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Thailand ‘State of Emergency’ may be extended


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18 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Cut and paste this to the computer's memory, it will be needed every month for the foreseeable future...

Just how many Deputy Prime Ministers does this crowd need?

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42 minutes ago, billd766 said:

There are millions of people out of work and are desperate to get back and earn some money to pay off their debt.

Including VFS staff working on UK visas and passport renewals in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, whose recent enforced "holiday" was not ordered by the Thai government but by some incompetent fool in the Home Office back in the UK!

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2 hours ago, Thomas J said:

Total of 56 deaths in a country of 70 million.  This should be a Wharton School study on how to kill an economy for decades. 

tenor (1).gif

When you know people works in hospital,

you know its not only 56 deaths.


Why else they do so hard lockdown and emergency state ?


Same with TAT, they dont want loose face, so they lie on number.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:now that there have been no new Covid-19 infections in the country over the past two weeks, with the exception of infections among Thais who have been repatriated from overseas and put under state quarantine. 

Well that’s blatantly obvious isn’t it! There can only be new cases showing up coming in to the country  via thai people from other countries as no other nationality can get in due to the flight/immigration ban.


what better way to keep the count down than not testing for the virus in the first place? That keeps the records of carriers and sufferers way down, as does the fact of charging huge prices (up to 17,500 baht in some places) for tests, people aren’t willing or can’t afford to pay the huge sum of money so there aren’t any new cases being reported.

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3 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

Not at all,


Apples and Oranges.


They are talking about opening up the country but retaining all their emergency powers should there need to be a fast lockdown if there is a Covid19 spike, if people are not following the rules and regulations regards masks and social distancing, and any unforeseen problems that may lie ahead. They will also retain sweeping powers to close restaurants and bars at the stroke of a pen.


This is not about ' clashing dates ' and all about retaining control over the people that they have granted themselves regardless if the country is open or not.


These people higher up, contrary to popular belief, are very methodical, logical and know what they are doing when it comes to power grabbing and retaining it.


They are doing a balancing act by opening up the economy which needs to happen, and maintaining the status quo regards to their authority. They must be seen to be doing it transparently to keep up the facade of it being a ' democracy '

I'm sorry I disagree, they admit that the schools opening and the possible admission of outside tourist arriving do clash...!!

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9 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

The delayed Songkran holidays from 7-9 July.

There are loads of people who have been working throughout the pandemic, they would like a holiday.

OK - let THEM have a holiday, but I am pretty sure that the people who have been forcibly "laid off" would rather make some wages to pay for the rent, and some food on the table.

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Let's get ALL the local businesses open, up & running before even thinking about International arrivals

as very difficult to say some can & some cannot. Certainly we are not ready for the US, UK, Sth America & many others who will just reinfect the local population Let the local, internal country with "business as usual" operate  & monitor for a month.Then think about opening the barn door

.I really am starting to think that Thailand has dodged the bullet & the virus has internally petered 


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6 hours ago, sungod said:

Couldn't agree more. Great boost/start for the tourism sector (getting many back in work) as those who have worked at home for months want to get away from the house and take a break with their families.


We could see more killed on the roads over this holiday than died of Covid 19, so some may choose to stay home ....... ????

Thats a real possibiity and would be tragic to say the least

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49 minutes ago, Archcan said:

Medical tyranny continues.  WHO, just yesterday, finally admitted that asymptomatic spread of Covid19 is "very rare".

The full mass media headline on this is "WHO says asymptomatic spread is very rare, but experts raise questions". In simpler terms " experts say spread is very rare, but experts say spread might be commom "
The articles are designed to keep the public confused and scared.

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23 hours ago, Brunolem said:

What long holidays??? 


Do the children need holidays after 4 months at home? 


And what are long holidays going to do for the millions of unemployed? 


The real emergency is for everybody to get back to work! 





An excellent post indeed and yes nothing is ever going to be 100 per cent and even before this pandamic all aspects were certainly not that.
Yes, unfortunately nothing is going to be quaranteed and just going to work in ones car or public transportation and no not certain if ones loved ones come home safely and alive.
I noticed in the UK 5 kindergarten children came home last week with high fevers and they put this down to the pandamic but back in the day many adults and children have come home with various medical conditions, including high temperatures and such like.
Not stating  this is indeed an unprecented times and very sad so many lives have been lost but if we are to believe any of the statistics then Thailand deaths (though too high for the poor people & families) but is one getting a bit paronoid about the situation.
The growing minority though breaking curfews and still not social distancing are penalising the vast majority of the population, whether Thai or their foreign hubbies are being penalised and not just here in Thailand.
More people are dying or have died of many more diseases and also through other illnesses and indeed the natural causes.
Is it me or is everyone just a little paronoid and the Government too slow to bring people back to work.
On the question of holidays and surely no late Songkran, leave it to next year but the grandparents who basically look after the blood parents children  for 4 months deserve a few days respite and a short holiday for themselves & include the children as well, that is if they want to come and they get very independent these days, well some of them.
The Grandparents deserve a littl holiday for sure.

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I must admit that the right wing populists have done the worst job on Corona virus. Trump, Bolsonaro, Conti, Boris and Putin... and soon to be Modi in India.


But the right wing Unpopulists have done badly as well. The ones who the population hate. The scared and angry old men with low levels of economic awareness and intelligence. Like Prayut. The ones who went over the top on crackdowns and states of emergency. The ones that are causing unnecessary disasters for their economies and poor people.


Better to be somewhere in the middle you'd have to think. 

Edited by Ketyo
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17 minutes ago, Ketyo said:

I must admit that the right wing populists have done the worst job on Corona virus. Trump, Bolsonaro, Conti, Boris and Putin... and soon to be Modi in India.


But the right wing Unpopulists have done badly as well. The ones who the population hate. The scared and angry old men with low levels of economic awareness and intelligence. Like Prayut. The ones who went over the top on crackdowns and states of emergency. The ones that are causing unnecessary disasters for their economies and poor people.


Better to be somewhere in the middle you'd have to think. 

Macron, Pedro Sanchez, Stefan Lovfen are left wing europeists and it wasn't any different.

Do you have an idea about India?How can you expect a country like India keep having a lockdown? 

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No tourists will come unless state of emergency is lifted. Only people with long stay permission or family will come. Other countries may ( like Thailand) try to keep their citizens at home with incentives to recharge their economies.

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they have NO IDEA ....HAVE they...2971 infections.....58 deaths out of a population of approx 65 million.....to me means there IS NO PROBLEM....new zealand is opening all the country.....so why these threats from people in so called POWER in this place ???

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On 6/8/2020 at 3:54 PM, Hayduke said:


No surprise here. Why would a rigid, autocratic, power-obsessed military regime...always in the market for 'swift solutions'...let go of a perfectly good and extremely useful emergency?



Bingo!!! Give that man a Kewpie-doll!  :thumbsup:

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