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Democratic White House contender Biden says he would pick a woman as vice president

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2 minutes ago, Henryford said:

Obviously the game plan is have Hillary as VP. Creepy Joe will go gaga within 1 year as Pres then Hillary becomes Pres, simple.

That is obviously not the game plan. 

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I agree with both the feminine and masculine in Govt corridors. More balance is needed in the sexes I think. I also would say that I see most females that enter politics end up speaking and behaving like the males that surround them i.e. like bl..dy cold calculating compassionless expedient robots. 

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37 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There are many women suitable and Bidens VP is likely to be the first woman president. So why not? It's good politics and good policy. 

If the policy is something other than choosing the best person for the job, then you will get something other than the best person for the job. Simple logic. Using what's between a person's legs as the primary driver is probably one of the worse ways to stray away from simply choosing the best person for the job. Hopefully, you understand it.

  • Sad 1

Yeah, I can see it makes sense if the vice-president remains vice-president, proportional representation and all that, but throwing Hillary into this takes us into a whole new ball game, because she's presidential material. What do I know. I'm from the UK. I have enough problems understanding our own machiavellian system. I do know they screwed down hard on Corbyn and we have a buffoon in charge. But he seems to be doing quite well, presumably under advice. There is something, I suppose, in having a figurehead in nominal charge, with good advisors. No-one can doubt Cummings has a finger on the pulse of the country.

1 hour ago, sirineou said:

Not buying in to the image ,

I still stand by my opinion that he is too old, and so is Sanders and trump  Sorry to say, but unless something dramatic happens those are the choices. 

I agree his performance was not stellar, but he did not look as bad as he did in past debates, and though Sanders did land some significant punches , none of them was significant enough to change the dynamics of this nominating election. 

If he maintains his composure with trump as he did with Sanders last night , I think he will do well. (sanders had him on the ropes with his past voting record, but he kept his composure)


I believe the next problem Democrats face with Biden is enthusiasm. Joe has never been able to draw the crowds, especially as compared to Bernie. I think if there's one thing we as a country (at least should have) learned from Trump's shocking victory (yes, I was shocked as well) is that enthusiasm is still a wild card when calculating support and projecting who is going to win. Of course, hatred of Trump will help Biden draw crowds, as did hatred of Hillary for Trump. But does Biden have enough people who actually like him to close the sale?

1 minute ago, Crazy Alex said:

I believe the next problem Democrats face with Biden is enthusiasm. Joe has never been able to draw the crowds, especially as compared to Bernie. I think if there's one thing we as a country (at least should have) learned from Trump's shocking victory (yes, I was shocked as well) is that enthusiasm is still a wild card when calculating support and projecting who is going to win. Of course, hatred of Trump will help Biden draw crowds, as did hatred of Hillary for Trump. But does Biden have enough people who actually like him to close the sale?

I agree about the enthusiasm deficit, and I hope it is made up by trump fatigue.

But what elected trump was not enthusiasm but legitimate concern by people that the establishment was not addressing their concerns but instead considers them " a basket of deplorables" , 

I hope Biden does not make the same mistake, he needs to offer real solutions to real problems. 

A variable that could work both ways depending on outcomes in the next few months is the CoronaVirus, regardless of how you all might want to spin this thing to support your agenda, trump is failing flat on his face  so far, and unless he can find a way to turn it around he is toast.

You might not want to admit it but you know it also, of that I am sure, and if you know it you can bet that others also do. . 

  • Thanks 1
5 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I agree about the enthusiasm deficit, and I hope it is made up by trump fatigue.

But what elected trump was not enthusiasm but legitimate concern by people that the establishment was not addressing their concerns but instead considers them " a basket of deplorables" , 

I hope Biden does not make the same mistake, he needs to offer real solutions to real problems. 

A variable that could work both ways depending on outcomes in the next few months is the CoronaVirus, regardless of how you all might want to spin this thing to support your agenda, trump is failing flat on his face  so far, and unless he can find a way to turn it around he is toast.

You might not want to admit it but you know it also, of that I am sure, and if you know it you can bet that others also do. . 

Good call on "basket of deplorables" logic. That said, I don't think the optics of Biden telling that Michigan union voter "you're full of <deleted>" was moving in the right direction. Of course, it wasn't as comprehensive as Hillary's line or her overall arrogance. I think that's why Biden's aide tried to shut that incident down. I think Biden has to walk a fine line here. He wants to and needs to come across as not taking any <deleted> as a reason why he can handle Trump. The flip side of the coin is he doesn't want to end up being perceived as like Trump by the masses with regards to his attacking people. But Biden does tend to talk the way he does. Who knows, maybe few care. All we can do is speculate.


And yes, of course I acknowledge Trump will be judged on his handling the coronavirus. The question is, how long will this go on? It could well taper off with the normal flu season. If that happens, and none of us know, the next question is how much if any will the markets recover? Obviously, a 20+% drop in the markets isn't going to make the case for Trump reelection. An incumbent always has major advantages, but obviously Trump has his work cut out for him.

