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Covid-19: Three quarters of Thais want to keep foreigners out, many cite fear of virus, says poll


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12 minutes ago, Expat Tom said:

Ithin that maybe 3/4 of the expats here might want to leave too. My name is on that list. Xenophobic as always...It would be fitting it the tourists didn't come back.

whats stopping you from leaving a country that obviously you dont understand nor like nor make any attempts to integrate, and where you feel not welcome. Find a country or place where you are happy. sounds logic, no? or rememberl. if you want ppl to smile at you, you should start smiling yourself. start talking and thinking more positive, and you will start to see things around you more positive.


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7 hours ago, mr mr said:

drastic times call for drastic measures. thailand could fix the current tourism problem in 2 simple and easy steps. 


step 1 - legalize gambling and open casino's - provides much needed jobs.

step 2 - legalize cannabis - provides jobs and a hope to many a farmer who may be able to make money off it.


i am not saying that these things will not cause problems on their own but they are simple and easy solutions that could be used NOW to save this place for the near future. 


ps...legalizing cannabis would return the moniker the land of smiles

May be a good idea, but I wouldn't want to go betting in any Thai casino.

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39 minutes ago, Spellforce said:

Take a look at my post above: even if Thailand would reopen his borders to US or Europe today, there will be less contaminated tourists than early in march when there were zero protection in Thailand.

The first wave is over in Thailand with 59 deaths, do we have to fear a 2nd wave with 5 or 6 deaths in a country of 66 millions people ?



My point is that the authorities have every right to protect their own citizens. If they deem it fit for international tourism to suffer in that aim, then so be it.



I am not saying that I would choose to do things that way (I might.....) but they have a very strong mandate after successfully controlling Covid19 in the last 3 months.

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8 hours ago, bkk6060 said:


I say let the family members come back including Falangs.  Test and quarantine.


Selfishly, this is a fantastic time for some:

Golf 1/2 discounts.

Girls low lower then ever in 10 years.

Restaurants many offering 2 for 1 or other discounts.

No traffic.

Little crowds.


Geez, some could say this is the best of times.


But, I do understand many people hurting with lack of business domestic tourism will not support all of it.

So, they will have to figure out some plan to open things up to internationals.



Where are you getting the golf discounts ??

Not around Pattaya

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:

Tourism in it's many facets are the main revenue earners for millions this country who are part of the hospitality and tourism industries, the government is almost out of money to funds this on going pandemic and yet Thai people are crying for free handout, something got to give here you can expect the government to give freebies for much longer without tourists coming in and very soon...

Just Thai proporganda and there are covid checks available. Let them destroy and send there country broke

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9 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

It will be a long time before foreigners are welcomed back here. 


You can blame a number of factors; UK and US governments' poor handling of the crisis, Thai xenophobia, etc., but if you left at the start of this crisis at any time in March or April expecting to waltz back in, well... you've only yourself to blame. 

quite,, i notice cleanliness has been brought up as an issue,,,, those filthy farangs need to change their ways? i am out of there now and there is no rubbish, no rats (at least that are visible) and the environment well maintained overall,, perhaps the Thai people could learn a thing or 2 but they won't,,,, the government has said farangs are filthy and the people lap it up..

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Seems reasonable if I were a Thai and exposed to the government propaganda, I wouldn't want flights full of Chinese or Europeans arriving here. You see how many infections in the last two weeks have been returning Thais working or living abroad, so why would you want the people from those countries here? I don't....although I am bored out of my head and want o go somewhere with some excitement.

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8 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

I don't think xenophobia is the problem.. my Thai family certainly are not anti foreigners but they are very afraid of a return of the virus.. all the publicity has been very effective in scaring them.  My wife saw the article about the new outbreak in China being linked to salmon imports (highly unlikely in my view).. she was wondering if I should stop buying salmon.. she is also wary about returning to work July 1st when the schools open.. Healthy caution I think.. and a little overreaction maybe.. xenophobia.. no... 

i think that is probably true but xenophobia is clearly alive and well in Thailand... of course genuine people are concerned about the return of the virus all over the world where they have been through such difficult times.. i think a sensible cautious policy is the way to go for everyone, after all it spread all over the world through tourists. as long as the reasons are firmly about the virus control and not the "dirty farang" syndrome which i suspect for many it is..

