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Thailand announces another fall in new COVID-19 cases


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14 minutes ago, sezze said:

From personal experience , i am in Europe atm , and i know there is a large increase in deaths here . I know several people in hospital , and i heard of a few deaths . Also when opening newspaper , theres a lot more death notices then there used to be .

I totally agree on the fact that they must be absolute geniuses in Thailand to keep these things under the radar . This leads me to believe that the numbers are correct , otherwise we certainly would have had rumours at minimum . 

The exact reason why this is , is so far still unknown . Weather can be something , but also genetics might be in place . The longer it is around , the more we will learn about it .

Yes. Genetics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemoglobin_E  In Thailand the mutation can reach 50 or 70%, and it is higher in the northeast of the country. My wife received a medical information card from the UK NHS, years ago, to tell her of her Haemoglobin E Trait. She is perfectly fit and healthy, and amazingly never gets bitten by mosquitoes! Seriously. Genetic adaptation. 

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2 hours ago, Ventenio said:

The amazing part is how the basic human, IQ of probably 70, is now totally convinced America is the last place on Earth they would want to be.  Possibly a plan by the Illuminati, but if you had a brain you would realize America's infected number exist because people demand tests.  Forget costs, just test.  who funds the WHO?  who can make 1 billion masks in a month?  Whose giving each resident about 40,000 baht?  Who has extremely good hospitals and doctors?  Who has an unlimited budget?  Who really ONLY sends money to other countries.  Sure, they dropped the ball on some things.....slow to react, the sheepies don't listen as well, and NYC is packed.  Are their numbers totally honest?  I'm sure they aren't, but better than most.  

Balderdash! ????

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1 hour ago, rbkk said:

Thailand=33 (latest daily deaths)  / Malaysia=153    Malaysias' population is only 33m against Thailand population of 70m. So 22%.....

and a fair few of Thailand's and Singapore's cases were imported from Malaysia and the big religious festival that caused such high numbers there

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3 hours ago, smedly said:

do a bit of research on "Viral Pneumonia" and you will see a massive spike in Thailand from January

I can well believe they're covid-19 cases. Even so, it doesn't explain the regional disparity. The highest tropical country on the world list is Malaysia at #34, and it has less than 1% of the number of deaths than any of the big three in Europe. 

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While I have reservations about the accuracy of the numbers, it's clear to me that Thailand appears to be much more resilient than western countries to this virus.


As others have said, we don't see hospitals bursting at the seams with serious Covid cases. And that's despite the influx of vistors from China / Wuhan. In theory Thailand should have bodies piling up in the streets by now! 


My friend in Sisaket tells me their local health authority declared today they now have zero Covid cases. I haven't heard anyone on TVF claiming to have the virus, or to know anyone who has it. And I would guess the majority on TVF are older people, so in the vulnerable group, and living in Thailand. Yet I have plenty of friends in the UK who either have the virus or know somebody with it. All anecdotal I know, but still...


There has to be a reason, and perhaps the scientists will work it out one day. 

Edited by CG1 Blue
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2 hours ago, Ventenio said:

The amazing part is how the basic human, IQ of probably 70, is now totally convinced America is the last place on Earth they would want to be.  Possibly a plan by the Illuminati, but if you had a brain you would realize America's infected number exist because people demand tests.  Forget costs, just test.  who funds the WHO?  who can make 1 billion masks in a month?  Whose giving each resident about 40,000 baht?  Who has extremely good hospitals and doctors?  Who has an unlimited budget?  Who really ONLY sends money to other countries.  Sure, they dropped the ball on some things.....slow to react, the sheepies don't listen as well, and NYC is packed.  Are their numbers totally honest?  I'm sure they aren't, but better than most.  

Are full ICU's also a result of testing? 


I'm not bashing America, but the government acted way too late. Also with the testing, it's all hindsight. NYC/NJ are the worst areas to hit in the world. So, it's very understandable people don't want to stay in the States (or near those places atm). However, the US has enough capital to overcome this crisis, which might not be the case for poorer countries. 


