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How the corona-virus crisis will shape the world ?


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59 minutes ago, rumak said:

Reads like something out of a science fiction novel.    Come to think of it,  quite a few of those

strange sci fi  fantasies turned out to become...... Reality 

Long before the carpet bombing of civilians happened, there were novels that imagined this.


There were novels that imagined mobile phones, before mobile phones were invented.


But of course not everything in novels comes true. The human imagination is able to see almost everything that will be, but also almost everything that will never be.

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16 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I'm still thinking an asteroid is about to hit the earth, and the 'pandemic' is just a pretense to keep us passive until the impact. No other reason for all the governments to trash their economies ....... unless they don't matter any more.

I have read something about the asteroid theory, just in theory it makes sense in a way, but it's so difficult to make some serious research for us normal folks.

Personally i think that the possibility of asteroids hitting the planet on regular basis is very real, although it's not easy to say if it will be next week, or after 9000 years.


Another hypothesis which i'm entertaining, it's that the leaders are simply testing our levels of intelligence, tolerance, obedience, all that with the positive aim to try to solve our real problem, which is imho, the savage exploitation of the planet's resources, and the consequent pollution.

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9 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

White western folk consider our way as the only right way, but we're in the minority and declining as 'our women' when given 'choices' usually choose not to breed with us.

Given that I've been at the birth of many babies, I consider not breeding to be the only sane option for a female. No sane person, IMO, goes through morning sickness, destruction of figure, swollen legs, potential death and carrying a great lump around for 3 months only to be ripped apart or have an episiotomy, while delivering the child.

Strangely some even do it again.

If I were a woman, no man would ever get to stick it in me unless they could prove they'd had a vasectomy.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Not sure if 'legacy' is the right word, as 70% of the world demographic still consider women property.

I actually see women's rights as a blip in history caused by an unusual extended period of a decadent civilisation in decline.

It's not the natural way.


White western folk consider our way as the only right way, but we're in the minority and our numbers are shrinking as 'our women' when given 'choices' usually choose not to breed with us.

Whilst you are of course right that the status of women varies widely in many countries, from India to South Korea to Japan to China to Uganda or Ghana feminism has arisen, in small numbers, but it exists and its negative effect spreads everywhere. We see now even Saudi Arabia has given in to feminist demands. 


Feminism may turn out to be a blip in history, but it is a global one with very deep consequences, most of them highly negative. Ideas tend not to just go away. 


Of course you could be right that feminism is a symptom of civilization in decline. But the broad appeal of feminism to many women makes its decline and disappearance quite unlikely. Unless circumstances exist, like TEOTWAWKI which make the idea wholly unpracticable.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given that I've been at the birth of many babies, I consider not breeding to be the only sane option for a female. No sane person, IMO, goes through morning sickness, destruction of figure, swollen legs, potential death and carrying a great lump around for 3 months only to be ripped apart or have an episiotomy, while delivering the child.

Strangely some even do it again.

If I were a woman, no man would ever get to stick it in me unless they could prove they'd had a vasectomy.


Never in history has it been the man who said 'Oh I want to have children now'. It is always the woman. Because instinctively it is woman's main purpose in life, to have children. By doing so she greatly increases her chances of access to male resources. Every woman in the world wants, eventually to have a baby, unless there is something wrong with her reproductive system.


Women play the long game, by instinct not plan. For them morning sickness is nothing to having fulfilled her purpose of being a mother, and thus locking down a man forever. That is their goal, their purpose, and if it isn't there is something wrong with her.

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24 minutes ago, Logosone said:

since the idea of feminism, once discovered, is unlikely to be lost easily now.

It's no longer an idea. Every western woman I know has been so indoctrinated that it has become part of their psyche. In the UK I never complimented a female on her appearance, touched her on on the arm, or allowed myself to be in a room alone with one and the door closed.

Even good female friends took offense at the slightest opportunity, so I just stopped talking about interesting things with them.

What is more shocking to me is that so many men also became brainwashed.


In the event of a real worldwide catastrophe I have no doubt they might attempt to continue with things as they are, so it would be interesting if men allowed them to get away with it


One of the more bizarre side effects of feminism is women that want to join front line soldiers in war. We have yet to see if females would be willing to sacrifice themselves to save their mates in combat.

