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Face mask


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The mask is used to prevent the wearer from spreading the virus and to make the authorities feel that they are actually in a position to exercise their power. If you want to prevent yourself from getting the virus from airborne particles containing Covid  then you would need to cover your nose, mouth AND eyes with a protective covering which will prevent the passage of something as small as a virus.

If you're really afraid of catching the virus from a potential carrier then social distancing ( staying at home) and sanitisation of yourself and surfaces that carriers could come into contact with would be the best way of doing that.

The current mask wearing that everyone is going on about is merely to make other mask wearers happy. 

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20 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Pray tell, where can I go to buy some masks.  No where around my area is there any.  Pharmacies, are out, none at 7-11, stores do not have any.  I have been trying for over three weeks now, and no luck.  I think I would have better luck wrapping a pair of nickers around my face, since I can not locate any, and have been recycling and cleaning the two I have had since the end of February....

That is true. There are no masks anywhere except maybe in very rare circumstances home made cloth masks. Seen them being sold near the car park in Siri Raj. Alchol and gel too limited and expensive too. This is not a farang only thing. I see many Thai people without masks and they are constantly in contact with the public. The motor cycle taxis, the guards at the gates of even high class condos, the seller of prepared fruit and orange juice seller near 7 where I live, and most street sellers. There are a load of Thai's flouting the rules and they really dont have the same excuse as farang on holiday as they were told about the dangers in advance and it is their business to be in contact with many people daily. If there were proper useful masks in the pharmacies then you could blame but not when there are none available! In fact it is the Thai government that should have been prepared and had stock of the masks and protective gear. As has been said here many times they knew of the dangers from past experience. The last experience of a pandemic for farang is out of memory and back in 1918.

So give over with the Anuidiot type attacks on farang which is dangerous. It can be easily said that all these virus'have been passed on from Asian countries! That is no ones fault but nature. Argue with Prayut for not preparing if anything. You elected him to do and prepare on your behalf, has it been done?

Everyone stay safe and love each other, leave out the blame and if you have a clean new mask to spare and see a farang or Thai without one, give it to them. I am sure you will see the appreciation. Kindness and not condemnation. 

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18 hours ago, Badrabbit said:

I wear a mask in a car and on a bike in fact everywhere  because I am not a doctor, it's the right thing to do and its considerate to others, ignorant people are everywhere! 

You are a sheep.  Think logically and don't just believe what you are told.  Stupid people are everwhere.  There is little to no need to wear a mask in a car or on a bike.  Who told you it was the 'right thing to do'?  It is only 'considerate' to people like you who are paranoide and histerical.  

1 hour ago, tifino said:

a WhatIf..

 - once you are back in your comfort zone of own car...

you pick your nose, with a finger that has just been used in the shopping... opened and closed doors; and has sincwed touched your steering wheel also used by the other hand

Using that 'logic' you must have to wear you face mask 24 / 7.  You need to wear it in your house, in your bed, in the shower and having sex.  Why not glue it to your face?



Edited by jak2002003
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21 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I have purchased 100 of these 3ply surgical masks.

But will only put them on in situations that are a little more crowded

than usual.

I am confused!!! America is recommending everyone wears a mask but Pres. Trump says its not for him!  Here in Australia our Chief medical officer advises that unless you are a medico no need to wear one or you are sick already As it is a waste of time. Also it frees up masks for the hospitals who are short of them...WHO SHOULD WE BELEIVE ??

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24 minutes ago, Logosone said:

How do you know there's no pet to human transmission?


Obviously it passes from human to cats. It can therefore pass from cats to humans. Obviously such cases would not be identified because you'd first have to have tested the cat and know it was positive, how else would you know a person was infected by cats? And last I checked tests for cats were pretty, pretty, prettteeee rare.


Just to be clear I'm just playing a hypothetical, not saying this actually is what happens.


But you can not deny the evidence from Germany is perplexing,  40 researchers are analysing the German Wuhan, Heinsberg, and found no trace of the virus on surfaces in houses from patients that were infected. It's a bit odd.

