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Covid-19: Keep wearing masks - risks from asymptomatic young people on the rise


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1 hour ago, lensta said:

Just give the scare mongering a rest. Enough already.

Agreed, more than enough.

What they fail to understand, the more they harp on about this kind of stuff the less effect it will have in the long run, people will start to ignore, this is well known fact.

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

It is misleading to day "on the rise". These are the total number among all those ever tested since testing began.


Few if any students tested in the past few weeks as, in the absence of any identified domestic cases,   testing is now focused only on new arrivals from abroad.



Since no cases have been found among the general population in the past 16 days, except for new arrivals in quarantine centers, either the 800 asymptomatic cases were found weeks ago, or they are not included in the national count.


Which is it?

Edited by ftpjtm
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28 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

Right, you can't be stating that there are zero local transmissions for 18 days and that the rate of infections is rising for any group. Those two things don't happen in the same universe.


The rate is the same for all groups right now and it's at zero. 

100% agree, the <deleted> that comes out sometimes is scary, one arm says no domestic infections reported for 17 days, another says you must keep bars etc. closed coz they are too dangerous and high risk (against what I've no idea), this arm says the place is full of young asymptomatic people.................

Cake and eat it.........

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Whats the average age and health/fitness status of the Govt officials in the Kingdom? Particularly the government "heavy weights" (pun intended)


Do many of them fit into the high risk group of older people with lower immune, pre existing health conditions?

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The authorities need to arrest and jail Dr. Anupong Sujariyakun immediately for panic mongering. There are no new cases here. None for two weeks now among the domestic population. So, where is the contagion?


Alot of people just cannot wrap their minds around the reality that Covid is gone here. They really do not want to let it go and are desperately clinging to The Zombie apocalypse theories. 


We need to be able to ignore and shun the mindless ninnies. Let the people have their lives and their livelihoods back. Now. 

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9 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The authorities need to arrest and jail Dr. Anupong Sujariyakun immediately for panic mongering. There are no new cases here. None for two weeks now among the domestic population. So, where is the contagion?


Alot of people just cannot wrap their minds around the reality that Covid is gone here. They really do not want to let it go and are desperately clinging to The Zombie apocalypse theories. 


We need to be able to ignore and shun the mindless ninnies. Let the people have their lives and their livelihoods back. Now. 

There is no mention of new cases, it's pretty clear that they're talking about the people who tested positive during the initial epidemic which is now over in Thailand.


The headline of this article / forum topic name is very misleading, nothing is on the rise.


The risk of transmission from asymptomatic 'young uns' hasn't changed - they just know a little more about it now than they did before.


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8 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

Just a question. How many in the 20-29yr group have been hospitalized and how many have died?

Excluding pre-existing health factors.

Very few, clearly this virus is not killing the young. However they can transmit it through society to older, perhaps more vulnerable people. Could be fate, older generation have completely f**ked up the planet in every sense, time for the younger generation to take over and fix the mess the older generation have left behind, what quicker way then to kill them off .????

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7 hours ago, JCP108 said:

If the people in the study were healthy and with no symptoms, why did so many get tested?


An article in the online site that can't be quoted today stated that Thailand's success was because they were only testing people with symptoms.

No random testing no accurate data, look good


Study (macro study) in Spain on confirmed cases says 1 in 3 had NO symptoms. If I recall it was on over 6000 confirmed cases.


Other data (can't remember from where) says that about 80% of infected has none to minor symptoms. How many of the ones with minor symptoms went for testing...

Screen Shot 2020-06-11 at 10.35.04.png

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6 hours ago, Traubert said:

You carry a microscope?

Spoiled food, discoloration, odor, taste, etc. There are many signs of bacteria in everyday life.

That's why nature fitted us with so many senses as microscopes are expensive and difficult to grow from DNA. 

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3 hours ago, connda said:

Unless they are participating in a virtue-signalling photo-op, most "leaders" and "experts" who are demanding the public to 'wear masks" and "social distance" neither wear masks nor social distance. 

"But we need to follow the rules set by our leaders and experts!"

No.  Follow the examples set by your leaders and experts.  Do the same as they do.  Nothing.  Why?  These people are not afraid of the 'deadly virus' that they are telling you that you must be mortally afraid of contracting. 


Where's your mask?  index2.jpg.dfb29b6f889d854618c0bfc1ef67fd44.jpg


Why isn't the Anutin entourage social distancing?
Why are they sharing food among themselves?


The rules are for thee, and not for we (the elite). 


