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Third phase of easing considered if no new Covid-19 cases in 15 days


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18 hours ago, ripstanley said:

"Anutin believes that once businesses resume operation, people will adapt to the new normal such as maintaining social distancing, wearing face masks and washing hands frequently."


What a load of garbage. I was inside a DIY shop in Phayao on Monday and there is no social distancing. I was also in Makro and no social distancing. Thais do not understand social distancing. If Anutin would pull his head out of his rectum then there may be some sensible comments.


Must've been there for a while - I've NEVER heard a sensible comment from him yet! From a few weeks ago, then he went surprisingly quiet, deleting his Twitter posts.


"BANGKOK — A Twitter account reportedly operated by Health minister Anutin Charnvirakul doubled down on his discriminatory remark on Western tourists, saying that they are “dirty” and more likely to spread coronavirus than Asians.

Writing in two Twitter posts on Thursday night, which were later deleted, the account said farangs – a slang for Caucasians – “never shower” and pose health risks to Thai population.

“We have to be more careful of Westerners than Asians.”

Anutin previously raised widespread fury for suggesting that Western tourists who don’t wear masks should be “kicked out” of the country." 


Now it appears he is back spouting more garbage! :-


"Third phase of easing considered if no new Covid-19 cases in 15 days"


The government is planning announce the third phase of easing restrictions if the number of new Covid-19 cases does not rise within the next two weeks, Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said on Wednesday (May 20).


So the way I read it is that there has to be ZERO, ZILCH, NO NEW CASES AT ALL for 15 days before we enter Phase 3 of easing restrictions? What exactly does Phase 3 of easing restrictions mean? No explanation given.


(It seems that it is already blown out of the water because apparently there are 3 new cases reported today!?)

Edited by sambum
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21 hours ago, Curt1591 said:

Fear is a terrible thing to waste. Just saw a meme pointing out the "death rate" at 3%. It then went on to say that if there was a bowl of 100 skittles, and 3 were deadly, would you eat any?

The problem is that they are using the percentage of people who's death was "attributed" to COVID and used confirmed cases as the base. The reality is that there is over 330,000,000 people in the USA. If we divide the number of deaths "attributed" to COVID by the population, we are looking at less than .03 percent. Inother words, the bowl should have 10,000 skittles!

There are many thing we all face, daily, that put us at a higher death risk. 


Worldwide, it seems this thing has come, peaked and is waning. It will return next year, just like most seasonal diseases. Hopefully, healthcare systems will be prepared, vaccines will be available and it will not become a big scary monster. 

The big scare was that healthcare providers are prepared the annual flu epidemic. 

But then, , COVID rolls into town. They have no vaccine and no established treatment. So, the healthcare industry panics. 

They have weathered the storm - treatments have been established and vaccines are on the way.

The season is over. Time to get back with our lives. 

When is the Thai flu season again? 

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2 hours ago, poskat said:

even more importantly, the only people who will get sick, or possible die is a very limited sup-population.


if you are under age 60 with no associated co-morbidites, you can eat infected skittles with impunity.


people here, and around the world have so much fear, and so few facts.

A neighbour of mine in the UK who is in her 30s ended up in the ICU for 4 weeks with COVID-19. She has had to learn how to walk again. She is somebody who has no underlying medical conditions and is fairly fit. It seems to be a genetic thing as well as lifestyle thing, some people who are fit and healthy and young are struck down too. We are still learning a lot about this virus as the days and weeks go on 

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4 hours ago, brian2f2f said:

Ya i have a new friend from UK and she said its still very bad there. Eluding to still out of control. 

I currently live here, since early February anyway. The nationwide cases are high (dropping fast now) but in my city which is medium sized city, we have only had 800 or so confirmed cases. I know of 6 people who have had it, 2 of which were hospitalised and 1 nearly died 

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6 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

What would they learn from Thailand. 

Close your airport to foreign nationals some 10 days later than say AU and other countries.

