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Trump urges U.S. to halt most social activity in virus fight, warns of recession


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16 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

No, testing is a cure! :clap2:

Not a cure but it's a key to massively reducing its damage:

China And South Korea Models Seem Like Only Way To Contain COVID-19

"The other model is South Korea’s massive free testing and treatment, which also corralled the disease and kept new infection rates low. Mortality rates are even lower at just under 1%."


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

He said he thought it would still be possible for G7 leaders to meet at the Camp David retreat in Maryland in June. Trump upset European countries, which make up a large part of the G7, by instituting travel restrictions from European countries without consulting with them first.

I'm sure he will make an exemption to the travel restrictions if the G7 meeting is done at the Mar a Lago resort

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are they needed on the scale that people are demanding? Personally I doubt it.

I posted an article above which describes that a person with corona symptoms was not allowed to have the test.

And this was not about money, they just refused the test several times because the person was not in a so called high risk country. The person was in Spain and now the USA restricts travel from Spain - but still does not allow testing. Strange!


Obviously I don't know how often that happens. But reading the news that until now the USA tested about as many people in total like South Korea tests per day is not exactly a good sign.

And looking at Trump's statements over the last weeks it's obvious that he ignored and downplayed the situation for too long.

Lots of people will die because of his incompetence. 

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I read that Mar y Lago was closed down on Monday for deep cleaning due to it being a COVID hot zone. But that his beach club is still open. Just because the CDC says gatherings should be less than 50 people is no reason to give up profit. Let's see if Mar y Lago reopens today.

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2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

What do you want him to do? Not Monday morning quarterbacking about yesterday with a longstanding bias and hostility to our Presdient, but practicaly, what exactly do you want him to do, right now.

I think you left the door wide open with that question.  I trust TV members will show restraint.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

South Korea has engaged in a massive program of early testing. The result: COVID infections are already leveling off.


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That might have happened anyway.

It certainly would eventually level off at a future time regardless of any human action.  Without preventative/protective/treatment effort I think one of more likely results would be ~1% of the population dead, ~85% survivors who would then possibly be immune and ~14% uninfected who have been unbelievably lucky, but who may yet succumb.  The Dear Leader would then have to hide in a hole like Saddam.

Edited by gamb00ler
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1 minute ago, gargamon said:

Come on, everything must be ok, Trump gave himself a rating of 10/10 for his handling of the crisis.

We need to accept improvements where we find them. At least today, he didn't wear his black baseball cap and there wasn't a parade of CEOs getting free advertisements for their companies at the White House. But, that Deborah Birx has sure got that head nod thing down to an art form. As soon as Trump comes up, she's nodding like a crazed bobblehead doll.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If everybody does actually stop doing most things, recession is guaranteed because of everybody stopping doing most things. If no small businesses are making any money, they will go broke. That's pretty obvious but what are governments around the world going to do when it's all over and millions are broke and unemployed?

Start that infrastructure project?  A Newer Deal?  Eat what's grown domestically?  Nationalize banks?

Somethings that are currently unpalatable?

We will still have an incredible accumulation of human capital.

Edited by gamb00ler
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40 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Those 3 "nasty" letters in the link will ensure that it isn't read or red enough.


Actually, that is a very good article that I had overlooked.  Thanks

Edited by gamb00ler
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14 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

Those 3 "nasty" letters in the link will ensure that it isn't read or red enough.

That's why I chose the Wall Street Journal article about that. But I guess maybe its owner, Rupert Murdoch, who also owns Fox News, is also a player in the Deep State conspiracy?

Edited by bristolboy
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1 hour ago, gargamon said:

Come on, everything must be ok, Trump gave himself a rating of 10/10 for his handling of the crisis.


Correct. Best handling of a pandemic EVER. That's what people are telling me.


potus said it was "under tremendous control".



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1 hour ago, gargamon said:

Come on, everything must be ok, Trump gave himself a rating of 10/10 for his handling of the crisis.

I'm happy enough because at least the fiddle music stopped.

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