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WHO says pandemic 'far from over' as daily cases hit record high


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I've got no faith whatsoever in WHO's Dr Tedros. I'm still dumbfounded on how he could have been appointed with his track record and dumbfounded that there seems to be no mechanism to remove him from office in the face of serious blunders.


His appointment back on the 21st Oct 2017 of Robert Mugabe the Zimbabwean President as the official WHO goodwill Ambassador at the time was outrageous. What planet is he on to have made such as decision! An outcry from rights groups, governments and donors led to the appointment then being terminated the following day on the 22nd Oct. 


Another high level appointment that is still ongoing was his decision to appoint for WHO, Elizabeth Iro as WHO’s Chief Nursing Officer. What? She comes from the Cook Islands, that has a population of just 17,379 people. Her qualification as a nurse then lead her to become the Cook Islands Health Minister, obviously in Dr Tedros's eyes that was enough for her to then lead WHO in her Nuring Officer role and its worldwide commitments. I was watching him lauding her appointment as one of his great achievements.


WHO has a serious credibility problem not least is now its conflicting statements from this idiot. 


The timing of this confusion of asymptomatic cases that also does not take into account presymptomatic cases, with their mask flip-flop is amazing.




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3 hours ago, Moonlover said:

It's there if you care to look for it. Personally, I'm not interested, but if you are look here:



Yes i saw the figures thanks. Just odd they have had only 5,000 deaths from 1 billion population. Maybe they are doing something right !

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

In response to a question on China

Let me rephrase this: Ryan said: "Since we are being told what to do by China and they have told us to only talk about their country in a positive light, I do not wish to talk about them either now or ever. These studies will be done in secret, by the Chinese government and we will have the truth that the pandemic was caused by forces outside China, but everyone blames China because they are afraid of China. I love China and you should too. All hail Xi Xingping!!

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8 hours ago, steven100 said:

agree .....  the greed and stupidity of the protesters ....   if they catch the virus they can blame themselves.

disgraceful ....   no common sense at all ....  just idiots placing the lives of everyone in the cities in danger.


The true idiots are those who fall for the fear-mongering from politicians, the mass media, and a UN health agency whose boss is a lackey of the messianic Bill Gates and the unscrupulous Chinese.



Edited by Krataiboy
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5 hours ago, DoctorG said:

President Xi's wife, a PLA General, is also a WHO Goodwill Ambassador.

Based on this, my guess is we will get nothing specific from this independent inquiry of this disease's origins and any WHO offical will continue to deflect when anything is mentioned about China or Taiwan.


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