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farangs in pattaya not wearing masks'


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14 minutes ago, steven100 said:

how stupid are folks .... wear the god damn mask ...

at the least you won't get splattered with someone else's germs.  

Yes, very stupid, imagine wearing a pointless device on your mouth and not following the advice from medical professionals in successful countries like Taiwan and Germany, so stupid.


Believe it or not I've been out countless times without a mask...never splattered with germs...


And btw, there are a billion germs living on top and inside of you right now.


Have a good night!

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8 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

Learn much more.


Click on "Show this thread" in the 1st tweet by Roxanne Khamsi:


Roxanne Khamsi? A journalist. You are joking, I hope?


Twitter sources are not permitted here btw. If you can provide one from a permitted source like a reputable paper I might look at it.

Edited by Logosone
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3 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Yes, very stupid, imagine wearing a pointless device on your mouth and not following the advice from medical professionals in successful countries like Taiwan and Germany, so stupid.


Believe it or not I've been out countless times without a mask...never splattered with germs...


And btw, there are a billion germs living on top and inside of you right now.


Have a good night!

Right that’s it! No milk and cookies for you tonight young man. Go straight to your room at once!

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8 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Yes, very stupid, imagine wearing a pointless device on your mouth and not following the advice from medical professionals in successful countries like Taiwan and Germany, so stupid.


Believe it or not I've been out countless times without a mask...never splattered with germs...


And btw, there are a billion germs living on top and inside of you right now.


Have a good night!



"Believe it or not I've been out countless times without a mask...never splattered with germs...


And btw, there are a billion germs living on top and inside of you right now."


Unbelievably stupid and meaningless comments.







Edited by JimmyJ
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6 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Roxanne Khamsi? A journalist. You are joking, I hope?


Twitter sources are not permitted here btw. If you can provide one from a permitted source like a reputable paper I might look at it.

Willful ignorance, unsurprisingly.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Again the CLOTH masks DO NOT block the virus from you. They DO block your own spray which might be infected whether you know your status, have symptoms, or not. How hard is it for people to get that?

Some people have taken a stance on the mask issue and will not be moved.

One guy on here, in another thread, said (in regard to refusing to wear a mask) "This one little part of Germany that will never surrender".

How does one even start to have a reasonable discussion with these folks.


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3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:


On a motorbike or walking on an empty street maybe.

But any public place like a market, 7-11, etc. I have seen 100% of them wearing masks.  Only dumb falang without.

I look at youtube daily where many people post videos. I see many people of all types not wearing masks.  And on various webcams from Thailand same thing too

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To understand the size of things involved, one really should have experience in Spacecraft clean room procedures.  The small size of things and how they move about really is interesting.  Some hospitals in the world understand what a "clean room" is, relative to particulates, and sure enough the ones that have operating rooms certified to those high levels have the lowest infection rates.  Sure cleaning and wiping and sterilizing surfaces is nice, but if the air is properly filtered to a class 10,000 clean room level, there just is less particulates in the air for the virus to cling too.  Not really rocket science.

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2 hours ago, Thian said:

That won't help much, the thai don't care for it, i see it everywhere...shops are open, they sit right next to huge signs which forbids them to go in the park, they also don't wear masks outside, don't keep distance....


It sure doesn't look good but it's also no reason to panic, Thailand still does much better than the West where nobody at all wears a mouthmask.

It does in Pattaya, where even before this curfew starts on Friday, it's dead quiet after all the shops have closed at 22:00. They don't really need the curfew as there is nothing to go out for.

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49 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

Some people have taken a stance on the mask issue and will not be moved.

One guy on here, in another thread, said (in regard to refusing to wear a mask) "This one little part of Germany that will never surrender".

How does one even start to have a reasonable discussion with these folks.


Definitely not by insulting them, which many on here have done (not you). It's a good start to be courteous when one wants to offer a point of view.

