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China denies city discriminating against 'African brothers'

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China denies city discriminating against 'African brothers'



FILE PHOTO: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian attends a news conference in Beijing, China April 8, 2020. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins


BEIJING (Reuters) - China dismissed on Monday allegations leveled by African and U.S. diplomats that foreigners of African appearance in the city of Guangzhou were being subjected to forceful testing for coronavirus, quarantine and ill treatment.


“We do not have discrimination in China against African brothers,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told a daily news briefing, accusing the United States of trying to exploit the issue to harm Beijing’s relations with African nations.


A group of African ambassadors in Beijing had written to China’s State Councilor Wang Yi drawing attention to the discrimination that Africans were encountering in Guangzhou, capital of the southern Guangdong province, after which the U.S. consulate in the city also issued an alert to citizens.


The alert advised African-Americans to stay away from the Guangzhou metropolitan area, warning that the city’s authorities had told bars and restaurants to refuse to serve people who “appear to be of African origin” and launched mandatory tests and self-quarantine of anyone with “African contacts.”


Denying any such discrimination, the foreign ministry spokesman reiterated that China treats all foreigners equally.


“It is irresponsible and immoral for the U.S. to sow discord,” Zhao said. “Its attempt to drive a wedge between China and Africa will never succeed.”


The ambassadors’ note highlighted a number of reported incidents, including that Africans were being ejected from hotels in the middle of the night, having their passports seized, and threatened with revocation of visas, deportation or arrest.


Ghana’s foreign minister and the leader of Nigeria’s lower house of parliament have also separately met with the Chinese ambassador to their respective countries last week about the reports of mistreatment of Africans in Guangzhou.


Zhao did not directly comment on the ambassadors’ note, but said Guangdong has rolled out “new measures” and that Beijing is working with the relevant African nations to resolve the issue. He did not elaborate on what the new measures were.


Having largely stamped out in-country transmission of the coronavirus, authorities in China are worried that one of the biggest risks of a second wave in the epidemic stems for infected people coming from abroad.


Imported cases of the virus have largely involved Chinese citizens returning home, rather than foreigners. On Sunday, China reported 108 new cases - the most in almost six weeks. Over 90% were imported cases, of which Chinese returning from Russia accounted for about half.



  • Haha 1

the city’s authorities had told bars and restaurants to refuse to serve people who “appear to be of African origin” and launched mandatory tests and self-quarantine of anyone with “African contacts.”


How can they tell the difference between a person who's a white African from a white Yank, European, Aussie, NZ, etc.? I sure couldn't! Unless they started speaking.

  • Thanks 1
13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“We do not have discrimination in China against African brothers,”

"We are in the process of taking over your continent, soon we will own you all, brothers!"

  • Like 2
55 minutes ago, Whip said:

Chinese consider blacks way below __ on the evolutionary ladder

Sadly for many, especially under-educated Chinese this is true. 


China compares to other is not a very open country. Pick one Chinese big population town it may sees less foreigner than a remote Thai village, many Chinese never saw foreigner in their life. And because historically China was local pivot in east asia(like USA today) somehow left many Chinese a very big ego even we're way low income than many countries we look down. And many stereotypes even among ourselves... The big ego contrasting reality also led to some people bend to polar opposite, as blindly following and admire western while dissing fellow Chinese. 


The CCP government genuinely been correcting(rather than promoting as many may thought, remember they have their communist-equality ideology) this mentality all 70 years except the short, mad cultural revolution period, but closed society is the key - Now China's progressively more open to the world slowly the mentality would be gone, though it'll took very longtime for the society to truely adapt and accept.


Also I suspect now mass media is a toxic bred ground - if relatively close society have very little true interaction with foreigner - but allows eye-catchy foreigner-degrading message running much more rampant than without cellphone mass media. 




Al Jazeera had a mini debate on this issue.  The China excuse guy brought up the America has institutionalized discrimination against African Americans for years and China is under emergency circumstances to contain the virus.  Therefore, Excuse me and my country. African woman living in Wuhan said “Nothing new”.  The Academic in Hong Kong said in essence said the something as the African woman in Wuhan


Again “African Brothers” in China have nothing to fear.  


On this issue the Al Jazeera hosT, Michele Carey, was fair and objective on this issue.  She pushed against the Chinese Mouthpiece several times but he did not back down. It looks like China is saying “nothing to see here just keep moving”.


  • Like 1
13 hours ago, bbi1 said:




How can they tell the difference between a person who's a white African from a white Yank, European, Aussie, NZ, etc.? I sure couldn't! Unless they started speaking.

When you shake them down or arrest them they don't have the money.Otherwise it's okay.

Just now, JonnyF said:

This doesn't surprise me at all. I cringe when these Social Justice Warriors claim how racist the UK is (like the muppet on Question Time attacking Lawrence Fox for having an opinion because he is white). 


If they want to see overt in your face racism they should travel to China and Japan (and unfortunately increasingly Thailand) where overtly racists policies come right from the top of government. How Anutin is still in his position I will never know.

You better check your privilege. 

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27 minutes ago, pacovl46 said:

I totally agree! Apart from China being able to bankrupt them. If they don’t pay up what’s China gonna do, go to war with the world? Don’t think so. Also, China is an export economy, if the world stops buying Chinese goods, they’ll go down the drain fairly quickly. 

Maybe not war, but China could do an intervention and Camaroon could be a flashpoint. 

A riot at a mine, the burning of a few Chinese state owned companies and soon Payl Biya, who has been in power for 38 long years could ask the PLA for hand to secure stability.