Have a flight arrive with Thai nationals and at BKK airport when they kicked up a stink were let go home then follow up rounding them up in subsequent days.

The governor of Phuket opening up border knowing that 40k had registered to leave. Surprising (not) the bridge was closed on first day so a plan could be put in place.

Open up the booze control sales rules without sensible plan and them have start sales, result, chaos. Including the previous back flips about extending booze or not.

Allowing ridiculous overcrowding at imm offices when an amnesty on extensions was a no brainer. Anutin ridiculous statements at various times. That's just some examples.

Other countries also did stupid things.

In NSW, Australia some 1500+ travellers were able to disembark from cruise ship without proper medical clearance. 




People seem to forget how Thailand was letting in tens thousands of Chinese tourists throughout January and February, and not really doing anything at all at the start of this situation. If Thailand was a country of 10 degrees Celsius, it would have been decimated at this point. 

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21 hours ago, ianezy0 said:

Well done Thailand.

Wouldn’t want to be in Europe or USA at the moment.

And you believe those figures, you must be a bigger dipstick than the people spouting them. Well we all know the Thais are the most truthful superior beings on the planet ????????????

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I wonder if they're counting imported cases in this new infections number - this is the key.


There will be new cases coming back into Thailand continuously in those quarantine centers.


If they're waiting for this to go to zero for 2 weeks then we're in for a very long wait.

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23 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Yet millions have to wait ANOTHER 2 weeks to see if they can start to earn money again, to put food on the table for their families !

And the BTS and markets are packed with no social distancing, Bizarre !

Nonsense: You won't need any food if you died. 

Just improve social distancing similar to other EU countries (don't mention UK or Russia as example) 

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9 hours ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Whenever I eat Thai style, whether it be at home or in a restaurant, each communal dish has its own serving spoon.

That is not eating Thai style then . I’m an extremely cautious germaphobe and anti double dipping but when I’m in Thailand all bets are off.


This has surprised me though , I predicted the sharing of food in Thailand would lead to huge amount of cases.

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22 hours ago, DrJack54 said:


Just a guess but thinking next step will involve opening borders/airports to folk from  designated "safe countries"/states

That list will initially consist of China, Sth Korea, Taiwan, HK, Japan.

USA along with many others, no invitation.

Well the govt has to let their kinfolk and bosses from China in

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48 minutes ago, Caine said:

And you believe those figures, you must be a bigger dipstick than the people spouting them. Well we all know the Thais are the most truthful superior beings on the planet ????????????

I agree, not a lot of testing but we would know by now via facebook etc if the numbers were huge. Plus judging by the whinging going on about apps, hand gel, masks, everything over the top blah blah. Hospitals are not busy (personal experience). So yes, I tend to agree that the numbers are a hell of a lot less than Europe and USA.

Yours Truly Dipstick.

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23 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Yet millions have to wait ANOTHER 2 weeks to see if they can start to earn money again, to put food on the table for their families !

And the BTS and markets are packed with no social distancing, Bizarre !

And without tourists they will not be earning money even after another 2 weeks.


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24 minutes ago, HerbyJFlash said:

That is not eating Thai style then . I’m an extremely cautious germaphobe and anti double dipping but when I’m in Thailand all bets are off.


This has surprised me though , I predicted the sharing of food in Thailand would lead to huge amount of cases.

My understanding is it doesn't spread through food. Feces yes and through droplets being breathed in are entering through the eyes, nose and the respiratory system.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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23 minutes ago, HerbyJFlash said:

That is not eating Thai style then . I’m an extremely cautious germaphobe and anti double dipping but when I’m in Thailand all bets are off.


This has surprised me though , I predicted the sharing of food in Thailand would lead to huge amount of cases.

It certainly is eating Thai style. You need to have a word in your wife's shell like.


The virus enters through the respiratory system not the gut so why would sharing spit cause you to catch the virus?

