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Wearing the right mask for COVID-19


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I have a variety. The paper surgical masks are a little too suffocating for me while walking around. N95 I'm saving for a serious use (e.g. I have to get on an airplane). Taking a cue from Thais, I'm currently using a cloth mask and these are now widely available. 


My thinking is that paper surgical masks are good if (a) you can find them or (b) you work in a hospital or similar. N95 seems overkill for a walk to 7-11, but if you have plenty of them, fine. The cloth masks seem suitable for our situation although I recognize the shortcomings.


There's no certainty with any of this so the combination of (any) mask, social distancing, wash hands, sanitizers, and DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING IN PUBLIC are my approach.  


I just have to add that what I'm seeing and hearing of tourists here (e.g. Phuket beach parties, Sukhumvit pedestrians) and reports from my own country are shocking. No masks of any kind whatsoever. Wow wow wow.

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18 minutes ago, Geeyore said:

I have a variety. The paper surgical masks are a little too suffocating for me while walking around. N95 I'm saving for a serious use (e.g. I have to get on an airplane). Taking a cue from Thais, I'm currently using a cloth mask and these are now widely available. 


My thinking is that paper surgical masks are good if (a) you can find them or (b) you work in a hospital or similar. N95 seems overkill for a walk to 7-11, but if you have plenty of them, fine. The cloth masks seem suitable for our situation although I recognize the shortcomings.


There's no certainty with any of this so the combination of (any) mask, social distancing, wash hands, sanitizers, and DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING IN PUBLIC are my approach.  


I just have to add that what I'm seeing and hearing of tourists here (e.g. Phuket beach parties, Sukhumvit pedestrians) and reports from my own country are shocking. No masks of any kind whatsoever. Wow wow wow.

I’m back now in the UK. Virtually. No one wearing them when food shopping etc 

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i brought real N95 masks with me from the USA in 2014.

the style I have are very uncomfortable because the mask is a plastic frame very much like a scuba divers mask. The filters are replaceable. 


if you have never worn a scuba mask, the way you know you have a proper seal is when you close your mouth and breathe in through your nose, you get zero air.


so as far as good fit is concerned it should be something like that. of course that test will not work for a N95 mask in a frame. If you look at photos of nurses you will see red marks on the bridge of their noses. That is from the mask fitting super tight.   



Edited by NCC1701A
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3 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:


Absolutely f'n correct. We were just talking about that at home.


Communicating with my home country friends and relatives, they are oblivious to the need for masks and in fact question the utility. As their infections spin out to infinity. Unbelievable.

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21 hours ago, Geeyore said:

social distancing, wash hands, sanitizers, and DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING IN PUBLIC are my approach.  

The protection given in those procedures far outweigh any benefit from a mask.

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Quote ""We just came back from Tesco/lotus where everyone has the surgical masks on except for the staff who now have those visors over their faces, even better, to have one of those""


I don't see how these open at the bottom face visors are supposed to protect you.

Can someone explain the rational behind these devices.

Thank in advance.

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1 hour ago, HHTel said:

Exactly!  The locals will wear masks, no helmets and ignore the real necessities of keeping yourself safe.  Partly due to the BS our health minister gives out.  Brainwashed into thinking these paper/cloth masks will protect them.

Agree. And basically uninformed, and also ignored by the herd mentality.

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23 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

I love how the CDC and WHO say the masks ( both surgical and N95) are not nesscesary for the General population and that they need them for healthcare workers who are taking care of Corona Virus paitents .  So the masks give them some sort of protection but the General populace are too stupid to know how to wear them properly, really? How about if they watch a tutorial on YouTube?  I wash my hands often and carry hand gel but I also wear a mask (have both surgical and N95)   If I go out (or you) and someone coughfs or sneezes and the spray lands on my face getting into my nose mouth eyes running to find a bathroom to wash my face isn't going to help, virus is already in nasil cavity and throat. At least a mask might catch most of the droplets and since I don't wear a face shield I wear glasses to keep spray from my eyes. Maybe not 100% safe but better than wearing nothing, common sense.

Agree with you 110%


I believe the advice behind the (unqualified xenophobic health minister) comes from a well educated Thai Professor. His advice to the minister would be, we MUST get everyone to wear masks (Thai's especially), why because Thai's cough openly in the air, i.e. they do not cover their mouths, it has always been the norm, the same as Chinese, whereas the dirty farangs cover their coughs, it has always been taught and 99% of the times they will cover the cough, so best to get everyone to cover up with face masks, especially the Thai's, but we will focus on spreading fear, blaming the dirty farangs for spreading it, because they won't cover up.


The above said, the Thai's bought his statement, hook line and sinker, but fail to keep their hands clean as I have seen on numerous occasions, which is where most of the spread occurs, from people touching, then putting their hands in their mouths when eating, or picking their nasal passages, ears etc etc.


