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Virus rebellion! Thais returning at airport refuse to go into government sanctioned quarantine


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So if this is how Thailand inforce it's distance and separation policy let it not complaint and whinge at the rest of the populations for not listing and following instructions if they themselves can't force few people to comply...

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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

and the group were allowed to go into a 14 day quarantine at their homes

Yeah right .. Not overlooking a couple of weeks ago there were also a load returned from S K who done a runner from the quarantine thing .. 


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7 minutes ago, BKKBike09 said:

This was a mess. However it wasn't repeated this morning. Everyone who arrived this morning went straight off to 14 days in a government holiday camp.






Too little, too late.  All show, and no go.

That is how the Thai Govt reacts - PR - we all know that.

Relax everyone, nothing to see here, we are in control, mai pen rai, move on, forget all about this, enjoy life, mai pen rai, forget, stay clam, forget, we are in control, mai pen rai.

Rinse and Repeat.


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42 minutes ago, HaoleBoy said:

If there was a rapid and reliable CV-19 test available, these people could have all been tested right then and there.  Not just taking fever readings.

The only CV-19 test I know that is available now, you will get results "within" 5 days.

Would they pay the fee for the test ??

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53 minutes ago, Dcheech said:

Hey IO/Police!  Leave Those PooYais Alone!! 


Back off , these are Very Important People, & need to get home. No quarantine or self isolation for them. No no. Thai Authorities best tactic is IGNORE and pretend nothing happened maybe no one will notice.


Go find some dirty foreigners, and bang them up in the hoosegow.

How do you know their background? Migrant workers have been trying to return from a number of countries for weeks and have not been made aware of the true seriousness of this outbreak. Take a look at the way they are dressed- they don't look HiSo to me.


Just another chance to put a slanted slur on what is happening here. If they had forcible detained them I bet you would have gone into a rant as well.


('Hoosegow'- pretty clear where you're from. Hows it going there with the biggliest virus in the world? A few draconian measures a few months ago may have stopped people dropping dead everywhere.)

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35 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It seems the legal situation is/was not clear.

Quarantine can be interpreted as home quarantine or enforced quarantine. It seems different people had different scenarios in mind.

Agree, one should be allowed to quarantine at home, in theory.

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Just now, Psimbo said:

Just another chance to put a slanted slur on what is happening here. If they had forcible detained them I bet you would have gone into a rant as well.

Try Xanax. You need to get that Blood Pressure down too. Going to be a long Pandemic

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20 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

How were these 3 let onto an airplane in the first place?   

Likely everyone at risk now.   

And they don't even mention which flight it was or what time they landed....they also might have used taxi's or skytrains and contaminated those.



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1 hour ago, GordyS said:

Hi-so Thais can do what the want

Probably not any true hi-so Thais in the crowd.. These (and visiting VIPs) are usually met at the plane door and escorted into a special area with fast track formalities and direct access to waiting family / limos, etc.

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6 minutes ago, z42 said:

Get a grip dude, seriously. There is no evidence to support the notion that this virus is any more deadly than the regular flu.

Bodies of people who already had compromised health are stacking up because this is a virus that does not YET have a vaccine.

There are anecdotes of fit, young people dying.. But there are also anecdotes of frail, elderly people surviving.

The country will soldier on and any lockdowns will not infringe on daylight hours because it is economically a suicide pill to do it.

They'll never release the real numbers because there are no mechanisms in place to accurately count them. 

Stop reading the tabloids, or at least be a little more rational.

You sound just like a Thai person when told it is dangerous not to wear a helmet - then they laugh and ride away - LOL.


But OK - you have decided not to plan and mai pen rai - up to you.

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Many outbound flights are now CANCELLED for at least three days due to CAAT prohibiting inbound international flights to Thailand. Please check with your airline.

Well done to the selfish Thais last night!

Edited by GordyS
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3 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

as much as i too would like to jump on the "stupid thais will never learn" bandwagon, you see this behavior almost everywhere.  i won't link to specific articles, unnecessary, google is your friend.  but just a few examples:

iranian authorities tried to close pilgrimage sites, yet mobs of the faithful forced their way in.

spring break and mardi gras went off as planned in the us, infecting thousands who then dispersed to all 57 states.

megachurch leaders in he us defying closure orders cause it's all in god's hands.

and don't forget the instatubechat idiots licking and coughing on grocery products for video clicks.

still think duterte is wrong?

Bang on mate - nail on hit smashed right in the middle.

The whole world is screwed up - people with 'rights' everywhere doing what they want - always was always will be.


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7 minutes ago, smedly said:

did you just waken from a long sleep 

may I suggest you ........................................... there

I am still not sure whether or not this pandemic is as bad as they are saying, and the clampdown is totally needed.

But that is no longer the 'front office' issue - that will pan out one way or the other now.

IMO the issue is the clampdown and compliance so that the numbers do decline and the clampdown is eased ASAP.

The more infections the longer the clampdown stays in place - compliance is a key factor to reduce infections.

The argument is past right or wrong - deadly or bad.

The argument now is how long and what will happen if too long and when is too long and what is too much.

Insulting Thais when most of the world has levels of non-compliance is a waste of time.

Get a plan and get ready to dig in - or if you can, then get out now/soon.

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