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I've enjoyed everywhere that I've lived, and I've not enjoyed places I've been back to as much as I remembered.
Back in the day, I was in the works canteen, with my colleagues, and I mentioned that I was taking a job in Hong Kong.  My compatriot said  "Oh, I'm not sure I would want to live in Hong Kong"

"Listen, Tommy, if I'd chosen my job based on where I wanted to live, I'd not be sat here in this canteen with you now having lunch"

But that had been a great job, a lovely place to live, and I look back on it with fondness.  

It was the first of several steps I took towards learning that where I want to live is irrelevant.

I didn't get to where I am now by living where I wanted to live.



On 5/25/2020 at 11:37 AM, BritManToo said:

The past 12 years in SE Asia have been the best sex in my life.

With an assortment of the best looking women.

Life began at 52!

You've been there 35 years? Fair play, Brit!

On 5/26/2020 at 4:24 AM, Logosone said:

My problem was that my childhood was so unusually good.


Riding through Spanish pine forests on a large beautiful Spanish stallion, and later an arab stallion at the age of 12, every day, was a happy time.


Being the star player for a Spanish basketball team at age 15, going to nightclubs every night in summer at age 16. At age 17 I was invited by four Spanish girls to the north of Spain, who all fought over me, and I stayed in each of their homes, after seeing Michael Jackson live in concert. Having everything one could want at the time was the norm. It's almost embarassing how good my childhood was.


So naturally going to university in the UK at 18 was a massive come-down. Yes, after a few years I met a wonderful circle of friends where we went out every day, but on the whole the UK was a miserable experience. 


The highlight was when I met a 19 year old from outside the UK and managed to get an EEC visa for her and she could stay in the UK.


When hooligan kids started to spit on the car I realised I had to get out of the hell hole that was the UK and moved to the Caribbean, this time as a highly qualified lawyer. The first year, with a six figure salary tax free and lying on the most beautiful beach in the world, with good restaurants, it was a good time.


Then cat 5 hurricane Ivan hit whilst I was in Cuba. The house I owned was destroyed. Lucky I had insurance and a friendly construction neighbour, so I ended up making money. Sold the house after 2 years. Went back to Germany. The 19 year old was 27 by then and not frigid at all. Bought a wonderful large house, many holidays in Bali, Thailand etc, so quite a happy time overall, travelling all through Germany as well. But then boredom set in. I'd been there 10 years. Worse, the 19 year old was now 34 and didn't stop bleating about children. So I relented, foolishly, and ended up with a child. I refused to have another but the now 37 year old tricked me into having another. So then I had two. And it's been downhill from there ever since.


Well, apart from the tour of SE Asia recently and the Filipina mia noi, the trips to Cebu, Taiwan, Bangkok, KL, and all were quite nice.


But really "happy". A few days in my life at best.

Yawn. Clearly mr hi powered lawyer has a beef with the UK (get in line), probably because they couldn't understand the humour or very likely that they were never there. Rarely heard of folk uni'ing the UK as having a miserable experience. Some of the best nightlife/drinking and music/festivals of anywhere. Then again one does come across a tad eurofile boring which would explain it. 

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On 5/25/2020 at 10:43 AM, 2 is 1 said:

I like small things! First beer, bj in morning, nice sun rice whit beer ofcource.... 555... can continue for eva!

I prefer big bjs over small ones. :passifier:


On 5/25/2020 at 1:04 PM, simon43 said:

Looking at my list of best times, there is one common factor ==> I was on my own ????  This doesn't mean that I don't like company, far from it.  It just means that after 61 years, I still haven't found the right company....

Me too, Simon! can't put a 'best' on it, but wonderful memories in numerous places (Oz, NZ, US, Canada, Brunei, Thai especially), and including my own country, with very few by way of marriage. Being free and experiencing things with no-one else to worry about is purifying, for me at least.


Looking back probably my childhood in England, my mother and father worked for a well known stately home, I used to come home from school, wolfed my tea down, straight out fishing the big lakes for free and playing cowboys and Indians in in the massive grounds. Had a good job, not always appreciated, some great holidays, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Ireland, Austria, reasonably happy living in Thailand but not as much as when first came

On 5/24/2020 at 9:20 PM, Ayemanomad said:

I'm having the best time of my life since 'discovering' Thailand 13 years ago. I love the weather here, I don't have to cope with snow and ice anymore. I have a wonderful wife, fantastic neighbours, great relatives and more friends here than back home.


