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How the corona-virus crisis will shape the world ?


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13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The Japanese people don't seem to be starving or dying from untreated diseases.

IMO the west's financial system only benefits the rich, and I for one would be happy to be living like the Japanese, if it wiped out megacorporations and exploitation of the world's poor.

Japan was able to go on quite nicely thanks to massive exports to countries with an economy more or less intact.


In other words, there was a space for one Japan in the global economy, but the global economy cannot be made exclusively of Japan-like countries.

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All this  new normal ,social distaning etc will soon disappear with the exception of masks which will take a while longer but will also diminish.


(Money and Economies will win over when people find out the REAL stats on infections,deaths,causes.


When the vaccine is rolled out implementation of that will be an issue for many due to above.

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4 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

With its grand total of 54 deaths, Thailand is afraid to open its beaches to its own citizens, but in one month or so it would be ready to welcome hordes of tourists...very unlikely...

I don't think I mentioned WHEN the hordes would return, only that the Chinese would, IMO, be the first, especially as they will be able to travel overland by high speed rail, and I'm sure the Chinese will have no trouble building one of them to LOS.

The Thais will need overseas income just like every country, and Chinese money talks as well as any.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't think I mentioned WHEN the hordes would return, only that the Chinese would, IMO, be the first, especially as they will be able to travel overland by high speed rail, and I'm sure the Chinese will have no trouble building one of them to LOS.

The Thais will need overseas income just like every country, and Chinese money talks as well as any.

Good comment.

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23 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Disagree. IMO the rich will move to a small country they can control and allow the rest of humanity to destroy itself.

They will still have all the knowledge we currently hold so it won't be lost. All "work" will be done by AI/ robotics.

Perhaps David Icke has the right theory for these times.


It may not happen this time, but this virus is not going to be the last.



The rich are not one compact entity...they don't agree with each other just because they are rich.


During the actual pandemic, some have taken refuge in small countries, perceived as safe, such as New Zealand, and some have remained at home because they are convinced that they will go through this without trouble.


It's a bit like the stock market...while some are wise enough to leave before the crash, many believe that the crash will never happen, and if it happens it won't last...


Finally, the rich have very little knowledge, which is held by middle class types, such as researchers, teachers, doctors, scientists...but not by Wall Street billionaires or social websites entrepreneurs...

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3 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Japan was able to go on quite nicely thanks to massive exports to countries with an economy more or less intact.


In other words, there was a space for one Japan in the global economy, but the global economy cannot be made exclusively of Japan-like countries.

If this virus destroys the exploitation of the world's poor and manufacturing returns to home shores ( even with a significant AI/ robotic input ) I think it would be a good thing. IMO western nations have sold their soul for cheap junk made by the exploited in SEA.


If that impacts Japan, I'm sorry, but that is beyond my control. It might make them respect their farmers though, and that would be a good thing.

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3 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Finally, the rich have very little knowledge, which is held by middle class types, such as researchers, teachers, doctors, scientists.

It behooves anyone that wants to prosper to become one of them. Manual work for humans is endangered by AI/ robotics and if it comes to the worst, the rich will keep them around, because as you point out they ain't necessarily clever.

If you doubt that, just ask who can afford to employ hard men with guns to control their environment. It sure ain't schoolteachers.

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9 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Right now, front line doctors are coming out with easy, inexpensive cures for the virus, openly refuting the official narrative.

I've read on this forum that high levels of vitamin D seems to protect against Corona. If it turns out that all we needed was a vitamin supplement there is going to be hell to pay.

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33 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Only because you are not ( yet ) one of them.

IMO there are two sorts of poor- good guys that made mistakes ( usually involving women ) and ended up poor, and the sheeple that believe what they read on social media and are never seen without a phone in their hands. The latter will last about a week if it really :hit-the-fan:, IMO.

I'll never be one of the poor.

I'm prepared to take what I want, or die in the attempt.

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Good morning everybody .

This threat still going strong after a weak start ... a sign that people think a lot about the effects the virus has on daily life .

Thinking  and imagining of what will happen is always good just as preparing yourself  for the worst while hoping for the best ...

I see three possible outcomes :

1. The Dystopian one --- The Virus will progress , no way ever to stop it's spread , most of the worlds population infected , no cure .

= Total collapse of about everything man made , start new with few survivors from the beginning . May be a good thing if the survivors learn from the mistakes made , keep scientific knowledge , and create a new , planetary system founded on different values like preservation of what has proofed to be essential to ensure the survival of the human species . Living in Harmony with Nature instead of destroying out of greed everything what is needed to keep the ecosytems in balance . All this only , of course , IF there will be enough survivors ...