Maybe this has got something to do with it and not plain arrogance.......................Thailand ranked 50th with an average IQ of 89.

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7 minutes ago, marquis22 said:

Not much help wearing masks and sanitising hands if a asymptomatic sufferer is not wearing mask and coughs all over you ...

Good news, the odds of that happening are near zero.


Here's a summary of four studies, all of which agree the risk of transmission from asymptomatic people is negligible. One study found the asymptomatic transmission rate is 0.3%, two found it to be 0%, and one found it to be 2.2%. 


Remember only 0.8% of people have the virus, of which only 43% are asymptomatic to start with.


This Thai doctor just wants a bit of attention, bless him. The odds of asymptomatic transmission are in the lowest single digit percentage range or less.



Asymptomatic rate.jpg

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9 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

Just a question. How many in the 20-29yr group have been hospitalized and how many have died?

Excluding pre-existing health factors.

They are healthy and have no symptoms of the disease and are thus a high risk group for the spread of the virus.


Perhaps you need to re read.

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32 minutes ago, bipper said:

They are healthy and have no symptoms of the disease and are thus a high risk group for the spread of the virus.


Perhaps you need to re read.


Studies, here in "plague ridden" UK, have shown that COVID infects all age groups more or less equally, but heavily favours killing the older groups.


The younger ones know they are highly unlikely to die, so tend to mingle freely, thus spreading it and killing off more of the vulnerable oldies.


+50 years old is where the risk starts to look more worthy of "consideration".


As of 22 May, below 50 it had killed less than about 1 in every 15,000 people.


50-59 year olds about 1 in 5000.


60-69 about 1 in 1800


70-79 about 1 in 654


80-89 about 1 in 200


Here the virus might well be named "The Remainers Revenge".






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43 minutes ago, bipper said:

They are healthy and have no symptoms of the disease and are thus a high risk group for the spread of the virus.


Perhaps you need to re read.

Expert and recent studies says chances that asymptomatic people spread the virus is much less than symptomatic people. Technically that would make sense as they don't sneeze, cough and wipe they nose getting as much <deleted> on their hands as the symptomatic ones.

For whatever the WHO (not the great band ????) is worth they too have taken on this but not confirmed it.

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1 hour ago, Sumarianson said:

If you are waiting for a virus free Thailand or world then you will be waiting. The best advise that a government could give is for all people in Thailand to get fit and take vitamin c and zinc. Then open the country and if you are fit you may get the virus but may not have symptoms or few symptoms. If your immune system is weak and you get the vìrus then expect to be quarantined or hospitalised. The rest of the world or Thailand should not have their lives curtailed or their enjoyment of it for the few that are not responsible. I say this as a 60yo sufferer of COPD Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis. I have an oxygen tank and mask in my home.

I am not so selfish that I want people talking to their partners friends or children through plexiglass like ptisoners. I don't want peoples lives left not worth living for the sake of those who fo not look after themselves. Should we close the roads for the many stupid idiots that cannot drive, or drive drunk and cause death as a result? No! Let us have some perspective, 12,000 people died on the roads in Thailand in 2019. What great expensive (to the extent of what COVID cost)

Policy did the government put in place to stop that tragedy? None! Well more than the official figure of 25,000 people die every year in domestic violence

(some organisations estimate more than 100,000) What has been proposed to deal with that trajedy? Nothing! 

The reaction to COVID is simply madness. It affects people in a similar manner to Flu. It has a much lesser effect than Flu in the majority of cases. As with Flu it effects people with compromised immune systems. They say that COVID is brand new and there is no cure. We can say that for every new version of the Flu as that virus continually changes. The Spanish Flu was a very deadly "Flu" but COVID is nowhere near in that category. It will be understood in time that many people in other countries ( like Italy) were diagnosed as having died of COVID but did not. They may have had it but not died of it. This virus is here to stay and it will mutate in the same way Flu does. There is only one safe way to beat this virus and that is with our own uncompromised immune systems. 

Im sorry to hear that you suffer with an oxygen tank, must be difficult. The issue is not really with fitness though, yes being healthy is better but I am relatively fit and overall a clean bill of health but I have type 2 diabetes, the virus plays havoc with your blood sugar which could lead to organ failure, so fit or not I am at risk. Diabetes is rampant in the world today, it is very well documented that there are probably millions of people walking around with it and are not diagnosed. You cant feel diabetes until you get sick, it's silent, just like heart disease but it can be devastating to your health if not managed properly. Blindness, amputation, organ failure are all possible if it is not managed, the virus is just another thing to watch out for. Not good for people like me and of course millions of other. I suspect people who do catch the virus will also be finding out they have diabetes when being treated. Anyway, stay safe and I hope things go well for you. 

