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my girlfriend wants gold


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Normally if you drop 150 to 200k worth of gold - you get a wife to go with it.

Is she asking for gold - or is she' s hinting she'd like to marry you?

The gold component of sinsod is as she's indicated.

Do find out before jumping to conclusions.


Tell her this:

'Hey 200 k worth of gold is sinsod!' right? Are you proposing to me?'


Then report back!





Edited by WhereIsMyRyeBread
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3 hours ago, kiever said:

she said she wants golds

Standard request as a lot of the less honourable ones just see it as money around the neck , wrist or fingers to be cashed in when you ain't around or things go t*ts up in their eyes .. 


3 hours ago, kiever said:

she said a friend of her got these amounts of gifts from her boyfriend regularly and why i wouldnt do same

Standard pressure application again and kind of gives an insight into the juvenile comparison mentality of some who have little but tantrums to offer in return .. especially if the request is declined .. 

Did she specify it had to be the shiny precious metal with the atomic No of 79 ? No ? thought not in which case bung her a bok of Terry's All Gold .. and make the point there is more than a bt in weight in a bok ..

See how she likes those apples .. 



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3 hours ago, kiever said:

no never i would do it for a girl in my home country.. but in my home country i would never have a girl at less than half age of mine.

The fact that you have to post your situation says it all...You have huge doubts... Think about the future... Do you want to marry?... She's thinking about her future.. wedding or gold? 

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Op, if you're of a similar age and educational level, can speak fluent Thai and can normally get women without putting your hand in your pocket, then tell her to FO. :whistling:


If from the paddy type, considerably younger and from a certain trade, tell her to FO :whistling:


Seriously, depends if you think it's worth it I guess. The way things are, she's probably out of pocket and might be worried you will die in the 'dirty' west. If it were me and she were after 10 baht of gold, I'd be posting over a 10 baht coin with a hastily scribbled ADIOS! on the back. 

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Gold is her form of money, her savings account, her emergency fund.  She is just asking for a security blanket. When she is in need, she will sell the gold or pawn it. 

Poverty is cruel.  

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If you are wealthy enough then who cares but it probably will never end. Where is she from meaning here? How old are you? and how old is she? Where did you meet her? Not that it matters, but sometimes one can read a tale from that.


I have been here and around the block a couple of times so you just need to weigh things out and then go from there. In one sense where is her security?, but in another tell her to stop being so greedy. For me unitl you say more info then it is hard to call or say on. You can build a life here with her but there are many factors to do this. I am now with  the same woman for over 20 years with a family. Before that was a learning lesson, but all fun for the most. Can you buy love? Yes here you really can, and with a no, not without the right one you can't.


Really is your call!


Edited by holy cow cm
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4 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

It seems that in fact you are just paying for a young escort

it's your choice and your money

but please don't call it love



       At what age , can it be called love?.

 40 plus , no thanks .

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28 minutes ago, Retarded said:

Sounds like a fake story. If what op said is true, then he seems to be mentally handicapped. If so, he wouldn't have earned that kind of money in his life.

Takes time to learn the ropes! How long have you been on them here? He is doing fine!

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33 minutes ago, TC17 said:

Gold is her form of money, her savings account, her emergency fund.  She is just asking for a security blanket. When she is in need, she will sell the gold or pawn it. 

Poverty is cruel.  

Indeed. So is stupidity. Both sadly seem to be abundant. 

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4 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Gold is her pension, the rest is just living expenses.  Either understand  that or ditch her, but if you ditch her, it's not her fault for asking, its yours for not understanding the 'deal' in a Thai Farang relationship.    She is just being normal. I had a 'deal' with my wife for the first 10 years of our relationship, until she qualified for half my pension when I died.  Each year I would buy her one item of 1 Baht gold on her birthday, or upgrade one, 1 Baht item to a 2 Baht item. It worked out well for us both.  We both own that gold now and trade it as we require. 

I started doing this - buying her 1 baht gold - each Christmas starting 2011 but soon afterwards she either sold it or exchanged it for a chain or whatever, so after 3 times I stopped.

