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Thailand reports 106 new coronavirus cases and 3 deaths


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 The three deaths were patients who had other health complications, including a 70-year-old man who had tuberculosis, a 45-year-old man who had diabetes and a 79-year-old man who had health problems, Taweesin Wisanuyothin, a Public Health Ministry spokesman, said. What happened to the 31st of March report that reported that a 35-year-old Thai man is the first person infected with Covid 19   to die in Thailand.

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8 minutes ago, Barry343 said:

 The three deaths were patients who had other health complications, including a 70-year-old man who had tuberculosis, a 45-year-old man who had diabetes and a 79-year-old man who had health problems, Taweesin Wisanuyothin, a Public Health Ministry spokesman, said. What happened to the 31st of March report that reported that a 35-year-old Thai man is the first person infected with Covid 19   to die in Thailand.

These 3 were all announced today, with the other 35 yearn old case that makes four now

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9 hours ago, Peterw42 said:
9 hours ago, colinneil said:

So the health ministry said a second person has die from the virus.

Anybody who believes its only 2 is deluding themselves.

Who is the health minister..................... Anutin, he could not even lie straight in bed.

You may be right, but what possible advantage would come from downplaying the figures, tourism is already shut down, the country is already in semi lockdown. I cant see what could be gained by not doing correct numbers.

Sir Walter Scott Quotes - Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive.

If they now give the true figures people will panic. Even in provincial cities , Nakhon Sawan for example, shopping centers are now closed. Why?.....when the figures are so low?

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9 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

Its getting bad now.................

The Germans have started to put their towels on hospital beds................................:coffee1:


Oh, I was thinking this only happens with the Germans who visit the beaches in the Netherlands.

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2 hours ago, Diddl said:

The three deaths were patients who had other health complications, including a 70-year-old man who had tuberculosis, a 45-year-old man who had diabetes and a 79-year-old man who had health problems, Taweesin Wisanuyothin, a Public Health Ministry spokesman, said.


Really? They died of the Coronavirus? I think not! They died of their diseases and complications thereof. This is all about more and more and more additions to the statistics so that the authorities that should-not-be have an excuse to crush us all into the ground with totalitarian control. This is happening all over the world and if you bother to look into who, how, and when of statistics, you will find that the majority were people with existing health problems as well as the elderly. - look into the Italian statistics for instance because they have been more honest on the subject.


Can you not understand where all this is going? There are official and de-classified documents that speak about the intentions of all these carry-ons. Do you not remember nine-eleven and all the lies that led to people's freedom being taken away from them and how more and more laws were passed to crush us all that little bit more? The cliff edge is close so jump off if you want to believe all the nonsense.

TB is survivable with medication, and so is diabetes.  Unfortunately I am a diabetic and have had TB twice when I was younger, once at 35 and then again at 42.  Job related picked up from people we had taken into custody and had to transport to the jail facility.  Unbeknownst to my partner and myself we both came down with it.  Had to take some heavy meds for awhile as well as stay away from my children, but it is survivable with the right treatment.  Now add on Viral Pneumonia which is a component of the COVID-19, and it will and can shut down your breathing, and yes you can possibly die because of the underlying medical condition, but the underlying condition did not kill you it was the addition of COVID-19, the Corona Virus.  As a diabetic, I have it controlled with exercise and diet, no medication, but I am sure that If I came down with Corona Virus and died because I could not breathe because of the viral pneumonia it gave me, You Diddl would say it was because of my underlying medical condition being diabetic.  So here is some food for thought, because you have a hard time understanding, "Just because you stub your big toe, and it bleeds, it does not mean your going to die, but if you do die, it could be from psychogenic shock, not the stubbed toe"......so please learn and live, do not believe what you read, about it was the underlying condition that killed them because it more than likely was the addition of the COVID-19 that killed that poor individual, or was possibly a combination of the two.

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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

EricTh, TB is survivable with medication.  Unfortunately I have had it twice when I was younger, once at 35 and then again at 42.  Job related picked up from people we had taken into custody and had to transport to the jail facility.  Unbeknownst to my partner and myself we both came down with it.  Had to take some heavy meds for awhile as well as stay away from my children, but it is survivable with the right treatment.  Now add on Viral Pneumonia which is a component of the COVID-19, and it will and can shut down your breathing and you can possibly die because of the underlying medical condition.  Just because you stub your big toe does not mean your going to die, but if you do it could be from psychogenic shock......so please learn and live, do not believe what you read.  

