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Insurgents Burn Female Villager Alive


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Insurgents burn female villager alive

(BangkokPost.com) - Unrest in the deep South continues as a female Buddhist was burnt alive while a few others were injured from a bomb used against a passenger van in two separate incidents on Wednesday morning.

Police said insurgents shot Patcharaporn Boonsamas, 25, off her motorcycle as she was riding to her office in Yala town around 8 a.m. Then, although she was apparently still alive but badly wounded, they set fire to her body, completely burning it.

When police arrived they could not even identify the gender of the remains because it was so badly burnt. However, the victim's relatives appeared at the scene and claimed her body.

The attack took place in the populated municipal district, but villagers living nearby saw nothing at all, and were unable to help police with their investigation.

In Pattani's Yarang district, separatists blasted a van belonging to the Revenue Department, injuring at least two of the five passengers.

The explosion took place at around 8.10 a.m. while the van carrying state officials was heading from Yala to the Revenue Department office in Pattani.

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These people are not human.

They are animals.

They should be hunted to extinction.

buddhists are a peace loving people with a wonderful religion that they follow, and these muslims down there are killing them. :o in the most horrific way.

where's this going. ? :D

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And there are "religious leaders" that condone this.

What kind of person could even think of such a thing.

My personal opinion of muslims can't be posted here.

I realize that it's a small percentage that are radicals.....but why does the majority remain silent?

There are big protests when an "insurgent" or sympathizer gets arrested or killed, Where is the uproar from "good" muslims when something like this happens?

Why aren't the clerics uniting against this sort of behavior?

Seems to me that their silence reflects their views.

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only one way to deal with problems like this.

get the press out and send the army in.

insurgency and warfare is a nasty business , and it is not necessary for the opinions of those not directly affected by it to dilute the effectiveness of the actions necessary to bring it to an end.

the insurgents know this and play on it , thats why they are so successful.

you've got to break some eggs to make an omelette.

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These people are not human.

They are animals.

They should be hunted to extinction.

buddhists are a peace loving people with a wonderful religion that they follow, and these muslims down there are killing them. :o in the most horrific way.

where's this going. ? :D

you having a laugh right thai buddist peace loving. not the ones in Samui. Muslim relegion is also a peacefull religion. good and bad in all religions

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I agree, get the press out of there, and all those hand wringing lefty terrorist apologists.... and beat the shit out of them in the process to give em something to whinge and be all victimised about.

These people are animals and are supported by the majority of the population down there. They also need no sympathy and nobody should shed a tear when some of them get caught in the cross fire.

Never heard of any race, creed or religion that targets women and children in this way. These boys have no balls and hopefully will have no life in their worthless bodies soon. The only thing they have to look forward to is getting a shag AFTER they die!! How stupid and desperate must they be to follow that line.

In their afterlife, perhaps they will be tortured for all eternity for these heinous crimes :o

Never see the Imams topping theirselves or sending their families to martyrdom. do you?

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get the press out and send the army in.

I concur. Unfortunately nothing else seems to be working.

How can anybody do something like this to a young woman :o

Because they had this drilled into them. People don't evolve like this.

When most kids are out playing games after school, these lot are kept in class, rote remembering a massive book and nodding like donkeys. No fun, no drink, no girlfriends/boyfriends, just religion religion religion.

Have said it before and its unpopular with the apologist PC crowd, but the rythmic nodding and chanting for hours on end is a sign of mental distress throughout the animal kingdom. But dare to suggest that this is thus in their case and...... oh my god, lefty intelects flaming us left right and centre.

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[ you having a laugh right thai buddist peace loving. not the ones in Samui. Muslim relegion is also a peacefull religion. good and bad in all religions

Did I just wake up in another world? Do you watch TV, read the newspaper, know what even goes on in the world nowadays?? - The only thing that was even close to the truth was the "good and bad in all religions" - but more more to the point I would say there are good in bad in all peopl eof all religions. The people are the ones that make the bad - religions are good, it is the interpretation and implementation of the tenets by PEOPLE that destroy it.

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These people are not human.

They are animals.

They should be hunted to extinction.

buddhists are a peace loving people with a wonderful religion that they follow, and these muslims down there are killing them. :o in the most horrific way.

where's this going. ? :D

Where did the post says that these people were Muslims? It is so easy to do anything and put the blame on Muslims.

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Religion is the excuse. No true beliver of any faith could carry out such a henious act.

Words can't explain what should be done in retribution to these <deleted> animals.

I'm with taxexile on this one "press out army in" only problem is the "insurgents" will just nip down to Malaysia out of the way while the heat's on.

