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Thailand says it expects coronavirus vaccine next year after tests in mice


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This is quite pathetic. The same people announced they had developed a vaccine for Ebola and nothing more was ever heard about that. They also said they had seen positive results for a COVID treatment using a combination of Hydroxychloriquine and anti-HIV retroviral drugs.  That is now completely discredited. The health minister also made a big noise about importing a trivial quantity of Favipiravir from China as a COVID therapeutic.  The inventor of Favipiravir, Fuji Film, which uses the brand name Alginan for it, has just reported that it failed completely in trials against COVID.


There is never any follow up reporting on these ludicrous claims by Thai reporters who are so quick to report on the initial claims. 

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Ok I think that is great about the vacccine. I am no doctor but i have been reading about the virus. Virus are a tough bunch I must say They adapt very quickly to new vaccines. That is why it is to hard to find  a cure for the common cold. They get one cure up pops another virus. So they might find  acure for this one and along comes another. I made this point again. Since 2010 when records were kept on how many people die from influenza every year in this world and that number is well over 600,000 

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15 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

There is never any follow up reporting on these ludicrous claims by Thai reporters who are so quick to report on the initial claims. 

And Breaking News: Thai researchers at the prestigious Chula University (ranked between 801-1000 in the world) have just discovered fire by striking a piece of metal with a rock. They claim this discovery, yet to be seen anywhere else, will prove Thai ingenuity, while PM Prayut proclaims Thailand Wins Again.

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Smedly, the definition of "monkey" you seek is: fair-skin Ned, fair or black hairs on chest, arms, legs and groin, and eyes ranting from light brown to blue (not black). The standard height is 180cm but weighs less than a gorilla. They growl and grunt differently so could not understand one another outside the group. But one thing in common is that they have vile tempers and atrocious manners.

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why is there a need for a vaccine for a virus that has a 98% recovery rate?

most viruses still dont have an effective vaccine after years of research.

And who would want to take a hastily produced vaccine.

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I hate to break it to y'all but the vaccine is likely to have poor effectiveness and poor longevity. This virus mutates and mutate quickly and a vaccine will be akin to a flu vaccine where the virus changes every year....making flu vaccines only modestly effective, and poorly effective in old and young patients. Let year the flu vaccine used in the US was only 10% effective (today's newspaper) and the maximum every achieved is 60%.

A partially effective vaccine is not a game changer.

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21 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Which country and brave citizens will take on human trials with a Thai vaccine? No cases here so it needs to be outsourced. 

China might use inmates on death row

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Lay off the talk and do the walk, to create a vaccine you need more than trying it out on mice , the US is already trying it out on mice and the results so far are not what was expected, A lot of labs have found how to control the virus , but not how to prevent .

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3 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

You going to take that rushed Bill Gates Vaccine... I will die on that hill. There is a reason that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has exposed Gates' Frankenstein vaccination programs. Things haven't gone so well for kids in Africa and India... there's a reason India kicked him out, and RFK Jr. has outed him... Nope, not taking any of Dr. Gates GAVI vaccines. 


A 5-second fact check could have helped you.



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9 minutes ago, chainarong said:

Lay off the talk and do the walk, to create a vaccine you need more than trying it out on mice , the US is already trying it out on mice and the results so far are not what was expected, A lot of labs have found how to control the virus , but not how to prevent .

The US is already in vaccine human trials....since around the start of May.  Numerous positive results.



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6 hours ago, Gee Ku said:

Smedly, the definition of "monkey" you seek is: fair-skin Ned, fair or black hairs on chest, arms, legs and groin, and eyes ranting from light brown to blue (not black). The standard height is 180cm but weighs less than a gorilla. They growl and grunt differently so could not understand one another outside the group. But one thing in common is that they have vile tempers and atrocious manners.

Sounds like my wife!

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55 minutes ago, NB1986 said:

Definetely your 1. Answer is not correct. Everybody can make vaccine will it be effective? Thats another question 

Thats part of Telegraphs interview:

But the Government has cautioned that an effective coronavirus vaccine may never be found.

