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I just don't care anymore.


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1 hour ago, bwpage3 said:

Get out a map of the USA.

See how big it is?


Can you image the 380,000,000 people that are living in this fool's paradise?


Do the math? It is very simple to figure out on your own. 380,000,000 people and how many cases? You have a better chance by 10 to 1, to get struck by lightning.


(In 2018, there was an estimated 1,735,350 new cancer cases diagnosed and 609,640 cancer deaths in the United States). How come the entire country didn't shut down and panic? Still had toilet paper too!


Out of 380,000,000 people in the USA, exactly HOW MANY are queuing up at gun shops? What figure do you put on that?


What happens to a country, when the govt military is the only ones with the guns? Do a little reading into the history of Thailand. Did you forget the red shirt protests already?


The US, reports ALL the facts and figures. Do you honestly think Thailand is reporting the facts when they know it will completely wipe out tourism that the country depends on to survive? Remember the fake bomb scanners? Thailand politician's serve themselves and their own pockets.


While you can't get a beer, we can get a shopping cart full.


I would much prefer to live in any first world country during a crisis than any third world.


Does you insurance even cover CV?

Yeah, well I seem to remember Trump saying things early on that turned out to be complete BS, so forgive me for not being impressed by your rhetoric.

AFAIK cancer is not a communicable disease, that's just a red herring.

Personally, I think there are environmental factors operating in Thailand which are limiting the spread of COVID-19, nothing to do with the junta. We'll see who is right in 6 month's time.

At my age and with pre-existing conditions, getting any form of medical insurance here is impossible. I self-fund.

Don't need toilet paper, I have a bum gun. Alcohol freely available in Chiang Rai.

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3 hours ago, laosnative said:

I am in Laos.

I am renting a lovely house with shaded garden seating, so being on partial lockdown is bearable.

Reading books, computer games to play, good stock of movies and live T.V.  Good stock of beer Lao, and Laos whisky, and many places doing food delivery.

Unfortunately I am alone, my lady is stuck in BKK for now, heaven knows when she will be back home.

Good to get out for a ride around the deserted streets on motorbike occasionaly, to buy Baguettes, cheese and other goodies.

No sign of an alcohol ban here yet, but who knows?

So to sum up, missing my better half and getting a touch of cabin fever, but, things could be much worse.   


I think u dont need to worry for an alcohol ban in Laos. Good luck for you. 

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18 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

Anybody else feeling this way?

 anyone managing to stay positive despite all the obvious signs of catastrophe on the horizon?


Try to find something to enjoy about your life. Might help if you consider that it might go REALLY bad after it's all over, and the economic disaster that has been created hits home.

The time you have in lockdown might be the best you have left before it all turns to poo.

I try not to think about the consequences that might await us as they are just too frightening and depressing.

Be a shame to survive this and die of poverty after.


PS. I anticipated the lockdown and spent a week preparing. I have loads to do and keep my mind off it.

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15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Try to find something to enjoy about your life. Might help if you consider that it might go REALLY bad after it's all over, and the economic disaster that has been created hits home.

The time you have in lockdown might be the best you have left before it all turns to poo.

I try not to think about the consequences that might await us as they are just too frightening and depressing.

Be a shame to survive this and die of poverty after.


PS. I anticipated the lockdown and spent a week preparing. I have loads to do and keep my mind off it.

Are you locked down on that NZ farm? How does that work?

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10 minutes ago, Olmate said:

Are you locked down on that NZ farm? How does that work?

Wish I was as I'd have work to do. I live in town where all I do is eat, sleep, do jigsaws, watch DVDs and use the internet.


Farm workers carry on as normal. Can't visit people off the farm and only allowed to go to supermarket. Animals still need looking after and maintenance doesn't stop for a virus.

Biggest problem is the drought and not being able to send animals to the works as cool stores full. Apparently exports are not happening.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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On 4/10/2020 at 12:48 PM, Liverpoolfan said:

What's the point though?