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I am trying to imagine another country in the world that would take the stance that Thailand seems to take on this insurgency. Any other country living in a state of relative peace with its neighbors would make this kind of killing spree the top priority of government. In fact if they really want the people to take their eyes off the fumbling government there could be no better way than to give the people a common enemy and go to war. It always works for the ol USA, at least for a little while. I am not down there, so I can’t see for myself, but it appears that nothing much is being done about these continual murders. 1000's are dead, who's paying the price?

What could possibly be holding the army back from turning that place upside down?

Is this the Buddhist way of defending citizens? Karma will sort it out?

We are not talking about a well armed militia in a massive territory, they’re farmers, and they got nowhere to run. They are killing people, with complete impunity. It defies any logic. If ever there was a case for decisive action and martial law, this is it.

I see two things here: you can’t defend a people with Buddhist philosophy.

You can’ put a Muslim in charge of fighting Islamic fundamentalism it is a major conflict of interest.

I don't know how many Thai citizens died in the tsunami, but I think a day is coming where the insurgency will have claimed more.

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These people are not human.

They are animals.

They should be hunted to extinction.

buddhists are a peace loving people with a wonderful religion that they follow, and these muslims down there are killing them. :o in the most horrific way.

where's this going. ? :D

Where did the post says that these people were Muslims? It is so easy to do anything and put the blame on Muslims.

Probably due to the fact that the insurgents in the south have been referred to as Muslim insurgents in the press for years now.... Are there other types of insurgents at work in the south? I think it is a common deduction for someone to make then and if these particular insurgents were indeed not Muslim then chaulk it up to human error. However the 'Muslim Insurgents' have not given themsleves or their religion a good name and I think that this particular act will do alot more harm to their already tanished image - regardless of the persuasion of the actual murderers.

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[ you having a laugh right thai buddist peace loving. not the ones in Samui. Muslim relegion is also a peacefull religion. good and bad in all religions

Did I just wake up in another world? Do you watch TV, read the newspaper, know what even goes on in the world nowadays?? - The only thing that was even close to the truth was the "good and bad in all religions" - but more more to the point I would say there are good in bad in all peopl eof all religions. The people are the ones that make the bad - religions are good, it is the interpretation and implementation of the tenets by PEOPLE that destroy it.

Good that there is some common sense here as well well, and not just the hang 'em brigade.

The problem down south is highly complex. The insurgents are everything else than "animals", and escalating the situation, as some here seem to demand, is exactly what the insurgents intend with those atrocities.

This is war, and the insurgents don't kill indiscriminately, they have very clear tactics, and choose their victims carefully for maximum effect. They kill a Buddhist woman to escalate the situation into a religious civil war, a few weeks ago they have had a round of killing army and police in previously quiet districts to disrupt the security forces.

These are so far very successful tactics that give them the initiative, and the lead in the conflict. The government is still struggling for an answer, experimenting with different strategies, which are so far not very successful.

The insurgents are highly organized, with combat units, bomb units, propaganda squads, intelligence units, etc.

Every war is ugly. What in the wars led by western nations presently is termed "collateral damage" are also civilians, women and children, mutilated and killed.

No, the majority of the Muslim population is not on the side of the insurgents, they are terrified. But they are not on the side of the government either. And that is entirely the fault of the government. Decades of oppression resulted in that mistrust. The last opportunities to bring the majority of the civilian Muslim population to the side of the government have been given away by Prem's rejection of the recommendation of NRC to allow using Yawi as a second government language, and by Surayud not arresting and trying the officers responsible for Tak Bai.

There are many soldiers and police officers on the ground who try to do the best they can, but that work is somewhat boycotted by the block heads in the higher ranks and the government, and by the endemic corruption of others in the military and police, who are directly benefiting financially from the war and the huge government funds of which lots can be channeled away.

And no, Buddhists are not that peaceful either. There were already revenge killings by local Buddhists against innocent Muslims, and the Dahan Praan have a terrible reputation down there, not entirely undeserved either.

The only possible solution is on the negotiation table. But i fear that a lot more blood has to flow until both sides are ready and willing for substantial negotiations. All out war might satisfy the bloodlust of some here (most of those will never have to directly deal with that war as well), but it is no solution. At least that the government understands, and has a hard time to hold back extremists out for revenge.

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The only possible solution is on the negotiation table. But i fear that a lot more blood has to flow until both sides are ready and willing for substantial negotiations. All out war might satisfy the bloodlust of some here (most of those will never have to directly deal with that war as well), but it is no solution. At least that the government understands, and has a hard time to hold back extremists out for revenge.

ColPyat: I guess we are just destined to be on opposite sides today. I might have to put your alias in my spell check dictionary.

I can make an educated guess that the lady shot and burned to death on her way to work, on the eve of holiday season, was not a close relative of yours.

What recent success can you recall in subverting Islamic fundamentalists from a negotiation table? This is a new day; the cards have been on the table a long time. There is a global effort to purge the world of infidels. Thailand is a prime goose, set right in the middle of some very strategic real estate. And the best part, they have no will to fight.

