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Virus rebellion! Thais returning at airport refuse to go into government sanctioned quarantine


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6 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

not really communist, despite the outdated label.  (to be rich is glorious!)  i'd go with authoritarian, perhaps totalitarian, but not as far as dictatorship.  there is the single main party, but just as with east germany, there are a number of small, controlled "opposition" parties.

after all, nobody would claim north korea is a "peoples democratic republic."

i expect things will go very badly with thailand in the next month if they can't get the population under control.  the government will panic, they will see the success china has had controlling the spread, and they will request assistance in setting up similar systems to track individuals. 

all will be done with good intentions of course, for national security.  and maybe next year when there's a vaccine and this is all over, the new measures will not go away.  as with the inappropriately-titled "patriot act", new powers gifted to the government won't ever be relinquished.

I agree 100% - sad that many Expats seem to think that it will all be OK and nothing will go wrong/bad for them.

They have the same 'mai pen rai' attitude to this, that Thais have to helmets on bikes - which they ridicule them for.

Done my bit - given advice to prepare, just in case it goes bad - now I am like the Thais and say: Laew Tae Khun

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11 minutes ago, samran said:

It is a hardy country which tends to deal with crisis as part of it normal existence and knows fairly well how to bounce back from them.

I agree , Thailand is in a perpetual state of chaos  but still continues to stagger on ????

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1 minute ago, Grumpy John said:

The police and the army should have cuffed the lot of em and taken them to an army base prison for 14 days without their mobile phones.

I read that they where taken to the Sattahip Navy base for quarantine

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2 minutes ago, johng said:

I agree , Thailand is in a perpetual state of chaos  but still continues to stagger on ????

Basically this is what is required for the time being. Not idea for other things, but perfect for this challenge.

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4 hours ago, Dcheech said:

Hey IO/Police!  Leave Those PooYais Alone!! 


Back off , these are Very Important People, & need to get home. No quarantine or self isolation for them. No no. Thai Authorities best tactic is IGNORE and pretend nothing happened maybe no one will notice.


Go find some dirty foreigners, and bang them up in the hoosegow.

You obviously haven't taken a look at Thai social media...

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2 minutes ago, samran said:

The naval base has a top beach there. Would have been quite nice...

The beach was closed a while back  before the other beaches....but  yes it is supposed to be a nice beach..maybe the best in the area but every time I tried to visit they never let  a "dirty no mask foreigner" like me in so gave up trying ages ago.

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

After twenty minutes the reluctant health authorities were obliged to back down and the group were allowed to go into a 14 day quarantine at their homes.

Are you kidding?! They don't want to go into quarantine, send them back behind the immigration to fend for themselves or lock them up in IDC until they come to senses!

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3 hours ago, hotelbri said:

Serious question !!!

Do any posters KNOW of any expats their partners or family who actually are experiencing symptoms of this virus ?,

There was a thread about this a few weeks ago and every poster described symptoms including me and now my wife and grand niece and MIL have or have had symptoms.These flu like symptoms go around here all year every year as well as the rest of the world stretching health services every year and when you pile this virus on top (wether is more deadly or not) it shows how easily the stretched health systems can break.No country has proven that it was as ready for this as they lead their people to believe.

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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5 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

 in a quarantine prison

I did not realise that prisons we now located in hotels in BKK.

Other countries have quarantined returnees in hotels, why not Thai ? 

I would consent to being quarantined at the Banyan Tree in a suite or Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel

They may be disaappointed that they are delayed returning to home, but what about the good of the community?

I am not sure anyone has died from disappointment.



Edited by RJRS1301
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too funny , except it is serious.  Farangs are being forced into three hotels in Phuket.  But Thais, oh no, yell and rant and they can do what they want.  Thailand was so much fun a few years ago.  Now of course the underbelly is showing.

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5 hours ago, z42 said:

Didn't Thai nationals need fit to fly certificates before they would be allowed to board planes, as an entry requirement at the Thai end.