I said there has been none, you were emphatic that it can and has ....to quote you " it turns out cats transmit the virus to us." Now you are saying "I'm just playing a hypothetical, not saying this actually is what happens". Make up your mind, or are you just trolling ?

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8 minutes ago, MikeN said:

I said there has been none, you were emphatic that it can and has ....to quote you " it turns out cats transmit the virus to us." Now you are saying "I'm just playing a hypothetical, not saying this actually is what happens". Make up your mind, or are you just trolling ?

You said there has been no case of transmission from cat to human.


I am saying it is possible that such transmission can take place, and possible it has taken place unnoticed.


This is of course all hypothetical, since we do not know if there has been transmission from cat to humans.


However, the DNA experts who have analysed the virus have said clearly that SARS Cov2 can infect humans, cats, ferrets and the like.


There is a documented case of human to cat transmission. So clearly the other way around, cat to human is possible, even if it has not been documented.


Again, not saying this actually happened, just thinking it through.

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21 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I have purchased 100 of these 3ply surgical masks.

But will only put them on in situations that are a little more crowded

than usual.

In which case you should apologise to all your fellow westerners for increasing the distrust Thais already have in us. Just grow up, and put on a mask whenever you go out.

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1 minute ago, Thingamabob said:

In which case you should apologise to all your fellow westerners for increasing the distrust Thais already have in us. Just grow up, and put on a mask whenever you go out.


I would.....if I was crazy/unfortunate enough to be stuck in Thailand right now.

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2 hours ago, tifino said:

a WhatIf..

 - once you are back in your comfort zone of own car...

you pick your nose, with a finger that has just been used in the shopping... opened and closed doors; and has sincwed touched your steering wheel also used by the other hand

Well I don't, and I use a hand sanitiser immediately after shopping or similar. 

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29 minutes ago, wavodavo said:

I am confused!!! America is recommending everyone wears a mask but Pres. Trump says its not for him!  Here in Australia our Chief medical officer advises that unless you are a medico no need to wear one or you are sick already As it is a waste of time. Also it frees up masks for the hospitals who are short of them...WHO SHOULD WE BELEIVE ??


My view is that these are rubbish in the effectiveness department.

Doctors wear them in operating theatres because they usually have open

bodies in front of their face. It helps create a more sterile environment.


Masks are pure optics.


Prior to this wuhan flu situation if people saw you with a mask

they would assume you're sick.


Now they're seen as something you wear if you're well.


I fall in the latter camp for now. Wearing masks seems to re-assure

others around, but I can confirm they are hell if you wear them and plan to get some

work done.


The air you exhale is constantly making the mask billow outwards, It creates heat,

moisture and fogging if you wear spectacles....extremely unnatural. I salute medics for having these on

for 12 hours straight.


It is near impossible to wear these surgical masks without touching the sides to adjust them at least a few times.


But if in Thailand I would wear one when you leave the house as locals seem very skittish if you don't.





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21 hours ago, Badrabbit said:

and driving without a mask on

What a nonsense, why would I need a mask when sitting in my car, alone or with the ones living with me? Even on my motorbike, with my helmet on, for what shall a mask protect me or others there?

Oh you're one of the ones even sleeping with the mask on, I understand. 


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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


My view is that these are rubbish in the effectiveness department.

Doctors wear them in operating theatres because they usually have open

bodies in front of their face. It helps create a more sterile environment.


Masks are pure optics.


Prior to this wuhan flu situation if people saw you with a mask

they would assume you're sick.


Now they're seen as something you wear if you're well.


I fall in the latter camp for now. Wearing masks seems to re-assure

others around, but I can confirm they are hell if you wear them and plan to get some

work done.


The air you exhale is constantly making the mask billow outwards, It creates heat,

moisture and fogging if you wear spectacles....extremely unnatural. I salute medics for having these on

for 12 hours straight.