I hear some good news in regards of hospital admissions in the States. That is some good news!

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7 hours ago, Solidpoo said:

Indonesia didnt test for the past months, they had no cases when every country in SEA had. Then there was a report out the death in March in Jakarta was 40% higher than previous years average. (https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/04/04/jump-in-jakarta-funerals-raises-fears-of-unreported-covid-19-deaths.html)


Now they've begun proper testing and the daily count is exponential.


Economically it might be better to not test and just let people die. 

So any big spike in people dying in Thailand ?

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1 hour ago, lamyai3 said:

I can well believe they're covid-19 cases. Even so, it doesn't explain the regional disparity. The highest tropical country on the world list is Malaysia at #34, and it has less than 1% of the number of deaths than any of the big three in Europe. 

have you looked into how they are reporting and testing - I haven't but I suspect that might be a factor - just a guess 

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4 hours ago, sezze said:

From personal experience , i am in Europe atm , and i know there is a large increase in deaths here . I know several people in hospital , and i heard of a few deaths . Also when opening newspaper , theres a lot more death notices then there used to be .

I totally agree on the fact that they must be absolute geniuses in Thailand to keep these things under the radar . This leads me to believe that the numbers are correct , otherwise we certainly would have had rumours at minimum . 

The exact reason why this is , is so far still unknown . Weather can be something , but also genetics might be in place . The longer it is around , the more we will learn about it .

    I agree with you and bkk6060.  I think if there were large numbers of deaths we would be hearing more.  And, I don't think cases are being covered up much.  The condo my partner and I own in Bangkok had a virus case in March and it was widely reported to the residents--including details as to what floor the person lives on, what parts of the condo project the person had been to since the person's return from abroad, etc.  Follow-up reports were sent to the residents with details as to what was being cleaned, additional rules, etc.  It was taken very seriously, treated as a big deal, and publicized.  To this date I don't personally know anyone with the virus and neither does my Thai partner or any of his large, extended family.  

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Paper never refusing ink and if someone types something it must be true so I believe everything I read Duh!! Seriously..I am in Phitsanulok and the reports here say 4 females and 2 males from a population of 867,000 people have covid 19. Ok unlike the USA they are not testing thousands everyday so we don't really know but there are no wild rumours contradicting the figures. Road blocks testing in ever village no matter how remote, Police stopping every car with outside of province number plates. They are taking this damn serious.


As someone said if people were dropping like flies like in Italy or the USA we would surely hear about it so why no massive numbers? Spoon sharing someone said... Years of the dirty habit of everyone dipping their eating spoon from mouth to bowl has strengthened their immunity systems...possibly I suppose...I do find it strange that in a would be backward country they are handling this so well..long may it continue

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10 hours ago, Almer said:

that it is highly possible that as the virus leaves one host it is weakened by heat and humidity and i have been reading from day 1 that the summer months in the west will see a decline, N Italy, N Spain,  Germany, UK, etc all in there cold months, and all cases would have come across borders in the first instance. 

The debate over heat goes on. However, Malaysia is reporting much higher figures than Thailand, how about that? But Thailand's figures only mean something if they are correct - I don't believe they are anywhere near the true figures but as my wife lives there, I really hope they are.


As for the UK, its my opinion that whilst the UK's response to Covid 19 is broadly correct, it was badly timed - extremely badly and lacked testing and tracing. We have now passed over 10,000 deaths and still counting. The lockdown should have come much sooner and sadly, needs to be even more rigorously enforced - there are still idiots ignoring the rules here. I wish no ill will on Boris Johnson, I'm glad he's recovered but like the other idiot across the pond - Trump, he failed to recognise what was in front of his nose (or put the economy first). We all watched as the disease romped through Wuhan yet our government failed to take the correct action at the correct time. I believe that's the main reason the disease is so prevalent in the UK.