The only downsides for me are the mosquitoes and the terrible driving. Nowhere is total paradise, but Thailand is close enough for me.

Take away the dreadful road behavior of the Thais, and some unfair immigration issues, and Thailand would be some country, but as you say nowhere is total paradise.

7 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Yawn. Clearly mr hi powered lawyer has a beef with the UK (get in line), probably because they couldn't understand the humour or very likely that they were never there. Rarely heard of folk uni'ing the UK as having a miserable experience. Some of the best nightlife/drinking and music/festivals of anywhere. Then again one does come across a tad eurofile boring which would explain it. 

British humour is cack, but the nightlife is even more cack. I went to a few raves, basically home-made decorations in a giant empty industrial building. But worst of all British food is absolutely awful, it's hard to imagine a more horrible cuisine than the British one. On the food alone, nobody should go there.

On 5/29/2020 at 1:37 PM, fredwiggy said:

Love lasts if both want it to. My wife is 40, I'm 63, so she will age but slower than I will.

I don't know any old people still "in love". Most never even make it to old age before getting divorced.

  • Like 2
43 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You've only done the easy bit.

At 40 women tend to deteriorate fairly quickly, their looks, their personality and their tolerance for you.

She will give you less attention and shout at you more.

All her 'nice' feelings and behaviour towards you will disappear.


It's sad, but that's the way life works.

Love lasts if you both want it  ......... the woman never wants that

(and with a 23 year age gap it's unlikely it ever existed in the first place).


She will age slower ........... did you forget menopause?

Fully agree but I would say they deteriorate at around 34. 


Women love opportunistically, not idealistically. If you want love go buy a pet, not a woman. 





2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

You've only done the easy bit.

At 40 women tend to deteriorate fairly quickly, their looks, their personality and their tolerance for you.

She will give you less attention and shout at you more.

All her 'nice' feelings and behaviour towards you will disappear.


It's sad, but that's the way life works.

Love lasts if you both want it  ......... the woman never wants that

(and with a 23 year age gap it's unlikely it ever existed in the first place).


She will age slower ........... did you forget menopause?

Love exists. She already shouts at me, and has . Attention comes and goes, along with the mood swings. I've accepted it and don't need that much attention anyway. She does her "thing" as a wife, cooking,cleaning,shopping,taking care of daughter, so that's okay. If it gets less, like all relationships do, I'm okay because of the former. Nice feelings never disappear if you continue to treat your wife well, and look at her not as an object but as a person with moods, feelings and bad days. Lastly, all women that aren't pigs or greedy want love.

2 hours ago, PaulieAUS said:

Fully agree but I would say they deteriorate at around 34. 


Women love opportunistically, not idealistically. If you want love go buy a pet, not a woman. 





Exactly, don't "buy" a woman for love, find one. Women love if they are treated right. Everyone has their moods, and if you're not dealing with a mental issue or a narcissist  from her parents neglect or abuse, they all have the capacity to love. My wife is beautiful at almost 41 ,and hasn't aged much at all in the 5+ years I've known her, except for her joints hurting sometimes (not as bad as mine do). Isaan women exercise by work, and stay in shape because of it, unless they get "Americanized" by food and have a lazy husband, which rubs off.

54 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Lastly, all women that aren't pigs or greedy want love.

I agree, but they don't seem to want love from elderly men.

Quite a few seem to choose cats.

55 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I agree, but they don't seem to want love from elderly men.

Quite a few seem to choose cats.

We only have a dog, 2 ducks and 3 chickens, so I'm okay.

2 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

Exactly, don't "buy" a woman for love, find one. Women love if they are treated right. Everyone has their moods, and if you're not dealing with a mental issue or a narcissist  from her parents neglect or abuse, they all have the capacity to love. My wife is beautiful at almost 41 ,and hasn't aged much at all in the 5+ years I've known her, except for her joints hurting sometimes (not as bad as mine do). Isaan women exercise by work, and stay in shape because of it, unless they get "Americanized" by food and have a lazy husband, which rubs off.

