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34 new Covid-19 cases in Thailand


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6 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Would need to do a statistically representative study of antibody titers in the population to know.

Not going to happen...



I only know noticed the submarine, how appropriate. Much more important to have subs than test for any diseases.

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11 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

I only know noticed the submarine, how appropriate. Much more important to have subs than test for any diseases.

Chinese shipbuilder starts work on US$411 million submarine for Thai navy

Published: 11:01pm, 5 Sep, 2018

The Royal Thai Navy signed a contract with CSIC for one S26T diesel-electric submarine – derived from the PLA Navy’s Type 039B, or Yuan-class – in May 2017 and the vessel is expected to be delivered by 2023.



Edited by SkyFax
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16 minutes ago, hwaetu Go said:

What does make one ponder is that very little toward a herd immunity has developed. So once we've opened the flood gates what's to prevent the mass spread from reemerging?

It would seem there never was a mass spread in the first place.

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


We do not know this. It is possible there have been a very large number of asymptomatic and mild cases dating back to at least January, possibly even December. Certainly known travel patterns from China to Thailand would argue in favor of this for at least Bangkok, CM and other destinations popular with the Chinese.


Would need to do a statistically representative study of antibody titers in the population to know.

It is highly unlikely there was a large number of asymptomatic cases back in January... Otherwise it would be like a NY phenomena. It is impossible that ALL the cases were mild. I can’t explain it. Perhaps, early screening at the airports actually helped?

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And now MoPH has moved the link to the situation reports in their Thai webpage: https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/ , it used to be in the main header, but is now moved to the bottom footer. Might disappear soon.


It's still up, but you need to bookmark it now: https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/situation.php


Edited by DrTuner
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4 hours ago, BobbyL said:

Strange to think that this virus will actually have saved thousands of lives in Thailand once it ends. 

It has been announced that in order to keep the number of road casualties down a new

order is being proposed.   All drivers will be henceforth be required to wear a face mask

when driving .   Whether passengers will also be required has yet to be decided but please

pay strict attention to further reports.  


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41 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

In answer to your question, around the world approximately 150,000 people die EVERY DAY, mostly from non-communicable diseases. I also find the Thailand road death figures highly comparable, since this thing has got to be placed in some relevance. If one is 30 times as likely to be killed on Thai roads as killed by a chest infection, why has so much fear and misinformation been spread, and why has the whole economic machine been closed down ? In U.S. the average number of deaths per day under NORMAL winter conditions is around 8,500, which would give a NORMAL death toll over the preceding 100 days of around 850,000, so why has so much fear been spread over around 21,000 ? Are you following the math here ? If you disagree with the figures just go to government statistics.

The above is the best post on here.

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3 hours ago, Saltire said:

This Thai man wrote a very long but informative account of his treatment when he returned from the UK. Possibly a mild case but he did seem to have excellent care with every precaution taken.




OMG, if what Thares posted on his facebook is true I think it is a very serious situation.

"The nurse brought us to room no. 7 where I have to share room with 31 years old young man that came on the same van. He has been working at Hilary Bar in Soi Nana and his 20 colleague who are working at the same bar got COVID-19 infection at the same time. His condition was not good as he is lacking of oxygen with difficulty in breathing and very tired."
So, a very busy bar on Soi4, has 20 staff infected with Covid-19 ???  That could easily be another cluster forming.  If 20 staff have been infected, how many customers could have been infected.

Am I the only one that thinks that is very important information.  If that happened here in Australia it would be lead story in the news with authorities trying to trace all contacts.

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5 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

Not exactly comparable Champers.  How many people die each day at the hands of incompetent surgeons?  How many die from non-motor vehicle accidents?  how many actually die from pneumonia?

And how many die simply of "old age"?

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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

If one is 30 times as likely to be killed on Thai roads as killed by a chest infection, why has so much fear and misinformation been spread, and why has the whole economic machine been closed down ?


Because they can't sell a vaccine for bad drivers !!

