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Thailand reports nine new coronavirus cases, no new deaths


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2 hours ago, Anton9 said:

"Ergo no one has Covid" it's not the case since a very high percentage has either very mild or no sympthoms at all.

And it's another proof this massive overreaction over this Flu like virus is ridicolous.

I’m sure the families of those who have died will disagree

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4 minutes ago, Anton9 said:

Instead of fearmongering, just go check the death rate for people who are not 200 years old with 10 comorbidities

Whatever your smoking I think I need some so that I can be as blasé and unrealistic as you about the real numbers and the deaths of friends and former family I have suffered because of this virus.  But I will be sure not to bore you with the truth, as that will just make you go back down the rabbit hole... 

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5 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Whatever your smoking I think I need some so that I can be as blasé and unrealistic as you about the real numbers and the deaths of friends and former family I have suffered because of this virus.  But I will be sure not to bore you with the truth, as that will just make you go back down the rabbit hole... 

0 facts given, bet you are a salty old men.

There are many reason why people are suffering in this world, including consequences of this crazy overreaction.

Edited by Anton9
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2 hours ago, Anton9 said:

"Ergo no one has Covid" it's not the case since a very high percentage has either very mild or no sympthoms at all.

And it's another proof this massive overreaction over this Flu like virus is ridicolous.

I heard that quite a few people died worldwide. Guess it might have been more but for the over reaction.

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The countries returning the Thais really could not care.

Once here not possible to turn Thais away from their homeland anyway, but compulsory quarantine,

which is where they found during the quarantine time that they had contracted the virus.

Why all the agro on here ?

Sounds like some are wanting to bite the hand that has done pretty well trying to protect us.

Some of these people who are rebelling at being told what to do should pack up & go back to their 

"free country" where the authorities & 40% of their inhabitants are really doing such a fine job of containment


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2 hours ago, Anton9 said:

"Ergo no one has Covid" it's not the case since a very high percentage has either very mild or no sympthoms at all.

And it's another proof this massive overreaction over this Flu like virus is ridicolous.

Not going to say you are right, but equally I won't say you are wrong. Thailand has had some quite high figures but these were mostly from around the Bangkok area. I think the same applies to its direct neighbours, the major city's being the most effected. Like so many here on TV believe, the numbers don't add up, but we have no real way of confirmation. Russia, the US, UK and EU appear to have been hit very badly, but again, can we confirm the numbers? Same with the south American countries. We cannot confirm, and speculation only causes confusion.

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2 minutes ago, natway09 said:

The countries returning the Thais really could not care.

Once here not possible to turn Thais away from their homeland anyway, but compulsory quarantine,

which is where they found during the quarantine time that they had contracted the virus.

Why all the agro on here ?

Sounds like some are wanting to bite the hand that has done pretty well trying to protect us.

Some of these people who are rebelling at being told what to do should pack up & go back to their 

"free country" where the authorities & 40% of their inhabitants are really doing such a fine job of containment


It is no aggravation on my part.  I agree fully that Thais can and should come home no matter what during a crisis such as this and then be quarantined.  The issue, as I initially said in my first Post, was why were they let to fly if they were showing effects.  If the officials new that there were returnees who were possibly ill, then why the stories about testing positive or rushing them to the hospital instead of saying that they have repatriated ill citizens so they could be given the best treatment possible, while segregating them on the flight from other passengers...It would make it so much more understandable than the sensationalism you have and then read into such a story of 9 returnees being found with high fever.  Wouldn't you agree.

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2 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

The fact that you have such a negative overreaction to a fairly factual sounding news report, shows the level of mental breakdown you are suffering. I meet people like you sometimes here. Fact is most of us living here for a while dont have this kind of mental breakdown. Most of us realize that living here, we are not on some kind of perpetual holiday. We realize that, like living in any country there will be good and bad....and yes even some racism toward us at times. I have NEVER really experienced much in the way of negativity toward me by Thais. At times the odd motorcycle taxi driver has had a comment etc.....but so what? Is your backbone weak? Do you miss your pork sausages from Sainsbury's  too much? Did you finally realize that the woman 20 years younger than you isnt with you because of your good looks and charm?