It is near impossible to wear these surgical masks without touching the sides to adjust them at least a few times.


But if in Thailand I would wear one when you leave the house as locals seem very skittish if you don't.





When in Rome do as the Romans do I guess.

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1 hour ago, Pedrogaz said:

You certainly don't need to wear a mask while driving, either alone or with people you already live with....to me that's nonsense.

I only wear a mask when shopping. I would wear a mask in a taxi if I were ever in one, or if I were going to hospital.....walking around an uncrowded place keeping a 2 metre distance from other people a mask is unnecessary. In my town there are lots of Thais who don't wear masks....it is not a faring thing.

Interestingly I was at the vets' yesterday (wearing a mask) and saw another customer with a sick dog and a small child. They took their masks off when they came into the vets' surgery, and I noticed when she left she was very careful putting the child's mask on before putting him on her motorcycle....but she neglected any form of helmet for herself or the child. A sense of distorted priorities I guess.

TIT after all........

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1 hour ago, J Town said:

Wasn't it actually the fleas infesting the rats that passed the disease?

Yes you are right about this as the Bubonic Plague was transmitted by the Oriental rat flea......


Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis), primary vector for the transmission of the bacterium Yersinia pestis between rats and humans.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 


AND... The plague disease, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, is enzootic (commonly present) in populations of fleas carried by ground rodents,

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22 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Yes you are right about this as the Bubonic Plague was transmitted by the Oriental rat flea......


Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis), primary vector for the transmission of the bacterium Yersinia pestis between rats and humans.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 


AND... The plague disease, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, is enzootic (commonly present) in populations of fleas carried by ground rodents,

No, the plague was transmitted by the rat. The flea was the cause. It used the rat as a host, and the rat spread the disease.


There are however many academics who dispute this, and some even insist human to human transmission must have caused the large number of deaths in the black plague.


This is for an event almost 700 years ago. And still there is dispute about the transmission. So with SARS Cov2 should be an interesting 700 years.

Edited by Logosone
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Who am I protecting wearing a mask in my car.....my rear view mirror555 next you’ll want me to wear one in the shower.....and I won’t as it stops me smoking my weed and drinking my vodka martini shaken and not stirred.

When I get out of the car I am wearing the mask. I ride my bicycle through the rice fields and rarely see anybody, and I don’t wear a mask, though I do carry one in my pocket. Let’s not throw common sense out of the window people. 

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28 minutes ago, xylophone said:

The plague disease, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, is enzootic (commonly present) in populations of fleas carried by ground rodents,

The rats carried the fleas which bit humans.............the rats didn't bite humans, though a few have been recorded.


I will stick with this explanation.

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22 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Pray tell, where can I go to buy some masks.  No where around my area is there any.  Pharmacies, are out, none at 7-11, stores do not have any.  I have been trying for over three weeks now, and no luck.  I think I would have better luck wrapping a pair of nickers around my face, since I can not locate any, and have been recycling and cleaning the two I have had since the end of February....

You can even make a mask that offers limited protection --there are how to vids on Youtube. Even motorcycle dust masks, bandana and t-shirt cut to fit. Wash and hang in direct sunlight todry . Have several to wear and alternate

If You’re Going to Wear a Mask, Make It One of These


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23 hours ago, kenk24 said:

wheew, I am getting dizzy trying to figure this out...


so, half the people are half the intelligence of themselves? 

Sounds like he's talking through his mask.

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22 hours ago, Agusts said:

I couldn't believe the West resisted advising the mask, the only reasonable excuse given was that they may not be enough for everyone and for medics etc.


Asians are far better on this due to previous pandemics here.


If you have no symptoms and can carry and transfer the virus to others, then must use the mask, that logic means everyone should wear it...!


Also if anything masks stop people touching their nose and mouth, that alone justifies it....


The best of course are the ones fit well and you can wash after every use.

Everyone who's wearing one is right and everybody should wear one , i do wear . But if you really think wearing a mask will stop people from touching their face and nose , i think your wrong on that one .

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