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The WHO might be on the verge of changing their official advice in the light of recent evidence:



Regarding Thailand, on Thursday a number of provincial governors signed an order saying anyone leaving their home without a mask would be fined up to 20k baht, so this may well be on the cards for Pattaya too. 

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7 hours ago, jimn said:

No you are the uneducated. Just because you read it somewhere, it doesnt make it true. Try doing some research, you may find how uneducated you are.

Visa versa. If youdon’t understand that it means you also read your info from somewhere!

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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Again the CLOTH masks DO NOT block the virus from you. They DO block your own spray which might be infected whether you know your status, have symptoms, or not. How hard is it for people to get that?

Obviously you're not aware that studies have shown that cloth masks increase the risk of infection:


"The physical properties of a cloth mask, reuse, the frequency and effectiveness of cleaning, and increased moisture retention, may potentially increase the infection risk for HCWs. The virus may survive on the surface of the facemasks,29 and modelling studies have quantified the contamination levels of masks.30 Self-contamination through repeated use and improper doffing is possible. For example, a contaminated cloth mask may transfer pathogen from the mask to the bare hands of the wearer. We also showed that filtration was extremely poor (almost 0%) for the cloth masks. Observations during SARS suggested double-masking and other practices increased the risk of infection because of moisture, liquid diffusion and pathogen retention.31 These effects may be associated with cloth masks."



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5 minutes ago, CRUNCHER said:

Here is another thing about wearing masks everywhere.


I have been wearing a mask in places like supermarkets etc.  This is more to avoid upsetting people who panic when they see someone not wearing a mask than in the hope it  will do any good. Today I thought I would wear one on my 15 minute walk to the supermarket; despite the fact that I know that the virus is not airbourne and wearing one on the street is a waste of time. 


The thing is I worked up a sweat and by the time I got to the supermarket my mask was sopping wet. So I ended up wearing a useless mask in the supermarket.


For those who advocate mask wearing - fair enough; you are entitled to your opinion.  However, there needs to be a balance and reasonableness about when and where to to wear a mask.

Worked up a sweat in a 15 minute walk, Mask was sopping wet?

Maybe need to get a bit fitter. 
You can always change the mask before you enter. 

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...many farangs walking around pattaya and the supermarkets without them'?


After where their faces had been, maybe they think they are immune, and a mask is an unnecessary obstruction?

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13 hours ago, nausea said:

If it makes them happy. My chance of getting infected by air is probabably 0 to nought, my chances of getting infected by touch, very high.

How would you reckon your chances of touching your mouth or nose with your hands with and without a mask? Or reminding others to keep distance ( Mine is very high since I'm ugly as sin )?


Those are the main benefits of a loose mask. I liked the Trumpism for it.. scarf. Yeah anything creating a barrier between paws and nostrils and scaring others works fine.

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12 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Worked up a sweat in a 15 minute walk, Mask was sopping wet?

Maybe need to get a bit fitter. 
You can always change the mask before you enter. 

I am quite fit thank you. Always been a heavy sweater - good thing stops body overheating.


Back to the masks - believe me it takes very little sweat to soak a mask as I found out.  Masks are already in short supply so why over use when not necessary?

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13 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Same farangs go down on gogo girls right at the stage. Think they care about a teeny weeny baby corona when there's HIV to be had?

Your not a very bight doctor Dr. Tuner to think you can catch HIV from going down on a go go girl.

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On 4/2/2020 at 8:47 PM, Logosone said:

In Germany 500,000 people are tested every week. No major country in the world is more successful than Germany in fighting the virus.


Try and educate yourself on the facts.

Germany just passed 2% mortality rate, while South Korea remains below 2%, with 1/10th the number of infected cases and deaths. I called this last week, around the time you were claiming Germany is some kind of evidence masks don't help.


Time for you to accept the fact that no, Germany isn't seeing the best outcomes, and that yes, the countries seeing the best outcomes are wearing masks. Does that demonstrate causality? No, but in the absence of robust clinical data, correlations should be good enough for preventative steps that have minimal downside.

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