Compare the reaction of South Korea that had a huge spike in infections due to a religious gathering. They then locked down almost immediately and implemented a rigorous programme of testing and tracing. Yesterday South Korea recorded 3 deaths against the UK's 917 yet they were only 11 days ahead of the UK in their first case.  If the UK gets down to 3 deaths in 11 days time, I'll eat my words. South Korea's actions are a lesson to us all in how to deal with this virus and they haven't tried to hide their figures.


The temperature may or may not be a factor but if you don't mix with people, you won't get infected. Trump refused to lockdown New York until it was too late - now the USA has the worst figures in the world. The UK is well on the way to having the worst outcome in Europe. Both countries failed to lockdown early enough.


People talk about suing China over Covid 19 - I'd be looking a bit closer to home.

Edited by KhaoYai
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2 hours ago, Tanlic said:

Years of the dirty habit of everyone dipping their eating spoon from mouth to bowl has strengthened their immunity systems...possibly I suppose.

How would it strengthen their immunity to a disease that's only just come about? They don't appear to have built up much immunity to Hepatitis A which is an unfortunate result of, amongst other things, 'spoon from mouth to bowl' as you call it - its rampant.

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Does Thailand publish numbers in the form of overall death charts and their deviations from the mean like Europe do?


Check this page from the 'EuroMOMO' - MOnitoring MOrtality - transparent figures : https://www.euromomo.eu/


This is the single most useful resource on European deaths over the last years, you can really see seasonal change here.


Sceenshot :



Edited by ukrules
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5 hours ago, newnative said:

The condo my partner and I own in Bangkok had a virus case in March and it was widely reported to the residents--including details as to what floor the person lives on, what parts of the condo project the person had been to since the person's return from abroad, etc.  Follow-up reports were sent to the residents with details as to what was being cleaned, additional rules, etc.  It was taken very seriously, treated as a big deal, and publicized.  To this date I don't personally know anyone with the virus and neither does my Thai partner or any of his large, extended family.  

No wonder you don't know anybody, if say I had it, with the risk of being stigmatized like that, do you think I'd be advertising it?

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46 minutes ago, ukrules said:

Does Thailand publish numbers in the form of overall death charts and their deviations from the mean like Europe do?


Check this page from the 'EuroMOMO' - MOnitoring MOrtality - transparent figures : https://www.euromomo.eu/


This is the single most useful resource on European deaths over the last years, you can really see seasonal change here.


Sceenshot :



Yeah. This is what we need. I have yet to be able to find such data reporting. Anyone know of this type of data?

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3 hours ago, lkv said:

No wonder you don't know anybody, if say I had it, with the risk of being stigmatized like that, do you think I'd be advertising it?

   You're missing the point. The person wasn't being stigmatized.  He had just returned from abroad and got sick a couple days later.  The condo got the information out, with the person's assistance, including parts of the condo he had been at, with the dates.  For example, he was in the lobby at date X at time Y waiting to get a food delivery.  Residents could think if they had been in the lobby around that same time and date.   In order to stop the virus spreading, doing this tedious and detailed tracking and tracing is very important--as shown by the excellent results from South Korea.  

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Misc.: I was in west central Germany last half of Nov. first part of Dec., staying about 200 yards from Cologne cathedral and it was overrun with Asian tourists. I went to a Chinese massage place. I could have been exposed then. I did have two cases of flu in Dec. and Jan. back here in Bangkok.

Another thing I noticed was that with the temp around 40F most Germans did not wear a hat. That seems common in a lot of Europe and the US. 

In Bangkok a lot of construction sites are still going, most of them probably. The workers a lot of them don't wear masks and are close together all the time and sleep in dorm-like accommodations. If all these people were being hit would we not hear about it? or would not those site close down?

Finally, I walk back in the poor areas of Din Daeng many nights. People can't afford air con, the fronts of their sweat shops and living quarters are always wide open. Traffic is less but life still seems normal, not like a plague is going on. People sit together, work at sewing machines two feet apart without masks, it's strange.

Edited by Enzian
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