In a foreword to the Government’s strategy to ease lockdown, the Prime Minister said that the “only feasible long-term solution” to end the coronavirus pandemic is the creation of an effective vaccine or treatment, but warned this was not an inevitability.

The Government's chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, said the development of an effective vaccine could never be guaranteed.

Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/covid-19-coronavirus-vaccine-news-us-uk-trials/

So yes zhey are making tens of millions of doses, are you willing to take a risk of something that will have side effects but it is not sire it will serve a purpose? Go on, be my guest lets see what happens after 1 year with vaccine. They cannot catch even which flu will go out every year so this season flu vaccine was only 29% effective, so yes suddenly in on year they will make Vaccine effective for Covid but they couldnt make effective vaccine for seasonal flus for years. 

About your second claim is also false, how you think people get herd immunity, because virus mutates and gets weaker the more people are infected is losing his strength i really dont want troll more post here but if you would took some time and read about it you would know it. Good luck. 



1. Saying something may never be found or cannot be guaranteed  is NOT the same as saying it is "impossible" -which is what you said scientists say. 


2. Herd immunity is absolutely nothing to do with the virus getting weaker. It is to do with the human population. When a person gets a disease they can develop antibodies to it which  can enable them to recover from it and protect them from future infection, or they can die.  When enough people have got the disease and recovered then the disease fades out because everyone it encounters has got immunity, so it cannot jump to the few people left who have not got immunity, because most people it encounters can't be infected.

It is nothing to do with viral mutation-you are just not in command of your facts.

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Thailand is better placed that most in SE Asia in terms of Vaccine capability, several good firms researching and manufacturing here with good standards and experienced staff. Why not start early and give it a shot? That is a prudent approach if you have the infrastructure, at least create the chance of an option than only just waiting to see if other nations develop it, who will then own the IP that you have to rely on..

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19 hours ago, DLock said:


A 5-second fact check could have helped you.



Snopes was discredited long ago as a "fact check" authority. Get with the times... Gates' involvement in India regarding vaccines is in fact coming under increasing scrutiny within the Indian legal system... and the fact that you did a 5 second fact check using snopes tells anyone with any credible critical thinking skills that you are... well let us say, THE consummate sheeple.


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16 minutes ago, Tounge Thaied said:

Snopes was discredited long ago as a "fact check" authority. Get with the times... Gates' involvement in India regarding vaccines is in fact coming under increasing scrutiny within the Indian legal system... and the fact that you did a 5 second fact check using snopes tells anyone with any credible critical thinking skills that you are... well let us say, THE consummate sheeple.


The problem I see here is that you go on to use the Daily Mail in a 5 year old article as your source to refute Snopes. 


Reuters has an up to date fact check from 2 days ago: 



False. Bill Gates is not facing trial in India for an illegal vaccination study.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-gates-india/false-claim-bill-gates-faces-trial-in-india-for-testing-vaccines-on-children-idUSKBN22V27F

Edited by Bkk Brian
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29 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

The problem I see here is that you go on to use the Daily Mail in a 5 year old article as your source to refute Snopes. 


Reuters has an up to date fact check from 2 days ago: 



False. Bill Gates is not facing trial in India for an illegal vaccination study.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-gates-india/false-claim-bill-gates-faces-trial-in-india-for-testing-vaccines-on-children-idUSKBN22V27F

Yeah... Ok. No worries. Go ahead and let Dr. Gates take care of you... STATIST!

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12 minutes ago, Tounge Thaied said:

Yeah... Ok. No worries. Go ahead and let Dr. Gates take care of you... STATIST!


...a bit more research and you will see how much Bill Gates has done with his money to help the 3rd world and his plans for his future wealth and other people like Warren Buffet.


Just because you can't can't get Windows 95 to load on your computer is no reason to spread false information with zero credibility.



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