Ryan. My wife had TB III at the age of 19. She survived until 19 days after her 62th birthday. One day she complained sore throat and I found her dead on the next morning. The coroner ruled as no autopsy needed as natural death. It was four years ago, so her sore throat was not counted in the statistics. I wonder what would have been said if she died during this crisis.   

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12 minutes ago, Retarded said:

Ryan. My wife had TB III at the age of 19. She survived until 19 days after her 62th birthday. One day she complained sore throat and I found her dead on the next morning. The coroner ruled as no autopsy needed as natural death. It was four years ago, so her sore throat was not counted in the statistics. I wonder what would have been said if she died during this crisis.   

My condolences to you Sir. I would hope during these times a BLOOD test would be conducted to determine any abnormalities of the blood, or to determine what may have caused any death. Natural causes is unfortunately a catch all used when there can be no reason found.......

Edited by ThailandRyan
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If they were smart, and if they were serious about public cooperation with quarantine protocols, then they would play UP the mortality figures, i.e., put the fear of God (or Buddha) into the populace.


I know - “if” is the key word.

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12 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

2 'reported' deaths.

I'm wondering how many deaths haven't been reported as Wuflu, and instead been marked as 'pneumonia.'


gotta be in the hundreds by now I would say.

How many pneumonia deaths or deaths from other causes have been erroneously attributed to the corona virus?


We know testing procedures vary considerably from country to country and vary in reliability.

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I just spoke with my wife in the Surin area and she received the word from 3 of the heads of the surrounding villages anyone coming from Bangkok will be sent off to the Police, they don't want you there, they are to call the heads of the villages, if someone sees anyone coming from Bangkok. Interesting Indeed.



<<<<Off topic music video removed>>>>


Edited by metisdead
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23 hours ago, ParkerN said:

Truth is not valued in Thai society, only what is convenient for the purposes of the moment is important, and any moral messages are lost very quickly. It's possible, perhaps even probable, that there are some people in Thailand (including in the government) who value truth for its own sake, but in my view, it's a very small percentage people who are smart enough to the stand above the prevailing culture. Thai culture, apart from not valuing truth, is extremely intolerant of people who do no people who do not comply with the Borg, and who wish to follow their conscience. Thai culture is a group game, not an individual game, and people that do not comply are quickly ostracised or otherwise punished for the impertinence (or, more accurately the impudence thinking they're better than other Thais). Like forest animals in a forest clearing, they were always equate what is culturally familiar, with what is safe.

All Asian countries are as you describe them and it is not a defect as it seems to me that you write it, it is also a collective force on our western worlds where it is the individual who rewards, their recent economic success proves it. The Asian system is also more suitable for dealing with situations like this war like the virus and I am convinced that at the end of this world battle only Asian countries will get better from both a health and an economic point of view. The freedom to tell the truth sometimes negates the survival of an entire population as in the case of a general panic that is observed in our western countries, Italy is a clear example of how panic caused the general diffusion in the country of the Conavid19


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18 hours ago, Jaggg88 said:

Sir Walter Scott Quotes - Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive.

If they now give the true figures people will panic. Even in provincial cities , Nakhon Sawan for example, shopping centers are now closed. Why?.....when the figures are so low?

Trying to keep them low by not allowing people to get together in large numbers????

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On 3/24/2020 at 9:45 AM, glennb6 said:

In nation of 70 million people, 2 have died attributed to WuFlu since January, and the first person who died had existing lung complications.


700+ infections, or maybe it's 7000 because you don't believe govt stats, or maybe it's 70,000 because you don't believe govt stats and lots of people who have WuFlu aren't or were not sick enough to go to hospital and officially get tested and affirmed. Even if you chooses to believe 70,000 that is 0.001 of the total pop and but 2 people have died.


But govt, official doctors, leaders, and half the pop is crying the need to further shut down the country effectively applying martial law. Bankruptcies, loss of jobs, loss of incomes, and mass fear will most certainly drive the country into a bad depression and all the misery and deaths that come with it.


All because 0.001 of the population is wildly "guessed" at having WuFlu, or if you believe the govt, then it's 0.00001 of 70,000,000 people, and 2 people died.


The government has shot themselves in BOTH feet, and they are cocking the hammer and taking aim at their head. Sad that most people can't wake up.

How do you account for the thousands of people on ventilators around the world? How do you account for much larger numbers of young healthcare workers than normal dying around the world? 

Please give us more of your 'expert' advice.

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On 3/24/2020 at 5:07 PM, glennb6 said:

well isn't that nice to know we are not chattel property that can be 'recalled' at the whim of a bureaucrat


You’re talking about evacuations we’re no where near there yet. 

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