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Trapped in paradise: Tourists stranded by virus seek visa extensions


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32 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

Same photos could be made yesterday at Pattaya immigration. Same amount of people, no distancing whatsoever, just checking the temperature when letting you inside the building (obviously to protect themselves, not you who already spent 40 minutes standing face to face with other visitors). I regret for not making the photos.


Found one on the internet. Pay attention - there are several lines under the roof not seen at his photo. Later all these people are let in inside the mail building where at least 100 people stay in the crowded and small place.9cbbf271-6abf-4d3e-a113-3e78d17eb05c.JPG



it looks so hot, seems like the temps are gonna be high anyways

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Thousands of people took trips when they should not have, writing has been on the wall for weeks if not months.


I have a friend that is stuck on a cruise ship still, he went on the trip long after the problems Princess ships, he is a good friend, but a fool. Last I heard was they were trying to get into Fort Lauderdale after being refused in many ports

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9 hours ago, teatree said:

Why not just suspend visa expiration dates indefinitely until the crisis is under control without any need to extend at an office?


Forcing people into crowds is insane atm.

Do not ask the Thai authorities to do anything sensible, they don't know the meaning of the word.

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8 hours ago, smedly said:

100% correct - do you think they care about foreigners getting sick and having to pay huge medical bills, they would prefer we were all in hospital - nice big earner


I will be paying someone to do my 90 day report - no way going near an immigration office

90 day reports should be suspended for now, but that is too sensible for Thailand.

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11 hours ago, bartender100 said:

Thousands of people took trips when they should not have, writing has been on the wall for weeks if not months.


I have a friend that is stuck on a cruise ship still, he went on the trip long after the problems Princess ships, he is a good friend, but a fool. Last I heard was they were trying to get into Fort Lauderdale after being refused in many ports

If you think about it taking a 20 hour flight on airplane is not differenet. You will be breathing in the same air as 100's of people. It is worse than a cruise ship.

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1 hour ago, Don Chance said:

If you think about it taking a 20 hour flight on airplane is not differenet. You will be breathing in the same air as 100's of people. It is worse than a cruise ship.

And the food that is served is merely leftovers from those flying 1st class. The water that is served is filtered from the toilet. Jeez, what other fake facts can I come up with?

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18 hours ago, burgdawg said:

...I arrived Thailand in early November with my return ticket just before Songkran. By New Years' and hearing of the Wuhan 2019 n_CoV, I began sussing out flights. Once Chinese flights were blocked by Trump, I realized Thailand would never halt flights from Wuhan. I flew out of Thailand in late January.


People had MONTHS too get their ass out of town. If Thais know they got you over a barrel, who is the fool now?

Wow, you are so full of yourself.

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15 hours ago, csmith said:

I'm guessing you are not living in Thailand because why on Earth would you be here after sharing this negative BMW model?


BMW .… Bitching, Moaning, Whinging

I suppose the positive BMW model in a Thai immigration thread would be the smart car... 

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12 hours ago, bartender100 said:

Thousands of people took trips when they should not have, writing has been on the wall for weeks if not months.


I have a friend that is stuck on a cruise ship still, he went on the trip long after the problems Princess ships, he is a good friend, but a fool. Last I heard was they were trying to get into Fort Lauderdale after being refused in many ports

maybe this what would have greeted them on Arrival?


... just waiting fore the tumbleweeds 

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On 3/23/2020 at 9:14 PM, dinsdale said:

Fantastic social distancing and PPE going on. Wonder how many were wearing masks in Chaengwattana.

yeah and some organization is recommending closing Hotels in Bangkok.  How can that help stranded visitors or even local populace that stay long term in hotel

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4 hours ago, mickymouse1 said:

Simple way to make everyone comfortable and happy; apply and pay on line stating your details. Get online confirmation. DONE.

last i knew , thailand doesnt really seem to be into  online payment modulus .


they seem to prefer cash on delivery 

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41 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

yeah and some organization is recommending closing Hotels in Bangkok.  How can that help stranded visitors or even local populace that stay long term in hotel

Don't try and baffle anyone with logic. It's not understood. 

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Immigration should be using a reservation ticket system which you get an approximate timeframe to appear.  Or better yet, they should try as hard as possible to do it without having people come in the office i.e. preferably email (picture of passport, picture of entry card and the address you currently reside) and then as long as you are not on a list of undesirables - just issuing 30 day extensions by email with a Office and reference number.   You are not going to get much 'tourism' for this time-frame so a bit of lenience in both process and stay would be wise.  If they still want the fees, just have the fees apply on exit or next visit to an immigration office.

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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Two things going on here, both involve a great deal of carelessness. 


Firstly, there is no tourist who had no idea that they could become stranded in Thailand - getting stranded in Thailand was foreseeable two weeks ago by everyone. These tourists ignored the risks and figured they’d just stay here longer - they didn’t care. 


Secondly, Immigration have not provided any reasonable alternative, instead allowing people to break any social distancing protocol, as careless as they not bothering to put hand sanitiser at the fingerprint scanner at the airport. Immigration could easily have relaxed the immigration regulations until the crisis is over so tourists don’t need to queue at the Immigration officers - Immigration don’t care. 


<deleted>wittery on both sides. 



Edited by metisdead
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As a person who has stayed here  in Thailand for 8 years I’m making an offer to any family who are stuck in Thailand and can’t get home and are with little or no funds a room at my house until they can get home. Could I ask also other expats to make a similar offer in this time of need. I live in the Rayong area of Thailand, anyone who needs the offer is on a first come first served basis.

contact me by email [email protected]

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On 3/24/2020 at 3:12 PM, toenail said:

I realize Thais also have worries but it would be nice not to get rude looks of disgust  or frowns. I really feel like farangs are being blamed for the coronavirus in Thailand  by Thais.  Strange vibe 

This year I've found Thais really polite actually, but yes the current situation has the potential (in every country) to undermine all that when anxiety really starts playing on people's minds. It's among the reasons I'm leaving tomorrow. I said a while ago that the majority of us only have experience of being in this country as a tourist or expat in peace time. If foreigners ever start to be seen as a resource burden on an already struggling system, I personally don't want to stand out like a sore thumb. 

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50 minutes ago, Leslie850 said:

As a person who has stayed here  in Thailand for 8 years I’m making an offer to any family who are stuck in Thailand and can’t get home and are with little or no funds a room at my house until they can get home. Could I ask also other expats to make a similar offer in this time of need. I live in the Rayong area of Thailand, anyone who needs the offer is on a first come first served basis.

contact me by email [email protected]

Generous offer, Leslie. Thank you. I aim to leave tomorrow if all goes to plan, but if that should fall through and a long term situation arises I would certainly apply ????

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On 3/24/2020 at 8:25 AM, connda said:

Given the nature of this "pandemic" all governments should grant a moratorium for all foreigners

This is the case in France. Automatic 3 months extension ... for now

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