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Sale or consumption of alcoholic drinks banned in Nakhon Pathom


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2 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


I'm talking about lock down of populations... 

Thailands' results are maybe not completely accurate by the way, but I think you know that ???? 

Ok, you are talking about lockdown of populations and that Thailand copied that. In that case the whole world copied that. However, this is a thread about alcohol ban in Nakhon Pathom.

As I said before, if they are accurate or not, it´s what we have to go by right now as in any country. Or do you have any evidence for the opposite?

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I wonder if this is also aimed at those lao kao dealers who put the liquid into M-150, or other small non liquor bottles and Thais drink them early in the morning and pretty much all day.....but then what do I know, they will probably be left alone...

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12 minutes ago, chrissables said:

Thai government and WHO have some things in common, corruption and ineptitude. 

Of course! It doesn´t matter which organisation that says antything. You and some other TVF posters knows better.

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15 hours ago, Matzzon said:

See, that´s gonna heat up the temper in the bodies of some stock pilers. However, like posted above. First Thailand bans sale of alcohol, then many scream that are wrong. Now WHO are going out and recommending the same. Let´s just scream again that they are lunatics and wrong too. 

In reality, It looks like only the ones that can´t leave it alone for a short while are the ones that are

Is anyone listening to the WHO now? Their parroting of Chinas lies and misinformation has done them untold harm.

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16 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Making drinking alcohol a crime? Surely the putz who made this up needs to be removed from office. What's next cigarettes? Having sex?

Having fun should be outlawed so of course no sex. Is addiction to cigarettes fun? 

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I think there is a real cultural difference regarding alcohol. Where I come from only the lower class people would drink alcohol every day. "Normal" people would limit it to weekends and so on. That was how it was when i grew up in Holland. It was more normal for tradesmen to drink a lot then the higher educated group. I guess i was raised differently. Seems on this forum its filled with people who go crazy if they can't have a few beers a day. 


I guess that is why i often think Brits are huge consumers of alcohol as they seem to need it every day (at least  that is what i read on the forum). Though the statistics show only a 17% difference between the Netherlands an UK. 




Just trying to understand why i see things so differently then a lot of people on the forum. 


Anyway i pointed out the violence and backed it up with statistics so it is a good idea to ban alcohol during lockdown. I just hope for the sake of those who like alcohol the lockdown is over soon. 



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14 hours ago, pj123 said:

I thought all provinces had banned alcohol for about two weeks. Is this an extension to an existing ban or is alcohol still on sale in NP up to 19 April?

I live in NP and don't know what the hell is going on. At the beginning of the month it was banned up to the 30th, then I think there was a slight softening, now it seems it's back on again.

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7 minutes ago, Sydneyboy1 said:

Can anyone living in Rayong advise if the ban was lifted on the 15th. 

Haven't been out for a couple of weeks. Need to go for shopping and supplies if they are now available. TIA. 

It was extended to the 30th of this month.

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9 minutes ago, transam said:

I like a beer because I am English, we like a beer, but I have never used recreational drugs, you have, I think they are for brain dead people...

So please don't lecture about stuff you are not involved in, a beer.....????

Yea i have but beer is far worse its a harddrug. Its was not a lecture just strange for me. 


Where i came from we drank beer too in the weekends during the week we worked and did not drink It was frowned upon. (some exceptions of course usually the unemployed and so on). So for me its strange to see people drink everyday. Same like i would find it strange to take drugs every day. 


Its a cultural difference i guess. 

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I think you will find a statute somewhere banning consumption of alcohol in public places except

licenced premises which the RTP have never enforced & actually benefit by accepting commission from the cart vendors.

There are those that drinking alcohol makes them a nuisance during normal times,

at a time like this dangerous to themselves & others

The anti alcohol lobby will be over the moon.

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4 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yea i have but beer is far worse its a harddrug. Its was not a lecture just strange for me. 


Where i came from we drank beer too in the weekends during the week we worked and did not drink It was frowned upon. (some exceptions of course usually the unemployed and so on). So for me its strange to see people drink everyday. Same like i would find it strange to take drugs every day. 


Its a cultural difference i guess. 

Many EU country folk drink wine/beer every day with meals or a chat...Italy was no.1 for me....

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17 minutes ago, transam said:

Many EU country folk drink wine/beer every day with meals or a chat...Italy was no.1 for me....

Italy and France yes.. but that is with a meal. 


Anyway it was just strange from me.. again like i said its a cultural thing. For us beer and softdrugs was for weekends. During the week you worked and be at your best. Parties were always on a Friday or Saturday ect. 

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

Italy and France yes.. but that is with a meal. 


Anyway it was just strange from me.. again like i said its a cultural thing. For us beer and softdrugs was for weekends. During the week you worked and be at your best. Parties were always on a Friday or Saturday ect. 

You must remember, you are not English, the same as I am not Thai.....????

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22 hours ago, Moonlover said:
23 hours ago, baansgr said:

WHO has just recommended the restriction of access to alcohol.....is this gonna go on and on and other countries follow suit..

In case anyone thinks that's a myth, here's the link:



But reading/scanning  the article

  • Alcohol does not protect  really did anyone say it did?
  • the rest of the article is re general health or family alcohol issues


Nothing really to do with the virus!

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10 minutes ago, transam said:

You must remember, you are not English, the same as I am not Thai.....????

I am thankful to be Dutch and not English.. no offence meant. I am happy the way I am as you are happy the way you are (I would think so)

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17 minutes ago, poohy said:

But reading/scanning  the article

  • Alcohol does not protect  really did anyone say it did?
  • the rest of the article is re general health or family alcohol issues


Nothing really to do with the virus!

Your response suggests that you scanned it rather than read it.

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19 hours ago, robblok said:

They should extend the ban for as long as lock-down persists. Alcohol is a prime trigger for domestic violence and now that people are having to spend much time with family violence already increases. Alcohol only adds to that. So many examples of alcohol turning people violent. 

You must have been hobnobbing and drinking a lot with the local male population. It is true that alcohol makes a lot of Thais aggressive, therefore throughout my 30 years in this strange land I have made it my maxim never to drink with Thai men, women yes, sometimes makes them randy. 

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35 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

Stronger and stronger with reinfection. It’ll probably wipe us out 

Don't see why it should. I was simply pointing out it's killed a lot more medical personnel than regular flu. Is that not correct?

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