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I have a face mask, it's like a thick polyester fabric, there are two layers. Can anyone give advice for washing? I was thinking detergent, hot water and then dry in direct sun? I had a look on the internet, but there's so much (mis)information. People have been saying they are ineffective, however there were thousands packed in recently at Bangkok demonstrations, we are not hearing reports of transmission from there. Everyone had a mask.

6 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

Someone said in an earlier thread that urine was an acceptable cleanser...

The ancient romans certainly thought so. 

  • Like 1

hey... you know how it is always your most expensive clothing 'shrinks' from the accidental  too-hot-a-wash?

- well, putting the mask into Boiling wash will then shrink it!


 - the thread therefore must be tightening closer to each other


 - therefore finer filtering action than the Original even had! ????

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true, POST 11, this is not ideal, but it can stop microdroplets.
It is a mask of protection, respect and empathy for those around you.
I made a dozen of them yesterday, by sliding strips of felt and very fine fleece inside the masks.
If, to pay for your studies, you had gone to summer camps, you would have learned to manage.
And, no, even if it is not pleasant to wear a mask, we can endure it for a few hours.

18 minutes ago, Curt1591 said:

Face masks are very useful for keeping one's own hands off nose and mouth. Contaminating your hands, then transferring that contamination to your face, is how most illnesses are are spread.

No one can refrain from touching their face; it is a normal, unconscious act. 

funny, we were out sitting having a coffee yesterday, and Mrs picked me up for scratching my face - 

 - and then it dawned on me, it was not my finger doing the scratching!


It was this! image.png.0e337015305504efbc86484e81feb3af.png 


some sort of fortunate fringe benefit?

 - of something I've realised that, thinking back, i've been doing for a long time! 


7 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

Someone said in an earlier thread that urine was an acceptable cleanser...


  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, EricTh said:



The virus is spreading fast in Europe because people infected don't wear masks but they are not aware they are infected. 


You'd hope anyone with cough or fever would wear a mask. Even a bog standard cold\cough needs a mask to avoid being strung up by others, but when someone doesn't have symptoms the virus sheds far less


Has anyone tried microwaving them ?


Might kill the virus but leave the mask intact .


Gardeners who use eggshells in their garden often micro wave them first to kill of bacteria.


I actually have a cloth one which I wash in detol then dry in the sun. When dry the mask still has a little of the detol smell.


And don't forget , masks may not offer much protection to the wearer but they are much better and preventing the spread of the virus to others.

  • Like 1
15 hours ago, simple1 said:

if you're thinking of Covid-19, only N95 face masks are useful.  Otherwise use the protocols at URL below.



They are useful if only because you are not touching your mouth and nose with possibly infected fingers if you have a mask on, also they are a reminder of whats out there and to take care

  • Like 2
25 minutes ago, Denim said:

Has anyone tried microwaving them ?


Might kill the virus but leave the mask intact .


Gardeners who use eggshells in their garden often micro wave them first to kill of bacteria.


I actually have a cloth one which I wash in detol then dry in the sun. When dry the mask still has a little of the detol smell.


And don't forget , masks may not offer much protection to the wearer but they are much better and preventing the spread of the virus to others.

I put the mask in the microwave to kill the bacteria, 1 min on full capacity.I do the same with the sponge

for cleaning the dishes.

  • Like 2
8 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

Someone said in an earlier thread that urine was an acceptable cleanser...

Actually the above claim has been dismissed as a myth by health authorities

1 hour ago, EricTh said:

N95 is to protect the wearer from infection.

N95 gets its certification , if that is the word, from US Occupational Health and Safety.  It is a dust mask. Nothing remotely medical or anti viral about it.. 


What they might do is protect others from the wearer. So purely altruistic.

2 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

The ancient romans certainly thought so. 

Fresh urine only. From a healthy disease free person. Do not use the urine if it is from a person with an infection. Do not use stale urine that has been allowed to sit around. 

    Wash thoroughly in the urine and rinse well with clean water.

    Allow to dry thoroughly. 

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1


   If farlangs do not wear face masks ,  they will scorned by Thai people.



9 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

Someone said in an earlier thread that urine was an acceptable cleanser...

Are you taking the pi*s

1 hour ago, VocalNeal said:

N95 gets its certification , if that is the word, from US Occupational Health and Safety.  It is a dust mask. Nothing remotely medical or anti viral about it.. 


What they might do is protect others from the wearer. So purely altruistic.

From the FDA website...


N95 respirators and surgical masks (face masks) are examples of personal protective equipment that are used to protect the wearer from airborne particles and from liquid contaminating the face.




You cannot clean those kind in any way.  The people telling you to use the N95's are giving you the right advice.  Actually the WHO still does not recommend wearing any kind of mask unless you are ill, someone near you is ill, or you are a medical professional.  Anybody hoarding these things should be donating them to the real heroes, the front-line workers in all this!!!  This is the latest WHO video and note: NOT ONE MENTION OF WEARING A MASK AT ALL!!!!!

And just to add:

Health Experts Are Telling Healthy People Not to Wear Face Masks


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Adding to my previous post above, Taiwan is ahead of most countries and have been through this before.  When Sars was happening, face masks were mandatory in almost every place you went.  Today, there is no mandatory public places you "must" wear them at all!!  They know the facts, and that it is not an airborne disease/virus, it lingers on surfaces. 

But if you are really serious in cleaning that useless cloth mask of yours, first of look at the article showing you it's not worth trying to wash them......and if still not convinced and really do want to wash your mask, maybe you can go over and use their machine at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.  (which seems the only way for Cheap Charlies to do so !!!  Lol !!!!! )

Video shows Taiwanese why spraying alcohol ruins masks


Taiwan university introduces machine to prolong mask life





Yesterday I reading a story about Japan during a swine flu outbreak. This was 2009, EVERYONE had a mask and all businesses hand the hand gel out. So simple.


Unbelieveable how much emphasis on them not protecting the wearer, but so little on them protecting others. I think the help both and the weather must be a factor.


There were massive demonstrations in Bkk in late Feb and mid March. People were crammed together, EVERYONE had a mask and it was outside in the heat, there are no reports of transmission from the demos. I couldn't think of a worse place for infection than Lumpini

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