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9 minutes ago, Logosone said:


Never in history has it been the man who said 'Oh I want to have children now'. It is always the woman. Because instinctively it is woman's main purpose in life, to have children. By doing so she greatly increases her chances of access to male resources. Every woman in the world wants, eventually to have a baby, unless there is something wrong with her reproductive system.


Women play the long game, by instinct not plan. For them morning sickness is nothing to having fulfilled her purpose of being a mother, and thus locking down a man forever. That is their goal, their purpose, and if it isn't there is something wrong with her.

Not to interrupt your discussion, but in effect the so-called new normal will have some dramatic effect on the man-woman relations.

It could be the end of "sex" as we used to think about it.

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24 minutes ago, Logosone said:

since the idea of feminism, once discovered, is unlikely to be lost easily now.

It's no longer an idea. Every western woman I know has been so indoctrinated that it has become part of their psyche. In the UK I never complimented a female on her appearance, touched her on on the arm, or allowed myself to be in a room alone with one and the door closed.

Even good female friends took offense at the slightest opportunity, so I just stopped talking about interesting things with them.

What is more shocking to me is that so many men also became brainwashed.


In the event of a real worldwide catastrophe I have no doubt they might attempt to continue with things as they are, so it would be interesting if men allowed them to get away with it


One of the more bizarre side effects of feminism is women that want to join front line soldiers in war. We have yet to see if females would be willing to sacrifice themselves to save their mates in combat.

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16 minutes ago, Logosone said:


Never in history has it been the man who said 'Oh I want to have children now'. It is always the woman. Because instinctively it is woman's main purpose in life, to have children. By doing so she greatly increases her chances of access to male resources. Every woman in the world wants, eventually to have a baby, unless there is something wrong with her reproductive system.


Women play the long game, by instinct not plan. For them morning sickness is nothing to having fulfilled her purpose of being a mother, and thus locking down a man forever. That is their goal, their purpose, and if it isn't there is something wrong with her.

Not so. Japanese women are not having babies, and having careers instead. Perhaps Japanese women are sane.

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not so. Japanese women are not having babies, and having careers instead. Perhaps Japanese women are sane.

Well, it goes both ways, because an ageing society is a huge hindrance for the economy.

We agree very much on overpopulation being a major problem.

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I haven't gone over all the posts in this thread, but this crisis is having a big impact on the US health system.


Remember that the US is the only developed country without a National Health Service.  All hospitals in the US, except for Military or Veterans Hospitals, operate on a for profit basis.  So, what will happen to these hospitals/businesses as a result of Covid 19?


The majority of US hospitals are not in C19 hotspots and are seeing few or zero patients with C19.  Unfortunately, they are also not seeing the usual patients that bring in their day to day cash flow!  There are a number of reasons for this.

1.  Many people have lost their jobs and their health insurance because of the lockdown.  Therefor they cannot afford treatments and are not going to the hospital unless they absolutely have to.

2.  Less driving, so fewer accidents.

3.  Social distancing is not just reducing the spread of C19, it also reduces the spread of all communicable diseases.

4.  People don't want to visit hospitals and many elective surgeries are being postponed or canceled.  Elective surgeries are usually the most profitable.


Consequently, rural hospitals in particular are having a financial crisis.  I wouldn't be surprised if many states are faced with the choice of having to financially bail out many smaller hospitals or see large, mostly rural, areas lose their local health care options as community clinics go bankrupt and shut down.


So, what will be the ultimate effect of C19 on the US health system?  The federal government may have to step in with some sort of financial intervention.  If the Republicans win, we will probably see billions going directly to the owners of the hospitals and clinics.  If the Democrats win, we will probably see some form of "Medicare For All" being instituted.

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56 minutes ago, Logosone said:

If TEOTWAWKI were to happen I don't think we would see the return of Ginghis Khan type women as property times,  since the idea of feminism, once discovered, is unlikely to be lost easily now. Yes economic dependence could see women forsake feminism, but a hardcore ideological remnant will still remain.

If the electricity went off, we'd be back there in less than a month.

Feminism needs, government, welfare, and the forcible repression of men in order to work.

Edited by BritManToo
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Just as this topic now turned into one about women and sex ... What will all the Thai sex workers do if there are no more ( sex ) tourists coming ...?

Offer their service on the Internet ? Not enough customers ...

I guess many will go back to their villages in Isaarn ... and work in the rice fields ? 55 --- No jobs for uneducated women who only learned about how to make a living by having foreign ' boyfriends ' ... will be interesting to see ...


