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British minister says 'move on' from rage over PM adviser Cummings' road trip

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On 5/27/2020 at 6:06 PM, Enoon said:


19 Conservative MPs seeking his dismissal on Sunday.


40 after his defence of himself on Monday




 Blue's of a feather , flock together ..

    Nuff said , 

10 hours ago, George Aylesham said:

61 now - maybe they are at last starting to grow a pair.


      Growing a pair between them ,  live in hope ..


  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Well, that was the choice of the British people. 


No won could know this epidemic was coming, not even the Dutch with their powers for seeing into the future!


    Senior UK,   Goverment Politicians should contact Mystic May ..

        Keep your journey's  short , and your political ambitions , even shorter .



27 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

Because Britannia waives the rules.


 You mean 5G .

    UK , are really in times of need , every little bit helps..



So Durham police have said he broke the law but they are doing nothing about it?

What about all the other people who have been fined for breaking the same law?

Will they be getting their money back?


Lockdown is now unenforceable. UK just do as you want and point to Cummings as an example. 

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Just now, Rookiescot said:

So Durham police have said he broke the law but they are doing nothing about it?

What about all the other people who have been fined for breaking the same law?

Will they be getting their money back?


Lockdown is now unenforceable. UK just do as you want and point to Cummings as an example. 

Where in there statement does it say that he broke the law and did Ian Blackford Break the law on his long trip back to Skye from London

4 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Did it involve driving long distances while being positive for corona symptoms? 

And was he tested as being positive for corona symptoms, He suspect he might have it but he wasn't  tested in the same way that Ian Blackford suspected he might have caught the virus hence he decided to self isolate on the return of his Long drive from London to Skye, I suspect he must have had a couple of toilet stops on the way to Skye

6 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

So Durham police have said he broke the law but they are doing nothing about it?

What about all the other people who have been fined for breaking the same law?

Will they be getting their money back?


Lockdown is now unenforceable. UK just do as you want and point to Cummings as an example. 

I expect Cummins would happily pay a fine if applied, then he could use your 'what aboutism' to avoid having to resign right?


Lockdown is only now unenforceable to short sighted selfish dummies

10 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

KEEP YOUR DISTANCE Jeremy Corbyn snapped NOT social distancing as he poses for a pic

Alastair Campbell breaks social distancing rules for selfie with ‘Speedo Mick’
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2020/05/27/alast...6/?ito=cbshare


Both of these cases involved breaching social distancing rules

The 2 metre rule is a guideline and not covered by the law, the police cannot force you to keep 2 metres apart. You can stand as close as you want.

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Evidence Blackford suspected he had corona?


Yeah thats right you just made that up.

Ian Blackford MP travelled over 600 miles with Covid symptoms into self isolation from London to the Isle of Skye

Returned to Skye from Westminster but into isolation as a precaution away from Ann and everyone else given the prevalence of the virus in London. The right thing to do but hard not seeing Ann. #StayHomeSaveLives

27 Mar 2020


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5 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Of course they have to say might.

The police have to say that because there has been no conviction.


I think you will find that its Courts that covict people not the police

5 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Short sighted selfish dummies?

That will be Cummings then.

I don't recall Cummins using 'what aboutism' as an excuse? as you suggest millions of other selfish dummies are about to do?

25 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Did it involve driving long distances while being positive for corona symptoms? 

Possibly not, but this clip (in a language you'll understand) makes painful viewing, particularly from 4.30 onwards where Campbell seems to be masquerading as a veteran ('walting') while wearing medals and (what looks like) a fake HD Div Tie.


Disclaimer: I haven't established whether the 'walting' aspect can be explained as a spoof or joke, but if it is as presented he deserves whatever comes his way as a result.

  • Thanks 2
3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Possibly not, but this clip (in a language you'll understand) makes painful viewing, particularly from 4.30 onwards where Campbell seems to be masquerading as a veteran ('walting') while wearing medals and a fake HD Div Tie.


Disclaimer: I haven't established whether the 'walting' aspect can be explained as a spoof or joke, but if it is as presented he deserves whatever comes his way as a result.

What on earth has Alistair Campbell got to do with any of this?

Utter deflection and a source which flaunts the site rules.

Please try and do better.

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, 473geo said:

I don't recall Cummins using 'what aboutism' as an excuse? as you suggest millions of other selfish dummies are about to do?

You dont get it do you?

Those selfish dummies are going to point to Cummings as the reason they can be selfish.

Your golden boy just made lockdown unenforceable.

  • Like 2
12 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

I think you will find that its Courts that covict people not the police

Yes. Now whats your point caller? Were you even at the game?

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

What on earth has Alistair Campbell got to do with any of this?

Utter deflection and a source which flaunts the site rules.

Please try and do better.

Explained in (your) #162 :blink:

Feel free to hit the morse key if you don't want others to rumble what's going on.

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