I don't think Thai women are capable of unconditional love unless they already come from money and don't need your money, which means they can focus on loving you.  But we're literally talking about less than 15% of the female Thai population with that coin. For the large chunk love will come with strings as money is always a factor with them, if not initially then most certainly down the track. I wouldn't call that true love at all.


Cut the money supply and see what happens. 


A caucasian girl will peak at 18-24 whereas for Thais that might stretch to about 29. Once they hit 30 the cracks start appearing and at 34 it's the inflection point where they are sidelined (love that word) for fresher meat. 







Just now, PaulieAUS said:

I don't think Thai women are capable of unconditional love unless they already come from money and don't need your money, which means they can focus on loving you.  But we're literally talking about less than 15% of the female Thai population with that coin. For the large chunk love will come with strings as money is always a factor with them, if not initially then most certainly down the track. I wouldn't call that true love at all.


Cut the money supply and see what happens. 


A caucasian girl will peak at 18-24 whereas for Thais that might stretch to about 29. Once they hit 30 the cracks start appearing and at 34 it's the inflection point where they are sidelined (love that word) for fresher meat. 







I've seen women from many countries at 40-50 that were absolutely beautiful,with bodies to match. Some exercise and eat well all of their lives, and most don't, and start looking it at 30. Love comes with strings in any event. Most women want a man who will take care of her and the family. That's traditional, like the 50's in America and other countries. That's the same as it is here. Thai women live in a country of men that fail in may aspects of family life. They look to foreigners to do a better job than they have seen done here. Some do, some don't. You cut the money supply anywhere and see what happens. And anyone that "sidelines" women, and especially their wife, for aging needs to for one, look in the mirror. Two, if you look at your wife as an object, and object she will be, and when she ages, you will replace here with someone younger because the "object" got lines, a little fat or gray hair, and she wasn't as attractive as before, just like you did. Like I said before, my wife is still beautiful, and surprise, doesn't have cracks yet. She will get them, as I have along the way, but she doesn't seem to mind.

54 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I've seen women from many countries at 40-50 that were absolutely beautiful,with bodies to match. Some exercise and eat well all of their lives, and most don't, and start looking it at 30. Love comes with strings in any event. Most women want a man who will take care of her and the family. That's traditional, like the 50's in America and other countries. That's the same as it is here. Thai women live in a country of men that fail in may aspects of family life. They look to foreigners to do a better job than they have seen done here. Some do, some don't. You cut the money supply anywhere and see what happens. And anyone that "sidelines" women, and especially their wife, for aging needs to for one, look in the mirror. Two, if you look at your wife as an object, and object she will be, and when she ages, you will replace here with someone younger because the "object" got lines, a little fat or gray hair, and she wasn't as attractive as before, just like you did. Like I said before, my wife is still beautiful, and surprise, doesn't have cracks yet. She will get them, as I have along the way, but she doesn't seem to mind.

The difference is that youth is the currency upon which most women trade. Our currency is literally just that, currency. Once a woman hits 30 her currency is devalued and by 35 her currency declines rapidly and there's not a single damn thing she can do about it. 


I don't need to look at myself in the mirror as a man approaching 40. I know the score. Yes we all get old but we can offset age by keeping taut and trim. As we get older fewer women will find us attractive but we can compensate with our wallet. However in Thailand there will still be a sizeable segment of females that will find any man attractive well into his 70s. We're fine. We're good.


As a recently divorced man, I will be playing the field and trading the car in for a newer model once the mileage creeps up too much for my liking, because I can and I will. I have no intention of being monogamous for the next five years so will continue to play the game.


Anyway. there's no mystery to all this, it's how the game works. If you want the younger meat you'll need to pay up. You can moralise all you want as a married man, it won't change the game. Youth is the currency of women, especially in Thailand. 


And there's no such thing as a "hot" woman in her 30s. She might be beautiful, but won't be hot as it were. I have never found any girl "hot" over the age of 25.  I am chatting to a beautiful girl online who is 33 and even she says she is old and worried that I will stop talking to her and chat up girls in their early 20s. She's got every right to be fair dinkum concerned by my averting eyes. 