Walk on through the wind,walk on through the rain,though your dreams be tossed and blown[i think that's right],cos after the storm there's a golden dawn and the sweet silver song of the lark,so walk on with hope in your heart,cos you'll never walk alone ,you'll never walk alone. From A THFC supporter,who has been to anfeild and heard that song,we ,well i felt like singing it myself,after there was huge applause from the Spurs support,no team in the world has anything like it,think on that mate.

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On 4/10/2020 at 2:08 PM, Genmai said:


Absolutely. Now that I'm stuck indoors my life and mental state has overall gotten much better.


The #1 best thing is that I don't have to interact with Thais anymore. That's a massive headache and source of stress gone right there. Now that I no longer have to explain basic concepts, bang my head against the wall and complain about everything that's wrong I'm finally enjoying my life here. Order stuff online, Skype my friends/family, annoy my girlfriend and play with the neighborhood cats in my yard. Amazing. This must be hints of "the good life" that expat retirees talk about. 


The second best thing is that I don't have to feel guilty about staying in the house all day doing whatever the hell I want. PC loaded up with games I've been meaning to get through (RPG classics), stacks of books, a bunch of plants sprouting for the garden, plenty of time to cook the meals I want to, Udemy courses online, wow holy **** this quarantine isn't nearly going to be long enough for me to get through all the stuff I want.


The worst thing is not being able to sweat it out at the gym so my gains are quickly disappearing. And dreading the upcoming immigration office trip. That's about it. Alcohol is a no-no for me since overdoing it last year and wrecking my stomach, so I'm forced to stick to water/tea/frozen banana smoothies. If I was capable of drinking now I'd be blasted everyday for sure, and that wouldn't be good or sustainable for serotonin levels. CBD/THC oil would be another matter entirely but I haven't figured out how to get a prescription for that here...


Another thing to consider is that we're far better off than our friends/family back home. I always had this idea that 3rd world countries are far better places to ride out societal/infrastructural breakdown events simply because people are already used to the idea of living in dysfunctional societies. It's why despite largely disliking everyday living in Thailand I firmly chose to remain here during this crisis. People back in farang-land cannot imagine their international supply lines of frozen cheeseburgers coming to a halt and pharmacies being empty. Too many people who have grown up in a safe & functional environment who cannot conceive of how their world would look if nothing worked. Yes, here it's entirely possible we'll get the occasional farang being slingshotted at by racists. But the far more likely worst-case scenario back home is widespread looting and crime amidst a sea of lost people in disbelief which is typical of developed nations experiencing a period of breakdown. Here we'll still have an overabundance of locally grown food no matter what. Since Thais are so savvy at everything online it's super easy to arrange groceries and supply deliveries through Line and FB. 


But ultimately you're right. Nothing matters. Nothing is real.


Except pain.


Even the most staunch nihilist/existentialist under a high enough level of pain will admit that pain is real, and thus at the very very least some meaning can be derived through moving away from a state of pain and into a more "optimal" state of existence. How you do that and what "optimal" means is entirely up to you and that freedom of being able to decide is one of the highlights of being human.


But maybe I'm saying this because I'm the kind of farang who gets thrown into a week-long depressive episode after too many logical reasoning sessions with Somchai. And it takes me a period of isolation from everybody to get out of that depressive episode. You might be the complete opposite. In that case you'd benefit from more socialization. Fire up a few accounts on dating/penpal/language learning apps. If you're not in total lockdown walk around and force yourself to chat with others. And stop checking ThaiVisa so often, it's not good for mental health.



Strange ,you say the best thing is you don't have to intereact with thais, one would pose the question then why do you live here,i have always found most Thai people very nice,friendly and helpful,does help if you can speak some thai,but one would guess you probably reside in Patts,Bangkok,Phuket ect,not the real Thailand.

