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Are you really ready for two years of this?


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On 4/6/2020 at 12:11 PM, Sambotte said:

It's either the world wait for a vaccine for years in lockdown with riots and economy dead...


Either it start to seriously tackle the issue : massives tests, isolation and search for contacts.

Still not the official plan it looks like... Or ?...


Massives masks (the most obvious and way better than confinement or "social distancing") are still not available, when it should have been prepared years ago !


Upgrading hospital capacity is probably done. Or not...


Better cure would be nice, but nothing sure, same for a vaccine.


The virus does not scare me (with the numbers we have). The incredibly poor, and restrictive only, "no-answer but delay because we are late, unprepared, or unwilling" scares me. People reacting like scared-sheep too.


Masks and Tests are the obvious absolute priority. I don't read much about most countries really doing a serious job here.

The masks most people wear don't stop people getting infected as they don't cover the eyes. They are useful for any that are coughing or sneezing.

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I also am hoping for a vaccine. But it has been noted that this virus mutates easily and frequently, so a vaccine for one form may not work for a mutated form.


In America they keep talking about the need for testing huge amounts of people. One reason is, that if they find people with antibodies, then they could be allowed to resume their life. But if the virus has mutated will the antibodies work?

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I think China is going for herd immunity. They dont care how many people die because at the end of it they will have a massive economic advantage over the countries that quite right you said will be in and out of lockdown for the forseeable future. 

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24 minutes ago, elgenon said:

I also am hoping for a vaccine. But it has been noted that this virus mutates easily and frequently, so a vaccine for one form may not work for a mutated form.


In America they keep talking about the need for testing huge amounts of people. One reason is, that if they find people with antibodies, then they could be allowed to resume their life. But if the virus has mutated will the antibodies work?

Actually, studies so far have shown that this virus is quite stable and is mutating much more slowly than, for example, ordinary flu does. This means that a vaccine if/when it comes should be effective.


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On 4/7/2020 at 8:50 PM, chessman said:

Actually, studies so far have shown that this virus is quite stable and is mutating much more slowly than, for example, ordinary flu does. This means that a vaccine if/when it comes should be effective.


I hope so but not what my doctor told me and not what I'm seeing on CNN and MSNBC.


According to that, even if someone has the anti-bodies, they still could get reinfected. I like your scenario better.

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9 minutes ago, Enzian said:

I apologize ahead for making this political, but I think many here would agree with me that CNN and MSNBC, with an election coming up, have an agenda for making this seem as awful as possible.

Sorry, I don't believe that. But to each his own. 


BTW my doctor, who also said that, is a Republican.

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Once the virus is under control, the next focus better be on Corona terriorisme. 
Every wacko from fanatic jihadists to the bullied fat high-school kid could easily turn the world upside, simply by hanging out at crowded places or taking the morning commuter train.

A disgruntled Uighur that failed his last exam at his Beijing training camp could get himself infected and take a tour around the country.

Over the counter fever suppressing medicine will let him slip through temperature check points.
I hope plans are being made to mitigate this threat.

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3 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:


A disgruntled Uighur that failed his last exam at his Beijing training camp could get himself infected and take a tour around the country.


Failure at this exam is punished by death, so no worries about that...


Better focus on the monetary terrorism unleashed by the Federal Reserve, that will take far more lives than any other form of terror...


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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

No one is seriously challenging the official narrative because the populations of the developed countries have been reduced to mindless overfed coach potatoes, while the populations of the developing countries have been kept in ignorance.

Everyday i have a look or 2 at the mainstream media, it's hard to say if it makes me angry or just sad, to see that around 75% of the sheeple are swallowing it without thinking twice.

..But we knew that already, didn't we.. Let's just try to stay alive, and witness the mayhem which will be the next chapter.

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35 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Everyday i have a look or 2 at the mainstream media, it's hard to say if it makes me angry or just sad, to see that around 75% of the sheeple are swallowing it without thinking twice.

..But we knew that already, didn't we.. Let's just try to stay alive, and witness the mayhem which will be the next chapter.

Shortcut to knowing you're reading a B.S. POV -- the use of the "word" SHEEPLE.

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3 hours ago, huangnon said:

I'm not alone in thinking this pandemic is an outright global(ist) scam. Everyone in the world has "corona virus" antibodies and pathogens in their blood and DNA, from colds, flu's and viral infections from when they were kids. The supposed "test" for Covid-19 does not measure 'viral-load' or how much of this virus is supposedly making you sick. So basically, anyone can be tested 'positive' for Covid-19, and hospitals with these testing parameters are testing every "normal" sick, old or dying person as having died from this new virus. It's not a new virus, -it's a new 'test' only. The death stats from previous years (Jan-Mar) are no different from 2020.

We're under house-arrest while our economies and means of independent business are decimated under the pretense of 'saving lives'.