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2 hours ago, Chazar said:

what a <deleted>,  you  pick the person most suitable regardless

If picking the best person available was the main concern, Neither trump or Biden would be an option. 

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30 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Perhaps but actually a case can be made that Biden is the best for some things. For example he may be the best person to be able to repair the relationships with our traditional allies from day one that Putin loving 45 has so badly damaged. 

He certainly has the experience, knows the players and has their respect.

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9 hours ago, Vigilante said:

..and we all know who that woman is....cough...cough

You noticed Biden coughing at the debate last night as well? He did his best to cover it but you could hear it several times.

4 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

You noticed Biden coughing at the debate last night as well? He did his best to cover it but you could hear it several times.

Hey, if Biden made it through the night without forgetting what state he was in or what office he's running for, Democrats will likely call that a victory.

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9 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Hey, if Biden made it through the night without forgetting what state he was in or what office he's running for, Democrats will likely call that a victory.


I watched maybe half of it. Bernie was terrible. Biden clearly won. He did forget the name of the virus a few times and things like that but recovered okay. He just instead referred to it generically as the virus as he couldn't remember if it was Sars or whatever. 



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On 3/16/2020 at 4:46 PM, sirineou said:

I have to admit Biden looked a lot better than I thought he would do at yesterday's debate. Though Sanders was impressive IMO, I don't think he landed the knockout punch necessary to change the trajectory of the nomination.  

If he gets the nomination, and it looks like he will, given his advanced age, the VP selection will be very important.

Given the way both Buttiegieg and Klobuchar droped out right before Super Tuesday I am sure  the Biden camp had a conversation with them concerning their future in a Biden administration, and since Buttiegieg is not a woman, that leaves Klobuchar.

In addition, klobuchar brings in the midwest, is like Biden a centrist, and has the experience to become president if because of his age he cannot complete his term or does not wish to run for reelection after four years. 

I have yet to see a downside to Amy. I recall she had  let it slip out he selected her. So I speculate that Warren knows it and she gets to even up that dig where Bernie  told her a woman could not win the Presidency.

On 3/16/2020 at 7:01 PM, Crazy Alex said:

I believe the next problem Democrats face with Biden is enthusiasm. Joe has never been able to draw the crowds, especially as compared to Bernie. I think if there's one thing we as a country (at least should have) learned from Trump's shocking victory (yes, I was shocked as well) is that enthusiasm is still a wild card when calculating support and projecting who is going to win. Of course, hatred of Trump will help Biden draw crowds, as did hatred of Hillary for Trump. But does Biden have enough people who actually like him to close the sale?

Yes ,the one that draws the crowds will probably win you think? Me think it is the electorate that show up to the booth.  Me think any crazy person thinks its the crowds.

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1 hour ago, earlinclaifornia said:

Yes ,the one that draws the crowds will probably win you think? Me think it is the electorate that show up to the booth.  Me think any crazy person thinks its the crowds.

Biden has won a number of primary states without showing up, having rallies, having ads, or even having a campaign organization. Not by choice really. His campaign was broke. His comeback starting in South Carolina is one of the most remarkable and dramatic turnarounds in American political history. The reason is obvious. This is a referendum election on 45. The need was felt to unite already and the main alternative Bernie was widely seen as just too risky. No, Biden isn't exciting. Americans don't need exciting at this time. They need a steady hand! Not chaos and incompetence. 

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3 minutes ago, Kelsall said:


45 fan pipe dream. No, Virginia, you're not ever going to get Hillary to run against again. That ship has sailed. 

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On 3/16/2020 at 9:47 AM, webfact said:

Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden, who had hinted he might choose a woman as his vice presidential running mate if he is picked as the party's nominee,

And just like that, TVs chest thumpers all had a collective aneurysm. Six pages and counting...

  • Haha 1
22 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Ah your're indeed out of touch with the politically correct left wing "positive discrimination ideology that's now so fashionable with left wing liberals. 


Political Correctness must now pervade all aspects of human life. So Biden must pick a running mate whose a female (and hopefully not touch her up). His cabinet will have to reflect society - so some must be Hispanic-Americans, Afro-Americans etc etc. Must have some Muslims in there too; along with the token homosexuals and transsexuals of both sexes. Preferable find someone whose disabled to. The cabinet can then take decisions that would be reflective of societies opinions.


The old fashioned idea of best person for the job, regardless of color, religion, sexuality, ethnicity just doesn't cut it any more.

So what do you want, a run off competition between every single republican in the US and is that how every single previous male candidate has been selected - if not show me evidence of your complaining.

3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

No I’m pinning it on the off chance there are any Illiberals left around here on the north side of November. 

The rugged individualists are all praying that their dear leader gives the stock market a bit of a socialist nudge so that their retirement funds don’t go down the gurgler. 

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