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Mass-testing not that effective in battle against contagion


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19 minutes ago, Aland said:

Front page story on Bangkok post, taxi driver found dead

There was a taxi driver last week, and a bus driver (female) yesterday on TV.


A lot of coverage of the corona death cases on local Thai news/tellie.


Edited by RedPill
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My heart goes out to those poor people in rural areas who haven't a clue why there are daughters returned from Bangkok and Pattaya who are wandering around the market without masks. Testing isn't getting to these people and they don't have much access to proper health care. A time bomb. 

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20 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

No,you still haven’t grasped this debating and counter argument principle, have you? You really need to take your own advice "stupid is stupid enough". Whatever that’s supposed to mean.

No problem, I didn´t expect you to understand.

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South Korea Cheated.

Reports of their success with early mass testing and contact tracing are a bit imprecise.  When it became apparent that covid-19 infected were occurring within Shincheonji Church members who had returned from Wuhan to Daegu, Korea, authorities were able to "coerce" the church into giving-up their membership list and addresses.

With this list, they were then able to round-up the members for testing.  As a result, one half of ROK infected were church members and many others had been in near proximity with them.


Since then, Korea's much lauded success has been dampened with infections that were never detected in the first place.


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28 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Thanks I appreciate the effort.We will hopefully one day find you correct in that the Thai numbers are correct and they end with minimal deaths I would then gladly eat my words though obviously my faith in the numbers of this "twisting and turning" and in my opinion unlawful and untrustworthy administration ebbs on the low side.

Sure, you might be right. If I am wrong, I am pretty sure that this whole community on TVF is going to make me eat my words, TWICE! ????

It´s like I said n another post today in this thread. Sometimes you just have to gamble. According to me the odds are on the number they have presented. There are too many factors that are making it very hard to hide the reality in this case. So, it´s unusual times this time which makes my money to be on Thailand.

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2 minutes ago, Chazar said:

You mean like when the authorities  cant find any prostitution in Pattaya, yes ,  I believe  them...

You know why the news present it that way. It´s for selling and because they did not find anybody naked in a hotel room with 3k bath in the hand while jumping up and down.

Probably not att all what the team that searched really said.

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39 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Thanks I appreciate the effort.We will hopefully one day find you correct in that the Thai numbers are correct and they end with minimal deaths I would then gladly eat my words though obviously my faith in the numbers of this "twisting and turning" and in my opinion unlawful and untrustworthy administration ebbs on the low side.

you will never find out, only thing you will ever see is what the junta want you to see, the rest will be covered up

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3 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

You know why the news present it that way. It´s for selling and because they did not find anybody naked in a hotel room with 3k bath in the hand while jumping up and down.

Probably not att all what the team that searched really said.

I think you are in multiple corners.......Time for you to ponder...????

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36 minutes ago, spermwhale said:

What are you yammering about? a disease that kills 50 times more people than C19? What disease is that? Does your mystery disease kill as many as a percentage of those who contract it compared to C19? I doubt it. 

My mystery disease is the flu sorry my bad.Please refer to table 2 in the link below it shows Thailand's  flu deaths for 2006 to 2011 and the average is 2708 which is at this stage 50 times worse than C19.I did try and copy the table but it didn't work properly this time.



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11 minutes ago, smedly said:

you will never find out, only thing you will ever see is what the junta want you to see, the rest will be covered up

You may well be right but antibody testing in various place down the line may give a clearer picture than we have now,which is what I'm hoping will happen possibly in more transparent countries and as we are not out of the woods I've been watching Brazil slowly but surely creeping up the list now 10th highest deaths overall going against the the heat and humidity trend that some say is helping keeping numbers low in tropical countries,and having started later than Thailand in the outbreak and being much further down the "at risk" countries list that was doing the rounds seems to further expose Thailand's exposure so to speak.

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5 hours ago, vivananahuahin said:

The probem will be when the schools begin july 1,it is a very dangerous way to keep the cases so low,we will need live with this virus for months,we know it is very expensiv to test everyone but it is the only way to trace and isolate for a quarantine and avoid a desaster like Italy.I hope this is the good choice they do for the population.