Small, medium, and even big (unconnected) businesses will fail, and the huge corporations will move in and take up the slack, employing people on <deleted> wages and conditions. Other unemployed people will be dependent on the state for handouts, and maybe even deducted "good citizen" points, like in China. Why is no one challenging the mainstream media, or statistics thrown at us? This is basically a coup d'etat on the human race.


It is not a globalist scam.

This virus is real. 

This virus doesn't have a political ideology. 

This virus is NOVEL.

Having antibodies for COLDS is irrelevant. 

The entire human race is virgin territory for infection from this virus and it is massively more threatening than the common cold. People are free I suppose to post ridiculous and obviously false conspiracy theories as above but they should be countered with facts based info every time.

On the other hand it is true that many governments are using the crisis of this pandemic to restrict civil liberties and although there are good reasons for many of those restrictions to fight this pandemic, it is a real danger that once lost never regained. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Could have been worse. Referring to lizard people for example.

So, you don't have any doubts about the official narrative ? Or do you choose to "go with the flow" just because it's convenient ?

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1 minute ago, mauGR1 said:

So, you don't have any doubts about the official narrative ? Or do you choose to "go with the flow" just because it's convenient ?

Be more specific about what I should have doubts about. I haven't received a document labeled official narrative. I read and watch many diverse sources but I do tend to favor sources that are well grounded in facts and science and I do have a bias against off the wall conspiracy theories, such as 5g, made in a lab, etc.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Be more specific about what I should have doubts about. I haven't received a document labeled official narrative. I read and watch many diverse sources but I do tend to favor sources that are well grounded in facts and science and I do have a bias against off the wall conspiracy theories, such as 5g, made in a lab, etc.

I think you know very well, actually you said it a couple of posts above:


"People are free I suppose to post ridiculous and obviously false conspiracy theories as above but they should be countered with facts based info every time.

On the other hand it is true that many governments are using the crisis of this pandemic to restrict civil liberties and although there are good reasons for many of those restrictions to fight this pandemic, it is a real danger that once lost never regained."

So, what is more dangerous, the covid19, or the lost liberties ?

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3 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

I think you know very well, actually you said it a couple of posts above:


"People are free I suppose to post ridiculous and obviously false conspiracy theories as above but they should be countered with facts based info every time.

On the other hand it is true that many governments are using the crisis of this pandemic to restrict civil liberties and although there are good reasons for many of those restrictions to fight this pandemic, it is a real danger that once lost never regained."

So, what is more dangerous, the covid19, or the lost liberties ?

It depends on who you are, I guess.


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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Fair enough, but you are completely wrong if you think that millions and millions of desperate people won't affect your lifestyle.

(sorry, just read a few lines, but i think i get the gist)

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5 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Fair enough, but you are completely wrong if you think that millions and millions of desperate people won't affect your lifestyle.

(sorry, just read a few lines, but i think i get the gist)

Please desist from putting words in my mouth. You don't get jack. 

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On 4/4/2020 at 2:10 PM, BritManToo said:

Disagree, where I live in Thailand, outside Chiang Mai, the rice will still grow and the chickens will still lay eggs.

I'll be missing out with my trips to Vietnam and Cambodia, but my home life will be much the same.

Maybe a few problems with VISA extensions.


But Bangkok may not be that great a place to be living.

I was 11 days away from being out of here for good....sigh...I blew it

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One of the big questions. When will the vaccine be finished? 

If we had it now things would be very different already. But it's going to be a long long wait. How long we can't know.



When Will There Be A Coronavirus Vaccine?

Twelve months? Eighteen months? Two years? Whatever happens, a vaccine will arrive later than we need, but sooner than ever before



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On 4/4/2020 at 10:02 AM, AussieBob18 said:

I dont often agree with Jingthing, but if things dont slow in the next month or two, he is very likely to be correct.


Personally, as many of you know, I am of the view that this is a very bad flu and shutting down the world

Incredible. Actually, during the average flu epidemic I was already more reluctant to go out than normal, and more likely to carry sanitiser... so if this is a VERY BAD FLU that causes people to die from pneumonia, then why wouldn't you try to avoid spreading it? You can live with an R0 of 5 or 6?


Just wait for herd immunity - in America that would equate to maybe 36 million infected (and hopeless medical collapse should push the death rate up a LOT, but just calculate 2% as an acceptable death rate... Great landfill for the Grand Canyon right?


Shutdown just enough to keep the increase steady, keep the healthcare ticking over... and pray for a vaccine... but I'm not sure I'd wanna go to the hospital to get the vaccine, so then you have even more issues.

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4 minutes ago, Monomial said:

My feeling is that until they are willing to provide the raw data and a lot more genuine, honest discussion among the public, their motives for this lockdown need to be seriously questioned. I certainly don't trust them.

Completely agree.

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