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Thai prototype vaccine passes test with flying colours


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19 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I suppose it could be construed as a mental impairment, being unable to suffer fools gladly.

I've had BCG treatment for bladder cancer. 14 years ago. Without it, I would probably be dead. Would it make you happier if I had observed your principles?

Perhaps the BCG vaccine may be effective against Covid-19 as well? Trials are underway. 


Edited by vinny
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7 hours ago, Card said:

You sound like one of those idiotic vaccine deniers that promotes child death.

And you are such a drama queen ????, all I asked was would we be allowed to know what was in the vaccine, I believe I have a right to know. ????

If you are so pro children's health please consider a donation here :- https://childrenshealthdefense.org


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20 hours ago, petermik said:

There you go..last to start but first to finish............maybe :whistling:

vaccine testing on mice? Oxford have been on human trials for some time now. I am very sure the scientists at Oxford are developing a vaccine that stands the test of time (whatever the hell that means)


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3 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Wow a real expert on the contents of vaccines, I wonder which wacky anti-vac site this came from, does it give you a link to the fake moon landing and the flat earth society?

Obviously you consider yourself to be an expert, quite why you assume I am by reprinting a post I believe to be true is beyond me, as too the personal "insults" why? is there any need for that nonsense, keep it civil please ???? 


Please post exactly what is in vaccines, you obviously know more than I do as I believe what I posted, happy if you prove otherwise?


Please inform me why the US government has paid out over 4 billion USD for "vaccine injuries"? https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/data/index.html

Thank you, looking forward to your informed reply & remember being polite is free ????

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2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

Smallpox is off the list now - no longer found outside labs.

Polio is good now, but the early versions were cultured in monkey-cells which contained cancer-causing viruses - and there was a significant cover-up effort, and massive-spike in soft-tissue cancers thereafter.  After they discovered the cancer-causing viruses, they used the contaminated stockpiles anyway.

The polio vaccine was rushed-out too - some developers injecting their own children with prototypes, which gave those kids polio.  They didn't mean to hurt them - but were arrogantly so sure they had "figured it out," when they clearly had not. 

For whatever reason - this is why you want to ONLY give vaccines where the risk from NOT doing it is significant - and no need for a bunch of them all at once. 

I would rather get Covid than any early vaccine - but I am not in a risk group.  Others might decide (as in their choice) to do otherwise.

I had smallpox, rubella, mumps, and one more i cant name in, english all as kid. Mumps I was like 16, had swallen neck. 


All this were considered kids diseases and they didn't vaccinate in Poland. Im 39 I rarely got sick never been hospital or doctors. 


Nowadays its all business they vaccinate kids. My 4 years old when she was born in bangkok pattaya hospital she got issued vaccines book. Christ its like 30 pages book. We gave her few after I researched them, still not sure it was right, she seemes get runny nose offten and coughing. 


The only vaccines i had was polio when i was born and tetanus shot when I injured myself. 


Im living just fine why suddenly I would need questionable covid19 vaccine? No I  dont. I rather got sick and isolate myself recover and be over it. 

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1 hour ago, Enlil said:



I have to agree with antivaxer. Im 39 never vaccinated. Had few diseases as kid gave me immunity forever which vaccines dont. 

Never had flu shot and never gets flu, Never been in hospital in, my life. Getting colds very rare. Got many friends who taking flu shoots and they get wrecked each season, whats that supposed to mean? Some get flu right after shoot. My own example proves me I don't need vaccines, and they dont work anyway. Theres something like post vaccinations outbreaks if u look in to it. How I see it is that mercury 2nd known toxic substance to man is compromising ur immune system then u get sick, thats how it works. To have strong immune system one need to have contact with naturally existing microbs viruses etc. If u lock urself in room rub everything with alcohol no sun then u get shoot u done mate. Person living in filth will be more strong then u living in sterile place, thats facts. Vacinnes should be voluntary not mendatory, but theres already talks going to vaccinate 7bil and issue vaccine passports, im buying mine i tell u that. 

Really? Do you have children? Do you let them have their vaccines?

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5 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Really? Do you have children? Do you let them have their vaccines?

Yes i have 4y old. Mentioned post above. She was given vaccines book and its like a lot of shots in it. Then u get stamp. Bangkok hospital pattaya was agreisevely calling us to come for a shoot. They just wanted money. I gave her safest ones from beggining of book then told her im not doing others. 

