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Prayut wants Thais to prepare for the worst, asks for trust in his leadership


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2 hours ago, 30la said:

Dear general, must we really remind you of all the battles you promised and never fought?
Corruption, lottery prices, putrid air, garbage, road deaths, ineffective government bodies including the police ... these are just a few ... and now, are you still asking the people to believe you?


I wouldn't believe this fool if he said it was raining.



Edited by ParkerN
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6 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

He'd stopped all foreigners from entering, so the virus will soon disappear. Clown.

So has pretty much everywhere else - I'm in Australia: only residents admitted and citizens can't leave!

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He urged all Thai people to cooperate fully with the government, to act responsibly and to comply strictly with preventive directives, which are necessary for their protection, even though they may feel their freedom is being eroded.


Basically nothing new. Okay Massa. Will you use a new paragraph now?

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1 hour ago, BobbyL said:

He hasn't shown much that has actually allowed people to trust him. Him and his bunch of charlatan MPs have been continually spouting nonsense about this, e.g - 'The virus will be gone by Songkran due to the heat', 'We have it all under control.' 


As I said in another thread on this recently, Thailand has been in the very fortunate position as it had such a small increase in cases from the end of January - now. They had time to fully plan and prevent an real outbreak here as time was on their side, unlike Europe and USA. However, they didn't seem to plan or implement anything to try and prevent what is happening now. 


As much as Prayut and his chumps are widely disliked, let's not forget they have had so many easy opportunities to win over the public opinion. They have been offered numerous free hits in the last few months alone to try and make themselves look good, e.g - really trying to stop the crop burning that has lead to the obscene pollution levels, getting rid of people in his own team who are criminals with fake qualifications, trying to lower the death toll on the roads, closing down the country to tourists to stop coronavirus taking over etc etc etc.


They don't seem to have done anything at all to improve these issues and the whole country from the very top (read recent news online that isn't posted on here) is being led completely blind.

Yes they had so much time to prepare but just look at the annual flood and drought. How long is this going on and the government couldn't solve it?

And I not only blame the current government.

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