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7 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:

I haven't gone over all the posts in this thread, but this crisis is having a big impact on the US health system.


Remember that the US is the only developed country without a National Health Service.  All hospitals in the US, except for Military or Veterans Hospitals, operate on a for profit basis.  So, what will happen to these hospitals/businesses as a result of Covid 19?


The majority of US hospitals are not in C19 hotspots and are seeing few or zero patients with C19.  Unfortunately, they are also not seeing the usual patients that bring in their day to day cash flow!  There are a number of reasons for this.

1.  Many people have lost their jobs and their health insurance because of the lockdown.  Therefor they cannot afford treatments and are not going to the hospital unless they absolutely have to.

2.  Less driving, so fewer accidents.

3.  Social distancing is not just reducing the spread of C19, it also reduces the spread of all communicable diseases.

4.  People don't want to visit hospitals and many elective surgeries are being postponed or canceled.  Elective surgeries are usually the most profitable.


Consequently, rural hospitals in particular are having a financial crisis.  I wouldn't be surprised if many states are faced with the choice of having to financially bail out many smaller hospitals or see large, mostly rural, areas lose their local health care options as community clinics go bankrupt and shut down.


So, what will be the ultimate effect of C19 on the US health system?  The federal government may have to step in with some sort of financial intervention.  If the Republicans win, we will probably see billions going directly to the owners of the hospitals and clinics.  If the Democrats win, we will probably see some form of "Medicare For All" being instituted.

Yes, the same in Germany. Hospitals depend on things like hip operations to make money. None of that happening with Covid. So hospitals will need a lot of tax money.

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21 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

If the electricity went off, we'd be back there in less than a month.

Feminism needs, government, welfare, and the forcible repression of men in order to work.

Feminism most definitely needs welfare.


One of the key figures in the Femen movement Inna Shevchenko, hoped to live off welfare in France, after being granted refugee status there, just as two other key Ukrainian FEMEN members live off social security in France.




However, it has not been necessary to fight FEMEN at all. FEMEN members tire quickly of the extreme feminist antics, and it's no way to live for anybody. People constantly leave FEMEN. Their legal troubles have been rumoured to bankrupt them.


It is generally not necessary to confront, fight or combat Feminism. The best we can hope for is that it dies off naturally, as a mass movement. However, these people go to extreme lengths because they are convinced what they do is right and just. And there will always be some woman who agrees with that. Don't forget FEMEN is led by very poor women, who mostly live on welfare and have no prospects of material success.


What concerns me is the pervasive nature of Feminism, globally. Though the pandemic will no doubt pose a great difficulty for Feminism.



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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Not sure if 'legacy' is the right word, as 70% of the world demographic still consider women property.

I actually see women's rights as a blip in history caused by an unusual extended period of a decadent civilisation in decline.

It's not the natural way.


White western folk consider our way as the only right way, but we're in the minority and our numbers are shrinking as 'our women' when given 'choices' usually choose not to breed with us.

There was a study in the Economist many years ago which demonstrated the number of children women gave birth to was inversely related to their level of education.


Edited by Lacessit
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Just now, Logosone said:

It is generally not necessary to confront, fight or combat Feminism.

If you're happy to  accept all your assets/savings/pensions being distributed to a woman who didn't contribute a dime, you're right.

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Just now, Lacessit said:

There was a study in the Economist many years ago which demonstrated the number of children women gave birth to was inversely related to their level of education.


Faulty study, as all our educational facilities are controlled and staffed by cultural Marxists.

It's not the education causing feminism, it's the people working in it with an agenda.

If you hate men, are told being a woman is weak, you don't want babies.

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47 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not so. Japanese women are not having babies, and having careers instead. Perhaps Japanese women are sane.

Not so. There are about 1 million births in Japan each year.


Unless those births are all by aliens those babies have to have Japanese mothers, women who wanted a baby. And that's just those who were able to fulfill that ambition, find a man and go through with it. Many more millions have the ambition and are still working on it.