Im not antivax but like I said im unnvacinated and i wish health i got to everyone. 


I didn't choose not to be vaccinated. Back in the day in my country it was voluntary and old days all this were considered natural kids diseases. It was encouraged to get sick and get immune. 



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Im curious about people who have no faith in science when it comes to vaccines or cures. I mean science has cured and conquered many diseases that killed us not too many years ago. We are also all living longer lives now, generally because of advances in medical science, who on earth would think thats a bad thing?


I can understand the apprehension of trusting pharmaceutical companies that have a bottom line to consider but even so, to me the problems are far out weighed by the good that medication and vaccines bring to the world?


I assume it isn't a religion thing? I mean i have a healthy respect for people who are in touch with their spiritual side but only to a point.


For me as soon as a reputable company in a reputable country comes up with a vaccine I will be very happy. However, forgive me for saying that certainly won't be Thailand or China.

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2 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Im curious about people who have no faith in science when it comes to vaccines or cures. I mean science has cured and conquered many diseases that killed us not too many years ago. We are also all living longer lives now, generally because of advances in medical science, who on earth would think thats a bad thing?


I can understand the apprehension of trusting pharmaceutical companies that have a bottom line to consider but even so, to me the problems are far out weighed by the good that medication and vaccines bring to the world?


I assume it isn't a religion thing? I mean i have a healthy respect for people who are in touch with their spiritual side but only to a point.


For me as soon as a reputable company in a reputable country comes up with a vaccine I will be very happy. However, forgive me for saying that certainly won't be Thailand or China.

Science and cures were corrupted long ago and theres doctors like above Judy Mikovitz talk about it. 

Bill gates took over of every major vaccine company and research labs as well he "donate" to goverments. 


Bill gates fundation https://imgur.com/gallery/ASaijjX


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In case you don't understand

Vaccination will be compulsory. (whenever a vaccine is available)

If you don't want one start thinking about plan B.


Things will get messy with this one..believe me

I hope I will be able to hightail it to Yurp before this thing is enforced


At least there will be some resistance there and a Constitution that might be of help

Zero chance of avoidance here other than bribing the doctor (if feasible)

Edited by Vigilante
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1 minute ago, Vigilante said:

In case you don't understand

Vaccination will be compulsory.

If you don't want one start thinking about plan B.


Things will get messy with this one..believe me

I hope I will be able to hightail it to Yurp before this thing is enforced


At least there will be some resistance there and a Constitution that might be of help

Zero chance here other than bribing the doctor (if feasible)

My plan B is corrupting the system if that wont work will see whats next. 

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15 minutes ago, bougnat said:
This is silly, since people who have recovered from covid 19 and therefore have antibodies in their blood have been infected with the virus again.

Thats media lies

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30 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

I assume it isn't a religion thing? I mean i have a healthy respect for people who are in touch with their spiritual side but only to a point.

No, it's not a religion thing.


It's about.... you cannot eat Big Mac all day long and then wonder what's wrong with your health. Why have you got hypertension at the age of 35? Why have you got diabetes?


70% of Americans are either overweight or obese. Fact.


Generally, for a vaccine to be safe, it took about 5 to 10 years. The first year was reserved for testing on animals!


Now, they are already doing human trials on this one!


Why would I be their guinea pig on a 6 month vaccine? Seriously? Because what? I am at risk of dying otherwise?


Since i have started gym more seriously over the last 3 years, and adjusted the diet accordingly, I have noticed my regular annual colds are shorter and shorter, and the symptoms less and less severe.

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Well we all know these morons, are the most intelligent, well educated, super dooper individuals and most advanced creatures on the planet. Well in their own simple minds at least.

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2 hours ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Astra Zenica are playing no part in the development of the vaccine for Covid-19 at Oxford University. They are just part funding it an will be involved in the world wide distribution.

See the link in  my earlier post.

Partners, just like I said.


The AstraZeneca-Oxford University partnership is the first created since the U.K. government launched the Vaccines Taskforce two weeks ago to help find a new coronavirus vaccine. Details of the agreement are set to be finalized in the coming weeks. - Market Watch, May 3, 2020

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19 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

I think it's fairly logical to let Thailand to create it's own vaccine. Who cares about what the west does or says. They have failed society on so many levels. The West is no longer the reputable and great place it used to be. I say good on Thailand for taking the lead! 

It's mainly the typical Thai bashers that have a problem with this.... 

Ha ha.... you wish..... 

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