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Okay,have bird proofed my gutters[ easy for me 15 years a pestie and had decent wire], in Oz could have done whole house in a day,problem here the heat,worked til 11 other day started feeling woozy,stopped,first sign of heatstroke,felt a bit spaced out for a few hours then okay,put up a curtain sealing north wing off house,from main room,made a/c to main room more effective,fixed cuboard that is fairly high on kitchen wall,and builders messed up,kept falling off,,plenty of other jobs lined up,just the heat,can work from 7 t0 10am ,then maybe 5.30 ish until sunset,have learned,never work in afternoon,your asking for heat stroke which i can assure is not pleasant.Luckily have to lights on back of shed,intend to start containing soil on garden bed using left over roof tiles,also enough light to cut grass,evening shift,eh what!

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On 10/23/2019 at 12:26 AM, Sujo said:

I cannot comment particularly on your experience but was with a friend in a car and he was asked for the same. They ended up taking 5000 bt.

Thx. Just came back from two months, here in Nepal now, luckily, I guess. Didn't rent a bike this time, kept busy without one. Watching them pulling others over.. I am still working on a longer term solution. Negotiating has been suggested more then once by a range or perspectives, so I'm taking it in. Thanks.

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On 4/10/2020 at 9:59 AM, bwpage3 said:

Get out a map of the USA.

See how big it is?


Can you image the 380,000,000 people that are living in this fool's paradise?


Do the math? It is very simple to figure out on your own. 380,000,000 people and how many cases? You have a better chance by 10 to 1, to get struck by lightning.


(In 2018, there was an estimated 1,735,350 new cancer cases diagnosed and 609,640 cancer deaths in the United States). How come the entire country didn't shut down and panic? Still had toilet paper too!


Out of 380,000,000 people in the USA, exactly HOW MANY are queuing up at gun shops? What figure do you put on that?


What happens to a country, when the govt military is the only ones with the guns? Do a little reading into the history of Thailand. Did you forget the red shirt protests already?


The US, reports ALL the facts and figures. Do you honestly think Thailand is reporting the facts when they know it will completely wipe out tourism that the country depends on to survive? Remember the fake bomb scanners? Thailand politician's serve themselves and their own pockets.


While you can't get a beer, we can get a shopping cart full.


I would much prefer to live in any first world country during a crisis than any third world.


Does you insurance even cover CV?


He already admitted he isn't allowed in the USA so there is that. 


I live in the countryside. My husband works from home, we save several hundred a month on gasoline, 20%off on insurance, it's spring now so no heating bills, $2,400 coming next week, stocks have already recovered for me as I sold off to build a house, What was left I bought far enough back it is up anyway, added new postions, Disney for $85 anybody, building a new house.


Went to Lowe's everybody is there it seems. Bought a few items after seeing how packed it was went home and bought some LOW.


Go out everyday and take my dog into the hills. Garden on a nice spread of land I actually own. Putter around on my new house foundation on the days it is warm enough. Building here is so simple compared to Thailand or Laos where I boult many things. It's actually a joy not to need 20 workers to do one simple task wrong. My John Deere tractor with front end loader replaces about 20 Thai people and it doesn't show up late.



Satellite TV they show guns, people smoking, as swear words and no censorship. Internet that isn't censored. I can't even imagine what it is like being holed up in some Thai hellhole like Pattaya. Also some place like NYC would suck. Anywhere people are stacked. up like lego blocks is bound to be a drag. 


That guy says the red states and rural places will get the virus. Maybe so but we still won't endure the torture chamber conditions like NYC. People around here would rather live free or die. People go where they want when they want. If we lose a tiny percentage that's the way it is.  


My life has actually never been as good as it is now. Anybody that came work from home has actually been handed a huge upgrade in comparison to commuting to an office. 


Lots of America bashing from those living in a dictatorship. I guess people have to vent. TV has many disgruntled Americans. You discover if you read around they wouldn't mind coming back but actually that is no longer their choice. Then you see the discussions of what third world back water has easy visas, cheap hookers, hates them the least. 


The biggest problem the American expats have with America is the size of their wallet. Especially now that they have been drained after 20 years of playing sugar daddy to an entire Thai family or even village. 



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On 4/10/2020 at 11:55 AM, Liverpoolfan said:

coming to the end of isolation week 4. apathy has really set in now. I have lost all will to do anything productive. My days basically consist of eating, drinking and reading. 