If that was the case here, and they'd obtained that, then i see why they would be unwilling to undergo quarantine for something they'd been cleared for already.

What about that?

:The Department of Health said that three of the group with fever had already been found. These disappeared in the crowds taking advantage of the confusion.

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35 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

I did not realise that prisons we now located in hotels in BKK.

Other countries have quarantined returnees in hotels, why not Thai ? 

I would consent to being quarantined at the Banyan Tree in a suite or Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel

They may be disaappointed that they are delayed returning to home, but what about the good of the community?

I am not sure anyone has died from disappointment.



Not that long ago the U.S. quarantined a great many returnees at Air Force Bases and last I read they were set up for a thousand occupants.

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Now can you imagine the furore if 100 farang were putting on the same performance. There would be calls for all of us to be deported or shot.

They would have backed down too though. It's called people power, and we farang are usually more aware of our civil rights than Thais are.


I am most surprised that these Thais weren't forcibly detained. It just goes to show how fragile the whole system is...it's more of an illusion than a reality. If enough people rise up, the government's dictates would be forced to crumble overnight.

Not advocating anything...just saying. Watch what will happen when the food runs out. If that happens, people will rise up and the military/police will be powerless to stop it.

Edited by drbeach
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1 hour ago, samran said:

I disagree.


Thailand has had its struggles. The 2011 floods, the numerous coups and the 1997 Asian financial crisis.


It is a hardy country which tends to deal with crisis as part of it normal existence and knows fairly well how to bounce back from them.


I'd be more worried about the entitled suburban joes and janes back the west in their highly leveraged McMansions dealing with this to be honest.


They've already shown they struggle to deal with a simple lack of loo roll.

I don't see Thailand bouncing back that easily. I think many Thais are simply going to be resigned to their fate and make do with less.


After all, as you've implied here, Thais live in smaller, less comfortable properties. They have less to begin with.

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3 hours ago, stuhan said:

I've just tracked 2 planes 1 from taipei to bkk and 1 from ubon to dmk so are they going to be allowed to land,if not now would be a good time to tell them.

It’s about international passenger-carrying flights only. From Taipei, EVA flies empty to BKK and picks up passengers for, e.g., London.

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1 hour ago, samran said:

I disagree.

Thailand has had its struggles. The 2011 floods, the numerous coups and the 1997 Asian financial crisis.

It is a hardy country which tends to deal with crisis as part of it normal existence and knows fairly well how to bounce back from them.

I'd be more worried about the entitled suburban joes and janes back the west in their highly leveraged McMansions dealing with this to be honest.

They've already shown they struggle to deal with a simple lack of loo roll.

But they panic because they dont have bum guns :)

Hope you are right, but none of the previous problems involved matial law clampdowns.

In Aust we will be all right mate - but in the US it could get very ugly.

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1 hour ago, samran said:

You obviously haven't taken a look at Thai social media...

You mean Thai social media is full of people criticizing the police/military/government? Well , being fluent in Thai I already knew that, but some posters here have a strange view of reality. On the one hand, Thais are all sheep, on the other, they have just successfully managed to avoid quarantine.

Despite being more aware of our rights, I somehow doubt a group of 100 Aussies would have had the same success if they had tried the same thing at Melbourne airport. Then again, Aussies are overall, less likely to rise up against authority.

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6 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

They boarded their planes thinking they would shortly be home, seeing family again, without ever being told that they would have to spend 14 days in a quarantine prison. It’s understandable that they were angry. Many would not have returned if they had known what would happen.

If they had read the news they would know.

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6 hours ago, Soupdragon said:

After twenty minutes the reluctant health authorities were obliged to back down and the group were allowed to go into a 14 day quarantine at their homes.

Okay. It's official. Thais are the biggest cowards on the planet. If it's not 10 cab drivers on 1 foreigner or a solider with assault rifles at a shopping mall then they just backdown.

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