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Biden's edge evaporates as Trump seen as better suited for economy, coronavirus response: Reuters/Ipsos poll

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16 hours ago, phkauf said:

As long as the Wuhan Virus remains a threat, Biden will be limited in his public appearances for health reasons. This can't help with ginning up enthusiasm for his already somnambulant campaign.  Looking back at the primaries, Bernie's rallies were packed with people and lively (altho apparently nobody turned up to vote), while Biden's rallies and meeting were like funerals. Trump's base is fired up and like it or not, his use of twitter keeps them engaged. 

I think the sexual harassment allegations against Biden will hurt him with women voters, this was the one area they hoped would make a difference from Clinton's disaster in 2016. There is a strong likelihood that Hunter's deals in China get pushed to the news again. More complications for Good 'Ol Joe as he tries to look tough on China, while his pathetic son makes millions from Chinese companies.

If the economy is back on track soon, which seems likely given the reopening of business and the lessened chance of a "worse case scenario" for the virus, Trump will win again. And I don't think it will be close.

The pandemic is no excuse. If he wanted to, he could put himself out there every day, talking online and doing interviews on the many biased media (Democratic) networks. A physical presence is not absolutely essential in this day and age, especially in the below 45 age bracket, the age bracket where his support is lowest.


He's using the pandemic as an excuse to hide away. He's his own worst enemy as soon as he opens his mouth. He's a joke - an ancient relic. Obama was/is a superhero by comparison. With all the money the Democrats spend, can they not find one decent young candidate with some energy and a brain functioning at peak capacity? The Democrats have been crying about Trump for nearly 4 years and this is the best they can do? It's truly pathetic.

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13 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

The pandemic is no excuse. If he wanted to, he could put himself out there every day, talking online and doing interviews on the many biased media (Democratic) networks. A physical presence is not absolutely essential in this day and age, especially in the below 45 age bracket, the age bracket where his support is lowest.


He's using the pandemic as an excuse to hide away. He's his own worst enemy as soon as he opens his mouth. He's a joke - an ancient relic. Obama was/is a superhero by comparison. With all the money the Democrats spend, can they not find one decent young candidate with some energy and a brain functioning at peak capacity? The Democrats have been crying about Trump for nearly 4 years and this is the best they can do? It's truly pathetic.


Very true. You can see Mark Cuban is literally everywhere on TV everyday. I hope in the future debates held remotely will simply cut the mic off when time is up on a candidate. You get your time and extension and when it's done it just cuts. 


Speaking of debates let's see if Joe tries to dodge them.

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18 hours ago, Chiphigh said:

I wonder how long will it take for the tvf leftists to twist this into another anti trump rant..... ????????????????

Overall, 42% of Americans said they approved of Trump's performance in office, and 53% said they disapproved.



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On the other hand, Trump's actual approval ratings might be about 10 points higher but are artificially skewed downward by a "reverse" Bradley effect without the racial component. The same people that tell a pollster they're all in for the Democrats then vote Trump when in the privacy of the voting booth

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2 minutes ago, nattaya09 said:

On the other hand, Trump's actual approval ratings might be about 10 points higher but are artificially skewed downward by a "reverse" Bradley effect without the racial component. The same people that tell a pollster they're all in for the Democrats then vote Trump when in the privacy of the voting booth


See Timur Kuran's theory of "Preference Falsification".


Off topic trolling posts and replies about Ivanka Trump, Oktoberfest etc. have been removed. 


A post using an unapproved Twitter source has been removed:


18) Social Media content is not to be used as  source material unless it is from a recognized or approved news media source,  the source of any such material (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube  etc.) should always be shown.

22 hours ago, webfact said:

Joe Biden's advantage over President Donald Trump in popular support has eroded in recent weeks as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee struggles for visibility with voters during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday.

according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday.


Will we now see Trump haters claiming polls are irrelevant? :cheesy:


22 hours ago, webfact said:

Trump seen as better suited for economy, coronavirus response: Reuters/Ipsos poll



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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday.


Will we now see Trump haters claiming polls are irrelevant? :cheesy:





This made me smile as well. 

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6 hours ago, candide said:

Agreed. Of course Gallup has a good name. Rasmussen is generally derided as their polling editing method is laughable. Real clear gives a good overall picture what ALL the polls say when put together. Presidents at a time of national crisis invariably show strong figures (Bush/Iraq 80% plus) so maybe the question should be why are 45s figures so poor? Yes one or two polls do show a swing towards 45, but the average is still Biden +6%. I think we just let the Trumpers enjoy this minor improvement, and blow up out of proportion. The writing is still on the wall, 45 is falling apart, his twitter tirades would shame a schoolchild.

  • Haha 1
9 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Presidents at a time of national crisis invariably show strong figures (Bush/Iraq 80% plus) so maybe the question should be why are 45s figures so poor?

It's hardly a business as usual situation. The thing that should surprise everyone is that Trump has such high numbers when thousands are dying.

IMO that is because Biden is such an appalling candidate. Once again the the worst possible choice appears to have been made.

If Trump is as bad as claimed by many on these pages, he should be in single numbers by now.

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Baiting Troll post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

44 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Joe Biden has not even jokingly asked any Americans

to inject themselves with Bleech. Hey  try to remember stuff like this when it

comes time for the next election.

Well good luck with that. If he even managed to stay awake the guy can't remember the end of his sentence or where his wife was standing, I doubt he will be able to play manipulation tricks with words to imply Trump meant something that he clearly did not, and nor did he ever say. That would require some devious cunning and intellectual ability, 2 things Biden is never accused of having.