The PLA navy have already visited Cameroon several times.

14 hours ago, bbi1 said:

How can they tell the difference between a person who's a white African from a white Yank, European, Aussie, NZ, etc.? I sure couldn't! Unless they started speaking.

Isn't the whole point of the story that they are discriminating against people with non-white skin?

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Kerryd said:

I can imagine a whole whack of people "back home" sitting with fingers in their ears and eyes closed when news like this happens.

Why ? Because they've been brainwashed into believing that only white people are racist and refuse to acknowledge that racism exists in every race.

I lived in Germany during the mid-80s and did a bit of travelling around Europe. I spent 6 months in Croatia on a Peace Keeping mission back in 92/93 (when there wasn't much "peace" to be had).I spent 10 years working in Afghanistan and travelling the the Middle East. I've been travelling and living in S.E. Asia for decades.

One thing I learned in all of that is that racism exists in-every-race

For example, it's long been known that the Japanese are one of the most racist nations on earth. In some places, they blatantly display signs saying "No foreigners" in front of their businesses and that was years ago when there wasn't any issues about virus. (It's called "xenophobia" - a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.)
Yet when I say that back home (in Canada) people look at me like I'm from outer space.
The idea that other (non-white) races might be racist baffles them !

A friend of mine in the UK linked a video sent to him, made by a guy who (apparently) is married to a Chinese doctor and is fluent in Chinese. Part of the video dealt with how countries had donated huge amounts of masks and other medical gear to China at the same time Chinese companies were buying the same (from Western stores/companies) and shipping it all back to China.
Who then turned around and started selling all of it back to the West. For example, Canada donated 16 tons of gear to China a couple months ago. They are now having to buy the same kind of stuff back from China. 
(Only to find the stuff they are buying is of such poor quality that they are having to recall it all !)

The other half of the video was about the open racism being shown towards foreigners in parts of China, primarily against Blacks (regardless of origin).
The guy had pieced together a number of videos and pictures depicting Black people being herded down streets and sleeping in alleys after being kicked out of their apartments/hotel rooms.
And of course, it all started with some news stories in the state run media.

Kind of like when a certain Health Minister publicly labelled foreigners in Chiang Mai as "dirty farangs" who didn't wash (and commented on how things were so much better when the place was full of Chinese tourists). You know, the kind that snort and hork and spit everywhere and let their kids urinate/defecate on the sidewalks and such. So much better than those "dirty farangs" !

I went to Khoa Kitchakut shortly after he made those comments. It was the 4th time I made the trip. It was the first time I saw people shy away from me when they realized I was a foreigner. It was the first time I saw people, who had masks one under their chins, stop and put their masks over their nose and mouth when they saw me. It was the first time I saw people look at me, reach into a bag, pull out a bottle of spray sanitizer and start spraying their friends hands (because a "dirty farang" was on the same truck as them).

All because one (influential) person tried to make it seem like "farangs" were to blame for the virus problems. (Keep in mind that at that time, ALL of the infections in Thailand had come from Chinese tourists, Thais who'd come back from China, or Thais who had interacted with Chinese tourists. NO infections had come from "Westerners" back then.)

Didn't matter. Once it was out in the news, suddenly "farangs" were to blame for everything it seems. Almost like that was on purpose.
At least they didn't start kicking people out of their homes and treating them like lepers.

The Chinese could care less about criticism from anyone, anywhere. So many nations are (financially) indebted to them, they could literally bankrupt them overnight. So many nations are dependent on Chinese goods because they can't manufacture the same stuff as cheaply as the Chinese and the consumers are more than willing to overlook origin and quality if it means paying less.

Stuff like what is happening with the Blacks in China right now ? China will just ignore it, knowing that everyone will forget about it in a day or two and go back to "business as per normal" as far as their dealings with China are concerned.

The simple fact is, no one in the world, not even the USA, has the balls or leverage to hold China accountable for anything.

So what you say is that we're all as bad as each other?


I'd go along with that.

  • Confused 1
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24 minutes ago, zaZa9 said:

"We do not have discrimination in China against African brothers,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told a daily news briefing, accusing the United States of trying to exploit the issue to harm Beijing’s relations with African nations."


You do Zhao... and you know damn well you do.

But you'd like to  forget that and accuse the US of ''trying to exploit the issue".

Um , what issue ?

You said there was discrimination so there was  no issue.

I dont know why anybody reading this would be surprised.


The Chinese Communist Party has one goal and one goal only.

That is to have the CCP , as leaders of the Chinese people ,  rule the world.

And to achieve that ; lie , cheat , swindle and steal , do anything to see that  it happens.


While  actively cultivating friendship with their Asian neighbours , they dam the shared Mekhong.


AND , while Xi shut down Wuhan City to ALL of China , he made the decision to allow Wuhan citizens that he had to know were infectious  ( or why stop them travelling around China ? )  TO TRAVEL ALL OVER THE GLOBE !


If that doesnt sum up Chinas ( secret ) attitude to the world , I dont know what does !


Creative use of dates there..........

  • Confused 2
9 minutes ago, Traubert said:

Creative use of dates there..........

Not so man.

January 23 is the date Xi forbade Chinese from flying out of Wuhan to other CHINESE cities.

Can you show me the date that all flights out of Wuhan were frozen ?

  • Like 1

How much of this is true and how much an attempt to conflict Black Africa

with China where China has a lot of investment.

What we know for sure is that a falling exporter of soy and colored pieces

of cotton with the inscription "In God We trust" is a master of lies.

  • Confused 1
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