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Thai govt statement in English regarding new COVID-19 measures


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Thai govt statement in English regarding new COVID-19 measures




Below is the official translation of the new measures the announced on Tuesday 17 March 2020:


Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha stated that the Cabinet, during its meeting on 17 March 2020, approved a package of measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).


In his statement, televised on the Television Pool of Thailand on 17 March 2020 at 19.00 hr, the Prime Minister said that the measures cover six areas: public health; preventive medical supplies; information, explanations, and the receiving of complaints; foreign affairs; prevention; and remedies.


Concerning public health, foreigners coming from six infected zones - China, Macao, Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, and Iran - as well as countries with continuing transmission of the virus, are required to have health certificates issued in the previous three days, as well as health insurance coverage. They must agree to use the Government’s monitoring application to track them. A 14-day quarantine is another measure that may be imposed on them, if considered necessary.


No government officials are allowed to go abroad during this time, unless there is a necessity. People are also warned not to go to infected countries. Thai people staying overseas are urged not to return to Thailand until the situation improves.


All hospitals have been instructed to prepare places to accommodate infected persons, and a sufficient amount of necessary equipment must be acquired in order to cope with a possible Stage 3 of the outbreak.


Regarding preventive medical supplies, the production of hygienic masks, hand sanitizers, and other medical supplies is being accelerated. They will also be imported to meet the demand. Online trading of the products will be monitored to prevent hoarding.


As for the area of information, explanations, and the receiving of complaints, the Ministry of Public Health disseminates specific information concerning medical services and public health, in accordance with the Communicable Disease Act. The COVID-19 Information Center gives information on all relevant issues in the overall picture.

Regarding foreign affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been told to arrange the \"Team Thailand,” headed by ambassadors in foreign countries, to take care of Thai people overseas.


On prevention, it is neccessay that universities, international schools, tutorial schools, and other educational institutions be closed for two weeks, starting from 18 March 2020 onwards. They are required to impose strict preventive measures in accordance with the standards, set by the Ministry of Public Health.


Boxing stadiums, racecourses, and sports stadiums in Bangkok and its vicinity will be closed temporarily. Pubs, entertainment places, traditional Thai massage shops, fitness centers, spas, and theaters in Bangkok and its perimeter will be closed for 14 days. As for other provinces, provincial governors will make decisions on these issues.


Activities that include many people will be suspended, such as concerts, trade fairs, and religious, cultural, and sports programs. Shopping malls, markets, government offices, and state enterprises must take preventive measures, set by the Ministry of Public Health. Shops and restaurants must also impose preventive measures, such as cleaning surfaces, using thermo scanners, and wearing hygienic masks.


Festivities for the Songkran holiday, the traditional Thai New Year, from 13-15 April, 2020, will be postponed. The frequency of public transport services will be increased to reduce congestion. Inter-provincial movements of many people by military camps, prisons, and schools must be suspended.


All government offices have been told to consider overlapping working-hours and homeworking, as well as promoting the use of the internet system, such as teleconferencing. Provincial governors and the Bangkok governor are empowered to impose measures to restrict any movements that may lead to the spread of the virus. Disease control units will be set up urgently in all districts and villages, with the participation of the people’s sector in the surveillance operations.


Concerning remedies, relevant government agencies have been instructed to work out measures to help affected businesses, such as factories, workplaces, and hotels. The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Interior, and other relevant agencies will come up with measures to help people affected by the economic slowdown and respond to their complaints. Medical personnel will also be given encouragement.


The Prime Minister said that Thailand is in the process of containing the situation in Stage 2 of COVID-19 as long as possible. The Government regards the fight against COVID-19 as the first priority of the country, as the spread of the disease directly affects the lives of the people. More measures will be issued in accordance with the emerging situation.


Source: https://thailand.prd.go.th/mobile_detail.php?cid=4&nid=9156

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3 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

yes mask do nothing. don't wear them.

yes spread the virus everywhere. cause more mutations as each wave is different.

collapse the global economy. help close the banks. destroy your pension. lose your life savings.  

hurry up there is still time to post more "don't wear a mask" "mask do nothing" comments before the power goes out. 

Didn't think Covid19 had sneezing as a symptom?

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24 minutes ago, Epidemiologist Dave said:

It is most likely that a large number of out of work massage and bar ladies will return to their Isaan homes to see their families travelling mainly by bus. A sure fire way of distributing the virus.



Yes, and Kudos to Khun Newin who tries to implement screening/quarantining at the borders of our great Buriram province. Whether the average rice farmer boys and girls will be willing to assist is a different matter.

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42 minutes ago, webfact said:

Concerning public health, foreigners coming from six infected zones - China, Macao, Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, and Iran - as well as countries with continuing transmission of the virus, are required to have health certificates issued in the previous three days, as well as health insurance coverage. They must agree to use the Government’s monitoring application to track them. A 14-day quarantine is another measure that may be imposed on them, if considered necessary.

Does anyone have a link to said acceptable Health Certificate.

If flights are not cancelled, I have a friend arriving from Ireland next month.


Have they actually published any information of how the Governments monitoring system will work in practice.

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34 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

Personally I don't believe the Thai Government figures.

Many Thais are suffering from the symptoms of possible Covid 19 infection.

They are reluctant to visit their local hospitals, a) due to fear of spreading the infection to the already sick, or b) they cannot afford the test.


Money comes first, public safety second in Thailand.


In addition, the availability of masks or alcohol sanitizer is non existent, either from local outlets or online. Asking for any kind of antibiotic from the local pharmacies, your now subjected to a third degree grilling.


I'm surprised about the TD grilling - as antibiotics are useless against viruses.  

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hmmm may be i skipped it, but was there any information regarding Foreigners stuck in Thailand at the moment?
Some unbureaucratic advise to the Immigration offices just to extend the Visa for the countries where people can not fly too atm since Airlines cancelled their flights?
Usually after Songkran there are thousands of foreigners leaving Thailand for the summer season in Europe, many of them having Visa only until Middle of April... would be a nice gesture to give them a FREE extension until they can leave and not making even money with this not wanted Virus ...

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7 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

I'm surprised about the TD grilling - as antibiotics are useless against viruses.  

Most Thais aren't aware of that fact.


I think the pharmacies suspect your buying antibiotics for influenza symptoms, similar to Covid 19 symptoms, hence the grilling why you want them.

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2 minutes ago, Traubert said:

My word. The drama. I've seen some over-reaction in my time but this beats  the lot.

unfortunately most people still dont get what we are talking here about. It doesnt matter how many ppl the Virus is killin gthis time ... may be our governments are even happy because they will safe a lot of pension since its hitting mostly ppl older as 70y.o.  BUT there will be a COVIT-20 or a 21,,,,22 and so on... damn take it serious or do you really belive the Chinese locking down cities and 100million ppl, risking a lot of income and money, just for fun? ????

It WILL  mutate... it has a couple of times, better safe than sorry or how you say it in English ...

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Concerning public health, foreigners coming from six infected zones - China, Macao, Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, and Iran - as well as countries with continuing transmission of the virus, are required to have health certificates issued in the previous three days, as well as health insurance coverage.

This seems unclear. With the inclusion of "as well as" he seems to be adding the second group of countries "with local transmission," which would, then, now include the US and UK, along with Germany, France, and Japan. The only people being allowed in without paperwork, it appears, are Russians and Indians.

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hmm, countries with increasing infection, thats just about everywhere BUT CHINA!


Malaysia is in shutdown for 14 days no Malays allowed out of country but foreigners are

this is a country with increasing figures so health cerificate health insurance ?



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