2. The Utopian one --- Well this is not the ' back to the old normal ' one , as the human race faced a lot of growing challenges because of the man made destruction of the environment . After considerable damage done by Covid to our political , financial and social systems , people will realize the the Virus was a Creation of a living planet to reduce the threat to it's biosphere presented by mankind = Change everything destructive to creative .  Start new again with different and better values . Let scientists decide of the fate of the planet instead of corrupt and selfish politicians . With science and a greatly reduced population it should be possible to create a system where machines ( AI ) do all the manual work people do not want to do . Everybody gets what he needs to ensure a good life without the need of having to work for it ...

3. The ' Neutral ' one --- The Virus will disappear , a cure will be found , and after a long period of reconstruction of the damaged economies , everything will go back to ' Normal ' as it once was ... that means pollution , destruction of the environment , selfish leaders who only want to keep their powers by all means , just as we know it all ... Ultimately that will lead to a catastrophy as well , but people will not need to change their habits , the path of least resistance ...


The way I see things is that mankind as a species will need to survive ( in an ecosystem that is worth living in ) .

If we , as a species , do not manage to ensure our own survival , we failed the evolution and will disappear ... would be a pity , but anyway , there are millions of solar systems in just one galaxy , and there are billions of galaxies in Universe .

Some of these solar systems will have their own ' dominant species ' who will ensure their future evolution by managing their planet in a way that they survive as a species ...


So , after all , the Virus represents a chance for mankind to change our values in life to more sustainable ones , and ensure our own survival by acting responsibly towards our own precious planet and it's biosphere and ecosystems .

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What will happen ? 

Global enquiry into how the virus was created in China . The truth about the CCP cover up and the involvement of the WHO .

China to pay all virus infected countries compensation for their loss of life , economic damage , government support , medical costs and private company losses .  Will run to multi trillions of dollars and change the face of China .  If no admission by China then global sanctions imposed .

The Chinese eating habits and medicines have brought about the near extinctions of many animals , that needs to be stopped at the same time . 

International travel will be viewed by many as risky and holidays in their own countries will be the norm . Cruise's will suffer and may not recover for some time , if at all .     

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12 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

Good link, thanks, btw, i was talking with an ex-journalist yesterday, and he was rather dismissive of the official numbers of the world population, saying roughly 2/3 billions.

Personally i tend to believe those numbers (7,7 billions) and possibly a few millions more which are not on the census count.

If we would go back to cannibalism ,  we could solve 2 major problems simultaneously :

overpopulation and world hunger


a little black humor for the Sabbath :   Damn i miss the good ole days ( well, the freedom

to be crazy anyway ) .   In the not too distant future our grandchildren will be asking 

" Pops,   what are these things ?   Sex,  drugs,  rock and roll  ? "

"shut up kid, put on your mask "


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15 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Boring. Nothing open, nothing to do, no sport, no bars, no clubs, nothing on the news apart from boring covid-19

Take a walk along the beach (not on it) , ride your bicycle, walk through a park, talk with friends, talk with strangers, read something, learn to cook a meal.  Believe it or not, you can enjoy life without spending money in bars and watching sports on TV.  Give it a try

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4 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

We can consider ourselves lucky to still have experienced how life was in the 70' . It surely was good and exciting ...

Crazy good music , long hair , the smell of revolution ( and of ganja ) in the air , we all hoped for change ... until this movement became heavily commercialized and died consequently ...

We had not been brainwashed at this time ... glad I did not miss that ...

Before the followers wore  suits.    Now they wear torn jeans, earrings,  and tatoos.  


True individuals are as scarce as white rhinos.   


yes, somehow life was so much more interesting/exciting  when we had to learn from experience.


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13 hours ago, Brunolem said:

What you describe can be summed up in one word: collapse.


I have been thinking for many years that we are heading to a new Middle Age.


That is, a very long period of stagnation, during which a lot of knowledge is lost, the world is divided in ever smaller entities, conflicts constantly erupt here and there, all the wealth is concentrated in very few hands, the populace is kept under control by constant surveillance and debt, science is rejected and replaced by dogma (think PC for example).


All this was already well under way before the pandemic, which will only accelerate the process, but is not the cause of it.

There could be a collapse, but of course we are very far from that. It would be a possibility if there is a run on the banking system on a global scale, that could be the end. But thankfully banks have learned lessons from the 2008 crisis and there are no reports that banks are under undue stress at this time.


Whilst knowledge has been lost in the past, now our knowledge is highly documented. For example take the airline industry, yes some smaller airlines will continue to disappear. But the concept of low cost travel is well known and others may restart budget carriers. If they do, they will have a blueprint on how to go about it.


