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Smokers and Covid-19: Regular cigarette and e-cigarette users face 5,000 fine for lighting up in public


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16 minutes ago, Sambotte said:

Thanks for the info.


So if i do understand... there are still smoking area.

Of course non-smoking area too.


What about the no-sign area ? Like in the street ? Diesel can smoke, farmers can burn entire fields, food-street can make smoke, people can burn their trash, so do i guess i still can smoke in those environnements ? Not that i spend too much time there, but still, i like to know.


The obvious thing to do is respect both way. What <deleted> me off is the "chasse aux sorcières" initiated by USA years ago but has spread all over the world, that goes extreme, stupid, without respect for freedom. It's both way, otherwise it's just totalitarism.


Not to mention the lack of scientific evidence here.


And, again and again i will say, the comparison to the huge other pollutions, air pollution alone killing more than smoking. And there is scientific datas for this. I do not see many anti-smoker talk about that, it's like... in French we have a expression "the tree that hide the forest". Many focus on the tree (the smoker), but are in denial of the forest burning ! (huge fires, other fires, global warming, chemicals, etc.).

Targeting scapegoats has never been wise, but somehow intelligent from elites in power, it's a very primitive technique but that works... with primitive people ! I am not talking about Thaïland here... They copy what many other countries do for many more things (yet).

I don't care (i mean...), my point being i need a minimum of freedom ! And a world not on fire !

The Law in question above refers to the update of starting March 2019....until today...maybe tomorrow or even next week...Mai ko Jai. Should latest "proposed recommendation" from the Ministry of Health be approved and suspect it will be...then thats it....Usually takes a minimum of 90 days before enforcement however considering the situation at the moment ...it could be tomorrow.... Dont hold yer breath....

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22 minutes ago, Rinrada said:

Dont hold yer breath....

But what am i allowed to do then ? ???? Can not exhale here, can not breath there...


I will start to FART in public closed place, in protest ! Airplanes, buses. A teeth for a teeth. Smell that ! Ha ha !


I will eat cheese and drink wine (still allowed) together for that purpose (i am not a natural, and i don't drink actually, neither eat americancheesecopy - i'm French, we know the real cheeses ???? and the real wines ???? No latino copies either damn !!! -). Some choucroute too ha ha that will be something... Pâtés, cassoulets, everything it takes !


I will FART hard to protest ! Everywhere ! No smoking ? Take that fart !

For your safety, let me smoke instead ! ????

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38 minutes ago, flinc2020 said:

May well be something as China also banned smoking in public back in January in Chengdu,Sichuan province. Having said that, it was kinda futile since the city was on lockdown and you needed a passcard to leave your apartment.

Still it's no evidence. But could explain. The guy just copied Chineese.

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Go Thailand!


Love it.


Save the sane among us from the disgusting stench and the dangerous secondhand smoke pollutants.


How weak and stupid does someone have to be to still be smoking cigarettes?


And then to do so in the world's most polluted air.

Edited by JimmyJ
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27 minutes ago, Liss Camber said:

No scientific proof at all. In no country all around the world a scientologist has ever said such a thing. How can he know? Scientific proof please!

board member Matzzon has proof.

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4 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

OK so a cigarette tip burns at 900 degC and has a filter on the end.

Now you show me how a virus is going to get through that.

So there we have proof that by inhaling through a cigarette I am actively protecting myself from the corona that YOU are breathing out.   

Perhaps we all should pull huge burning cigarettes over our heads instead of wearing those flimsy paper masks. I am going to start putting together a prototype today and hope to have it ready (and patented!) by early next week. Stay tuned. Online ordering link will come up shortly.

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I'd say the biggest problem with Covid isn't the death, it's the politics.

Vaping can make the exhalation more visible, but I'm confident that outside, with 2m social distancing, it's pretty irrelevant - so it's certainly just another pose.

The problem is that having been brought up with military influences from school, Thai's love people telling other people what to do - even if it's pointless.