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6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Is it relevant to the COVID-19 Pandemic, No its not so please stop the diatribe of road deaths.  This OP is about the new cases as of this days news cycle.  Enjoy what you can find solace in.  I wonder whether the death of the bus driver had anything to do with Lumpini, or tourists, or where in Bangkok.  It does not say as of yet.  I will wait for more relevant information to be shared with us.

Well, old sunshine - ye with a dreary sense of solace... I personally, as a driver here in Thailand, find it very relevant and have a wonderful sense of solace to know that my chances of survival on the roads these last few weeks, while doing my necessary shopping - have increased substantially.


But to humour you, would you like me to ring the bus company and enquire about the bus driver?

I'm sure they would be very happy to put your mind at rest!

However, Is it relevant to us?

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25 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

Well, old sunshine - ye with a dreary sense of solace... I personally, as a driver here in Thailand, find it very relevant and have a wonderful sense of solace to know that my chances of survival on the roads these last few weeks, while doing my necessary shopping - have increased substantially.


But to humour you, would you like me to ring the bus company and enquire about the bus driver?

I'm sure they would be very happy to put your mind at rest!

However, Is it relevant to us?

It would be relevant if perchance you were possibly at a location she was at during the timeframe not listed, but then I am sure you don't frequent restaurants or such as she may have been at dining and drinking with the other infected members the story lists.  Good on you for driving defensively, and using a high visual horizon to ensure you do not become a statistic on the roads here as well as whatever country your from, as there are probably deaths related to driving there as well, but then your only concern is here in Thailand as you and the others continue to harp on while hijacking threads.....but then I digress, enjoy your humor, and do ring the bus company as they may have or not have information, but be my guest, and then return to inform us here in the thread which is based upon 34 new Covid 19 cases in Thailand, how does that sound.....

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23 minutes ago, Farmerkev said:

Yet again some awesome numbers, zero testing for 6 days then 28818 done in one day, correct me if my math is wrong but isn't that 8818 more than the anounced 20k per day last week

It simple they do not give the testing figures every day

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9 hours ago, vermin on arrival said:

And actually, if you look at just the statistics so far this year from Jan 1., Covid is killing many more people than the flu in the US.

But there's a vaccine for regular 'seasonal flu', so it would.

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17 hours ago, Guderian said:

Because a relatively small number of people have been tested, it's impossible to say how far and how fast the virus is spreading.

Health ministry statistics say: 666,000 are high risk at home under observation... 

I could draw a conclusion from that.

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10 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

It would be relevant if perchance you were possibly at a location she was at during the timeframe not listed, but then I am sure you don't frequent restaurants or such as she may have been at dining and drinking with the other infected members the story lists.  Good on you for driving defensively, and using a high visual horizon to ensure you do not become a statistic on the roads here as well as whatever country your from, as there are probably deaths related to driving there as well, but then your only concern is here in Thailand as you and the others continue to harp on while hijacking threads.....but then I digress, enjoy your humor, and do ring the bus company as they may have or not have information, but be my guest, and then return to inform us here in the thread which is based upon 34 new Covid 19 cases in Thailand, how does that sound.....

The rest of the Story as Paul Harvey would have said (if he were still with us);

Here is follow up on the bus driver for those that are interested.  


"Anupong Sujariyakul, a health expert with the CDC, said its investigation team noted the driver developed a fever of March 26 after partying with nine friends, one of whom was a friend of a waitress who contracted the virus after serving drinks in a pub last month. The CDC said she ran a high temperature and had diarrhoea on April 2 and went to Phra Pinklao Hospital to be tested, before she was sent home. It said her result showed positive for Covid-19 the following day and she was told to immediately go return to the hospital. The driver, 52, who drove on Route 140, died on Sunday night. She drove her bus from Victory Monument to Samae Dam despite her fever between March 26 and April 2.


Thankfully, it is not a bus route I may have used, and definitely not since the Government decree went into effect.

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