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1 hour ago, WhereIsMyRyeBread said:

Normally if you drop 150 to 200k worth of gold - you get a wife to go with it.

Is she asking for gold - or is she' s hinting she'd like to marry you?

The gold component of sinsod is as she's indicated.

Do find out before jumping to conclusions.


Tell her this:

'Hey 200 k worth of gold is sinsod!' right? Are you proposing to me?'


Then report back!





Ok. I really like the thought but what are the chances? But, you really have a great point/idea there. She want it, then it is a marriage thing. 

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4 hours ago, zhounan said:

This is the RIGHT time to realize that you should stay very far from Thai girls.

And DON'T give your money to the girls, don't spoil them, otherwise they're only with you for money and comfort.

Thai woman are used to have many sexual relationship, no matter what you done for them or how many years have been together. 

Take this advice from me like I'm your big brother:
Run away as soon as you can, don't let it ruin your life.

Time to part-exchange for a new model... but seriously, my wife has been under the influence of one of her "friends" for about 10 years now; the latest episode involved her buying a 6 ft bed for her 14 year-old son (from her "friend's" friends). This turned out to be one of those awful dark brown wooden (compacted-ply) things that took them over 1/2 hour to assemble, but it came with a matching set of equally awful bedroom furniture "free" - all for 18,000 baht. If she would have consulted me, I would have offered to pay half of the price (also 18,000 baht) to buy a 2-piece "Satin" base, including upholstered headboard (that takes 5 minutes to assemble) and a Satin mattress, but she bought it on her credit card - interest free - over 10 months, but Whisky Tango Foxtrot.

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5 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Gold is her pension,

She has only 'worked' for the OP for 2.5 years (so far).

What sort of pension did you receive from your employer after 2.5 years ?

As for myself I received nothing after 2.5 years.

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Topics like this are a welcome distraction in these times of Covid-19. They are entertaining, educational and Ring a bell for many. Time to move on and upgrade once the Corona disruption is over. Plenty of fish... 

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2 hours ago, TC17 said:

Gold is her form of money, her savings account, her emergency fund.  She is just asking for a security blanket. When she is in need, she will sell the gold or pawn it. 

Poverty is cruel.  

The problem with these girls

it's that they are all the time ''in need''

it's endless

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8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Find a new gf, plenty available now there's no foreigners here and the entertainment venues have all closed.

I hear some of the girls are now living with guys just for food and accommodation.

Have you taken a few in......just to feed obviously 

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9 hours ago, kiever said:

and she said a friend of her got these amounts of gifts from her boyfriend regularly and why i wouldnt do same ?

OK, now think about it - would a thai guy be doing the same  ? If no, then she's playing you.


Me and my wife (42 year old ex school teacher) are not rich, and when we ran into hard times due to a waste of space tenant in my UK house she went out and earned about 12k a month working security on a gate. Would this lady do this ? From your words yo appear to say she does not work - travelling, living abroad. Seems to be living the high life.


My wife has never asked for money, never asked for gold. 





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Don't stop at gold. Get the gal a new car, get her family a new home, buy that "brother" (that always seems to be hanging around when you're not there but quickly leaves) a new truck, and anything else you can think of. This will gain her respect and that of her family. You can live securely, knowing that if hard times hit, your GF's family will be there to help.....or maybe not. Regardless if they're there for you or not there for you, the profundity of your generosity will be so rewarding that I predict life will be complete. 


Then again, maybe that's just a bunch of hooey as I just can't take another one of these threads seriously in this day and age. 

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8 hours ago, WhereIsMyRyeBread said:

Normally if you drop 150 to 200k worth of gold - you get a wife to go with it.

Is she asking for gold - or is she' s hinting she'd like to marry you?

The gold component of sinsod is as she's indicated.

Do find out before jumping to conclusions.


Tell her this:

'Hey 200 k worth of gold is sinsod!' right? Are you proposing to me?'


Then report back!





What sort of farang pays 200K for a Thai wife? I suppose the sort that wais children and taxi drivers.

No wonder so many Thai women think all farangs are ATM suckers.

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