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Private lender - both Thais - what's the law?

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Before the virus, my wife was working and making small, occasional payments as she could, to "an old friend" to whom she owes a old debt. No, it's not a guy, a former lady coworker, at a place that wasn't a bar. Since the virus she hasn't been working, and now this old friend is going nuts. Give me a break.


I keep telling my wife to tell her, look at the damn news, and all the people out of work, be glad she was ever getting anything at all, and <deleted> off.

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21 hours ago, PaulieAUS said:

1.65 million baht


Family friends (not relatives), known each other for 20 years.


Best way to lose a friend or family. Loan money that you want paid back, or in most cases loaning money period (unless they think they can borrow more, then friend forever)

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22 hours ago, PaulieAUS said:

1.65 million baht


Family friends (not relatives), known each other for 20 years.



go to court


file a petition, WITHOUT LAWYER


ask CLERK for assistance


cost = 9 baht in copies !!!!


same result as with a lawyer


either you get something or nothing .... the lawyer costs add up quickly


you might (not) thank me later for the advise that will save you tens of thousands of baht in lawyer fees alone

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2 hours ago, Foghorn said:

My ex had a similar problem and the lawyer took her money and did a deal with the other party which they didn’t honor and made it impossible to take the matter further, be careful of the lawyer you use , make sure you get a contract with the lawyer

pretty sure my lawyer did was corrupted by my ex-wife (lawyer) , gave me a crappy deal I believed my ex would honor, but after going to court again, nothing can be enforced what my ex signed... she got away with 100 percent of houses and fake promises on paper are not kept that gave e and my child a sea of <deleted> since the divorce.... lawyers are overpaid thieves ... it is bandwork for them but asking if you compare actual worked hours at 20.000 or more per actual worked hour... 6000 baht just in transportation to go to court ONCE... did they rent a ferrari ?

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What i learned about loaning money. DOnt do it ever, not to a friend, family or anybody.

Not only my experience but also others.

It always comes down on begging to get your money back

I red a story about a Thai father who was guarantor in a loan from bank (study) for his daughter.

I believe it was in TVF. However daughter should pay loan off, but didnt, so bank comes to father.

Though daughter found good job and could pay off her debt. I dont know what was the final end.

But there it is, your own daughter.

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2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Argh, but is your money ? 

We divorced and separated assets. Before your mind wanders:

*We met, married and lived together in Sydney
*She is a freelance architect, living back home in Issan and working remotely for Australian clients


Technically it was "our" money but it's her problem now and I am filled in on what's going on. Nobody like to see anyone lose money especially in Thailand where the debt recovery process is at best foggy. She doesn't need me to fund anything such as legal fees but we're just a little gobsmacked this person wouldn't pay back the loan. I am not talking about a friend either, they are family friends literally living in each other's pockets for two decades. A few people have pointed out that lawyers will do nothing but suck blood out of an already dire situation. Perhaps she should be winging it and see how much she can do for free at the court house.


It just goes to show that the word "loan" doesn't exist in the Thai dictionary. It's a gift !



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