Ask him ref, ask him????

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3 hours ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Why would they? Apart from returning Thais in quarantine, no one is being admitted to hospital with Covid, no one is dying from Covid, ergo no one has Covid. This was underlined by a mobile testing station in Pattaya which was terminated because they didn't find any positives. Despite the farang naysayers, who hate Thailand and don't believe the figures, the real facts suggest that until Thailand reopens it's borders, Covid is a thing of the past for Thailand.

Then why are we still under curfew with travel restrictions and so many things closed. Do you think the government is just enjoying its people out of work and starving. Or is this just a bunch of power mad generals mostly interested in eliminating political opponents.

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3 hours ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Why would they? Apart from returning Thais in quarantine, no one is being admitted to hospital with Covid, no one is dying from Covid, ergo no one has Covid. This was underlined by a mobile testing station in Pattaya which was terminated because they didn't find any positives. Despite the farang naysayers, who hate Thailand and don't believe the figures, the real facts suggest that until Thailand reopens it's borders, Covid is a thing of the past for Thailand.

Then why are schools closed, beaches closed, no alchohol allowed to be served at restaurants, islands closed, a state of emergency extended, interprovincal travel restricted, and why do a litany of other regulations remain in place which deny Thais to earn a  living?


It seems from the government figures that the ban on foreign arrivals is all that's needed. 


Let Thais get back to work!

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7 minutes ago, 5633572526 said:

Then why are we still under curfew with travel restrictions and so many things closed. Do you think the government is just enjoying its people out of work and starving. Or is this just a bunch of power mad generals mostly interested in eliminating political opponents.

Apparently you nailed it.

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10 minutes ago, 5633572526 said:

Do you think the government is just enjoying its people out of work and starving. Or is this just a bunch of power mad generals mostly interested in eliminating political opponents.


Mmmmmmmmm, you could be on to a winner there....

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2 hours ago, Guderian said:

Yes, it's a good question. A week or so ago they flew 200 Thais back from London. You may remember this, as nine of them tested with a fever as soon as they landed in Thailand and were hospitalised. 

That was from the airline food...

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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Sill trying to figure out how they were cleared to fly....but whatever, they are here now and getting treatment.



Maybe because this story is completely fake. Maybe the government need to report at least a few cases in order to keep the emergency decree going, they will need to warrant their decision to close the borders. Perfect opportunity for this is to claim a bunch of recently returned Thais were infected.

The government will look like they were wrong to close the borders if 100% of returning Thais were clear of infection, they wouldn’t want this, they would rather say “see, we told you so”.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist but living so long in Thailand and knowing how this government operate, this would not surprise me.

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3 minutes ago, taxin said:

Maybe because this story is completely fake.

3 minutes ago, taxin said:

Maybe the government need to report at least a few cases in order to keep the emergency decree going, they will need to warrant their decision to close the borders


You may actually be onto something with the second part of your post.  Makes one really want to see some true statistics that this government is also hiding from the public.  


Clarity around the world might be a good thing.  But I do know for a fact that COVID in the US is real, it has been keeping my daughter on her toes at her hospital.  She has never experienced anything like this in her career as a Surgical ICU Nurse practitioner.  Her ward was lucky to always be about 3/5ths full unless they had a major incident occurr.  With this virus they have had to turn 2 other recovery wings into full on negative pressure rooms and treatment locations.....

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3 hours ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Why would they? Apart from returning Thais in quarantine, no one is being admitted to hospital with Covid, no one is dying from Covid, ergo no one has Covid. This was underlined by a mobile testing station in Pattaya which was terminated because they didn't find any positives. Despite the farang naysayers, who hate Thailand and don't believe the figures, the real facts suggest that until Thailand reopens it's borders, Covid is a thing of the past for Thailand.