I go out walking daily, talk with friends in person daily (staying 6 feet apart with masks on.  Go to the grocery store at Central or Big C a couple times a week. 

I see no ban on getting outside and walking. 

Perfect time, very few people out, very easy to stay away from others.  

Every day still something new to be seen or someone to talk with about the latest news, what they have seen, what their friends or families back West are going through.  (stay 6 feet away and upwind - haha)



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33 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

I can't even imagine what it is like being holed up in some Thai hellhole like Pattaya

I live in Pattaya.  Can walk to 2 beaches from my condo. 

Already listed other daily activities in my last post

Why is everyone stating that they are in "isolation"  . 

Is there a "ban" on walking outside now? 

Be well, wear a mask, stay 6' apart, and wash your hands

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3 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

I live in Pattaya.  Can walk to 2 beaches from my condo. 

Already listed other daily activities in my last post

Why is everyone stating that they are in "isolation"  . 

Is there a "ban" on walking outside now? 

Be well, wear a mask, stay 6' apart, and wash your hands


I guess when I have visited Pattaya even in full swing I found it pretty grim in the day time. So with no night time activities I have no idea what the draw would be to go there or stay there. 


Good for you if you are happy and doing your own thing. If you couldn't get a chair at the beach and have a beer that would be the end of the place for me.

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On 4/10/2020 at 12:00 PM, CharlieH said:

Yes, there is little to no change in my daily life whatsoever. Main issue is I cant go out to lunch as I usually do, cant go out to exercise park (choose not to). I have a jogging machine in the house anyway.


That's about it. I have a workshop, to go "play" in if I want, there is the internet and a whole range of things to do there or get involved in.

Plenty of Tv /movies to watch if I choose, no complaints here at all.



All I'm really missing are the road trips on my motorbike, I can ride my bike and still go to the exercise park, no one else is ever there. But it is almost certain I will not be able to go on my annual trip to the UK on Sept.

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On 4/10/2020 at 12:28 PM, bkk6060 said:

I actually started a very healthy diet when this whole thing started so feeling pretty good.

The mental side of it could be the breaking point for many.

I miss golf, going to the movies, eating in restaurants, having breakfast with friends, watching sports.

Just staying home and now saying your life has not changed, does not sound like much of a life to me.

How can you miss going to the movies? Youtube and various other sites have plenty of movies, of course maybe you don't have a computer with a big screen and Bluetooth.

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On 4/10/2020 at 12:31 PM, Eibot said:

I started exercising each day. Just out of plain boredom, but it got me feeling darn good again. Just 30 minutes per day. It gives me a sense of fulfillment at the end of the day. Just like after a day of honest work. 

Excellent post, but can you describe "honest" work?

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19 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Best cure for lockdown blues, or anything, is

music and dance, even if on your own.



i can't believe i watched the whole thing !   thought for sure they were going to start remove articles of clothing      sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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On 4/10/2020 at 2:57 PM, CraigInBangkok said:

you drink all day everyday then you are an alkie, so you are just another drug addict but its just pointless trying to explain things to you ...

If Steven100 drank the way he says he does, he would be dead by now. I once asked the first farang I met when I came here to stay, why he is never without a can of beer in his hand, and he said he always drinks very slowly.

This went on for the next five years, then he died of liver failure.

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5 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

If Steven100 drank the way he says he does, he would be dead by now. I once asked the first farang I met when I came here to stay, why he is never without a can of beer in his hand, and he said he always drinks very slowly.

This went on for the next five years, then he died of liver failure.

Thankfully it wasn,t anything serious then!

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Just now, cornishcarlos said:


You will be sued for liable by all manta rays now... It was a sting ray ????


That's okay. I simply have enough money to say whatever I want and buy who I want unless having them killed is more expedient. My lawyers make the call.

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On 4/10/2020 at 3:18 PM, BritManToo said:

They told me sex outside marriage and contraception was wrong too.

Along with smoking (everyone did), alcohol (everyone did) ........ and anything else that was the slightest fun.

"Along with smoking (everyone did), alcohol (everyone did) ......." I didn't, to either of them.

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