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Prayut will reconsider lockdown in last week of April


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11 minutes ago, ChrisKC said:

I Have read that there is no evidence for it being as stated here and that it is another conspiracy. Are you right, or am I right? or are we both wrong?

One thing is for certain - no one will ever be able to 'prove' where the virus started. Wuhan wet market, Chinese lab in Wuhan, lab in USA ... impossible to say

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16 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

Thailand will be last to come out if lockdown ! Schools  are set to open in other countries while Thailand talking about July ! Not that will effect the education levels 

Although the University are in lock down there are two students who are now back in our village they are studying 12 hours everyday. There work is as high as most good students in the Western countries. An exclamation mark does not have a space between it and the last letter used.

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5 minutes ago, Barry343 said:

Although the University are in lock down there are two students who are now back in our village they are studying 12 hours everyday. There work is as high as most good students in the Western countries. An exclamation mark does not have a space between it and the last letter used.

Whereas a full stop (period) should have a double space  .

Edited by Surelynot
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Better be careful what i say here as i've just emerged from a five day ban.....  Truthfully the old fellahs main concern is not the virus or the well being of the people, it's the ever present threat that as sure as night follows day there's going to be large anti "Establishment" protests in the very near future and the "Excuse" of keeping the population locked down is very fortunate to say the least......... His big question is, "When do i let them out" ?  

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8 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Whereas a full stop (period) should .

There should be no space between a sentence and its ending punctuation, whether that's a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark. There should also be no space before a colon, semicolon, or comma. The only ending punctuation mark that sometimes needs to be preceded by a space is a dash.

Unless you're French of course!

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1 hour ago, Almer said:

Agreed keep borders closed,  there will be many from badly infected countries wanting a holiday if sorts as soon as they can travel.


Thailand will be wanting the Chinese in as soon as possible, money is more important than any virus.

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Just now, possum1931 said:

Thailand will be wanting the Chinese in as soon as possible, money is more important than any virus.

Chinese will be allowed to flood back in. Free VOA and B1500 spending money. Mid-May Phuket, Pattaya will be coaches as a far as the eye can see.

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10 minutes ago, Madgee said:

There should be no space between a sentence and its ending punctuation, whether that's a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark. There should also be no space before a colon, semicolon, or comma. The only ending punctuation mark that sometimes needs to be preceded by a space is a dash.

Unless you're French of course!



He's a Tory so he must be correct.

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1 hour ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

herd immunity ... people love love to stick needles in their arms love to speak about herd immunity


but right now...  nobody wants just to spread corona to everybody, 1-2 percent might get sick... 


we all have to get it / over it, to stop the fear


lock down of OLD people or the sick should have been done

Lock down all OLD people?????????????? Just who do you class as OLD? I will assume you mean those over sixty. There are some OLD people who run in marathons and cycle quite a few Ks regularly, and you want to lock them down?? What about the fat bellied beer swilling drinkers and those with bodies full of smoke?

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"Thailand has around 37 million workers in the informal and formal sectors combined, plus 9 million freelancers and 17 million in the farming sector."

Really? That's 63 million combined. So there are only ~6 million people below ~18-20 years of age and old people in Thailand? The total workforce when mentioned in different official reports are supposed to be ~38-40 million. 

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8 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Lock down all OLD people?????????????? Just who do you class as OLD? I will assume you mean those over sixty. There are some OLD people who run in marathons and cycle quite a few Ks regularly, and you want to lock them down?? What about the fat bellied beer swilling drinkers and those with bodies full of smoke?

That is a realistic and good idea.


It makes sense to lock down the people classes and most at risk from the virus, so elderly with pre existing medial conditions should be in lock down.  Then everyone else can get on with life, and the economy, jobs and families can survive, while the vulnerable are protected.


At the moment everyone is locked down... elderly and young.  


Elderly would be people 70 plus.  Also to be locked down and protected would be younger people with pre existing medical conditions what put them at high risk.  


This is all they needed to do in the first place in my opinion.  



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7 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

That is a realistic and good idea.