Obviously the PC Dogma is a major problem. I have been watching the BBC's Bitesize series and it is frankly very disturbing. My own feeling is that we have reached peak PC and most people abhorr it now. Except those who benefit of course, like women from women quotas etc.

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30 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

ahhh, the memories, i was 10 years old, and i was absolutely fascinated by this song, good times, and an illusion of freedom that's probably gone forever.

Well,  maybe we will have one last "reunion"  at Rumak's mango farm .   lol

I am already compiling my list .


wheelchair access will be provided   ????????

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I've never considered freezers as 'prepper' equipment ......... where will you get the electricity after the end?

Shelf stable foods (aka ambient foods) is always the way to go.


And quite rightly so, the freezer never was part of prepper dogma. Because of course Preppers prepared for totally different scenarios, asteroids hitting earth and such. However, since we have now found out that pandemics are the real threat, I am predicting that freezers sales will soar because pandemics do not cut electricity, but can result in food supply issues. 

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13 hours ago, Brunolem said:

What you describe can be summed up in one word: collapse.


I have been thinking for many years that we are heading to a new Middle Age.


That is, a very long period of stagnation, during which a lot of knowledge is lost, the world is divided in ever smaller entities, conflicts constantly erupt here and there, all the wealth is concentrated in very few hands, the populace is kept under control by constant surveillance and debt, science is rejected and replaced by dogma (think PC for example).


All this was already well under way before the pandemic, which will only accelerate the process, but is not the cause of it.

Reads like something out of a science fiction novel.    Come to think of it,  quite a few of those

strange sci fi  fantasies turned out to become...... Reality 

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Would disagree, TEOTWAWKI would reduce women's status back to 'property'.

Only western Christian civilisation and welfare allows them to survive currently as independent persons.

It is remarkable the clarity with which women's status as property is outlined in history. Even until 1991 in the UK you were not able to rape a woman if she was your wife in many circumstances. To this day we see the legacy of women as property in the Middle Eastern world. 


Of course it is clearer still in previous history where women were indeed items of property for men's pleasure. If TEOTWAWKI were to happen it is conceivable those days could return, in strongly modified form. But we are far away from that scenario. It is however interesting to speculate what effect the pandemic will have on feminism.


Already we have not seen much of the Me Too movement, and FEMEN appears to have lost all steam. Even if TEOTWAWKI does not happen, but we see an economic depression that could mean that instances where men and women are bound in economic dependence would increase. This alone would decrease the appeal of feminism, which is already low when existential issues like pandemic are far higher on the agenda.


All things being equal the pandemic should weaken the feminist movement. Still we should not forget that, with the exception of Thailand, the feminist movement is present in the smallest corners of the globe, poisoning relations between men and women. So any weakening of feminism has to be seen in that context. Large swathes of the media are also in control by feminists.


If TEOTWAWKI were to happen I don't think we would see the return of Ginghis Khan type women as property times,  since the idea of feminism, once discovered, is unlikely to be lost easily now. Yes economic dependence could see women forsake feminism, but a hardcore ideological remnant will still remain.

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19 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I'm still thinking an asteroid is about to hit the earth, and the 'pandemic' is just a pretense to keep us passive until the impact. No other reason for all the governments to trash their economies ....... unless they don't matter any more.


If the pandemic was so serious, where are all the dead bodies being piled?

Why has nobody I know died?

Why has nobody on any of the forums I frequent (mainly USA and Canada but broadly worldwide) died or even announced they were sick?

This forum, full of old folk who should be in the most at risk group, why have none of us died?


You'd think a worldwide pandemic that's wiped all international commerce, travel and many jobs would have killed a few of us by now!

The whole thing stinks of control and deception.

There is a simpler explanation than a global conspiracy to keep us passive until an asteroid hits.


It could just be the governments of the world have overreacted and considered the virus a far bigger threat than it actually is.


Incompetence is almost always an adequate explanation.


Then again, waves two and three are still to come and we may yet have to see the full impact of this virus.



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Just now, Logosone said:

It is remarkable the clarity with which women's status as property is outlined in history. Even until 1991 in the UK you were not able to rape a woman if she was your wife in many circumstances. To this day we see the legacy of women as property in the Middle Eastern world. 

Not sure if 'legacy' is the right word, as 70% of the world demographic still consider women property.

I actually see women's rights as a blip in history caused by an unusual extended period of a decadent civilisation in decline.

It's not the natural way.


White western folk consider our way as the only right way, but we're in the minority and our numbers are shrinking as 'our women' when given 'choices' usually choose not to breed with us.

Edited by BritManToo
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