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Anutin says he has no ill feeling towards foreigners, denies posting ‘dirty westerners’ Tweet


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This has to be up there with, “Yes, it’s my bag, officer. But I don’t know how the drugs got in there”.


Why did it take so long for the posts to be taken down and an explanation to be told? If this had happened to me, I’d have deleted the tweets straight away, apologized and explained exactly what happened. These deputy PMs and ministers have shown time and time again that they can get away with anything. 

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7 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

Guess he is not a Doctor or Phd in Public Health. What he said was 

not only hateful it was scientifically inaccurate. I had three showers and a sauna today by the way.

That won't save you Capt'n...on Monday,Tuesday or,indeed,any other day.????

Edited by Odysseus123
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3 hours ago, misterjames said:

I think he's getting worried because Thai people are angry with what he said and are starting to circulate his quotes and picture mocking him for his racist remarks.




So they are now saying his team wrote it on his twitter? ???? even if that is true it still says a lot.


My money is on the 'he's lying' option.


Just another unqualified Thai on the make. Nothing to see here folks. Nothing important anyway.


No point in providing him with the oxygen of publicity, better by far to completely ghost him. I wish the Thai media could be persuaded to do much more ghosting... Very effective with the pollies.



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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

So, Trump bans UK travellers, a place 200% safer than the USA by diagnosed cases ? 

Cannot hope that the entire world bans USA travellers when they hit 10,000 !

Check the total population of each country and then redo your math.

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I was with a thai friend last night who has perfect English, when this “minister” came up he looked at me, held his nose and shook his head!

No need for words, clearly the smell from Bangkok was bad enough.

Edited by animatic
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So not only is this Minister of Health a Xenophobic and Racist individual, it would appear now as if he is a man on the back foot for his odious comments. Not just the "Dirty Farang " comment of 2 days ago but his equally odious comment directed at " F^^^^^^ Farang " a couple of weeks or so ago.

I have to say the BBC news report about this man yesterday was timid, to say the very least. People around the Globe need to know who runs the Government where they intend to Vacation.

Anutin really is a person to be loathed, and has no place in any Government with the obvious mental health issues that he has.

Really, for his own health, he needs to seek some professional help, specially with his anger management



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3 hours ago, keith101 said:

Australia just had 94 new Covid-19 cases in one day taking the total infections to 250 and Thailand is telling us there is only 82 in a country with such a huge population to me says they are just not testing enough or not releasing the real figures

Not many tests because they are asking ridiculous (5K +) figure to be tested.

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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

Then, why did it take so long for him to respond it wasn't me....honest.  Oh yeah, he was sprawled on the floor in front of his superiors begging and crying to save himself and please help me make someone else the fall guy.....

Nah, he just had better things to do than worry about a handful of unhappy foreigners.


C'mon how many of you sniffed your armpits and thought 'oh yeah, time for a shower.' ????

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50 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

Guess he is not a Doctor or Phd in Public Health. What he said was 

not only hateful it was scientifically inaccurate. I had three showers and a sauna today by the way.

But are you in Chiang Mai ??????

Edited by fulhamster
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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Anutin also said he has no negative feelings towards westerners

Yeah, he says a lot. I would imagine he say so much, he can´t remember it himself. If he have same good control over what he say as he have over his Twitter account, then we know the quality of the man.

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38 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

Well, imagine the numbers if TAT was in charge of the statistics using the same formula they use for tourist arrivals.. Up, up and away............... 

You are so right!


43 million covid-19 cases this year and they still keep flooding in...????

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3 hours ago, keith101 said:

Australia just had 94 new Covid-19 cases in one day taking the total infections to 250 and Thailand is telling us there is only 82 in a country with such a huge population to me says they are just not testing enough or not releasing the real figures

If you take a look at the global numbers where in the space of less than a week the WHO-recognized global epicenter has shifted half-a-world away to Europe, why can't people accept the medical science that this novel coronavirus is COMPLETELY NEW AND HAS CHARACTERISTICS NOT EXHIBITED IN PREVIOUS VIRAL CONTAGIONS. The actual transmission paths have only been more positively identified less than a month ago. There are now clusters in most developed nations, including those with sophisticated public health care regimens and victims on every continent bar Antarctica.


It's about time that some members start to think outside the box and embrace these facts instead of beating their gums about how Thailand is lying. Yes, Australia has seen a rapid uptick in daily numbers but much more recently, so has Spain. Austria, Italy, Spain, France, Czech Republic, Denmark, Norway, Poland are only some of the European nations that have closed or will be closing their borders to all travelers. Has anyone kept track on how many foreign clusters of infection have been positively traced to originating from someone who just returned from Thailand? Anyone?


This clamor for more testing is rather bizarre as it will only serve to prove that either the Thai contagion is worse than indicated or, like Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia and others, Thailand is in a regional 'skip-zone'. This may well be a feature of the as-yet not totally understood metrics of the spread of Covid-19.  In the case of the former, I am sure that the OP and many other members will revel in their self-righteous adulation of "I told you so!" while ultimately, their exposure to the risk and thus the danger they are in hasn't changed one iota. The danger is still there. Once the self-congratulation evaporates and faced with increasing numbers of infections, they will probably start crying for their governments to send 'rescue flights' to bring them home to their respective nanny states. The time to go home for the nervous Nellies or those who are truly at risk due to age and pre-existing conditions was the week before last BTW, before the much more sensible foreigners on their much more civilized nations started panic-buying and hoarding.


The false security of more testing was pointed out by Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the Whitehouse's Coronavirus Task Force who stressed that the result of that test is only valid at the time of that test. If you test negative, that only means that you probably haven't been exposed yet. She stressed that the preventative measures should be strictly adhered to day-in and day-out regardless if you have been tested negative or tested at all. One can be -ve on one day and +ve the day after. It's as easy as that. There will NEVER be enough test kits to allow everyone to be tested daily.


Thailand, like Australia Vietnam and Cambodia, is probably on the slow rise of a contagion curve that the pro-active, lock-down measures issued by the likes of the UK and US hope to keep as a gentle but inevitable curve and not the spike such as the one's seen in China and Italy. The smaller European nations, less dependent on tourism and associated commerce are increasingly going into total lock-down.


With the most recent couple of Covid-19 victims reported in Cambodia both being foreigners and the sudden elevation of quarantining and visa changes in Vietnam due to an infected Vietnamese person returning from London, I can easily foresee regional nations going into to a similar lock-down as the smaller European nations. The border run will become either impractical or impossible as will the quick fly-in, fly out passport shuffle. Of course there will be the associated calls of racism and much made of "They don't like us!" but in reality, they're only looking after their own and you, like myself, are not one of their own.


Keep washing your hands.

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33 minutes ago, animatic said:

I was with a thai friend last night who has perfect English, when this “minister” came up he looked at me, held his nose and shook his head!

No need for words, clearly the smell from Bangkok was bad enough.

I still find it quite endearing how Thai people will generally tell you what you like to hear.

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THIS reminds me when i was cheated once by a tour agent.

she took from me a deposit for an air ticket - the full amount.

i believed her because the wall behind her was full of passport photos of thousands 

of "happy customers" , farang tourists.

but few days later when i came to collect my ticket, the whole office disapeared

together with my money.


few days later she called me and said : "i did not steal your money".

i asked: "where are you? where is my money?"

and she shouted: "NO, I DID NOT STEAL YOUR MONEY". and hanged.

so i guess this is how it goes in thailand.

"no i did not post those mesages"

"no i did not smuggle heroin".

"no, i did not shoot the sheriff".

case closed.

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