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Thai police warn: Enjoy a beer at home but DO NOT invite your friends or relatives round


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I though drinking alone was a sign of a problem. Now the problem is not drinking alone? No information on how much I can drink?


I am getting dizzy and need a drink!

Beer math.jpg

Edited by KhunKenAP
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18 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

It's the younger generation that these bans will hurt the most with no socializing.

have you been out recently ?


you will find a group of people all out together with their heads buried in their phones - they also do it walking - driving - eating - on the pot - in bed - in their sleep............. non stop 24hrs a day, some of my friends even do it -------------yes the older generation, hey mate going out for a few - if you leave your phone in your pocket or better still leave it at home mate lol


I know what I would ban


If only it was discovered that the real cause of CV-19 was facebook and smartphones lol

Edited by smedly
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3 hours ago, nausea said:

There you have it. Nobody's gonna be battering down your door if you're enjoying a quiet drink indoors with friends, just keep it discreet. 




As a Farang I guess it would be wise not to be too ostentatious about it, groups of friends drinking on the patio might well (and has) elicit complaints from Thai neighbours looking for an excuse to get a dig in at the Farang, complaints to which the Thai police would feel obliged to respond. I would emphasise that in my experience most Thai people are pretty laissez-faire regarding our peccadillos but, as with any group of people, there will always be one or two knobheads.

I had a laugh at your post and the use of eloquent dainty words some of which I had to look up on google 


then you spoiled it with the very last word lol

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This coming from the Royal Thai Police after they let so many people out of Bangkok this past weekend causing traffic jams.  Where were all these people going???  Going home or to relatives of course ... 

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what do the authorities expect 


They produce data about infection rates etc and then enforce ridiculous controls and curfews - is it any wonder people are asking themselves - what pandemic ? why all these draconian measures, if pattaya based on data - there is no virus and yet ?????  

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Are these laws, rules or guidelines?


Seems to me like some bods, with a bit of authority, are making it up as they think fit. And the police are very selective in their 'nicking'.


Is making laws this easy in LOS?


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6 hours ago, sandyf said:

So you would prefer to force a return to martial law, in full with the army on the streets.


Those that do not like the heat should get out of the kitchen.

Huh ... I think you don't understand what I was trying to say

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Asians as a whole are very social people and herd together and share everything such as at meal time, celebrations, funerals and my motobike ! I enjoy that as in my country ( the independent communist republic of California) social distancing is taught from childhood so what's the point of enforcing something they're already doing ? People in South East Asia live outside it's counter productive to tell them to stay inside. That's for sleeping... Ramble ramble.

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19 hours ago, ChipButty said:

After all this is over and the bars are allowed to open I dont think I will be going every night Im getting used to staying home by the pool with the wife cooking some snacks a few other guys are thinking the same or when we are allowed a couple of mates calling round and have a few beers could even take it in turns I can fire up the BBQ get a few sausages on there

Cheers for the invite Id love to ????

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19 hours ago, sapson said:

Spot on, probably less than 0.5 % of the 70 million population tested so the figures released dont reflect the true extent of covid here,  but are just a daily release of flatulence as in most government statements.

Id love to know where they are hiding all the bodies. I mean obviously these figures are incorrect and your stab at 0.5% is about as accurate as it can get, so, tell me, where are all these bodies that are obviously being hidden? Is the whole Thai population also in on this cover up? Hiding their relatives bodies in order to not give the game away ????????????

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Wow.... we can all go to the busy markets touching foods and rubbing against each other but adults can't sit and have a few cold beers with a friend(s). Thais traditionally sit down on the floor to eat and with that said will readily invite friends or neighbours to join them.  I dont get it as do many other people!!! just like the madness of the beaches still locked down.  

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6 hours ago, nausea said:

There you have it. Nobody's gonna be battering down your door if you're enjoying a quiet drink indoors with friends, just keep it discreet. 

Apart from the guy in the UK it happened to that had his door took off the hinges

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