The masks are part of the deterrent, in keeping the spread contained, but not enough emphasis goes into the hands being clean IMHO and therein lay the biggest problem.  

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32 minutes ago, Lee4Life said:

Here's my problem...they tell you the only real benefit to wearing a mask is if you are carrying the virus in one breath...then in the next  they tell you that the virus is being transmitted by people who are carrying it but have no symptoms.

They are correct in both statements, it’s you who is misunderstanding.


the virus is transferred from skin to objects if you have symptoms or none. It is sprayed by sneezing and coughing so the masks will reduce the amount. So if you are not coughing or sneezing the mask is of no benefit.

Edited by sometimewoodworker
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21 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Yes I have the N95, the wife wants to wear the surgical masks as others do, which as you say only protects the spread if you have it.


Best way is to stay home, only go out when you need to, put on some glasses as well, stay away from people, touch only what is necessary, have hand sanitizer with you with at least 60% alcohol in it.


We just came back from Tesco/lotus where everyone has the surgical masks on except for the staff who now have those visors over their faces, even better, to have one of those. We have bottled water and soap in the car, when we put the stuff away, we wash hands with soap for 20 seconds and rinse off, before driving off.


The above said I went to the men's to have a leak, followed this Thai guy in who was wearing a mask, he opened the door with his palm flat open and I used my elbow, when we finished out pee, he left grabbing the door handle with his hand, I washed my hands with soap and water, opened the door with my T-shirt grabbing the handle and then using sanitizer on my hands, I cannot see the point of the guy wearing the mask if he is only going to be half serious about it.

"Opened the door with my T-shirt" is fine but it too has the potential for virus contamination. Don't touch the contact area and asap laundry the shirt.

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31 minutes ago, mistral53 said:

The only reason for wearing a mask is mostly to protect the people around you - not the mask wearer. A person can have the virus and spread it long before symptoms are present, hence the need to wear a mask and prevent said spreading.

They are only spreading the water born virus when coughing or sneezing, so if you cough or sneeze the mask helps.


it is NOT an airborne virus normal breathing does not transmit it.


the mask does nothing to prevent the virus being spread by skin to object contact

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People continue to misunderstand the difference between a mask and a respirator.  And many continue to use the catchall word "mask" when saying they are ineffective.  Surgical masks are not particularly good re: viral protection for the wearerRespirators, on the other hand, are.  People need to make the distinction.


THIS is a MASK (often called a "surgical mask"):  image.png.32a2978d4f8755748eb9e59e7156b71d.png



THIS is a RESPIRATOR:  image.png.fbd0862098fc95f8751f5a9c6a51cb6d.png

Respirators can be N95, N99, or N100.  For ALL respirators, the best are those approved by NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health).  The letters NIOSH will appear on the repirator. 

This is a valved respirator:  image.png.53de13717d1d7103e13b4f2851d2231a.png

Respirators usually fit tightly under the chin AND have a pliable metal strip around the nose that can be squeezed for a tight fit.





Edited by LarryLEB
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Somebody said that people aren't using masks in the UK. That seems to be true, and I have had Facebook 'friends' from the UK get quite indignant when I suggest that a mask might help, because they say 'masks are ineffective'. Clearly, that's the medical advice from the UK.


As with most things it's a little more complicated. I am a dentist and wore a mask daily for 24 years, in the UK.


Mask facts:

  • If the virus is airborne, on 'aerosols' which are from people's lungs/respiratory systems, then a simple paper 'surgical' mask will not stop the virus.
  • However, it is thought that spread is through droplets: larger fluid drops (still very small, and can float on the air for several metres). Any mask will do something to stop droplets, from people coughing, sneezing, spitting or, if you're close enough, breathing.
  • Masks do protect the wearer ... from droplets. Any medical person who says they do nothing to protect the wearer, is plain wrong. You should have seen my mask after a day in the surgery, working on patients. I wouldn't have wanted to breathe in those droplets, filled with bacteria from people's mouths.
  • Therefore, if you are going to be within 3-4 metres of people, wearing a mask is better than not wearing a mask. Why would you not do something that might help save you from being infected.
  • Here we are in Thailand/South East Asia: people often wear masks anyway, and especially now. It's no good trying to explain that you don't think masks are effective. With a xenophobic health minister, anti-foreigner feeling may start to run high, so wearing a mask is reassuring to the locals that you care about them, and about safety. Your high-minded, Western stance against 'herd mentality' won't wash if you're perceived as a 'dirty foreigner', responsible for the spread of Coronavirus.

    Bottom line ... get any type of mask if you can, and wear it in public. Of course, better don't go out in public.

Be safe!




Edited by Tapster
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