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Also very interesting new research...low risk to catch covid through touching surfaces, and it's not associated with eating. Primarily though respiratory droplets.




Coronavirus cannot spread easily by touching surfaces: US CDC

Virus now thought to spread mainly between people in close contact via respiratory droplets


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Many people have been worried about catching COVID-19 through touching contaminated surfaces; now they can breathe a sigh of relief, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the U.S. in its updated guidelines has said that the virus does not spread easily in this way.

In March, a preliminary study suggested that the virus remains in the air for up to three hours and on surfaces such as plastic and stainless steel for up to three days, leading many people to disinfect their surroundings constantly.

However, according to Yahoo, the study was not yet peer-reviewed at that time.

Recently, the CDC in the U.S. changed its guidelines with regard to touching contaminated surfaces; the danger is now considered comparable to other low-risk transmission methods, including "from animals to people" and "from people to animals."

"It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes," the CDC guidelines now read. "This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more...”

With regard to concerns about transmission of the disease through food, the guidelines point out, "Currently, there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with food.”

According to the guidelines, the coronavirus is thought to spread mainly between people in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) "through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks."

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How is this moron Anutin Charnvirakul allowed in public life... oh because his boss usurped power. In a normal democratic country the people would not put up with him.


We shouldn't complain too much though. Its the Thai people that suffer most.



Edited by Ketyo
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19 hours ago, Thunder26 said:

I would add wearing masks and the culture of not touching each other while greeting. That plays a role too in the low spread of the virus in Thailand.

wearing of masks does not prevent getting c19 . Hygiene is the way to go washing hands with soap etc. if you should get a cold when sneezing happens do it into a tissue or on your arm. just common sense . 

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12 minutes ago, akampa said:

wearing of masks does not prevent getting c19 . Hygiene is the way to go washing hands with soap etc. if you should get a cold when sneezing happens do it into a tissue or on your arm. just common sense . 

New research out of HK is saying otherwise : https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3084779/coronavirus-hamster-research-proof-effectiveness?fbclid=IwAR1P8Fmk6wdwoJ7EwIFghydpTM0DWTerhJOZ9GJeYGEpaVnVZyhxVvWOndc

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3 hours ago, Caine said:

And you believe those figures, you must be a bigger dipstick than the people spouting them. Well we all know the Thais are the most truthful superior beings on the planet ????????????

But if there really was an epidemic here the hospitals and clinics would be overflowing.... you couldn’t hide that in this digital age. 

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9 hours ago, brian2f2f said:

Ya i have a new friend from UK and she said its still very bad there. Eluding to still out of control. 

I live in the UK , no panic and absolutely not out of control.

Apart from current closures of pubs and ( sit down ) restaurants life goes on pretty much as before.

Actually far less restrictions than Thailand , transparent data , rigorous ongoing testing , solid financial support for individuals and business etc etc etc.

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1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

I live in the UK , no panic and absolutely not out of control.

Apart from current closures of pubs and ( sit down ) restaurants life goes on pretty much as before.

Actually far less restrictions than Thailand , transparent data , rigorous ongoing testing , solid financial support for individuals and business etc etc etc.

Transparent data? Yep, you can see right through the lies. Even the ones about testing. Capacity is increasing but testing is falling. The stats are there for all to see.

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4 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:

But if there really was an epidemic here the hospitals and clinics would be overflowing.... you couldn’t hide that in this digital age. 

Don't have to hide it, really. Just don't report the numbers. Do a search for what's been happening in Florida in the U.S. The government was reporting 10% less than the local coroners. Only reason people found out was a newspaper looked at the data that was public and noticed a discrepency. They didn't find out due to overflowing hospitals. When hospitals are 10% more busy than they were before, you only see that in the spreadsheets, bodies don't pop out of the windows. An extra 10% of deaths in the last four months would mean and extra 20k people dead in Thailand. Wouldn't happen in one place and all at once. So, one would only know if the data were public. 

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