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4 minutes ago, Misterwhisper said:

Perhaps we all should pull huge burning cigarettes over our heads instead of wearing those flimsy paper masks. I am going to start putting together a prototype today and hope to have it ready (and patented!) by early next week. Stay tuned. Online ordering link will come up shortly.

to be fair smoking a ciggie offer the same protection as a flimsy cotton face mask.

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Let's see....you can't smoke in the home because of the impact of second hand smoke; you can't smoke on the beach (despite me seeing literally thousands of dimps on Dongtan Beach yesterday; and now you can't smoke anywhere in public? Doesn't it seem that smoking has just been banned in Thailand?

I don't smoke so it doesn't really affect me but it *isses me off when these idiot goons from the government starting interfering in our life choices.

Good job the BIB are so busy catching real criminals with Smart BMWs that they will not notice a few people (or even half the population) lighting up. 

BTW the Smart BMW is a miserable series 3 with some dopey Google looking camera on the top. I think the camera used to be a spare bomb detector that the army didn't;t need after it purchased thousands of them before finding out that hey didn't work. Never mind some soldiers, possibly even officers, made millions in the scam.

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Yes...Anyone found breaking this law by using an electronic cigarette – or vaping in Thailand could be Arrested and face Jail time, or a fine several times the value of the illegal item(s). This applies to both foreigners and Thais..  http://www.thaiembassy.org/london/en/services/7747/86207-Prohibition-of-e-cigarettes.html

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1 hour ago, Sambotte said:

But what am i allowed to do then ? ???? Can not exhale here, can not breath there...


I will start to FART in public closed place, in protest ! Airplanes, buses. A teeth for a teeth. Smell that ! Ha ha !


I will eat cheese and drink wine (still allowed) together for that purpose (i am not a natural, and i don't drink actually, neither eat americancheesecopy - i'm French, we know the real cheeses ???? and the real wines ???? No latino copies either damn !!! -). Some choucroute too ha ha that will be something... Pâtés, cassoulets, everything it takes !


I will FART hard to protest ! Everywhere ! No smoking ? Take that fart !

For your safety, let me smoke instead ! ????

Your French, Dress up in a medieval suit and say to the man " I fart in your gennnerall direction"

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6 hours ago, Matzzon said:
6 hours ago, Don Mega said:

So your proof is your dribbling's you post here, any of that backed by any actual scientific findings ?

So, okey! Your stance is that cigarettes are good for you. Great! Up to you, but walk away from other innocent people when you wish to poison yourself.

No, that’s not his stance. Thats your hyperbolic interpretation of his stance because you are unable to hold a balanced discussion.

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It does not matter how much you all want to argue about this and to try to show that you are superior to the other person this is the law that is coming into Thailand and if you do not like it and you do not want to live by the laws of Thailand then go somewhere else with your smoke. Go to Australia where you are only allowed to smoke in designated areas, you are not allowed to smoke on the beaches and if there is someone else in your car you are not allowed to light a cigarette in the car and there are many other countries that are doing the same thing and have been doing it for years.

This is from the American CDC.


  • There is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure; even brief exposure can be harmful to health.1,2,6
  • Since 1964, approximately 2,500,000 nonsmokers have died from health problems caused by exposure to secondhand smoke.1

Health Effects in Children

In children, secondhand smoke causes the following:1,2,3

  • Ear infections
  • More frequent and severe asthma attacks
  • Respiratory symptoms (for example, coughing, sneezing, and shortness of breath)
  • Respiratory infections (bronchitis and pneumonia)
  • A greater risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)Secondhand smoke can infiltrate into other units through hallways and stairwells.

Secondhand smoke can infiltrate into other units through hallways and stairwells.

Health Effects in Adults

In adults who have never smoked, secondhand smoke can cause:

  • Heart disease
    • For nonsmokers, breathing secondhand smoke has immediate harmful effects on the heart and blood vessels.1,3
    • It is estimated that secondhand smoke caused nearly 34,000 heart disease deaths each year during 2005–2009 among adult nonsmokers in the United States.1
  • Lung cancer1,7
    • Secondhand smoke exposure caused more than 7,300 lung cancer deaths each year during 2005–2009 among adult nonsmokers in the United States.1
  • Stroke1
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2 hours ago, Sambotte said:

But what am i allowed to do then ? ???? Can not exhale here, can not breath there...