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2 hours ago, 473geo said:

Good point, the alcohol ban appears to be making a difference in the death toll, shall we have a poll on Tvisa as to keeping it in place?

Actually is up to 70 a day that die on the roads here., an average of over 45.

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9 hours ago, JCP108 said:

I'm still here. But, I have to travel to the U.S. soon for family matters. What would have been a temporary trip now has become moving back with no notion of when/if I can return to Thailand. Bummer. 

Same as you but to France where my other home is and also UK, all for financial, family and personal matters that cannot wait much longer. More than a bummer. Who would have thought it when I came back to Thailand in early January. Now I have no visa and used up all extensions as my IO won't accept the financial papers, wanting more evidence, for a marriage extension based on income and I can't get a new non O multiple entry from Savanakhet unless and until border reopens, Thai Consulate there reopens and any new conditions for entry to Laos and re entry to Thailand are doable.

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I wonder if those who allow such information to be released consider the world is watching.


its so bad, it’s delicious. 
China and the Saudis are behind sorros. POTUS will install martial law, create a new republic, new currency. Uncle will nose dive. Buy silver.

or not.

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9 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Yep, I am unable to return to the UK or travel internationally on business for the foreseeable future. 


I took a risk and travelled to Cambodia early March, luckily I got back in before the lockdown began.


I knew the risks though, and took the chance. 

Why are you unable to return to the UK? Getting back to Thailand is the problem, not getting to the UK.

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The people who complain about not being able to fly back to their home countries for "business"....uhhhh.


What are you doing in Thailand if you have "business" in another country.


Sounds like you choose a vacation spot versus a location where you can make money.  Bad choice. ????

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9 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

It will be a long time before foreigners are welcomed back here. 


You can blame a number of factors; UK and US governments' poor handling of the crisis, Thai xenophobia, etc., but if you left at the start of this crisis at any time in March or April expecting to waltz back in, well... you've only yourself to blame. 

None of those are actual reasons. Thailand, as nearly every other country in the world was forced by higher powers to close it's borders and will re-open at a glacial pace, so as to disrupt tourism for a long time to come.


Foreigners won't be able to freely travel abroad, other than maybe EU citizens inside the Schengen zone, for a long time to come, and maybe never again. We simply don't know what future travel requirements, say 6 months from now will be like.

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9 hours ago, JCP108 said:

And, your report shows how influential news stories are on the general public and thus the amount of control those with control over the media have. 

Too true, and not just in Thailand.  They thrive on putting fear into the public as a means of control.

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12 minutes ago, Abmong said:

Not an unreasonable view, especially with all the protests going on in the west and no one following social distancing there. At this rate covid will become endemic in the west.

Guess we will see, i can tell you that in the UK social distancing is absolutely being followed.. "no one is the west following social distancing" is just a nonsense thing to say/ Every bank, every shop has social distancing and perspex screens everywhere. I would not wish another explosion of the virus on any country that has endured these difficult times. You will be proved wrong over time. 

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By sheer luck my wife and I ended up in Thailand where we want to be before all of this really took hold. With our long term visas we are considering staying here for several years if that's what it takes. I would like to visit my native USA but covid and social unrest needs to dissipate first. I always thought it'd be the other way around but it's not.

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

Tourism in it's many facets are the main revenue earners for millions this country who are part of the hospitality and tourism industries, the government is almost out of money to funds this on going pandemic and yet Thai people are crying for free handout, something got to give here you can expect the government to give freebies for much longer without tourists coming in and very soon...

I'm surpised you think they are out of money...they only reduced interest rates by 0.5% and they still offer more than other Asian countries, they have not actually started any of there grand infrastructure plans, and if you look carefully most are reliant on private investment, (note : Every year they announce new infrastructure but never ever happens, ie Buses, trains, water etc.)  They have given a paltry amount to some Thais who are starving thats it!

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1 hour ago, herwin1234 said:

whats stopping you from leaving a country that obviously you dont understand nor like nor make any attempts to integrate, and where you feel not welcome. Find a country or place where you are happy. sounds logic, no? or rememberl. if you want ppl to smile at you, you should start smiling yourself. start talking and thinking more positive, and you will start to see things around you more positive.


Head in the sand maybe? ????

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