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Thai prototype vaccine passes test with flying colours

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7 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Yes I agree, fair points. 

There is a sane, scientifically-minded, non-extreme position on this issue. 

Yes take the vaccine, unless we want to go back to Polio, Typhoid, Smallpox etc, era, they work. 

Smallpox is off the list now - no longer found outside labs.

Polio is good now, but the early versions were cultured in monkey-cells which contained cancer-causing viruses - and there was a significant cover-up effort, and massive-spike in soft-tissue cancers thereafter.  After they discovered the cancer-causing viruses, they used the contaminated stockpiles anyway.

The polio vaccine was rushed-out too - some developers injecting their own children with prototypes, which gave those kids polio.  They didn't mean to hurt them - but were arrogantly so sure they had "figured it out," when they clearly had not. 

7 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

The relatively tiny but still tragic number of deaths, are almost all caused where the child has a weakened immune system, something doctors can't always know about.

For whatever reason - this is why you want to ONLY give vaccines where the risk from NOT doing it is significant - and no need for a bunch of them all at once. 

I would rather get Covid than any early vaccine - but I am not in a risk group.  Others might decide (as in their choice) to do otherwise.

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1 hour ago, hioctane said:


You realize that others are way further ahead? Many are at the clinical test stage already (with humans). This is the longest stage. It usually takes a year or more. FYI, you don’t just inject a bunch of people with the vaccine and them send them into a room full of covid patients. That is why it takes so long. 

Mid June this year results for Oxford first trial on humans



Experts at the University of Oxford said the first results of coronavirus vaccine trials could by ready as early as mid-June, as the institution announced a new partnership with drug giant AstraZeneca.


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Looks to me that the Chinese started the virus but all ready had the cure on release  and waited till it took hold then became the country that saved the world.


If this so called breakthrough is to be believed China then gave it to the Thais  

Edited by whiteman
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1 minute ago, whiteman said:

Looks to me that the Chinese started the virus but all ready had the cure on release  and waited till it took hold then became the country that saved the world.


If this so called breakthrough is to be believed China then gave it to the Thais to announce


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17 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Another anti-vaxxer. I've been having flu shots for 30 years, haven't had the flu in that time. Had it in my twenties, once was enough. AFAIK vaccines have not mentally impaired me, unlike some posters on TV.


Maybe you should think twice about those flu shots.


COVID-19: Study Finds Flu Jab Makes You More Likely To Catch Coronavirus

A new study has been published, which looked at if receiving an influenza vaccination increased the risk of other respiratory viruses (virus interference).

One of their key findings was that that the flu vaccine recipients were left with a significantly increase risk of catching coronavirus than the non-vaccinated.

Study title - "Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season."


Extract from Conclusion - "Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus"

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So now we see if people turn green or blue in trials. If it fails, clean the mess...Next! So everywhere these vaccine tests already and still most of estimates of readiness target spring 2021? Chinese try to steal all research data globally so no break through there either. Of course, they would do what ever it takes to be the first and save their faces. Of course, they cannot release vaccine too soon as it would create some questions how come they figured out the solution much faster than others...just saying... 

But I doubt that none of country would make it public, even with evidence as it could create something we don't want to see, and therefore it will be covered. Not saying that it's the case but more like it's never published in the case created. 


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17 minutes ago, NoComment said:

I hope it is positive news for The Kingdom of Thailand.

It will hopefully save people in Thailand and others around the world.

This would put The Kingdom on a worldwide stage and increase the economy.

Well done Thailand



Your alias fits nicely - - "NoComment" 

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18 minutes ago, smew said:

...inform W.H.O.  about this great discovery.....  

I honestly wouldn't listen to a word that organization says. They completely dismissed the use of facemasks, and are now backpedaling!

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46 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

Smallpox is off the list now - no longer found outside labs.

Polio is good now, but the early versions were cultured in monkey-cells which contained cancer-causing viruses - and there was a significant cover-up effort, and massive-spike in soft-tissue cancers thereafter.  After they discovered the cancer-causing viruses, they used the contaminated stockpiles anyway.

The polio vaccine was rushed-out too - some developers injecting their own children with prototypes, which gave those kids polio.  They didn't mean to hurt them - but were arrogantly so sure they had "figured it out," when they clearly had not. 