I will start to FART in public closed place, in protest ! Airplanes, buses. A teeth for a teeth. Smell that ! Ha ha !


I will eat cheese and drink wine (still allowed) together for that purpose (i am not a natural, and i don't drink actually, neither eat americancheesecopy - i'm French, we know the real cheeses ???? and the real wines ???? No latino copies either damn !!! -). Some choucroute too ha ha that will be something... Pâtés, cassoulets, everything it takes !


I will FART hard to protest ! Everywhere ! No smoking ? Take that fart !

For your safety, let me smoke instead ! ????

Classy.....  I think I’ve sat next to you on a plane !

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7 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

It does not matter how much you all want to argue about this and to try to show that you are superior to the other person this is the law that is coming into Thailand and if you do not like it and you do not want to live by the laws of Thailand then go somewhere else with your smoke. Go to Australia where you are only allowed to smoke in designated areas, you are not allowed to smoke on the beaches and if there is someone else in your car you are not allowed to light a cigarette in the car and there are many other countries that are doing the same thing and have been doing it for years.



I’ve no issues with them banning smoking. But do so for a sensible reason, i.e. for the benefit of public health. 


But to come up with some sanctimonious and unfounded reason [that smoke / vape carries a virus ‘far and wide’] is just idiotic. 


Ban smoking in public areas other than designated areas is a civilised thing to do. While the government are at it take measures to control the far more serious and widely damaging issue of air-pollution, especially from burning fields.


This is nothing more than a daft soundbite and if the ban takes hold who is going to pay these fines?

Thai street vendors in the Nana area? I very much doubt that, but watch out for the BMA officials stalking foreigners for their pay-day. 







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23 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

What’s the fine for farting in public?

Asking for a friend.

Apparently only wet farts are illegal for obvious reasons!!!???????????????????????????????? (However, mine are ok because they are Leo beer induced so Alcohol disinfected ????????????)

Edited by DPKANKAN
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There is scientific proof that secondhand smoke does cause health problems with non-smokers now add the virus to the smoke that is exhaled and that increases the health risk to the non-smoker. One <*****> on here has stated that the virus must first go through the 900 degrees of heat at the tip of his cigarette and then pass through the filter and it will die. Yes, that is right when you inhale but what about when you exhale your smoke with the virus out onto other people. The secondhand smoke combined with the virus increases the risks. This is going to be Thai law so get used to it for whatever reason that they introduce it

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As ever with Thai expert 'pronouncements', you have to look at them with a jaundiced eye. This fella is sort of half correct, but he's mixed it all up with a little tree spirits here, a little Thai phee knowledge there, shaken it, stirred it, then opened his fatuous mouth.

Happens daily.

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10 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

I just stayed at a hotel and a sign in the room said '' no smoking 200,000 baht fine'' how on earth could that be enforced, who could make anyone pay that amount and to whom. 

Easier than you think. We used smoke detectors in the toilets in our long distance coaches and if anyone smoked in the toilet a light would show on the dash and we would contact the police and that person would be removed from the coach and arrested for breaching the law. The airlines have a similar system in their toilets and all hotels have smoke detectors and they are linked to a central alarm board. The court would issue the fine and that would go into the government coffers the same as all other fines.

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23 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Khajornsak said that when smokers exhale their smoke carries their phlegm and bacteria on particles far and wide. This is true of both regular cigarette smokers and e-cigarette users.

Don't believe a word of that.  Just another excuse to have a go at smokers.  I am a responsible smoker, I don't throw my tabs down, I don't smoke in confined spaces - I don't even smkoe in the house and I live alone.


Tired of hearing this rubbish! "Doctor, I have a pain in my big toe" - "How many cigarettes do you smoke each day?"


Those anti smokers amongst you - take note: The very same people who are responsible for instigating much of the anti-smoking laws and hysteria in the UK, having achieved most of their aims, are now turning their attention to drinking - its just a matter of time. Thailand will no doubt follow suit.

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