This is the new reality.

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> where's this going. ?

I think we all know who's holding the army back at the moment, and is the single entity standing in between something resembling the killing fields..

Regardless... that's where it's going.

Edited by chanchao
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> where's this going. ?

I think we all know who's holding the army back at the moment, and is the single entity standing in between something resembling the killing fields..

Regardless... that's where it's going.

Possibly more like Rwanda, but only if the army waits too long.

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I am not really sure what the reasons for this (or previous) horrible act ('s) are.

Islam is a religion of peace when correctly followed, same as Christian and Buddhism or any other religion.

Could it be that there are other powers in force here?

Other powers that are looking for regime change?

Or wanting the population to change their mind?

Remember how you felt when you heard or even see the beheadings of some people, and what did you feel?

Remember that it stopped after the effect was achieved?

It could well be part of covert operations.

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The only possible solution is on the negotiation table.

insurgents ( terrorists) backed by extrememist islamic groups , unfortunately have no use for the negotiating table.

neither here in thailand , nor in indonesia , africa , chechnya , afghanistan , or wherever in the world they set up shop

they will go on until they succeed or they die trying , they are not like the ira , the shining path or even the eta , they have hijacked their religion and intend to impose themselves wherever they see fit ,and what happens here today will be happening in europe tomorrow. southern thailand is but a small part of the growing wave of islamic extremism that is spreading all over the world.

it is much better for the world as we know it that they do not succeed , and that they die trying.

these people will not stop until they have taken us all back to the 7th century.

whilst your words would make sense , colpyat , if we were dealing with a more identifiable enemy , i think when dealing with these people and those that back them , attempting to reason with them would be like fighting with your hands tied behind your back.

unfortunately , extreme measures will be necessary , unless of course we give in to their demands.

you are right about one thing though , a lot more blood will flow before it is ended.

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ColPyat: I guess we are just destined to be on opposite sides today. I might have to put your alias in my spell check dictionary.

I can make an educated guess that the lady shot and burned to death on her way to work, on the eve of holiday season, was not a close relative of yours.

What recent success can you recall in subverting Islamic fundamentalists from a negotiation table? This is a new day; the cards have been on the table a long time. There is a global effort to purge the world of infidels. Thailand is a prime goose, set right in the middle of some very strategic real estate. And the best part, they have no will to fight.

This is the new reality.

Why should i personalize this incident? That is reserved for her relatives. It's an atrocity done in a war, like in any other war. Muslims die horribly down there, Buddhist do, police and military as well. That's the nature of war.

No, this is not "Islamic Fundamentalists", the new fashionable generalization for any insurgency Muslims are involved in. Things are far more complex, and the only recent conflict which the southern insurgence can be compared to is the Aceh conflict. Which not only was solved on the negotiation table, but there also are direct links between the GAM in Aceh and some of the southern groups (and through that the Thai military as well, who sold the GAM the weapons in the first place, and which are now rumored to return to Southern Thailand).

There is no "global effort to purge the world of infidels". There is a global effort to keep the population in a state of paranoia by making a few insurgencies look far more dangerous than they actually are.

It is absolutely untrue that the Thais "have no will to fight". Maybe you should travel into that area and have a look yourself. The government has countless programs going on there, from minds and hearts programs, to counter insurgency programs, curfew and whatever else.

This is reality.

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whilst your words would make sense , colpyat , if we were dealing with a more identifiable enemy , i think when dealing with these people and those that back them , attempting to reason with them would be like fighting with your hands tied behind your back.

unfortunately , extreme measures will be necessary , unless of course we give in to their demands.

you are right about one thing though , a lot more blood will flow before it is ended.

But we are dealing with an identifiable "enemy" in southern Thailand. We are dealing with several groups whose ideas are known: Separation from Thailand, Islamic rule in the then re-founded State of Pattani.

Thousands of suspected fighters are known by name and photo, but there is not enough evidence against them.

Their organizational structure is known.

The leadership is not know by the public, but i am sure that the government knows their identities, or at least some of them, especially because the Thaksin government has engaged already in negotiations which obviously failed.

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Whenever you hear of suicide bombers any where in the world, what is the first thought in your mind about the identity of the bomber. Is it his/her religion, hmmm?

If we can name a tree by its fruit this must be a peace tree?

So far there was no suicide bomber employed in the southern conflict.

And no, suicide missions have been employed by many groups in warfare. The Japanese used them in WW2, and so did the Germans. And no, they were not Muslims.

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Though there are links to the Aceh conflict my impression was that the tsunami was largely responsible for the breakthrough leading to the signature of the peace accord in August 2005.


And this is a big lie propagated by most medias.

In fact - the MOU was countersigned one day before the Tsunami, after several months of difficult negotiations that were instigated by a Scandinavian businessman.

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