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11 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

@Logosone, so is this just another flip flop or did you miss these statistics yesterday when you were talking about the WHO and very few transmissions from asymptomatic carriers.  I am starting to get confused now between what is real and what you post.  However, as I said yesterday there are always to sides to any equation and people choose what they want to espouse in regards to there agenda's, much like the governments around the world are doing.  

This is the groundwork to keep their lockdown and emergency decree valid for another month or 2.. 

Nothing in this article was concrete.. All assumptions and guessing.. 

Pathetic if they keep trying to use scare mongering to use these control measures 

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1 hour ago, bipper said:

They are healthy and have no symptoms of the disease and are thus a high risk group for the spread of the virus.


Perhaps you need to re read.

I resisted replying. So what do I need to re read?.

The fact that 20-29 group tested positive is true. Not just in Los.

Au tested 1.6 mil + and that group easily the largest positive results. Zero deaths. Very few deaths below 60. In fact 80% of the 106 deaths greater than 70yr.

How many of those deaths were compounded by compromised existing health.

Anyway bipper can you outline way forward for the world. 

Quarantine 20-29yr? Clearly you did not watch that news for bang Saen last week. Along with zero transmission inside Thailand, think for 28day?

Full moon party.....almost. bang Saen last week. Geez I hope 7/11 had enough sangsom.


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2 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

I resisted replying. So what do I need to re read?.

The fact that 20-29 group tested positive is true. Not just in Los.

Au tested 1.6 mil + and that group easily the largest positive results. Very few deaths below 60. In fact 80% of the 106 deaths greater than 70yr.

How many of those deaths were compounded by compromised existing health.

Anyway bipper can you outline way forward for the world. 

Quarantine 20-29yr? Clearly you did not watch that news for bang Saen last week.

Full moon party.....almost.


I think the way forward is simple. Put all the resources into protecting the old and vulnerable and let everyone else go back to work, simple as that. What other options are there? Cant go on forever locking down society, people need to eat. The chances are the virus is here long term and not going to simply die out anytime soon so there really is only the one option..

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37 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

The deal with asymptomatic people and transmission is a PR nightmare, thanks to WHO. When one thinks about it logically, for a carrier to shed the virus, either he/she must pick the nose to get some goop and deposit it on a surface, or it must come out of the airways. Since they are asymptomatic, they don't cough, so that part of R is greatly reduced - no flying particles. Choirs and other loud shouting excluded.


In other words, if you're asymptomatic, some of the transmission methods that would be present with symptomatic carriers are not present. Hence, reduced R, reduced risk. 

I'd  like to know the risk of catching it from surfaces after watching a 7-11 girl touch her mask 50+  times  in the space of  5  minutes today.

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1 hour ago, bipper said:

They are healthy and have no symptoms of the disease and are thus a high risk group for the spread of the virus.


Perhaps you need to re read.

So if TH has had no cases for 17 days, why would there  be an army of 20-29 years charging around getting people sick, yet no reported cases?  Is it because they aren't spreading the disease, nor do they have the diesease, or is the government not reporting all the people getting sick from this army of 20-29 year olds and want to present a false narrative that TH has no covid cases for 17 days?

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4 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

I'd  like to know the risk of catching it from surfaces after watching a 7-11 girl touch her mask 50+  times  in the space of  5  minutes today.

Prepare yourself for a lot of wise cracks about 7-11 girls and 50+ touches. 


More seriously, will someone please do a public education campaign about the proper use of gloves?! If you wear a glove and touch all the same things as you would with your hand, the only thing that gets preserved is whatever was on your hand at the time you put on the glove. All the new things you touch until you take off the gloves cross-contaminate each other. I watched a clerk at a restaurant touch literally 25 different things (including her mask and nose) in the span of five minutes the other day.

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WHO says it is rare for an asymptomatic person to spread Covid-19.  I would imagine if someone is not coughing or sneezing it would reduce the chance of spreading the virus.



Besides the only ones with Covid-19 in Thailand now are the ones returning from other countries.

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22 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

I think the way forward is simple. Put all the resources into protecting the old and vulnerable and let everyone else go back to work, simple as that. What other options are there? Cant go on forever locking down society, people need to eat. The chances are the virus is here long term and not going to simply die out anytime soon so there really is only the one option..

I very rarely quote complete post. However your post deserves more than token like smile. 

Your spot on.


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