 million


So if imported cases dominate in hot climates we would still expect Thailand to have more cases than Singapore and Malaysia.  So why is the opposite the case?


With a puny 8.5 million visitors and a climate hotter than Thailand's why does Australia have 76 cases?


Perhaps more important - why be an apologist for the obvious lying of dysfunctional Government?

Keeping the reported numbers down is easy, even for a dysfunctional government, simply by not testing much, but why no (only 1) fatalities in Thailand when people are dying like flies in Italy?


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On 3/7/2020 at 8:09 PM, ukrules said:

Wow, amazing.


I guess this is why immigration are so paranoid - they think we're all doing the same as they (Thais) do all around the world.

Yes. Although, I'm still pondering, whether I should choose a career as gigolo, or farm hand in Thailand...

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On 3/7/2020 at 7:15 AM, sweatalot said:

"COVID-19: Half a million people visited Thailand from severely affected countries"


This makes the official number of infections in LOS even more unbelievable

Of course it’s unbelievable. 

500,000,000 people from highly infected areas and only 50 are positive?

Get the ****** out of there with that BS. I’ve said it from day one, they are censoring this information just like they did with Swine Flu. Anything to protect tourism. 

Those of you who believe the official numbers from the government truly belong here. No doubt you also date bar girls or are married to one. 

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19 hours ago, Dutyfirst said:

You really think its 50,000 in a country where facebook is the most used in the world and how much Thai's love to gossip and people arnt out and about talking about how their family members have symptoms and not getting tested ect? 

Yes. Do you understand how difficult it is to get tested for this in Thailand? Have you seen the requirements? 

Then let’s add on top that the fact that most Thais self medicate and only go to the hospital for serious illnesses and things they can self medicate for. That easily accounts for 80% of the mild infections leaving the 20% who are serious struggling to get tested. 


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On 3/8/2020 at 10:40 AM, Huckenfell said:

It is all to do with temperature, putting it simply, Thailand is too hot ( over 27 Cel ) for the virus to thrive

You must be a little cooked if you believe that.. why would Singapore have 3 times for cases then.... it's cooler??  Given it stopped Chinese tourists, followed up Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck's contacts including their last 4 known sleeping partners and openly has reported on all issues.  Whilst these countries are high risk the article is likely from Xinhua trying to take away from the sheer lunacy of the authorities in taking and continuing to take mainland Chinese.

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19 hours ago, pkspeaker said:

still do not understand the difference between covid-19 & a particularly bad strain of flu virus..

my thoughts only. flu virus affects nose throat and passage way to the lungs, all mucous areas.

Covid seems to attack only deep in the lungs where you get O2 into your blood and CO2 out. That is why you get a dry cough, fever and no snotty nose etc like 'normal' flu.

All 'maybes' from me, not claiming facts.

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