It makes sense to lock down the people classes and most at risk from the virus, so elderly with pre existing medial conditions should be in lock down.  Then everyone else can get on with life, and the economy, jobs and families can survive, while the vulnerable are protected.


At the moment everyone is locked down... elderly and young.  


Elderly would be people 70 plus.  Also to be locked down and protected would be younger people with pre existing medical conditions what put them at high risk.  


This is all they needed to do in the first place in my opinion.  



self lock down if you think you are at risk and let the others get on with it

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1 hour ago, OnTheRun said:

Have you got a link to the 10 minute video regardin the Kentucky lab?

Someone sent it to me via FB Messenger and it's now longer available. I wish I had kept it. The fact that it is no longer available is interesting.

Edited by Bangkok Barry
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3 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

and none of them are prostitutes! ....

It  doesn't matter if they are or not,  they do this job not through enjoyment but the need to earn and send money  home for there families.


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22 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

That is a realistic and good idea.


It makes sense to lock down the people classes and most at risk from the virus, so elderly with pre existing medial conditions should be in lock down.  Then everyone else can get on with life, and the economy, jobs and families can survive, while the vulnerable are protected.


At the moment everyone is locked down... elderly and young.  


Elderly would be people 70 plus.  Also to be locked down and protected would be younger people with pre existing medical conditions what put them at high risk.  


This is all they needed to do in the first place in my opinion.  



Or, as a 71 year old wise non knee jerk person i would Quarantine the brain dead of which you would find many on this forum.

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23 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

That is a realistic and good idea.


It makes sense to lock down the people classes and most at risk from the virus, so elderly with pre existing medial conditions should be in lock down.  Then everyone else can get on with life, and the economy, jobs and families can survive, while the vulnerable are protected.


At the moment everyone is locked down... elderly and young.  


Elderly would be people 70 plus.  Also to be locked down and protected would be younger people with pre existing medical conditions what put them at high risk.  


This is all they needed to do in the first place in my opinion.  



You are making sense, but you cannot have people locked down just because they are over 70, a lot of over 70s are still in good health through living a good lifestyle, and could give some people half their age a run for their money.

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16 hours ago, Brigand said:

Many people in positions of privilege/power don't seem to realise just how much damage has, and is, being done. It's not going to keep, as many ordinary Thais are already at their wits end pawning everyday items for small bits of cash, people lined up outside gold shops etc. Give it two more weeks and people will be going properly nuts, even rioting. Most locals live day-to-day or month-to-month and as the work dries up and people get laid-off then it's going to go south big time. People are already throwing fits out of desperation.


Problem is, that so many locals are so in debt with cars/houses and luxury items (even small ones like phones that they pay monthly) that they can't really afford and the slightest hiccup and they have to default as so few have room to maneuver. On top of this the shambles that the government handout has been and how slow they are doing it is just crazy ... and by the time they get the next batch of people ready for payment then the first lot will have run out of money and want more. Maybe they should use some of that mountain of foreign reserves they are sitting on.


Dark days are ahead for many Thais as it will take a very long time to get things back to even half of what it was as so much here is dependent on tourism/hospitality and manufacturing. There will be no choice other than to let people get on with it soon, virus or no virus ... obviously social distancing, hand gel sanitizer and face masks are here to stay but they can't keep up the other Nazi stuff for that long. People have gotten too used to their lives and deal with shocks very badly plus hunger will make a criminal of anyone.

 I agree Foreign Reserve Account is overwhelming and this is keeping Thailand  solvent. 

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26 minutes ago, EricTh said:

I predict the lockdown will be until end of May. 






With currently 0.6 death per 1 million people (if there numbers are true) they cannot keep this lockdown for another 6 weeks. 


Italy and Spain to name a few countries are beginning to have people returning to work now. Thailand has to do the same from 1st May. 

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18 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

Thailand will be last to come out if lockdown ! Schools  are set to open in other countries while Thailand talking about July ! Not that will effect the education levels 


Not all school term times are the same!


Education isn't so hot in many wonderful Western countries, so wouldn't get too snobish about it.

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