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"This virus may never go away," WHO says


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17 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Fix it by preparing early when your intelligence warn you and listen to science. Countries have done remarkably well to previous pandemic by doing just that.   

I get your point.  Let’s take it a bit further.  America should remove Chinese Thousand Talent grad students, Chinese Thousand Talent tech engineers, and curtail flights to and from China.

That way we can better prepare for the next Wuhan virus—and greatly reduce technology transfers—win/win.

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Have to agree with the WHO I think COVID19 probably isn't going away any time soon.
Better we be realistic and prepare to live with and get on with our lives.
With measures such as social distancing and wearing face-masks we can slow the spread down.
I wouldn't compare it to any other VIRUS because there isn't one.
If anyone knows the status of any vaccine development it's the WHO so lets not hope on that too much.
P.S I don't agree how WHO handled this but we all saw the dangers in January instead of just make Corona Beer jokes we should have reacted.

Edited by DirtyHarry55
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Of course the WHO would say this. By spreading the fear, they greatly enhance their budgets and remain with the meat and the gravy to boot. The WHO are really as incompetent as Imperial College and Doctor FAUSTi. All this mayhem and chaos over a corona virus no worse than a flu. The WHO received the perfect fish on the face when China told them to stay home, it was not welcome in China. 

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19 hours ago, webfact said:

This disease may settle into a long problem, or it may not be."

Nowhere near as snappy a quote as the media decided to use for the headline.

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5 hours ago, Tug said:

Then why don’t you volunteer in a covid ward?? On a serious note let’s hope like hell a good vaccine is developed ASAP that could make a tremendous difference 

There has never been an effective vaccine against ANY Coronavirus so good luck with that. And not for a lack of trying.


The real problem is the fearmongering and herd-think. Sheeple is a good description.

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19 hours ago, sweatalot said:

"The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 could become endemic like HIV, the World Health Organization said)


It will never go away like the influenca virus and the common cold viruses and nobody will care.

And rightly so.

You compare with HIV - why don't you compare wioth Ebola? What an ill intended comparison!

Influenza never goes away the strain just changes, the common cold is always there as well, and then now so will the Covid-19.  So lets just get on with life and quit the comparison of Covid and HIV and Ebola, or whatever.  If your not carefull you will die of some malady or another...

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Thank you China for your chemical warfare against the world. I also think WHO for delaying the response to the world and think China for buying off WHO's response to the world of the seriousness of the coronavirus. The whole world should mark China off their trading economy now and bring their trades back to their own countries. We will find a vaccine for the virus soon. WHO in this article had many could and may be in their article like they are still lost.

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3 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

I get your point.  Let’s take it a bit further.  America should remove Chinese Thousand Talent grad students, Chinese Thousand Talent tech engineers, and curtail flights to and from China.

That way we can better prepare for the next Wuhan virus—and greatly reduce technology transfers—win/win.

It is too late now. Open knowledge that Deng sent thousand of Chinese in the 80's to good engineering and technology universities in US like MIT and Sanford to gain world class knowledge. Some eventually worked in reputed tech corporations and brought back abundance knowledge to kick start Deng's drive to catch up with the world. Fast forward, Asia now has caught up and top global 20 tech universities are in Asia like in  Singapore, Hong Kong and China. Those Chinese that still go to US are wealthy kids who go there for the lifestyle. China has built a very good ecosystem and infrastructure for engineering and technology and lots of homegrown talents.  

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The World Health Organisation's chief scientist revealed yesterday that the coronavirus pandemic could take up to five years to get under control.

The scientist gave the bleak outline as other experts warned no one can predict when the deadly disease will disappear if it even vanishes at all.

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16 minutes ago, Tony125 said:



The World Health Organisation's chief scientist revealed yesterday that the coronavirus pandemic could take up to five years to get under control.

The scientist gave the bleak outline as other experts warned no one can predict when the deadly disease will disappear if it even vanishes at all.

China early release of the genetic sequence of the novel corona virus on 11 Jan helped speed up the research and development of vaccine. This is important as it allowed development without the need for a live virus samples. This contribution is lost in the midst of frenzy China and WHO bashing. 

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I think he's right that it isn't likely to go away- H1N1 never went away.  I just don't think his assessment of what to do with that knowledge is correct.  


This is the first time in modern history we've ever tried this lockdown approach in response to a virus.   I think epidemiologists knew limiting human interactions would limit the spread of a virus, but prior to this realized it was an unrealistic sledgehammer approach to the problem.


What we are calling "herd immunity" is just how humanity has always dealt with viruses.


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference


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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Once everyone has caught it, there's no longer a problem (maybe 2 months left).

Not quite that clear cut.


The hope is that a recovered patient has developed enough Covid-19-specific antibodies to fight off a secondary infection. However, in one study on convalescent patients in China, 30% of those studied had very little or no detectable antibodies in their blood plasma. It would seem that those people were able to neutralise the infection without the need to develop antibodies, either because their innate immune response or the T cells in their adaptive immune response, or a combination of both, were sufficient. Those with the lowest counts of antibodies were most likely to be the youngest patients.


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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

China early release of the genetic sequence of the novel corona virus on 11 Jan helped speed up the research and development of vaccine. This is important as it allowed development without the need for a live virus samples. This contribution is lost in the midst of frenzy China and WHO bashing. 

More mis-information. They sat on it until after Thailand sequenced their first case. On Jan 12 when China released theirs the Thai basically said, "Yes, that's correct". Kindly don't demand a reference as I have posted it for you before.

Edited by rabas
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15 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:
23 hours ago, webfact said:

This virus may never go away,"

Bit like the Chinese then .. 


I don't particularly want all my Chinese friends to go away, but the CCP needs to be gone fast.


Edited by rabas
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^^^ C19 is not a 'super flu', it is a 'super cold'.  Although scientists don't know yet, it may very well not give give long term immunity, just like catching a cold one year does not give you immunity the next year.


If a vaccine cannot be developed, just as an effective cold vaccine has never been developed, then the long term effects will have many big businesses cheering it on.  A future with C19 will be a world with average lifespans being reduced from 80ish to 70ish.  This means that many people will work for 45-50 years and then die.  If only a minority of retired people live past 65 or 70, the big winners will be pension funds and social security systems. 

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15 minutes ago, rabas said:

More mis-information. They sat on it until after Thailand sequenced their first case. On Jan 12 when China released theirs the Thai basically said, "Yes, that's correct". Kindly don't demand a reference as I have posted it for you before.

Thailand first case was a day after China release and published the genetic sequencing. No I wouldn't demand a reference because it is so baloney. 

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23 hours ago, sweatalot said:

"The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 could become endemic like HIV, the World Health Organization said)


It will never go away like the influenca virus and the common cold viruses and nobody will care.

And rightly so.

You compare with HIV - why don't you compare wioth Ebola? What an ill intended comparison!

Both HIV and Ebola are endemic. I suggest you look up the meaning of endemic. 

All this Trump led WHO bashing is a waste of time. 

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