  • Thanks 2
9 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


Very true. You can see Mark Cuban is literally everywhere on TV everyday. I hope in the future debates held remotely will simply cut the mic off when time is up on a candidate. You get your time and extension and when it's done it just cuts. 


Speaking of debates let's see if Joe tries to dodge them.

Since everybody in the world who follows  one of the greatest economic President's in the history of the USA,Mr. Trump, knows his and families private and public life,  to which I could careless about, but in some degree, understand the back stage political shenanigans that goes on with that.

That being said ,what goes around comes around imop. There is very little that the world knows about Joey! 

tara reade,ukrane,china,far left policy agenda,new communist ties (sanders) echoed by James Carvale,Iraq war,supporting globalization, that hurt middle America!


"Does anybody think that Joe can go to Michigan or Wisconsin or Indiana or Minnesota and say vote for me, I voted for those terrible trade agreements?" Mr Sanders asked supporters in March. "I don't think so."




What the dems and the left have put supporters of change through in the last 5 years,such as all those I gotcha moments, the  Stein recount vote hoax,Russian hoax, income tax hoax, Avanatti hoax,fisa abuse,ukraine call hoax all must be reckon with! Trump Treatment 2020.


Now to the debate,enter tara reade. If the(whats been reported as) the  propaganda  machine of the dems doesn't cover this TR scandal, then perhaps Mr. Trump can set up a conference room in the debate hall were she and others could be asked questions ,pre debate!


IMOP Joe didn't have enough time  to prepare in the last year or so ,to confront , whats gonna hit him so hard, politically! 




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1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Well good luck with that. If he even managed to stay awake the guy can't remember the end of his sentence or where his wife was standing, I doubt he will be able to play manipulation tricks with words to imply Trump meant something that he clearly did not, and nor did he ever say. That would require some devious cunning and intellectual ability, 2 things Biden is never accused of having.

Well of course Biden is a long way from ideal as a choice for the Dems. But there is an elephant in the room - the economy. Trump is obviously prepared to sacrifice 10s possibly 100s of thousand of lives to open up states well before all the professional advice says that it is safe, in the belief that the economy will rapidly recover and save him from defeat in November - he knows the line "It's the economy, stupid". 


However if he, and others believe that the economy will recover that soon, they should cut out the hallucinogens. Economists are comparing the effect to the Great Depression, and even the US lead banking crisis of 2008 took years to recover from. 

  • Haha 1
14 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

It's Trump's fault people suck at handling their finances? I think not. For added perspective, personal savings rate in China is 25%. In the US, it's 7.6%






What would you like Trump to do, force people to save more? You'd say it's just another example of him being a dictator. Now, as far as you talking down the US. That is easily addressed and somewhat debunked by a Gallup poll that says 150,000,000 foreigners would migrate to the US if they could. And that's one of the lower estimates. Do you have any evidence that shows the US isn't one of the most sought after countries to live in? And what speaks louder? Facts and statistics, or your anti-Trump complaining?



People with less always want more. What does speak volumes is the number of people I know who want to leave the US, but are having a hard time swinging that financially. 


I would live there. For a million dollars a year. Maybe. 


Thrilled to have left. I do not find the quality of life there to be high at all. Unless you are worth millions. 


Trump is not the creator of these issues. He is simply accelerating the decline. 

  • Haha 1
8 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


How could merely recording the results of 3rd party polls and aggregating them into a moving average be considered "conservative friendly.? Or liberal friendly either for that matter.

This website doesn't only aggregate polls. Their editorial policy is usually rather conservative friendly.

  • Haha 1
11 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

One thing clear is that Joe Biden has not even jokingly asked any Americans

to inject themselves with Bleech. Hey  try to remember stuff like this when it

comes time for the next election. Try to see how many countries still want to

deal with America with Trump as president. Try to listen to the lies that

Trump says almost daily. Is that too much to ask, this far from November?

 I think sadly Yes it is. Those people who like to protest instead of protect

themselves and other from the virus likely have no memories beyond one

week.  Homer IQ is what I call the problem.  Just my opinion of course, and I

was married to an American for 7 years.


No one has asked Americans to inject themselves with "bleech".

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8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

People with less always want more. What does speak volumes is the number of people I know who want to leave the US, but are having a hard time swinging that financially. 


I would live there. For a million dollars a year. Maybe. 


Thrilled to have left. I do not find the quality of life there to be high at all. Unless you are worth millions. 


Trump is not the creator of these issues. He is simply accelerating the decline. 

1) Everyone always wants more, regardless of how much they have.

2) In general, swinging it financially is easier in countries other than the US. Your assertion makes little to no sense.

3) If you're so glad you left, why are you so concerned with the US? I'm guessing decision confirmation. Your option.



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Just now, Crazy Alex said:

1) Everyone always wants more, regardless of how much they have.

2) In general, swinging it financially is easier in countries other than the US. Your assertion makes little to no sense.

3) If you're so glad you left, why are you so concerned with the US? I'm guessing decision confirmation. Your option.




The thing is he can only swing things over there with an income from the USA. What a great country where you can easily make enough to exploit income disparity overseas. 

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4 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


The thing is he can only swing things over there with an income from the USA. What a great country where you can easily make enough to exploit income disparity overseas. 

Indeed I found the post illogical. Don't get me wrong, I love Thailand. Perhaps I'll retire there some day. But you don't go to Thailand if you can swing it financially. You go to Thailand because you can't or it's more difficult to swing it in the USA.

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