For whatever reason - this is why you want to ONLY give vaccines where the risk from NOT doing it is significant - and no need for a bunch of them all at once. 

I would rather get Covid than any early vaccine - but I am not in a risk group.  Others might decide (as in their choice) to do otherwise.

But what if they make it mandatory for people to have it and for example you can't fly unless you provide your vaccine certificate? 

I guess you could just refuse, but I wonder what the implications of that would be if all of the above become a reality? 

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Reality check. . .


One assumes the "City of Dreaming Spires'" prestigious university is aware partners AstraZeneca has had to shell out more than $1 billion in federal fines and legal settlements, for corrupting clinical trials and illegally promoting products.


The drugs giant apparently also faces several lawsuits filed by patients who say its products injured them.



Edited by Krataiboy
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Just scrolling through the News section and saw this headline again.  I had to laugh again!   Let's be brutally honest, they need to do human testing to make sure it's safe...so scour the jails for murderers, paedophiles and armed robbers and use them as test subjects.   It maybe the only positive thing they do in life.  And if they die,  few people will care. 

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6 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Reality check. . .


One assumes the "City of Dreaming Spires'" prestigious university is aware partners AstraZeneca has had to shell out more than $1 billion in federal fines and legal settlements, for corrupting clinical trials and illegally promoting products.


The drugs giant apparently also faces several lawsuits filed by patients who say its products injured them.



Astra Zenica are playing no part in the development of the vaccine for Covid-19 at Oxford University. They are just part funding it an will be involved in the world wide distribution.

See the link in  my earlier post.

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29 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

But what if they make it mandatory for people to have it and for example you can't fly unless you provide your vaccine certificate? 

I guess you could just refuse, but I wonder what the implications of that would be if all of the above become a reality? 

Apparently there are now three classes of vaccinations 

voluntary, mandatory and the newest is compulsory according to Dr Tenpenny.

Do your own research.

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8 minutes ago, Grumpy John said:

Just scrolling through the News section and saw this headline again.  I had to laugh again!   Let's be brutally honest, they need to do human testing to make sure it's safe...so scour the jails for murderers, paedophiles and armed robbers and use them as test subjects.   It maybe the only positive thing they do in life.  And if they die,  few people will care. 

Said it before and I’ll say it again ....... test on the CEOs and pro vaccine people first.

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4 minutes ago, TeaMonkey said:

The DNA vaccine biotechnology has existed for nearly 30 years and has never yielded a working vaccine for any human disease. Don't get your hopes up.



Furthermore, when a wild virus was introduced to the test animals after vaccination they all died rather quickly.

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2 hours ago, steevjee said:

Hmmm! do I smell an Anti Vaxxer?  coz it sure stinks like stupid, let me guess , Trump voter too?


I have to agree with antivaxer. Im 39 never vaccinated. Had few diseases as kid gave me immunity forever which vaccines dont. 

Never had flu shot and never gets flu, Never been in hospital in, my life. Getting colds very rare. Got many friends who taking flu shoots and they get wrecked each season, whats that supposed to mean? Some get flu right after shoot. My own example proves me I don't need vaccines, and they dont work anyway. Theres something like post vaccinations outbreaks if u look in to it. How I see it is that mercury 2nd known toxic substance to man is compromising ur immune system then u get sick, thats how it works. To have strong immune system one need to have contact with naturally existing microbs viruses etc. If u lock urself in room rub everything with alcohol no sun then u get shoot u done mate. Person living in filth will be more strong then u living in sterile place, thats facts. Vacinnes should be voluntary not mendatory, but theres already talks going to vaccinate 7bil and issue vaccine passports, im buying mine i tell u that. 

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19 hours ago, Henryvee said:

Really hope so .. we were not born and got this far in life to live like pigeons ... or live in fear ????

Have you been living in fear the last few years when >300k have been dying worldwide every year from the common flu? 

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26 minutes ago, TeaMonkey said:

The DNA vaccine biotechnology has existed for nearly 30 years and has never yielded a working vaccine for any human disease. Don't get your hopes up.






Didn't thais invent HIV cure in past? 

Edited by Enlil
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