No i don't hate Thailand! Other coundry test people not only think there is nobody else infected!

If you not move here yesterday you should know Thai people not go hospital if really not need to go!

Even have covid (gough, flue ,etc... little symtoms) who here go hospital!? No one is dying covit? How you know that from almost 70 million people! You have great crystal ball!

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8 minutes ago, bodga said:


I made it very clear that my figures were hypothetical in my post. If you wish to give the real figures, be my guest. Research from valid sources with links please.


I'll put your figures in my post but the argument will have exactly the same validity.

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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You do realize, anyone can be tested and found healthy today, and then tomorrow, can come into contact with some infected person somewhere and then contract the virus that very same day.


A test means nothing, other than a marker of that person's status at that very minute, and means nothing about anything that can happen thereafter.  And I don't think your local restaurants are testing their staff daily.



If you test 1000 people in Buriram and all are negative, it is highly likely that Buriram isn't a hotbed of Covid-19.

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3 hours ago, time2093 said:

<deleted> give it a rest, every day its the same old bias comments you see here.

Don't be too harsh on them, for they know no other way. It's the same negative moaning and whining that was going on before Covid. Now they just have a new focus. When this is all over, they will continue in the same vein. 

Edited by Xbeemer
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1 hour ago, Mung said:

There are at least 8 strains of it circulating the globe,

This has been debunked as an urban myth. There is one Covid-19 virus which requires scientists to develop one vaccine which, if given to 90% of the worlds population, will eradicate Covid-19.

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3 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

Think about it if they open borders to tourist then. If we get a few Covid-19 cases with each plane load of returning Thais, think about how many imported cases that their will be once they do open borders up. People will slip between the cracks for certain and away we will be back at the start of lockdown again.

Now that it is under control they are going to have to be super careful when it comes to international tourism. Especially from super Covid nations (highest number of infections) like the US, Brazil, Russia, Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK. 


My guess is nobody is coming in from any of those nations without a covid free letter (since you cannot get one in the US, may be a year or longer until another American is admitted into the Thailand) and possibly health insurance with a pandemic exception. Much care needs to be taken. Thailand cannot afford another economic shutdown. It could throw the place into a years long economic depression. 

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1 hour ago, SantiSuk said:

According to CNN today, in the US CDC has announced that antibody tests have been found to be only 50% reliable! Oops.

Depends on the manufacturer of course. Doing antibody tests in a lab with high-end gear is a different beast from cheap no-name Chinese knock-off test kits.

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30 minutes ago, Xbeemer said:

Don't be too harsh on them, for they know no other way. It's the same negative moaning and whining that was going on before Covid. Now they just have a new focus. When this is all over, they will continue in the same vein. 

Clairvoyant you are.  Thanks for the leg up to give us permission to whine on and on about events and things deemed relevant.  If there was no one to have open and frank discussions then this world would be a dull and boring place, but then some people just want easy and want to do what they want without ever being called out for it now don't they.


9 new cases from returnee's is kind of the point here.  As has been stated many times over it would be nice to know exactly why they were allowed to come into the country.  Now I get it, they are Thai Nationals and you can not keep them from coming home.  However, what kind of a track and trace issue does this now cause for the countries they repatriated from, where they should have been obtaining treatment if known to be sick.  Maybe just maybe, the Thais knew they were receiving ill citizens, but then why the big hullaballoo about the high fevers, and not just this group but the 25 prior returnee's being rushed to the hospital, and so far nothing in the daily count regarding them, but these 9 are already tested and placed into the daily report.  What about all of the others on the plane, are they testing them as well.  The story leaves out so much that should be included but then that is the type of reporting we have grown accustomed to here in Thailand.  Now from my understanding they have also identified a border crossing that has to be closed as well because of some returnees who travel through there prior to quarantine.....does not bode well for the other countries who also claim they are on top of it.  Just my 2 cents worth.  That and a tooth pick will get me a miniature hot dog.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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