Now, like I said earlier, there are exceptions and there are women who do not want a baby. However, there is usually something wrong with them, their reproductive system, or with the circumstances in which they live. In Japan there is indeed a sizeable contingent of women who do not have children, however, the reasons are:


a)  Women are in a financial no win situation, because they understand that a modern Japanese lifestyle in Japan, one of the most expensive countries in the world, with the kind of Japanese man they are likely to end up with is impossible to maintain, financially. They realise that many men no longer have guaranteed salaryman jobs and the men that they would get would not offer a substantial improvement in their financial position.


b) Education. The more educated a woman is, the later in life her plan to have a baby arises, and by that time it may no longer be viable. It is mostly highly educated women who do not opt for a baby, because they can't make it happen anymore. They then rationalise this decision, but ultimately women who do not want a baby are just unfortunate or in unfortunate situations.

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16 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Faulty study, as all our educational facilities are controlled and staffed by cultural Marxists.

It's not the education causing feminism, it's the people working in it with an agenda.

If you hate men, are told being a woman is weak, you don't want babies.

The alternative logical scenario is educated women can work out for themselves having half a dozen kids and being totally dependent on a male for support is not the way to go, not exactly rocket science.

My anger is reserved for the male jurists in the West who sold out their gender with family laws that were anything but just. That's why I am fond of the Shakespeare aphorism, " First, kill all the lawyers ". Yes, contracted version.

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13 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

If you're happy to  accept all your assets/savings/pensions being distributed to a woman who didn't contribute a dime, you're right.


You're right that the consequences of feminism have been far reaching and mostly negative for men, as well as women. 


However, if you fight and confront feminism it only makes feminism stronger. Totally neglecting and ignoring feminism will eventually lead to the decline in relevance of feminism.


But yes, we will have to accept female lawyers skewing the legal system in favour of women, female TV producers hiring mostly women, indeed female politicians filling positions mostly with women (Merkel wanted Annegret Kamp-Karrenbauer as her successor, promoted Ursula von der Leyen to head the EU commission and promoted many other female  politcians), most of healthcare being spent on women etc....There is no way to avoid this now anymore. 


Even as society, on almost all levels, turns to favour women, we still see feminists spinning reality as if "equality" has not been achieved, when in fact it almost all favours women now. But there is only so long that this fiction can be maintained. Many women have already understood that feminism is not a desirable ideology for them, women, or men at large.

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Just now, Lacessit said:

The alternative logical scenario is educated women can work out for themselves having half a dozen kids and being totally dependent on a male for support is not the way to go, not exactly rocket science.

My anger is reserved for the male jurists in the West who sold out their gender with family laws that were anything but just. That's why I am fond of the Shakespeare aphorism, " First, kill all the lawyers ".

Doesn't matter how educated they are.

On a level playing field they can't compete at any level.

The only 'real' option for most of them is to catch a man who will provide and have kids. 

(without the interference of government in the process).


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Maybe Johns Hopkins and Bill Gates know.  


"The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences."



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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's no longer an idea. Every western woman I know has been so indoctrinated that it has become part of their psyche. In the UK I never complimented a female on her appearance, touched her on on the arm, or allowed myself to be in a room alone with one and the door closed.

Even good female friends took offense at the slightest opportunity, so I just stopped talking about interesting things with them.

What is more shocking to me is that so many men also became brainwashed.


In the event of a real worldwide catastrophe I have no doubt they might attempt to continue with things as they are, so it would be interesting if men allowed them to get away with it


One of the more bizarre side effects of feminism is women that want to join front line soldiers in war. We have yet to see if females would be willing to sacrifice themselves to save their mates in combat.

Excellent points, the effects of feminism have hit the west with full force. And indeed it is men, the allies of feminism, who betrayed their brothers, who are mostly to blame.


But we should not underestimate the extent to which feminism has supporters among females all around the world, yes they are almost always tiny minorities in their country, but it is nevertheless perplexing how feminism arises in places like Ghana or Somalia, among the poorest of the poor.


Clearly feminism has strong ideological appeal for some women, and men, and they have gone beyond idea, it is true. In the UK many senior female lawyers actively lobby to bend the law in favour of women, quite openly and unashamedly. And male lawyers give in, because if they are accused of sexism their careers could end.


To the extent the pandemic distracts from the feminist cause, and diverts or ends funding for feminist projects that will be a welcome side effect of the virus.

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Ah..yes, life was going swimmingly until women got the right to vote...


What a corker of a thread-not even the conspiracists are getting much of a look in (which must be very distressing for them as they have had only 117 previous topics to air their views) because it's dem dam women,boys!It's the women!

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