  • Like 2
23 minutes ago, PaulieAUS said:

The difference is that youth is the currency upon which most women trade. Our currency is literally just that, currency. Once a woman hits 30 her currency is devalued and by 35 her currency declines rapidly and there's not a single damn thing she can do about it. 


I don't need to look at myself in the mirror as a man approaching 40. I know the score. Yes we all get old but we can offset age by keeping taut and trim. As we get older fewer women will find us attractive but we can compensate with our wallet. However in Thailand there will still be a sizeable segment of females that will find any man attractive well into his 70s. We're fine. We're good.


As a recently divorced man, I will be playing the field and trading the car in for a newer model once the mileage creeps up too much for my liking, because I can and I will. I have no intention of being monogamous for the next five years so will continue to play the game.


Anyway. there's no mystery to all this, it's how the game works. If you want the younger meat you'll need to pay up. You can moralise all you want as a married man, it won't change the game. Youth is the currency of women, especially in Thailand. 


And there's no such thing as a "hot" woman in her 30s. She might be beautiful, but won't be hot as it were. I have never found any girl "hot" over the age of 25.  I am chatting to a beautiful girl online who is 33 and even she says she is old and worried that I will stop talking to her and chat up girls in their early 20s. She's got every right to be fair dinkum concerned by my averting eyes. 




I've seen many hot women in their forties. Like I said, exercise and good diet for years is the way. A woman in her forties knows how to love a man also. There are millions of women from age 20 to 30 that don't take care of themselves and lose whatever they have fast. Your body doesn't stay the same after you hit 25 if you don't take care of it. For some it's even younger,especially if they think they can eat whatever they want because their youth burned it off for awhile. Just to name one, look at Kate Beckinsale, at 44.

9 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Your standards appear to be a lot lower than mine.

Maybe better eyes? Hot is hot. I know a beautiful woman when I see one. And been with some, and didn't pay for them. And I've seen many in their twenties change for the worse at 30. If you think Kate Beckinsale, and that was off the top of my head, isn't beautiful, then your standards need upgrading. A teenager or early twenties girl can't hold a candle to a fit, healthy 40's woman that's taken care of herself all her years. A beautiful girl sometimes turns into a beautiful woman, IF she takes care of herself. Some don't and lose it quick.  Here is a for instance. If you can find fault here, you've been around too many kids. They're not all "hot", whatever that may mean, but they're beautiful. https://www.shutterstock.com/search/beautiful+woman+40s

1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

 A woman in her forties knows how to love a man also. 

Back up , back up, back up !!


What the hell does this mean ?!! What does age have to do with it? 


Please explain. You've opened a can of worms now.

3 minutes ago, PaulieAUS said:

Back up , back up, back up !!


What the hell does this mean ?!! What does age have to do with it? 


Please explain. You've opened a can of worms now.

Not the age part per se, but by the time a woman gets to her 40's, she's learned over time, by mistakes made, what a man really needs. That what works for one might not work for the right one. This goes for men also. It takes many years to try and understand a woman, and if you want to be truly loved, you must know how to love also. Some learn how to love early, some never learn at all. If you're past your 30's, as most here are, and have been with a number of women, you learn by making mistakes what they need (Not want). If you saw your mom loved and respected by your dad, you learned what to do then. If that wasn't the case, then you learn by trial and error. This goes for those that respect women, (and men) , and not those that prefer to use them as conquests. Some women learn by seeing their moms treat their dads with love, how to love. Some learn to use men by watching others do it, and never will know love.

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

If you think Kate Beckinsale, and that was off the top of my head, isn't beautiful, then your standards need upgrading.

She was very pretty (and naked) in Haunted at age 18.

But after 30 ..... no thanks.


As for my mom and dad, she was born in 1914 .... no options for women back then.

No welfare, no asset splitting on divorce in her day, women rarely want to walk with nothing.


Love at 63 with a 40 yo woman ....... you're living in lala land.

  • Haha 1
25 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

It's hard to understand love when you look at a woman as something to be used. I never have. That's why my wife loves me. She knows she's never had this kind of treatment in her 40 years until now with me. When you understand women, and it took me many books and listening to do so, you know when you have love and when you're just being used.

Most of us don't need books

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