July 1 does not necessarily mean students are going back to school. Many schools may be teaching online. 

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Mass testing of a different sort is ongoing. These forehead temperature testing guns are a waste of time. Entering Tesco mall yesterday I was squirted and scanned. They said 'Sam sip see jut song'-34.2. and proceeded to show me the readout. Yup, 34.2C on the screen. Defective scanner. Idiots. Hypothermia is 35C and below. The only good thing that came out of the exercise was the squirt and the giggle!

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5 hours ago, Incobart said:

mass testing has no use, 

1. cost a lot of money and time,  better to use for the sick or people in problem

2. maybe today you don't have, in 2 days you have 

be realistic, a virus spreading that easy, that quickly is UNSTOPABLE now

--> Test in correct countries has shown that 10-15 % of the healthy people carry it without knowing

--> Countries with complete lockdown already for weeks still get daily hundreds new infected

80 % of all the people will get infected, but only 2 % show symptoms, from a light cold, to...

only 0.001 % will die 

The only problem is the speed, hospitals can't handle, so lockdown, and hoping to find a vaccine quickly.  

better would be an easy cheap test for who is already immune.

Correct on mass testing in Thailand - we have 2616 infections from 100, 498 tests. They are testing only those suspected of contracting the disease, so what is the chance of random tests picking up the virus? The rate of infection is only 2.6 percent of those being suspected of the infection. Fortunately, most people here wear masks, whether they are sick or not. This serves to reduce the spread of infection. 

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7 minutes ago, rbkk said:

Mass testing of a different sort is ongoing. These forehead temperature testing guns are a waste of time. Entering Tesco mall yesterday I was squirted and scanned. They said 'Sam sip see jut song'-34.2. and proceeded to show me the readout. Yup, 34.2C on the screen. Defective scanner. Idiots. Hypothermia is 35C and below. The only good thing that came out of the exercise was the squirt and the giggle!

honestly. last time at lotus they showed and told me 31.7 , ok 

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8 minutes ago, rbkk said:

Yup, 34.2C on the screen. Defective scanner. 

Not defective. They use the same type of high temp scanner I have (I used it for cooking BBQ, for temps around 200-300 DegC), they are calibrated to high temps and the lower range typically shows around 34 for skin temp. It's the wrong type of scanner. The one I ordered from Amazon and Thai customs saw fit to block by asking original of my passport (and then mysteriously got broken while in storage) was a medical one, price about 10x of the cheap high temp gun.

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7 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Now there is an explanation from people involved directly in the situation. Here we have a spokesperson from the Covid-19 control centre and a director from a research institute. Still we have the TVF Negative Brigade that puts themself over all of this and knows better. Hilarious! When is it time to understand that stupid looks stupid enough?

You will never change the TVF Negative Brigade. They hate the Thai Authorities for treating the public, including both Thai people and foreigners as children. And at the same time behaving as children themselves.


Intrusive and bullying, ineffective and expensive. An assault on individual liberty that does not promise any greater good.


Back home, governments are more likely to treat their citizens as customers, service users and beneficiaries of government services with a right to question how efficiently and effectively their taxes are used. 


But 40 or 50 years ago, before new public management, western authorities were similar to the Thai ones today. That's why the TVF Negative Brigade look on the Thai Government with such negativity. They can't believe people still have to put up with this <deleted>.

Edited by Ketyo
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43 minutes ago, smedly said:

seems to be a small group of prolific posters on TVF who have one objective


to defend the junta no matter how idiotic it sounds

All the data is shown of the MoPH website. Nothing to do with the Junta. Who listens to Trump's bleatings? Noone, you listen to their health experts. 

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27 minutes ago, SkyFax said:

They have a very obvious bias, but they also have one thing not many others don't have:


For its articles, the publication draws from a network within China, as well as staff living in the West


They got Chinese in China being able to access Chinese document and translate them to English. That's why I read what they got to say. Seems fairly unique. 

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